Physical features of asia

Post on 17-May-2015

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South, Southeast, and East Asia

Physical Geography

1) What do you see?2) What does it mean?3) How do you know?4) Based on this what are

we talking about today?


On your do now

-Brainstorm ways in which Mountains in Europe, Africa, and Latin America have

impacted the continent’s people.

- You have ONE minute.

Do Now

- Get out your “Opinion – Proof” Charts.- Record 2 opinions you have about how

mountains have impacted live in Asia.

- We will fill in the proof side later.


Mountain Article Analysis

You have been given an article. We will read the first paragraph aloud. Read the rest of the article and answer the

analysis questions.


Revisiting the Opinion – Proof Chart

Revisit the Opinion Proof Chart now that you have read and analyzed the article.

Put in the proof that you have for your opinion.

If your opinion was wrong, that’s okay! Write whether or not you were right and put the proof that proved you wrong.

Mapping Lab

You have been given a sheet with 10 challenges.

You must complete each challenge on your sheet.

You must use the maps that have been placed around the room.

Use only ONE map at a time.

Mapping Lab

Share the maps with others. DO NOT BE GREEDY.

You must figure out which map to use for each challenge.

I will allow you to get maps by section. WAIT UNTIL I CALL YOUR SECTION TO MOVE.


Mountains are important in Asia because they influence:

A. Population patterns

B. Movement of people and goods

C. Climate

1) How can mountains influence all of these?

2) Do you know of another instance where this has happened?

Mountains The most important mountain range in Asia

is the Himalaya Mountains. The Himalayas separate India from China. The Himalayas block clouds that are formed

by monsoons from entering Western China. The Himalayas isolate Tibet and make

transportation difficult.

1) Can you infer how this has challenged cultural development?

Mountains Some other mountains in Asia are:

A. The Hindu-Kush

B. The Eastern and Western Ghats in India

C. The Tian Shan Mountains

D. Mount Fuji in Japan

1) Do you agree that there are many mountains and therefore idea exchange in Asia has been difficult?


Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan at 12,388 ft. The mountain is located on the island of Honshu and it is considered sacred by Shintos.

1) How would you assess (or test) the affects of mountains on the people of Asia?

Mapping Lab

You have been given a sheet with 10 challenges.

You must complete each challenge on your sheet.

You must use the maps that have been placed around the room.

Use only ONE map at a time.

Mapping Lab

Share the maps with others. DO NOT BE GREEDY.

You must figure out which map to use for each challenge.

I will allow you to get maps by section. WAIT UNTIL I CALL YOUR SECTION TO MOVE.

Open Response

- Based on the mapping lab and the PowerPoint explain how you think the Mountains of Asia have impacted the

people who live there. Explain whether or not you think many people live there.

- - This must be at least ONE paragraph (4-5 sentences) and will be graded.

Opinion –Proof

You have been given an Opinion – Proof Chart.

Transfer your opinions from the Open Response onto the Opinion side of the chart.

Mountain Article Analysis

You have been given an article. We will read the first paragraph allowed. Read the rest of the article and answer the

analysis questions.

Plateaus and Uplands

Most of Western China is on a plateau called the Plateau of Tibet. Farther north is the Mongolian Plateau.

The Korean Peninsula and the Japanese Islands are mountainous.

Revisiting the Opinion – Proof Chart

Revisit the Opinion Proof Chart now that you have read and analyzed the article.

Put in the proof that you have for your opinion.

If your opinion was wrong, that’s okay! Write whether or not you were right and put the proof that proved you wrong.

Rivers and Bodies of Water

Many rivers in Asia start in the Himalaya Mountains.

Rivers erode away the mountains and carry sediment (little bits of dirt) down to the flat plains at the base of the mountains.

The sediment makes the soil by the rivers fertile and a good place to farm.

Rivers and Bodies of Water

The most important rivers in South Asia are:

A. The Indus

B. The Ganges

C. The Brahmaputra

Rivers and Bodies of Water

The Ganges and Brahmaputra start in the Himalayas and flow into the Bay of Bengal. Both rivers flow through Bangladesh and as a result, this country often floods during the monsoon season.

The Ganges

The Ganges deposits sediment on a flat area called the Indo-Gangetic Plain. This river is important to India because it:

A. Provides water for agriculture

B. Provides water for factories and industries

C. Provides water for human use

D. Is considered sacred by Hindus

The Ganges

Hindus build temples on the banks of the Ganges River. One city, Varanasi, is considered sacred by Hindus and the focal point of pilgrimages. Hindus often pray in the water and when they die many are cremated and the ashes cast into the river.

Varanasi on the Ganges River

The Ganges

The Ganges River has become one of the most polluted rivers in the world due to:

A. Pesticides and fertilizers that spill into the river.

B. Chemicals and metals from factories.

C. Raw sewage

D. Human use

The Rivers of China

China has three major rivers that begin in the Himalayas and flow into the East China Sea or Yellow Sea.

River Chinese Name

Yellow River Huang He

Yangtze River Chang Jiang

West River Xi Jiang

The Rivers of China

The Yangtze and Yellow Rivers flow through an area that is flat in elevation called the North China Plain. This area has intensive farming and the two rivers are connected by The Grand Canal. The type of dirt found here is called loess. It is a rich soil that is yellow in color and normally deposited by the wind.

The Yellow River

The Yellow River

The Rivers of China

The Amur River starts in the Great Khingan Mountains in Northern China and empties into the Sea of Japan. This river is also a border between China and Russia.

Rivers in Southeast Asia

The longest river in Southeast Asia is the Mekong River. This river starts in the Himalayas and flows through China, Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam before emptying into the South China Sea.

Bodies of Water

Asia is surrounded by bodies of water. One important body of water is the Sea of Japan. It is located between the Korean Peninsula and Japan. In Korea they refer to it as the East Sea.

The Gobi Desert

The largest desert in this area is the Gobi Desert.

The Gobi Desert is formed by orographic precipitation. South Asia gets rain from the monsoons but the Himalaya Mountains block the rain from entering Western China. Most of Western China and Mongolia are in a rain shadow.


A group of islands is called an archipelago. There are many archipelagoes in Asia such as:

A. JapanB. PhilippinesC. IndonesiaD. Maldives


The Maldives are located off of the southwest coast of India in the Indian Ocean. There are over 1200 small islands in the archipelago. The islands are atolls, the tops of submerged volcanoes surrounded by coral reefs.

Other Islands

Some other islands in Asia are:

A. Hainan

B. Taiwan

C. Sri Lanka

D. Singapore

E. Hong Kong


Taiwan is a large island off of the coast of China. Taiwan used to be called Formosa by the Portuguese.

The Democratic Republic of China is a country that is on the island. Some people just call the country Taiwan in order to avoid confusion.


Singapore is an island at the tip of the Malay Peninsula. The country of Singapore is located on the island and it has become very wealthy because it is on a strategic waterway, The Strait of Malacca.

Hong Kong

Hong Kong is an island off of the coast of China. It was ruled by the British but now it is part of China.

1) What do you see?2) How do you know?

3) What do you think we are discussing based on this?

On a Sheet of Paper




How would you describe the weather of the Roanoke Valley (the area in which we


Think about it and write at least one COMPLETE sentence.

Pair with a neighbor and share. Add something you like or agree with from

theirs to your sentence.

Natural Hazards The natural hazards that are found in Asia


A. Monsoons

B. Typhoons (Cyclones)

C. Volcanoes and Earthquakes

1) What are some natural hazards that we face?

1) Can you describe what these Asian natural disasters are?


A monsoon is a seasonal wind that occurs in South and Southeast Asia. During the summer monsoon wind blows from south to north. The wind pushes clouds over South and Southeast Asia causing rain.

1) Have you ever heard of or used the word “monsoon” in a phrase?

1) What type of rain does this suggest is occurring?

Typhoon Typhoons or cyclones are tropical storms

that occur in the Pacific Ocean. In the northern hemisphere they rotate counter clockwise. In the southern hemisphere they rotate clockwise. These storms cause enormous damage in coastal areas and countries with low elevations.

1) Compare these to the natural disasters we face? What disaster is

this like?2) In your opinion, are these helpful or

harmful to Asia?

Ring of Fire

Part of Asia is on The Ring of Fire, an area around the Pacific Ocean where many tectonic plates meet. This area is at a greater risk for having earthquakes and active volcanoes.

1) Millions of people live in highly dense areas in the Ring of Fire. Infer how this ring

affects them.

Climate and Vegetation Asia has varied climate regions because:

A. Zones of latitude - Part of Asia is in the low latitudes (Tropical Rainforests), and part of it is in the middle latitudes (Sub Tropical).

B. Elevation - Mountainous regions in Asia have colderclimates.

C. Topography - Mountains block rainfall causing desertson one side.

1) What evidence do YOU have that all of this is true?

2) In your opinion, is Asia varied in Climate and Vegetation?

Image Analysis

Let’s take a few minutes to analyze the images that follow regarding Climate and


We will perform the first analysis together and the next two will be performed


1) What is this? How do you know?2) What does this tell us about Monsoons?3) What does this tell us about the weather in Asia?

1) What is this? How do you know?2) What does this tell us about precipitation in

China?3) What does this mean about for various people

throughout China?

1) What is this? How do you know?2) What does this tell us about

Volcanic/Earthquake Activity?3) What does this mean for the people of Asia?

The Silence of the Monsoon Let’s take a look at a story that features the


The story is not informational so we will have to infer much from it.

It is best that we read in threes: one reader will be the main character, the other will be the main character’s mother, and the other

will be the narrator.

The Silence of the Monsoon

We are going to plot the story together to ensure that we comprehend what we just


Using you’re the Story Plot sheet you have been given, follow along as we fill it out as

a class.

The Silence of the Monsoon

Answer the guiding questions that go along with the reading.

These are not surface level questions so you are going to have to THINK.

These questions will be graded.

Volcano Preparedness Kit

Imagine that you are living in a town near a volcano that could erupt at any point. Take the information from above and create a preparedness kit of information in which

you explain to residents what to do in case of an eruption.

Work in your groups of three to complete this.

Pop Quiz

Surprise! It’s Pop Quiz time. Do your best to show what you have

learned this week!