Physical and Behavioral Adaptations of Animals

Post on 22-Feb-2016

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Physical and Behavioral Adaptations of Animals. What are Physical and Behavioral Adaptations?. Physical adaptations can be a body structure that an animal has that allows it to meet its needs in its habitat. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Physical and Behavioral Adaptationsof Animals

What are Physical and Behavioral Adaptations?

• Physical adaptations can be a body structure that an animal has that allows it to meet its needs in its habitat.

• Behavioral adaptations can be an activity or action that helps an animal survive in its habitat.


Objective: Explain how hibernation is a behavioral adaptation that allows certain animals to survive in their habitat during the winter months .

Hibernation is a behavioral adaptation that allows animals to survive during the winter months.

Behavioral adaptation is simply an activity an animal does to stay alive.

Hibernation• Hibernation means a long rest, or sleep.• During hibernation, the animal’s body

processes, like breathing, slow down, and they survive on stored food or fat.

• Many animals, for example insects, birds, reptiles and some mammals, eat a lot of food in the autumn months to store up fat.

• Let’s take a look at some animals that are eating a lot of food to prepare for hibernation.

Hibernation• Animals can burrow into the ground or curl up

under leaves, or hide themselves in dens, safe from the winter cold and enemies.

• When the temperature rises in the spring, the animal wakes up and leaves its hiding place.

• Let’s take a look at some animals hibernating.

Hibernation Comics


Objective: Explain how defense can be a physical or behavioral adaptation that allows animals to protect themselves in their habitat.

• Defense is how an animal protects itself.• Some animals have special adaptations to

protect themselves from being hurt, killed, or eaten. • These special defense mechanisms

include physical adaptations such as quills and claws, and behavioral adaptations such as taking flight, tricking (mimicry, playing dead), spraying, or fighting.

Let’s take a look at animals using

physical adaptations to defend themselves.

Let’s take a look at animals using

behavioral adaptations to defend themselves.

Viceroy Butterfly- nonpoisonous.

Monarch Butterfly- poisonous.

Defense Comics


Objective: Explain how locomotion (physical adaptation) and movement (behavioral adaptation) allow animals to survive in their habitat.

• Locomotion is a physical adaptation. In order for animals to find the resources they need for food, shelter, or space, they must be able to move around.

• Animals have special structures for moving depending on where they live, for example:

-above ground (swinging, climbing and flying) -on the ground (crawling, walking, hopping) -in the water (floating, swimming and diving).

The DuckWhere does the duck live? What special body parts does

the duck have in order to move?

How does the duck move?

The MonkeyWhere does the monkey

live? What special body parts

does the monkey have in order to move?

How does the move?

The FrogWhere does the frog live? What special body parts

does the frog have in order to move?

How does the frog move?

The BearWhere does the bear live? What special body parts does the bear have in order to


How does the bear move?

Migration• Migration is when animals move over the

same route in the same season each year. This is a behavioral adaptation.

• The animals move because of the weather and to find food and shelter.

• Let’s take a look at animals that migrate.

Three Reasons Why Animals Migrate

1. Find the perfect weather. 2. To find food.3. To find shelter.

It’s like taking a vacation for a long period of time.

Locomotion and


How Do Animals Obtain Their Food?

Objective: Explain how animals use physical adaptations to obtain food in their habitat.

• Animals have special structures used for getting food, for example the beaks of birds, mouths of insects, teeth, or claws that are shaped in different ways depending on the type of food they eat.

• Let’s take a look at different mouths, teeth, and claws that animals use in order to get their food.

Who’s Beak Is This?

Who’s Claws are These?

Who’s Mouth Is This?

Who’s “Mouth” is This?

Obtaining Food Comics

CamouflageObjective: Explain how animals use

camouflaging to protect themselves in their habitat.

Camouflage• Camouflage is a physical adaptation.

• Camouflage is a color or pattern that allows an animal to blend into its environment. It protects animals from being seen by their enemies, or allows the animals to sneak up more easily on their food.

Animals using Camouflage

Can you find the animals?