Phoenix arizona freelance photographer andrew pielage can't stop exploring the canyon

Post on 19-Aug-2015

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Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

From Landscapes and wildlife to history and adventure, what’s the one thing about the Grand Canyon that has intrigued you?

What a tough question…I think the thought of seeing something new every time is what keeps bringing me back to the Canyon. Being down to the bottom 25+ times you would think you have seen it all. But that is never the case. Every single trip down the Canyon, I see … Continue Reading

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

If this is your first visit to Grand Canyon, what motivated you to visit? If this is a revisit, what’s your reason for wanting to come back?

Always seeing something new is the juice that keeps me coming back to the Grand Canyon. My most recent trip was last week on a six day backpacking adventure starting on the Bill Hall trail down to the Esplanade to Tapeats Creek and back over Surprise Valley to Deer Creek Falls. Being a huge fan of the Canyon I had always heard about large … Continue Reading

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What are five things your Backpack to the Canyon must contain?

1. Water. Whatever you think you may need, double it! You can never have to much water in the Grand Canyon.

2. Water. Yep. Mentioned it again. I can’t stress how important it is to have it. Throw in some Gatorade or Crystal Light mix to spice it up a little. Continue Reading

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What is the best way to get to the Grand Canyon – By Air, By Road or By Rail? Why?

I am going to have to go with road on this one. I love road trips and although the South Rim is one heck of a beautiful drive from Flagstaff, it does not compare to the diverse landscapes you will see driving from Flagstaff to the North Rim. I don’t want to ruin the surprise by the high desert plateaus to the majestic Vermillion Cliffs to the high alpine forests will be just a few of the sights you will see. Breathtaking landscapes around every corner.

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What is travel to you in one word?


Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What are three tips for an awesome budget trip to the Grand Canyon?

1. Camp. Budget or not, I am a huge fan of camping out. Stay in one of the campgrounds at either the North or South Rim. Everything is close to walk too.

2. Enjoy all the museums, interpretive/visitor centers and art galleries while you are there. Sure the helicopter tours are great but so are all the activities you can do for free right on the rim. Continue Reading

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What type of camera did you bring? Any tips on shooting the Grand Canyon?

I brought my Canon 5D Mark II this time. A little bulky but you can’t skimp on your camera when you are visiting one of the seven nature wonders of the world. Always bring the best camera you own.Always have your camera handy on the trail because magical things happen all the time at the Grand Canyon. Keep it in your pocket or in your backpack so you can grab it at a moments notice.Wide angle lenses is great but don’t limit yourself. The Grand Canyon has little treasures too just wanting to discovered. A tiny frog or a small blooming desert flower, never stop looking.

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

What surprised you about the Grand Canyon?

How wonderfully removed you can become at the bottom of the Grand Canyon looking up at the rim less then 10 miles away. I remember on a backpacking trip a few years ago, laying out on a rock in shorts and a t-shirt as I witnessed a snow storm on the rim. Being surrounded by its might walls at the bottom is a completely different experience then looking down at them from above. I would encourage everyone to do both at least once.

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

As a travel destination, how would you rank the Grand Canyon from 1 to 10?


Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Phoenix Arizona Freelance Photographer

Andrew Pielage Can't Stop Exploring the Canyon

Tell us a little about yourself!

My name is Andrew Pielage and I am a freelance photographer based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Born to an adventurous mother and geologist father, my childhood was spent exploring the back roads of Arizona. I had been to the rim of the Grand Canyon many times as a child, but it was not until high school that I did my first backpacking trip to the bottom. It changed my life forever. Now fifteen years later, I have tallied 25+ trips to the bottom and one ten day rafting trip from Lee’s Ferry to Lake Mead. And I still have more trips on the list =)