PHOTOGRAPHY - Dorianne Wotton · services. To be assured to have a real professional that will...

Post on 26-Jun-2020

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To be assured to have a real professional that will translate your desires, by adapting its work according to your wishesTo be guided in your choices to enhance your projects« A la carte » services to answer to your needs

DDo not hesitate to contact me for any information related to the terms of realization of my services

CHOOSING MY SERVICES MEANS...I offer my services and make your photographs on request!Book, event, concert, artistic photography and many other areas, I am open to any form of service and collaboration … as long as your conditions, research and motivations are shared. Thus,Thus, I can realize sessions for your own private projects. The estimate is variable depending on the project. I will examine each request carefully. If you would like to work with me, take your time to look at my work in order to be sure that it suits you. The end result of our collaboration will partially depend on the quality of our understanding and our agreement.I will provide you with my analyze, my advice and my expertise in the management and the implementation of your projects. I will help you finding the most appropriate and economical solutions that will satisfy your needs. II will handle the coordination between stakeholders during the photographic productions (stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, actors).It is a crucial point to guarantee an effective team that will not get overwhelmed by stress that can be caused by various constraints of these productions.I will also take care, in the context of the photographic production or other visual communication or book realization project, all the aspects linked to the planning management, the post-production, the research and the selection of shooting locations.Thus,Thus, whatever your project is professional or personal, do not hesitate to contact me: my creativity grows from your ideas and wants. I do not impose anything for each of my projects. I am first looking for collaboration and co-construction.




To be assured to have a real professional that will translate your desires, by adapting its work according to your wishesTo be guided in your choices to enhance your projects« A la carte » services to answer to your needs

DDo not hesitate to contact me for any information related to the terms of realization of my services

CHOOSING MY SERVICES MEANS...I offer my services and make your photographs on request!Book, event, concert, artistic photography and many other areas, I am open to any form of service and collaboration … as long as your conditions, research and motivations are shared. Thus,Thus, I can realize sessions for your own private projects. The estimate is variable depending on the project. I will examine each request carefully. If you would like to work with me, take your time to look at my work in order to be sure that it suits you. The end result of our collaboration will partially depend on the quality of our understanding and our agreement.I will provide you with my analyze, my advice and my expertise in the management and the implementation of your projects. I will help you finding the most appropriate and economical solutions that will satisfy your needs. II will handle the coordination between stakeholders during the photographic productions (stylists, makeup artists, hairdressers, actors).It is a crucial point to guarantee an effective team that will not get overwhelmed by stress that can be caused by various constraints of these productions.I will also take care, in the context of the photographic production or other visual communication or book realization project, all the aspects linked to the planning management, the post-production, the research and the selection of shooting locations.Thus,Thus, whatever your project is professional or personal, do not hesitate to contact me: my creativity grows from your ideas and wants. I do not impose anything for each of my projects. I am first looking for collaboration and co-construction.




For a birthday, Valentin’s day, Christmas or to celebrate a happy event, a special event or just to please somebody, to create a surprise, please contact me to have a phone conversation or to meet before organizing the photo shoot of the people you want to offer the gift card. Gift Card will be sent by email or courier. An appoitment will be then necessarynecessary with the model. If your friend is in the provinces, please contact me. We can meet if you wish.


To be able to give you a personnalized estimate, close to your needs and your budget, do not hesitate to send your estimate request with much information as possible so that I can give you the the price charged, covering the service and the implementation modalities. A reply will be sent in 72 hours by return mail.This request does not commit you to anything and is completely free. You are free to decide whether the offer interests you or not.HHowever, if you were to choose my service, this estimate will be required upon signing of agreement.Thank you for presenting a clear project, formulated in a fairly decent language, articulated around a serious, clear and reasoned approach. Ideally, do not hesitate to include a website link or other usefull references (book, etc.).

To contact me :




For a birthday, Valentin’s day, Christmas or to celebrate a happy event, a special event or just to please somebody, to create a surprise, please contact me to have a phone conversation or to meet before organizing the photo shoot of the people you want to offer the gift card. Gift Card will be sent by email or courier. An appoitment will be then necessarynecessary with the model. If your friend is in the provinces, please contact me. We can meet if you wish.


To be able to give you a personnalized estimate, close to your needs and your budget, do not hesitate to send your estimate request with much information as possible so that I can give you the the price charged, covering the service and the implementation modalities. A reply will be sent in 72 hours by return mail.This request does not commit you to anything and is completely free. You are free to decide whether the offer interests you or not.HHowever, if you were to choose my service, this estimate will be required upon signing of agreement.Thank you for presenting a clear project, formulated in a fairly decent language, articulated around a serious, clear and reasoned approach. Ideally, do not hesitate to include a website link or other usefull references (book, etc.).

To contact me :





• The report of your company soul :Buildings, people, machines, products, events, ... A bonus for your internal communication.

• Your company portrait :Strengthening your visual presence and identity. A photograph available at any time to be widely circulated.TTo be attached to all press releases of the company, it goes with the logo. A bonus for your external communication.

• Photos-steps : A sequence of images that follow to explain a process, a timeline, a succession of events. With a tutorial vocation, these images help to clarify and simplify an explanation :a practical and reassuring educational means.

• The • The report of your realizations :You want to enhance and showcase your products, your achievements ? Let’s organize a report !




• The report of your company soul :Buildings, people, machines, products, events, ... A bonus for your internal communication.

• Your company portrait :Strengthening your visual presence and identity. A photograph available at any time to be widely circulated.TTo be attached to all press releases of the company, it goes with the logo. A bonus for your external communication.

• Photos-steps : A sequence of images that follow to explain a process, a timeline, a succession of events. With a tutorial vocation, these images help to clarify and simplify an explanation :a practical and reassuring educational means.

• The • The report of your realizations :You want to enhance and showcase your products, your achievements ? Let’s organize a report !


.FAMILYThese packages include the entire working time :• Pre exchanges by mail, phone or over tea / coffee.• Any sightings at the shooting place session - or home.• Shooting and picture composition• Transfer time, sorting and photos labeling from the camera to the computer.• Post-processing (Lightroom / Photoshop) of the best shots.•• The CD / DVD engraved and shipped within the following days of your photo choice or photos uploading via a web link .• Conservation for 6 months of the original and post-processed files.

Baby birth/Children 0-6 years old3h session in studio or at home: 250 Euros10 retouched photos + all the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

Children 7-15 years old11h30 session in studio ou outdoor : 180 Euros10 retouched photos + all the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

Family2h session : 200 Eurosall the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

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.FAMILYThese packages include the entire working time :• Pre exchanges by mail, phone or over tea / coffee.• Any sightings at the shooting place session - or home.• Shooting and picture composition• Transfer time, sorting and photos labeling from the camera to the computer.• Post-processing (Lightroom / Photoshop) of the best shots.•• The CD / DVD engraved and shipped within the following days of your photo choice or photos uploading via a web link .• Conservation for 6 months of the original and post-processed files.

Baby birth/Children 0-6 years old3h session in studio or at home: 250 Euros10 retouched photos + all the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

Children 7-15 years old11h30 session in studio ou outdoor : 180 Euros10 retouched photos + all the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

Family2h session : 200 Eurosall the photos and possibility to choose one or several photos for editing.

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In any case, every wedding is different, so a contact will result in a personalized estimate according to the intending spouses expectations.

- COUPLE session - 2H30 : 600 EUROS10 COUPLE retouched photos All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.

- Ceremony + Couple session – 3h30 : 800 euros1212 COUPLE retouched photos + post-processing of selected pictures for printing (paper + album) All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.

- Ceremony + Couple + Vin d’honneur session (5h) : 1000 Euros12 COUPLE retouched photos + post-processing of selected pictures for printing (paper + album) All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.PPaper printing supplement : 10 photos 20x30.

WEDDING.Original and crazy way to retain the date not to be missed. This little care will be organized well in advance to attend your wedding.

Session after the wedding where everything is allowed. Adopt this new trend!!!

Press play and let the slideshow disclose your previously selected photos on your favorite music.

Your family took moments of your wedding with a camcorder, a laptop or even a camera? I take care of gathering your video and photo to make a film memory.

Save the date

Trash the dress

Slideshow of your pictures






In any case, every wedding is different, so a contact will result in a personalized estimate according to the intending spouses expectations.

- COUPLE session - 2H30 : 600 EUROS10 COUPLE retouched photos All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.

- Ceremony + Couple session – 3h30 : 800 euros1212 COUPLE retouched photos + post-processing of selected pictures for printing (paper + album) All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.

- Ceremony + Couple + Vin d’honneur session (5h) : 1000 Euros12 COUPLE retouched photos + post-processing of selected pictures for printing (paper + album) All the original photos (HD) on CD/DVD.PPaper printing supplement : 10 photos 20x30.

WEDDING.Original and crazy way to retain the date not to be missed. This little care will be organized well in advance to attend your wedding.

Session after the wedding where everything is allowed. Adopt this new trend!!!

Press play and let the slideshow disclose your previously selected photos on your favorite music.

Your family took moments of your wedding with a camcorder, a laptop or even a camera? I take care of gathering your video and photo to make a film memory.

Save the date

Trash the dress

Slideshow of your pictures






Feel free to contact my

DORIANNE WOTTONWithWith my experience and my realizations, I offer creative services, for private individuals, companies, communities, etc. These realizations are as varied as the palette of my graphic creations: motion design, photography, vudeo, numeric arts, services are offered to suit your needs and to integrate in a coherent way your productions.


SIRET :Member of the collective of entrepreneurs CLARABis – Audiovisual, numeric and multimedia product company.Siret number 494 238 785 000 21 -Code APE / NAF 7022Z - SARL sous forme de SCOP à Capital variable


The rates only include photography services.• Other services (make-up, hair and styling, etc.) incur additional charges depending on the providers. You can also use your own team.•• Actual costs for long trips (beyond a radius of 100 kms), TGV or planes as well as for trips abroad (surplus of luggage included). Accomodation and meals are at the customer’s expense.• The customer has to inform his adress, the instructions (wish for the nature of the shots, preference for black and white, brief, date and place of shoot). • The customer is free to choose one or several options. The total of the estimate will vary according to these choices. Please note that no changes will be given later.•• The signing of the estimate agreed with the customer is also an acceptance of implementation modalities, as described in the contract detailing the conditions of implementation, which must also be signed and returned.• No original photographs (RAW) provided (an additional fee will be charged if you want to have all the original photographs).

• Photographs are not free and are for personal use (book, website, selling agency). For commercial usage or publication, please contact me.• Possibility to pay twice or even three times. • Payment of 50% within 10 days from the estimate confirmation. Minimum 75€. Balance on delivery or on the final invoice (check, Paypal, cash).•• Photos can be delivered on a CD/DVD support or via a download link (the best ones will be selected by me) and the sending will be made by email.• « Fashion », « Family», « Wedding » photographs are delivered within minimum 15 days to 2 months.• « Reports » photographs are delivered within 3 to 7 days.



Feel free to contact my

DORIANNE WOTTONWithWith my experience and my realizations, I offer creative services, for private individuals, companies, communities, etc. These realizations are as varied as the palette of my graphic creations: motion design, photography, vudeo, numeric arts, services are offered to suit your needs and to integrate in a coherent way your productions.


SIRET :Member of the collective of entrepreneurs CLARABis – Audiovisual, numeric and multimedia product company.Siret number 494 238 785 000 21 -Code APE / NAF 7022Z - SARL sous forme de SCOP à Capital variable


The rates only include photography services.• Other services (make-up, hair and styling, etc.) incur additional charges depending on the providers. You can also use your own team.•• Actual costs for long trips (beyond a radius of 100 kms), TGV or planes as well as for trips abroad (surplus of luggage included). Accomodation and meals are at the customer’s expense.• The customer has to inform his adress, the instructions (wish for the nature of the shots, preference for black and white, brief, date and place of shoot). • The customer is free to choose one or several options. The total of the estimate will vary according to these choices. Please note that no changes will be given later.•• The signing of the estimate agreed with the customer is also an acceptance of implementation modalities, as described in the contract detailing the conditions of implementation, which must also be signed and returned.• No original photographs (RAW) provided (an additional fee will be charged if you want to have all the original photographs).

• Photographs are not free and are for personal use (book, website, selling agency). For commercial usage or publication, please contact me.• Possibility to pay twice or even three times. • Payment of 50% within 10 days from the estimate confirmation. Minimum 75€. Balance on delivery or on the final invoice (check, Paypal, cash).•• Photos can be delivered on a CD/DVD support or via a download link (the best ones will be selected by me) and the sending will be made by email.• « Fashion », « Family», « Wedding » photographs are delivered within minimum 15 days to 2 months.• « Reports » photographs are delivered within 3 to 7 days.