Post on 26-Jan-2015

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Areas of Focus… Plate Tectonics


California Resources


Rock Cycle

Electricity & Magnetism


Clean Air Challenge

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~ Plate Tectonics ~9 Questions…

Location of Rock Layers (age)

Discrepancy of the age of the Earth

Location of fossils

Superposition: the older the layer the deeper it is as long as it has not been disturbed

Earth is about 4.6 billion years (b.y.) old .

The oldest rocks found are only 4.4 b.y. old because the oldest rocks were recycled.

Seismographs measure earthquake waves.

The primary wave is the fastest moving front-to-back

The secondary wave is next fastest moving side-to-side

The surface wave moves on the surface, is the slowest and does the most damage.

Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries and where there are volcanoes.

~ Plate Tectonics ~

Evidence for plate tectonics

Patterns of plate movement

Earthquakes & Volcanoes

Types, Location on plates, effects on Earth

Fossils are found in Antarctica because Antarctica used to be at the equator.

Magnetic stripes on the ocean floor at the Mid Atlantic Ridge prove the ocean plates diverge, (move apart).

Folded mountains, form where continental plates converge, (come together). Example: Mt. Everest

Mauna Loa (in Hawaii) is a hot spot Volcano with a shield shape because the lava is basalt and very runny.

Ocean plates converging with continental plates make steep sided subduction zone volcanoes. Examples: Mount St. Helens, Mount Shasta, Mount Fuji

Transform plate motion is where plates grind past each other. Example San Andraes Fault. No volcanoes here.

Lots of earthquakes along transform plate boundaries.

~ Astronomy ~5 questions…

Energy in the sun


Age of the Universe



Why Study Stars?

- Elements, Speed of Star, Surface Temp.

Lunar Eclipse – occurs when the moon is full

Galaxies – spiral, irregular, elliptical

Our Galaxy: Milky Way Galaxy (spiral)

Universe 15 billion years old – according to the Big Bang Theory

Energy in the Sun – nuclear fusion of H

~ California Resources~6 questions…

Geothermal Energy




Fusion of Uranium keeps the magma in the Earth hot.

Geothermal energy comes from magma that is close to the surface of the earth.

When rain water seeps into the Earth and boils from the hot magma, it comes out as steam which can be used to make electricity.

There is geothermal energy in California because we live on a transform fault system

California earthquakes are caused by movement along the San Andraes Fault.

The California Aqueduct moves fresh water from the Sacramento River in the north to large cities in the South Example: Los Angeles

California's is the 5th largest economy in the world because of agriculture in the Central Valley.

~ Atmosphere~30 questions…


Global temperatures

Tilt of the Earth – Sun’s rays

Surface Ocean currents

95%of the energy on the surface of the Earth comes from fusion reactions in the sun. Only 5% comes from fission reactions inside the Earth.

Radiant Energy from the sun comes to the Earth as waves.

Most of the waves are visible (VIS), ultra violet ( UV) and infra red (IR).

The equator is the hottest because the sun’s rays are the most vertical and the light is concentrated. The poles are the coldest because the light is the most spread out.

The seasons are caused by the tilt of the Earth.

Surface ocean currents are caused by wind and by the Coriolis effect from the spin of the planet.

Deep ocean currents are caused by differences in ocean water density due to temperature and salinity.

~ Atmosphere~

Weather Patterns

Surfaces of Earth – Sun’s Rays

Early Atmosphere


Weather is what is happening in the atmosphere in 1 day.

Climate is the average weather over a long time.

Large air masses do not mix.

A front develops where 2 air masses bump into each other.

The weather at a front is usually rainy.

The early atmosphere came from volcanic out-gassing. It was rich in carbon dioxide and had no free oxygen.

The free oxygen in today’s atmosphere came from photosynthesis of simple green plants called Cyanobacteria.

Photosynthesis: CO2 + sunlight O2 + sugar

~ Atmosphere~

Composition of the Atmosphere

Layers of the Atmosphere



Today’s atmosphere is made of 70 % N2, 21 % O2 and 1 % other gasses, mostly Argon. There is only .03% CO2.

The atmosphere is divided into layers because the temperature in each layer changes differently.

Outer space

Exosphere …….(Magnetic field protects Earth from solar wind)

Thermosphere ……..(Few atoms moving very quickly)

Mesosphere ………(Coldest layer)

Stratosphere …..(ozone layer, protects us from harmful UV light)

Troposphere ………(Contains most of the air, water and weather)

Earth’s Surface

• People are destroying the ozone layer (O3) by releasing chlorofluorocarbons (CFC’c) from spray cans and air conditioners

~ Rock Cycle~4 questions…

Classification of Rocks

Pressure and Temperature

Igneous Rocks


Rocks are named by the process of their formation.

Igneous rocks come from cooling magma.

Intrusive igneous rocks have large crystals. Example: granite.

Extrusive igneous rocks have small crystals. Example basalt.

Sediments are pieces of any rock.

Examples: clay, sand and gravel.

Sedimentary rocks are sediments pressed and cemented together. They contain layers and fossils.

Examples: shale, sandstone, conglomerate and limestone.

Metamorphic rocks are made by heating and squeezing any other rock type.

Examples: schist, slate and marble

~ Electricity & Magnetism~

9 questions…

Schematic Diagrams



Series Circuit

Parallel Circuit

An electric motor converts electrical energy (moving electrons in a wire) into mechanical energy (rotation).

A generator converts mechanical energy (rotation) into electrical energy (moving electrons in a wire).

A battery provides direct current DC from a chemical reaction inside the battery case.

The 120V outlet in our homes provides alternating current AC.

Our homes use parallel circuits because parallel circuits all have the same voltage.

Parallel circuits have more than one path for current to flow. The current is split up.

In a series circuit, all the parts share the same current because there is only one path for current to flow.

In series circuits the voltage is split up.

Ohms Law V = I X R, R = V/I, I = V/R

~ Electricity & Magnetism~


Atomic Structure

Movement of electrons

Atomic Structure

Electrons – negative charge – in outer shell

Protons – positive charge – in nucleus

Neutrons – no charge – in nucleus

Electromagnetic Induction


~ Chemistry~16 questions…


(solute & solvent; saturated & unsaturated)


Chemical Reactions

A solution is a solute dissolved in a solvent.

The solvent is the largest part and it is usually water.

The solute is the smallest part, can be solid, liquid or gas.

A saturated solution can dissolve no more solute at that temperature.

When Ionic compounds (NaCl) dissolve they split into ions (Na+ and Cl-)

Organic compounds (sugar) contain carbon.

When organic compounds dissolve, them split into molecules.

Only solutions containing free ions will conduct electricity.

~ Chemistry~


Law of Conservation of Matter

calorie vs. Calorie


Exothermic reactions get hot.

Endothermic reactions get cold.

Law of conservation of matter: In a chemical reaction there is the same number of atoms before and after the reaction.

A calorie (small “c”) is the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 cc of water by 1 degree Celsius.

A Calorie (capital “C”) is used on on food labels.

One Calorie = 1000 x calorie

~ Chemistry~

Combustion Reactions


Synthesis reactions make something.

H2 + O2 H2O

Decomposition reactions break up something

NaCl Na+ + Cl-

In a single replacement reaction, an element by itself replaces an element in a compound.

CuCl2 + Al Cu + AlCl3 + energy

Combustion is the rapid combination of a fuel with oxygen.

CH4 + O2 CO2 + H2O + energy

Combustion reactions are exothermic. The products are always CO2 and H2O

~ Clean Air Challenge ~20 questions…

Nox & VOC



NOx – Nitrogen Oxides

VOC – Volatile Organic Compounds

Ozone is formed from NOx & VOC interacting

NOx formed in a combustion reaction

VOC – paints drying

~ Clean Air Challenge ~

Air Quality




Particulate Pollution results in……

Monitor Air Quality

Ozone in atmosphere

PM (particulate matter)

SO2 (sulfur dioxide)

~ Clean Air Challenge ~

Particulate Matter (PM)



ppm = parts per million

ppb = parts per billion

Energy by volume – more space

Lung volume – smoking = 30% loss

Effect of wind on pollution - more wind = less pollution

- less wind = more pollution


Obstructive = BREATHE OUT

Restrictive = BREATHE IN