Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Philippine State Formation Mechanics

    Prospects of Social Network Analysis in

    Philippine Politics

    POLSC 251: Seminar in Philippine Political Institutions

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks



    Social Network Analysis Development and Concepts

    Political Networks The Structural Perspective

    Utilizing Social Network Analysis in Philippine

    Political Analysis Philippine State Formation

    Agpalos Pangulo Regime & Sidels Bossism

    Prospects of Social Network Analysis


  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    All political analysts are

    unwitting structuralists, because they define

    social powerin relational terms

    (Knoke, 1990)

    Power is a relationship of one social actor to


    It is specific to a situation.

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    Structural Perspective

    Power as combinations of two dimensions:

    Influence - Actor intentionally transmits information to

    another that alters the latters actions from what wouldhave occurred without that information.

    Domination - One actor controls the behavior of another

    actor by offering or withholding some benefit or harm.

    Basic units of any complex political system are notindividuals but positions or roles occupied by social

    actors and the relations or connections between

    these positions.

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    Structural Perspective

    Social structure - stable order or pattern of social

    relations among positions.

    Primary analytic focus is on the relational connections as

    such and not on the attributes of the incumbent

    individuals who occupy these positions.

    Position and relationship are inseparable aspects of a

    unitary structural phenomenon - the social network.

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    Structural Perspective

    Social network analysis:

    Set of objects and set of relations among these objects.

    By mathematically manipulating these network

    representations, the structural analyst could uncover the

    forms and processes of social and political behavior.

    Structural perspective:

    The structure of relations among actors and the location

    of individual actors in the network have important

    behavioral, perceptual and attitudinal consequences both

    for the individual units and for the system as a whole

    (Knoke and Kuklinski, 1982:13)

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    Structural Perspective

    Form and contents of relations among social

    positions have significant consequences for the

    formation of political attitudes and behaviors.

    Explanation of the distribution of power among actors as

    a function of the positions they occupy in one or more


    A positions power emerges from its prominence innetworks where valued valued information and resources

    are transferred.

    Direct and indirect connections are considered.

    Centrality and prestige.

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Political Networks

    Structural Perspective

    Analysis of power relations should not conflate

    influence and domination linkages.

    Communication is the main process.

    Information exchanges empower an actor by giving it data

    on conditions, threats and opportunities.

    Flexibility and strength of structural analysis ofpower lie in its dualistic microanalysis and

    macroanalysis capabilities.

    E.g. Individual actors could be grouped together to form

    another sociogram point as an organization.

  • 8/7/2019 Philippine State Formation Mechanics - Part 2


    Philippine State Formation Mechanics

    Prospects of Social Network Analysis inPhilippine Politics

    POLSC 251: Seminar in Philippine Political Institutions