Physical Therapist

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Physical Therapist

By: BreeAna Goodwin

Involved in the Work

Here are some of the type of clients they deal with…

☻People with heart disease

☻People who have been in car accidents

☻People with sports injuries

☻People with arthritis


Being a physical therapist, you have to work with several

patients on a daily basis. You have to help people with permanent

disabilities achieve the highest possible level of physical function

and let people know how they improve each day.

Where Does This Work Take Place?

Most physical therapist choose to work in non-

clinical settings such as:◊ Hospitals


◊Private Companies



˚ To be a physical therapists you need the following degrees:












level 1 level 2 level 3 level 4

staff physical therapist

experienced physical






Possibilities of Moving Up

The possibilities of moving up depend on

the type of degree you have. The more

degrees, the more you get paid.

Earnings When I Start

¯ Being a physical therapist I can expect to earn anywhere from

$40,000 to $90,000 a year, around average being $60,000.

***Future Prospects***

° I plan to start out learning the career, then maybe one day, grow in it and open up my own business. There are

a lot of different things that a physical therapists can do, and I

think I would enjoy this job.

Reading & Writing

•Being a physical therapist, you have to record everything that

you do with a patient.
