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Office of Statewide Initiatives University of Nevada School of Medicine

411 West Second Street Reno, Nevada 89503

UNSOM Health Policy Report

Physician Workforce in Nevada 2016 Edition

John Packham, PhD, Tabor Griswold, PhD, Troy Jorgensen, BS, Laima Etchegoyhen, MPH,

and Christopher Marchand, MPH

March 2016


Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition contains current, historical, and comparative data

on the Allopathic (MD) and Osteopathic (DO) physician workforce in Nevada. The focus of this

report is to improve health workforce planning and policy development in Nevada through the

preparation and dissemination of the most current information on the physician workforce.

The data presented in this report are drawn from two principal sources:

America Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC). State Physician Workforce Data Book.

Washington DC: AAMC Center for Workforce Studies (2015).

American Medical Association (AMA). Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the

US. Washington DC: AMA (2015, 2005, 1995, 1982).

Unpublished data obtained from the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (2016),

and the Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (2016).

The major professional activity categories, self-designated specialty areas and geographic

regions are those used by the American Medical Association. In this report, states in the

Mountain Region include Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and


Suggested Citation

Packham, J., Griswold, T., Jorgensen, T., Etchegoyhen, L., and Marchand, C. (2016). Physician

Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition. Reno, NV: Office of Statewide Initiatives, University of

Nevada School of Medicine.

Office of Statewide Initiatives i

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Table of Contents

Section One: Demographic Characteristics of the Allopathic Physician Workforce

in Nevada................................................................................................................. 1

Table 1: Licensed Physicians (MDs and DOs) in Nevada – 2016 ................................................................ 3

Table 2: Licensed Physicians (MDs and DOs) per 100,000 Population in Nevada – 2016 ......................... 4

Table 3: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ................................................... 5

Table 4: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 .............................................. 5

Table 5: Male Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 .......................................... 6

Table 6: Female Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ....................................... 6

Table 7: U.S. Medical Graduates (USMG) Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age and Gender in

Nevada – 2013 ............................................................................................................................... 7

Table 8: International Medical Graduates (IMGs) Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age and

Gender in Nevada – 2013 .............................................................................................................. 7

Section Two: Distribution of the Allopathic Physician Workforce (MDs) in Nevada

by Major Professional Activity and Self-Designated Specialty .................................... 9

Table 9: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 1993 to

2013 ............................................................................................................................................. 11

Table 10: Female Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada –

1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................................................... 12

Table 11: Male Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada –

1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................................................... 12

Table 12: International Medical Graduates (IMGs) Physicians by Major Professional

Activity in Nevada – 2003 to 2013 .............................................................................................. 13

Table 13: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Country of Undergraduate Medical Education

and Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada – 2013 .................................................. 14

Table 14: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender and Self-Designated Primary Care

Specialty in Nevada – 2013 ......................................................................................................... 15

Table 15: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada

– 2003 to 2013 ............................................................................................................................ 16

Table 16: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in

Nevada and the U.S. – 2013 ........................................................................................................ 17

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ii Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 17: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender and Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada

– 2013 .......................................................................................................................................... 18

Table 18: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to

2013 ............................................................................................................................................. 20

Table 19: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by Gender and Self-Designated

Specialty in Nevada – 2013 ......................................................................................................... 22

Table 20: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by Self-Designated Specialty in

Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................................... 24

Section Three: Comparative Data on the Physician Workforce in Nevada and the

US .......................................................................................................................... 27

Table 21: Allopathic Physicians (MDs), Population, and Physician/Population Ratios in

Nevada and the U.S. – 1993 to 2013 ........................................................................................... 33

Table 22: Active Physicians (MDs) by Selected Age Groups in Nevada and Neighboring

States – 2014 ............................................................................................................................... 34

Table 23: Active Female Physicians (MDs) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ........................... 35

Table 24: Active Male Physicians (MDs) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ............................... 36

Table 25: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................. 37

Table 26: Number of Residents per One Allopathic Physician (MD) in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................. 37

Table 27: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population

in Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013 ..................................................................... 38

Table 28: Number of Residents per One Allopathic Physician (MD) in Patient Care in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013 ......................................................................... 39

Table 29: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty

in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ........................................................................................................... 40

Table 30: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty

in Nevada, Mountain Region, and the U.S. – 2013 ..................................................................... 42

Table 31: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by Self-

Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ......................................................................... 44

Table 32: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by Self-

Designated Specialty in Nevada, Mountain Region, and U.S. – 2013 ......................................... 46

Table 33: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) Needed in Nevada to Meet Mountain

Region Average per Capita Rates – 2013 .................................................................................... 48

Table 34: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) Needed in Nevada to Meet U.S. Average

per Capita Rates – 2013 .............................................................................................................. 50

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Table 35: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Nevada by County Compared to

Mountain Region Average per Capita – 2013 ............................................................................. 52

Table 36: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Nevada by County Compared to U.S.

Average per Capita Rates – 2013 ................................................................................................ 53

Table 37: Total Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ................................ 54

Table 38: Total Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by County in Nevada –

1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................................................... 55

Table 39: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ................ 56

Table 40: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by County in

Nevada – 1993 to 2013 ............................................................................................................... 57

Table 41: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in

Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013 .................................................................. 58

Table 42: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in

Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013 .................................................................. 59

Table 43: Graduates of the University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Practicing

in the U.S. by Year of Graduation and Gender – 2013 ................................................................ 60

Table 44: Graduates of the University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Practicing

in the United States by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty – 2003 to 2013 ....................... 61

Table 45: University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Retention of Graduate

Medical Education (GME) Graduates – 2015 .............................................................................. 62

Table 46: University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Graduation and Retention –

2006 to 2015 ............................................................................................................................... 62

Table 47: Physicians Retained from Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) in Nevada

and Neighboring States – 2014 ................................................................................................... 63

Table 48: Physicians Retained from Public Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ...................................................................................... 63

Table 49: Physicians (MDs and DOs) Retained from Graduate Medical Education (GME) in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ...................................................................................... 64

Table 50: Physicians (MDs and DOs) Retained from Undergraduate Medical Education

(UME) and Graduate Medical Education (GME) Combined in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 2014 .......................................................................................................... 64

Table 51: Students Enrolled in All Medical or Osteopathic Schools in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year .................................................................... 65

Table 52: Students Enrolled in Public Medical or Osteopathic Schools in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year .................................................................... 66

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iv Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 53: Change in the Number of Students Enrolled in Medical or Osteopathic Schools in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 2004 to 2014 ......................................................................... 67

Table 54: In-State Matriculation to Medical School – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year ............................... 68

Table 55: Ratio of Residents and Fellows (GME) to Medical and Osteopathic Students

(UME) in Nevada and Neighboring States – Academic Year 2013 to 2014 ................................. 69

Table 56: Change in the Number of Residents and Fellows in ACGME-Accredited Programs

in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2004 to 2014 ..................................................................... 69

Table 57: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited

Programs in Nevada and Neighboring States .............................................................................. 70

Table 58: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited

Primary Care Programs per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and

Neighboring States ...................................................................................................................... 71

Table 59: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited

Programs per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring

States ........................................................................................................................................... 72

Section Four: Active Physicians by Degree Type (MDs & DOs) ............................................ 73

Table 60: Active Physicians by Medical School Type in Nevada and Neighboring States –

2014 ............................................................................................................................................. 75

Table 61: Active Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and

Neighboring States – 2014 .......................................................................................................... 76

Table 62: Active Patient Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada

and Neighboring States – 2014 ................................................................................................... 77

Table 63: Active Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ...................................................................................... 78

Table 64: Active Patient Care Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree

Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 ......................................................................... 79

Table 66: Total MD and DO Physicians by Gender and Major Professional Activity in

Nevada – 2013 ............................................................................................................................. 80

Table 65: Total MD and DO Physicians by Gender and Age in Nevada – 2013 ........................................ 80

Table 67: Total MD and DO Physicians by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in

Nevada and the U.S. – 2013 ........................................................................................................ 81

Table 68: Total MD and DO Physicians by Self-Designated Specialty and Major Professional

Activity in Nevada – 2013 ............................................................................................................ 82

Section Five: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) ........................................................................ 85

Table 69: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Gender and Age in Nevada – 2013 ..................................... 87

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Table 70: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Gender and Major Professional Activity in

Nevada – 2013 ............................................................................................................................. 87

Table 71: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in

Nevada and the U.S. – 2013 ........................................................................................................ 88

Table 72: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Major Professional Activity in

Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013 .................................................................. 89

Table 73: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Self-Designated Specialty and Major

Professional Activity in Nevada – 2013 ....................................................................................... 90

Section Six: Physician Workforce Rankings ........................................................................ 93

Table 74: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in Physicians per 100,000 Population –

2013 ............................................................................................................................................. 95

Table 75: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in Physicians in Patient Care per 100,000

Population – 2013 ....................................................................................................................... 96

Table 76: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in the Number of Allopathic Physicians

(MDs) per 100,000 Population – 1980 to 2013 ........................................................................... 97

Table 77: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in the Number of Allopathic Physicians

(MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population – 1980 to 2013 .................................................. 98

Appendix of Self-Designated Practice Specialties ............................................................. 103

Office of Statewide Initiatives 1

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section One: Demographic Characteristics of the Allopathic Physician Workforce in Nevada

Executive Summary and Key Findings

According to licensure data from the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners and the Nevada

State Board of Osteopathic Medicine, there are currently 5,726 physicians with an active license

to practice or in residency in the State of Nevada (MDs and DOs) – 69.8% of these physicians

are in Clark County and 22.4% are in Washoe County (Table 1).

There are currently 200.6 physicians with an active license to practice in the State of Nevada

(MDs and DOs) per 100,000 population – per capita rates range from 26.1 physicians per

100,000 population in Lyon County to 344.8 physicians per 100,000 population in Carson City

(Table 2).

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), the number of allopathic physicians

(MDs) in Nevada has grown from 2,521 in 1993 to 6,299 in 2013 – an increase of 149.9% over

the past twenty years (Table 3).

While the number of MDs in Nevada has increased in every age category over the past two

decades, the rate of growth has been faster in the older age categories. The percent of Nevada

MDs over the age of 65 has increased from 16.1% in 1993 to 26.1% in 2013 (Table 3).

In 1993, 12.8% of Nevada MDs were female, as compared to 25.8% in 2013 (Table 4).

The relatively recent entry of women into the Nevada physician workforce is reflected in the

different age distribution of the male versus female physician workforce. For example, 51.4%

of male MDs in Nevada are over the age of 55, as compared to only 30.2% of female MDs who

are over the age of 55 in 2013. Conversely, 43.1% of female MDs in Nevada are under the age

of 45, as compared to 24.8% of male MDs who are under the age of 45 (Tables 5 and 6).

In 2013, 2,063 MDs or 32.8% of all MDs in Nevada are international medical graduates (IMGs) –

that is, they received their undergraduate medical education (UME) in another country

excluding Canada (Tables 7 and 8).

Table 1: Licensed Physicians (MDs and DOs) in Nevada – 2016

Specialty Carson

City Churchill Clark Douglas Elko Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye Pershing Storey Washoe

White Pine


Allergy - - 11 - - - - - - - - - - - - 7 - 18

Aerospace Medicine - - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Anesthesiology 17 - 337 3 - - - - - - - - - - - 107 - 464

Cardiovascular Diseases 8 - 113 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 44 - 166

Child / Adolescent Psychiatry 1 - 19 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 14 - 35

Colon / Rectal Surgery - - 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 - 3

Dermatology 5 - 42 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - - 21 - 72

Diagnostic Radiology 7 - 154 4 1 - - 1 - - - - 1 - - 33 - 201

Emergency Medicine 18 5 243 17 3 - - 1 1 - 1 1 2 - - 99 2 393

Family Medicine 26 7 488 16 10 - - 8 2 2 8 3 10 3 - 179 5 767

Gastroenterology 6 - 56 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 25 - 88

General Practice - 1 21 - 1 - - - - - 1 - - - - 4 - 28

General Surgery 9 3 161 1 5 - - 1 - - - - - - - 61 2 244

Internal Medicine 29 6 945 13 10 - - 1 1 - 2 2 6 - - 225 4 1,244

Medical Genetics - - 3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3

Neurology 2 - 72 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 19 - 94

Nuclear Medicine 1 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2

Neurological Surgery - - 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 16 - 40

Obstetrics / Gynecology 12 4 222 1 4 - - - - - 1 - 1 - - 67 - 312

Occupational Medicine 2 - 13 1 - - - - - - 1 - - - - 6 - 23

Ophthalmology 3 - 87 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 36 - 127

Orthopedics 4 1 100 19 4 - - - - - - - - - - 43 - 171

Otolaryngology 4 - 142 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 60 - 206

Psychiatry 8 2 347 4 6 - - - - - - - - - - 72 - 439

Pediatrics - - 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 14

Pediatric Cardiology - - 5 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 10

PH & Gen Prev Medicine 4 - 51 2 1 - - - - - - - - - - 23 - 81

Phys Med & Rehab 1 - 50 - - - - - - - - - - - - 11 - 62

Plastic Surgery 3 - 61 1 3 - - - - - - - - - - 22 - 90

Pathology, Anatomic - - 5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 - 8

Pathology, Forensic 3 - 44 - - - - - - - - - - - - 17 - 64

Pulmonary Diseases 5 - 41 - - - - - - - - - - - - 14 - 60

Radiology 3 - 24 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 10 - 38

Radiation Oncology 1 - 24 - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - 30

Thoracic Surgery - 5 38 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 16 1 61

Urology 2 - 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2 - 19

Other Specialties 6 - 34 - 1 - - - - - - - - - - 16 - 57

Totals 190 34 3,999 87 56 - - 12 4 2 14 6 22 3 - 1,283 14 5,726

Source: Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (2016), and the Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (2016).

Table 2: Licensed Physicians (MDs and DOs) per 100,000 Population in Nevada – 2016

Specialty Carson

City Churchill Clark Douglas Elko Esmeralda Eureka Humboldt Lander Lincoln Lyon Mineral Nye Pershing Storey Washoe

White Pine


Allergy - - 0.5 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.6 - 0.6

Aerospace Medicine - - 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0

Anesthesiology 30.9 - 16.3 6.2 - - - - - - - - - - - 24.1 - 16.3

Cardiovascular Diseases 14.5 - 5.5 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 9.9 - 5.8

Child / Adolescent Psychiatry

1.8 - 0.9 2.1 - - - - - - - - - - - 3.2 - 1.2

Colon / Rectal Surgery - - 0.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.2 - 0.1

Dermatology 9.1 - 2.0 6.2 - - - - - - - - 2.2 - - 4.7 - 2.5

Diagnostic Radiology 12.7 - 7.4 8.3 1.8 - - 5.5 - - - - 2.2 - - 7.4 - 7.0

Emergency Medicine 32.7 19.5 11.7 35.4 5.5 - - 5.5 14.9 - 1.9 23.0 4.4 - - 22.3 19.3 13.8

Family Medicine 47.2 27.3 23.6 33.3 18.2 - - 43.8 29.8 39.1 14.9 68.9 22.2 42.7 - 40.3 48.3 26.9

Gastroenterology 10.9 - 2.7 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 5.6 - 3.1

General Practice - 3.9 1.0 - 1.8 - - - - - 1.9 - - - - 0.9 - 1.0

General Surgery 16.3 11.7 7.8 2.1 9.1 - - 5.5 - - - - 2.2 - - 13.7 19.3 8.5

Internal Medicine 52.6 23.4 45.7 27.1 18.2 - - 5.5 14.9 - 3.7 45.9 13.3 - - 50.7 38.7 43.6

Medical Genetics - - 0.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.0

Neurology 3.6 - 3.5 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 4.3 - 3.3

Nuclear Medicine 1.8 - 0.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.1

Neurological Surgery - - 1.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.6 - 1.4

Obstetrics / Gynecology 21.8 15.6 10.7 2.1 7.3 - - - - - 1.9 - 2.2 - - 15.1 - 10.9

Occupational Medicine 3.6 - 0.6 2.1 - - - - - - 1.9 - - - - 1.4 - 0.8

Ophthalmology 5.4 - 4.2 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 8.1 - 4.4

Orthopedics 7.3 3.9 4.8 39.6 7.3 - - - - - - - - - - 9.7 - 6.0

Otolaryngology 10.9 - 1.6 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 3.6 - 2.0

Psychiatry 7.3 - 6.9 - - - - - - - - - - - - 13.5 - 7.2

Pediatrics 14.5 7.8 15.2 8.3 10.9 - - - - - - - - - - 15.1 - 14.1

Pediatric Cardiology - - 0.6 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.5 - 0.5

PH & Gen Prev Medicine - - 0.2 2.1 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 0.7 - 0.4

Phys Med & Rehab 7.3 - 2.5 4.2 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 5.2 - 2.8

Plastic Surgery 1.8 - 2.4 - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.5 - 2.2

Pathology, Anatomic 5.4 - 2.9 2.1 5.5 - - - - - - - - - - 5.0 - 3.2

Pathology, Forensic - - 0.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.7 - 0.3

Pulmonary Diseases 5.4 - 2.1 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.8 - 2.2

Radiology 9.1 - 2.0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.2 - 2.1

Radiation Oncology 5.4 - 1.2 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 2.3 - 1.3

Thoracic Surgery 1.8 - 1.2 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1.1 - 1.1

Urology - 19.5 1.8 - 1.8 - - - - - - - - - - 3.6 9.7 2.1

Other Specialties 3.6 - 0.7 - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.5 - 0.7

Totals 344.8 132.5 193.2 181.2 101.8 - - 65.8 59.6 39.1 26.1 137.7 48.8 42.7 - 289.1 135.3 200.6

Source: Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (2016), and the Nevada State Board of Osteopathic Medicine (2016). Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office (2016).

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Office of Statewide Initiatives 5

Table 3: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Age Category 1993 2003 2013

Change – 1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 268 10.6 470 10.0 494 7.8 226 84.3

35–44 857 34.0 1,312 28.0 1,367 21.7 510 59.5

45–54 586 23.2 1,138 24.3 1,549 24.6 963 164.3

55–64 404 16.0 789 16.8 1,247 19.8 843 208.7

≥ 65 406 16.1 982 20.9 1,642 26.1 1,236 304.4

Total MDs 2,521 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,778 149.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Notes: Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians.

Table 4: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Gender 1993 2003 2013

Change – 1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Male Physicians 2,198 87.2 3,737 79.7 4,677 74.2 2,479 112.8

Female Physicians 323 12.8 954 20.3 1622 25.8 1299 402.2

Total MDs 2,521 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,778 149.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Notes: Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

6 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 5: Male Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Age Category 1993 2003 2013

Change – 1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 188 8.6 285 7.6 277 5.9 89 47.3

35–44 718 32.7 956 25.6 885 18.9 167 23.3

45–54 525 23.9 918 24.6 1,115 23.8 590 112.4

55–64 380 17.3 682 18.2 985 21.1 605 159.2

≥ 65 387 17.6 896 24.0 1,415 30.3 1,028 265.6

Total MDs 2,198 100.0 3737 100.0 4,677 100.0 2,479 112.8

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Notes: Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians.

Table 6: Female Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Age Category 1993 2003 2013

Change – 1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 80 24.8 185 19.4 217 13.4 137 171.3

35–44 139 43.0 356 37.3 482 29.7 343 246.8

45–54 61 18.9 220 23.1 434 26.8 373 611.5

55–64 24 7.4 107 11.2 262 16.2 238 991.7

≥ 65 19 5.9 86 9.0 227 14.0 208 1,094.7

Total Female MDs 323 100.0 954 100.0 1,622 100.0 1,299 402.2

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians.

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Office of Statewide Initiatives 7

Table 7: U.S. Medical Graduates (USMG) Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age and Gender in Nevada – 2013

Age Category

United States Medical Graduates (USMG) in Nevada

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 173 5.3 140 14.2 313 7.4

35-44 571 17.6 303 30.8 874 20.6

45-54 774 23.8 278 28.2 1,052 24.8

55-64 768 23.6 184 18.7 952 22.5

≥ 65 965 29.7 80 8.1 1,045 24.7

Total USMG MDs 3,251 100.0 985 100.0 4,236 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: Figures include Canadian Medical School Graduates.

Table 8: International Medical Graduates (IMGs) Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Age and Gender in Nevada – 2013

Age Category

International Medical Graduates (IMGs)

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 104 7.3 77 12.1 181 8.8

35–44 314 22.0 179 28.1 493 23.9

45–54 341 23.9 156 24.5 497 24.1

55–64 217 15.2 78 12.2 295 14.3

≥ 65 450 31.6 147 23.1 597 28.9

Total IMG MDs 1,426 100.0 637 100.0 2,063 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: Figures do not include Canadian Medical School Graduates.

Office of Statewide Initiatives 9

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section Two: Distribution of the Allopathic Physician Workforce (MDs) in Nevada by Major Professional Activity and Self-Designated Specialty

Executive Summary and Key Findings

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), since 1993, the number of MDs in

Nevada in each type of patient care activity – office-based and hospital-based patient care – has

grown. However, the proportion of the total physician workforce in Nevada whose major

professional activity is patient care has declined from 85.3% in 1993 to 76.5% in 2013 (Table 9).

Currently, 80.0% of female MDs in Nevada report that their major professional activity is

patient care, as compared to 75.3% of male MDs who report that their major professional

activity is patient care (Tables 10 and 11).

Over the past decade, the number of international medical graduates (IMGs) in Nevada in each

type of patient care activity has grown. Reflecting general trends in the Nevada physician

workforce, the proportion of the total IMG physician workforce in Nevada whose major

professional activity is patient care declined from 83.8% in 2003 to 73.8% in 2013 (Table 12).

In 2013, 51.5% of MDs who are IMGs (1,062 of 2,063 IMGs) in Nevada report a primary care

specialty or sub-specialty, as compared to 32.6% of MDs in Nevada who are US Medical

Graduates (USMGs) (1,355 of 4,166 USMGs) (Table 13).

Currently, 38.7% of MDs in Nevada report that their self-designated practice specialty was in

primary care – family medicine, general practice, internal medicine, obstetrics/gynecology, or

pediatrics – or a primary-care sub-specialty (Table 14).

In 2013, 33.2% of male MDs in Nevada are in a primary care specialty or subspecialty, as

compared to 54.4% of female MDs reporting a primary care specialty or subspecialty (Table 14).

Over the past two decades, the number of MDs in a primary care specialty has grown by 1,109

(128.5%) and the number of MDs in a primary care sub-specialty has grown by 339 (271.2%).

However, the proportion of the total physician workforce in a primary care specialty or sub-

specialty declined from 39.2% in 1993 to 38.7% in 2013 (Table 15).

The proportion of the allopathic physician workforce in Nevada (MDs) practicing in primary care

(31.3%) is comparable to the national rate of 30.6% (Table 16).

In 2013, when comparing the total female MD workforce with the total male MD workforce,

greater percentages of women report a primary care specialty than do men. For example,

13.1% of female MDs are in pediatrics, as compared to 4.0% of male MDs in Nevada; likewise,

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

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12.8% of female MDs in Nevada are in family medicine, as compared to 8.0% of male MDs

(Table 17).

Since 1993, the number of MDs in Nevada has increased in almost every self-designated

specialty area. Specialties with the greatest numerical growth over the past two decades are;

internal medicine (774 or 218.0%), family medicine (369 or 171.6%), pediatrics (273 or 216.7%),

anesthesiology (216 or 144.0%), emergency medicine (196 or 236.1%), obstetrics/gynecology

(127 or 78.9%), and psychiatry (102 or 129.1%) (Table 18).

Currently, when comparing the total female MD workforce in patient care with the total male

MD workforce in patient care, greater percentages of women report a primary care specialty

than do men. For example, 12.7% of female patient care MDs are in pediatrics, as compared to

3.8% of male patient-care MDs in Nevada; 20.2% of female patient care MDs in Nevada are in

internal medicine, as compared to 16.2% of male patient care MDs; 12.4% of female patient

care MDs in Nevada are in family medicine, as compared to 7.8% of male patient care MDs; and

7.1% of female patient care MDs in Nevada are in obstetrics/gynecology, as compared to 3.6%

of male patient care MDs (Table 19).

Over the past two decades, the number of patient care MDs in Nevada – that is, physicians

whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or

hospital – has increased across most self-designated specialty areas. Major specialties with the

greatest numerical growth of patient care MDs over the past two decades include internal

medicine (744 or 218.8%), family medicine (360 or 173.9%), pediatrics (265 or 219.0%),

anesthesiology (216 or 146.9%), emergency medicine (197 or 243.2%), obstetrics/gynecology

(124 or 78.0%), and psychiatry (101 or 146.4%) (Table 20).

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Table 9: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Professional Activity

1993 2003 2013 Change –

1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 1,821 72.2 3,350 71.4 4,055 64.4 2,234 122.7

Hospital-based Residents & Fellows

125 5.0 197 4.2 321 5.1 196 156.8

Hospital-based Physicians Staff

204 8.1 305 6.5 443 7.0 239 117.2

Subtotal – Patient Care 2,150 85.3 3,852 82.1 4,819 76.5 2,669 124.1

Other Professional Activity

Administration 44 1.7 71 1.5 63 1.0 19 43.2

Medical Teaching 19 0.8 30 0.6 51 0.8 32 168.4

Medical Research 11 0.4 18 0.4 19 0.3 8 72.7

Other MDs 16 0.6 18 0.4 24 0.4 8 50.0

Subtotal – Other Prof Activity

90 3.6 137 2.9 157 2.5 67 74.4

Not Classified MDs 43 1.7 163 3.5 214 3.4 171 397.7

Inactive MDs 238 9.4 539 11.5 1,109 17.6 871 366.0

Total MDs 2,521 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,778 149.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in

an office–based setting or hospital. Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians, but not physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 10: Female Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Professional Activity

1993 2003 2013 Change –

1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 202 62.5 668 70.0 1,049 64.7 847 419.3

Hospital-based Residents & Fellows

0 0.0 76 8.0 138 8.5 138 -

Hospital-based Physicians Staff

88 27.2 81 8.5 110 6.8 22 25.0

Subtotal – Patient Care 290 89.8 825 86.5 1,297 80.0 1,007 347.2

Other Professional Activity

Administration 0 0.0 6 0.6 15 0.9 15 -

Medical Teaching 0 0.0 5 0.5 17 1.0 17 -

Medical Research 0 0.0 2 0.2 5 0.3 5 -

Other MDs 4 1.2 0 0.0 3 0.2 -1 -25.0

Subtotal – Other Prof Activity

4 1.2 13 1.4 40 2.5 36 900.0

Not Classified MDs 10 3.1 58 6.1 88 5.4 78 780.0

Inactive MDs 18 5.6 58 6.1 197 12.1 179 994.4

Total Female MDs 323 100.0 954 100.0 1,622 100.0 1,299 402.2

Table 11: Male Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Professional Activity

1993 2003 2013 Change –

1993 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 1,619 73.7 2,682 71.8 3,066 64.3 1,387 85.7

Hospital-based Residents 125 5.7 121 3.2 183 3.9 58 46.4

Hospital-based Physicians Staff

116 5.3 224 6.0 333 7.1 217 187.1

Subtotal – Patient Care 1,860 84.6 3,027 81.0 3,522 75.3 1,662 89.4

Other Professional Activity

Administration 44 2.0 65 1.7 48 1.0 4 9.1

Medical Teaching 19 0.9 25 0.7 34 0.7 15 78.9

Medical Research 11 0.5 16 0.4 14 0.3 3 27.3

Other MDs 12 0.5 18 0.5 21 0.4 9 75.0

Subtotal – Other Prof Activity

86 3.9 124 3.3 117 2.5 31 36.0

Not Classified MDs 33 1.5 105 2.8 126 2.7 93 281.8

Inactive MDs 220 10.0 481 12.9 912 19.5 692 314.5

Total Male MDs 2,198 100.0 3,737 100.0 4,677 100.0 2,479 112.8

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office–based setting or hospital. Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians, but not physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 12: International Medical Graduates (IMGs) Physicians by Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 2003 to 2013

Major Professional Activity

2003 2008 2013 Change –

2003 to 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 806 68.1 1,119 64.2 1,249 60.5 443 55.0

Hospital-based Residents & Fellows

78 6.6 121 6.9 136 6.6 58 74.4

Hospital-based Physicians Staff

107 9.0 132 7.6 138 6.7 31 29.0

Subtotal – Patient Care 991 83.8 1,372 78.7 1,523 73.8 532 53.7

Other Professional Activity

Administration 7 0.6 11 0.6 5 0.2 -2 -28.6

Medical Teaching 4 0.3 6 0.3 15 0.7 11 275.0

Medical Research 4 0.3 4 0.2 5 0.2 1 25.0

Other MDs 1 0.1 6 0.3 6 0.3 5 500.0

Subtotal – Other Prof 16 1.4 27 1.5 29 1.4 13 81.3

Not Classified MDs 67 5.7 96 5.5 104 5.0 37 55.2

Inactive MDs 109 9.2 248 14.2 401 19.4 292 267.9

Total IMG MDs 1,183 100.0 1,743 100.0 2,063 100.0 880 74.4

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2010; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Figures for 2003, 2008, and 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians, but not physicians whose address is unknown. “Inactive MDs” include physicians who are retired, semi-retired, working part-time, temporarily not in practice, or not active for other reasons and who indicated they worked 20 hours or less per week. “Not Classified MDs” includes physicians who did not provide information on their type of practice or their present employment.

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Table 13: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Country of Undergraduate Medical Education and Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada – 2013


Total MDs

U.S. Medical Graduates (USMGs)

International Medical Graduates (IMGs)


Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 371 8.9 193 9.4 574 9.1

General Practice 18 0.4 10 0.5 29 0.5

Internal Medicine 361 8.7 465 22.5 826 13.1

Obstetrics/Gynecology 209 5.0 40 1.9 252 4.0

Pediatrics 160 3.8 128 6.2 291 4.6

Total Primary Care MDs 1,119 26.9 836 40.5 1,972 31.3

Primary Care Sub-specialties 236 5.7 226 11.0 464 7.4

All Other Specialties 2,014 48.3 496 24.0 2,540 40.3

Not Classified MDs 108 2.6 104 5.0 214 3.4

Inactive or Address Unknown 689 16.5 401 19.4 1,109 17.6

Total MDs 4,166 100.0 2,063 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classifications. Figures exclude Canadian Medical School Graduates. “Inactive MDs” include physicians who are retired, semi-retired, working part-time, temporarily not in practice, or not active for other reasons and who indicated they worked 20 hours or less per week. “Not Classified MDs” includes physicians who did not provide information on their type of practice or their present employment.

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Table 14: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender and Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada – 2013


Total MDs

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 368 7.9 206 12.7 574 9.1

General Practice 25 0.5 4 0.2 29 0.5

Internal Medicine 557 11.9 269 16.6 826 13.1

Obstetrics/Gynecology 144 3.1 108 6.7 252 4.0

Pediatrics 122 2.6 169 10.4 291 4.6

Total Primary Care MDs 1,216 26.0 756 46.6 1,972 31.3

Primary Care Sub-specialties 337 7.2 127 7.8 464 7.4

All Other Specialties 2,086 44.6 454 28.0 2,540 40.3

Not Classified MDs 126 2.7 88 5.4 214 3.4

Inactive or Address Unknown 912 19.5 197 12.1 1,109 17.6

Total MDs 4,677 100.0 1,622 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classifications.

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Table 15: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada – 2003 to 2013


Total MDs Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 228 9.0 450 9.6 574 9.1 346 151.8

General Practice 87 3.5 72 1.5 29 0.5 -58 -66.7

Internal Medicine 298 11.8 626 13.3 826 13.1 528 177.2

Obstetrics/Gynecology 144 5.7 239 5.1 252 4.0 108 75.0

Pediatrics 106 4.2 240 5.1 291 4.6 185 174.5

Total Primary Care MDs 863 34.2 1,627 34.7 1,972 31.3 1,109 128.5

Primary Care Sub-specialties 125 5.0 271 5.8 464 7.4 339 271.2

All Other Specialties 1,252 49.7 2,091 44.6 2,540 40.3 1,288 102.9

Not Classified MDs 43 1.7 163 3.5 214 3.4 171 397.7

Inactive or Address Unknown

238 9.4 539 11.5 1,109 17.6 871 366.0

Total MDs 2,521 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,778 149.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2009; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classifications.

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Table 16: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada and the U.S. – 2013

Specialty MD Physicians in Nevada MD Physicians in United States

Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 574 9.1 91,615 8.8

General Practice 29 0.5 6,683 0.6

Internal Medicine 826 13.1 121,127 11.6

Obstetrics/Gynecology 252 4.0 40,045 3.8

Pediatrics 291 4.6 60,411 5.8

Total Primary Care MDs 1,972 31.3 319,881 30.6

Primary Care Sub-specialties 464 7.4 90,147 8.6

All Other Specialties 2,540 40.3 444,670 42.5

Not Classified MDs 214 3.4 43,536 4.2

Inactive or Address Unknown 1,109 17.6 147,676 14.1

Total MDs 6,299 100.0 1,045,910 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude MD physicians whose address is


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Table 17: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Gender and Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice 401 8.6 212 13.1 613 9.7

Family Medicine 376 8.0 208 12.8 584 9.3

General Practice 25 0.5 4 0.2 29 0.5

Medical Specialties 1,285 27.5 603 37.2 1,888 30.0

Allergy & Immunology 13 0.3 6 0.4 19 0.3

Cardiovascular Disease 118 2.5 15 0.9 133 2.1

Dermatology 36 0.8 18 1.1 54 0.9

Gastroenterology 73 1.6 5 0.3 78 1.2

Internal Medicine 789 16.9 340 21.0 1,129 17.9

Pediatric Cardiology 14 0.3 2 0.1 16 0.3

Pediatrics 187 4.0 212 13.1 399 6.3

Pulmonary Disease 55 1.2 5 0.3 60 1.0

Surgical Specialties 798 17.1 218 13.4 1,016 16.1

Colon & Rectal Surgery 7 0.1 2 0.1 9 0.1

General Surgery 181 3.9 50 3.1 231 3.7

Neurological Surgery 27 0.6 3 0.2 30 0.5

Obstetrics & Gynecology 171 3.7 117 7.2 288 4.6

Ophthalmology 86 1.8 18 1.1 104 1.7

Orthopedic Surgery 146 3.1 5 0.3 151 2.4

Otolaryngology 40 0.9 8 0.5 48 0.8

Plastic Surgery 55 1.2 8 0.5 63 1.0

Thoracic Surgery 25 0.5 2 0.1 27 0.4

Urology Surgery 60 1.3 5 0.3 65 1.0

Other Specialties 1,155 24.7

304 18.7 1,459 23.2

Aerospace Medicine 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 57 1.2 21 1.3 78 1.2

Anesthesiology 321 6.9 45 2.8 366 5.8

Child & Adolescent Psychology 17 0.4 18 1.1 35 0.6

Diagnostic Radiology 133 2.8 30 1.8 163 2.6

Emergency Medicine 225 4.8 54 3.3 279 4.4

Forensic Medicine 1 0.0 5 0.3 6 0.1

General Preventive Medicine 9 0.2 6 0.4 15 0.2

Medical Genetics 2 0.0 1 0.1 3 0.0

Neurology 63 1.3 21 1.3 84 1.3

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Nuclear Medicine 4 0.1 1 0.1 5 0.1

Occupational Medicine 9 0.2 3 0.2 12 0.2

Other Specialty 27 0.6 5 0.3 32 0.5

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 61 1.3 17 1.0 78 1.2

Psychiatry 126 2.7 55 3.4 181 2.9

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 2 0.0 0 0.0 2 0.0

Radiation Oncology 24 0.5 17 1.0 32 0.5

Radiology 53 1.1 8 0.5 61 1.0

Transplant Surgery 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Unspecified 19 0.4 6 0.4 25 0.4

Not Classified MDs 126 2.7 88 5.4 214 3.4

Inactive MDs 912 19.5 197 12.1 1,109 17.6

Total MDs 4,677 100.0 1,622 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude physicians whose address is


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Table 18: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice

300 12.3 524 11.2 613 9.7 313 104.3

Family Medicine 215 8.8 452 9.6 584 9.3 369 171.6

General Practice 85 3.5 72 1.5 29 0.5 -56 -65.9

Medical Specialties 658 27.1 1,402 29.9 1,888 30.0 1,230 186.9

Allergy & Immunology 13 0.5 18 0.4 19 0.3 6 46.2

Cardiovascular Disease 81 3.3 133 2.8 133 2.1 52 64.2

Dermatology 24 1.0 49 1.0 54 0.9 30 125.0

Gastroenterology 30 1.2 53 1.1 78 1.2 48 160.0

Internal Medicine 355 14.6 792 16.9 1,129 17.9 774 218.0

Pediatric Cardiology 4 0.2 8 0.2 16 0.3 12 300.0

Pediatrics 126 5.2 300 6.4 399 6.3 273 216.7

Pulmonary Disease 25 1.0 49 1.0 60 1.0 35 140.0

Surgical Specialties 567 23.3 891 19.0 1,016 16.1 449 79.2

Colon & Rectal Surgery 4 0.2 5 0.1 9 0.1 5 125.0

General Surgery 139 5.7 199 4.2 231 3.7 92 66.2

Neurological Surgery 25 1.0 28 0.6 30 0.5 5 20.0

Obstetrics & Gynecology 161 6.6 267 5.7 288 4.6 127 78.9

Ophthalmology 53 2.2 93 2.0 104 1.7 51 96.2

Orthopedic Surgery 81 3.3 121 2.6 151 2.4 70 86.4

Otolaryngology 30 1.2 48 1.0 48 0.8 18 60.0

Plastic Surgery 30 1.2 44 0.9 63 1.0 33 110.0

Thoracic Surgery 9 0.4 31 0.7 27 0.4 18 200.0

Urology Surgery 35 1.4 55 1.2 65 1.0 30 85.7

Other Specialties 626 25.7 1,172 25.0 1,459 23.2 833 133.1

Aerospace Medicine 3 0.1 2 0.0 1 0.0 -2 -66.7

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 57 2.3 90 1.9 78 1.2 21 36.8

Anesthesiology 150 6.2 307 6.5 366 5.8 216 144.0

Child & Adolescent Psychology 10 0.4 21 0.4 35 0.6 25 250.0

Diagnostic Radiology 77 3.2 135 2.9 163 2.6 86 111.7

Emergency Medicine 83 3.4 169 3.6 279 4.4 196 236.1

Forensic Pathology 4 0.2 6 0.1 6 0.1 2 50.0

General Preventive Medicine

3 0.1 9 0.2 15 0.2 12 400.0

Medical Genetics 0 0.0 1 0.0 3 0.0 3 -

Neurology 37 1.5 57 1.2 84 1.3 47 127.0

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Office of Statewide Initiatives 21

Nuclear Medicine 1 0.0 5 0.1 5 0.1 4 400.0

Occupational Medicine 16 0.7 17 0.4 12 0.2 -4 -25.0

Physical Med & Rehab 18 0.7 51 1.1 78 1.2 60 333.3

Psychiatry 79 3.2 162 3.5 181 2.9 102 129.1

Public Health & Gen Prev Med

7 0.3 7 0.1 2 0.0 -5 -71.4

Radiation Oncology 15 0.6 24 0.5 32 0.5 17 113.3

Radiology 34 1.4 56 1.2 61 1.0 27 79.4

Transplant Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 1 -

Other Specialty 25 1.0 41 0.9 32 0.5 7 28.0

Unspecified 7 0.3 12 0.3 25 0.4 18 257.1

Active MDs – Patient Care 2,061 84.7 3,852 82.1 4,819 76.5 2,758 133.8

Active MDs – Non-Patient Care

90 3.7 137 2.9 157 2.5 67 74.4

Not Classified MDs 43 1.8 163 3.5 214 3.4 171 397.7

Inactive MDs 238 9.8 539 11.5 1,109 17.6 871 366.0

Total MDs 2,432 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,867 159.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude physicians whose address is


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Table 19: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by Gender and Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs in Patient Care

Males Females Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice 389 8.3 205 12.6 594 9.4

Family Medicine 366 7.8 201 12.4 567 9.0

General Practice 23 0.5 4 0.2 27 0.4

Medical Specialties 1,241 26.5 583 35.9 1,824 29.0

Allergy & Immunology 13 0.3 5 0.3 18 0.3

Cardiovascular Disease 114 2.4 15 0.9 129 2.0

Dermatology 36 0.8 18 1.1 54 0.9

Gastroenterology 73 1.6 5 0.3 78 1.2

Internal Medicine 757 16.2 327 20.2 1,084 17.2

Pediatric Cardiology 14 0.3 2 0.1 16 0.3

Pediatrics 180 3.8 206 12.7 386 6.1

Pulmonary Disease 54 1.2 5 0.3 59 0.9

Surgical Specialties 783 16.7 215 13.3 998 15.8

Colon & Rectal Surgery 7 0.1 2 0.1 9 0.1

General Surgery 179 3.8 49 3.0 225 3.6

Neurological Surgery 26 0.6 3 0.2 29 0.5

Obstetrics & Gynecology 168 3.6 115 7.1 283 4.5

Ophthalmology 83 1.8 18 1.1 101 1.6

Orthopedic Surgery 146 3.1 5 0.3 151 2.4

Otolaryngology 38 0.8 8 0.5 46 0.7

Plastic Surgery 54 1.2 8 0.5 62 1.0

Thoracic Surgery 25 0.5 2 0.1 27 0.4

Urology Surgery 57 1.2 5 0.3 62 1.0

Other Specialties 1,109 23.7 294 18.1 1,403 22.3

Aerospace Medicine 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 51 1.1 20 1.2 72 1.1

Anesthesiology 318 6.8 45 2.8 363 5.8

16 16 1.0 32 5.8 Child and Adolescent Psychology 16 0.3 16 1.0 32 0.5

Diagnostic Radiology 130 2.8 29 1.8 159 2.5

Emergency Medicine 224 4.8 54 3.3 278 4.4

Forensic Medicine 0 0.0 4 0.2 4 0.1

General Preventive Medicine 4 0.1 6 0.4 13 0.2

Medical Genetics 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Neurology 60 1.3 20 1.2 80 1.3

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Nuclear Medicine 4 0.1 1 0.1 5 0.1

Occupational Medicine 6 0.1 3 0.2 9 0.1

Other Specialty 20 0.4 5 0.3 25 0.4

Physical Med & Rehab 60 1.3 16 1.0 76 1.2

Psychiatry 117 2.5 53 3.3 170 2.7

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Radiation Oncology 23 0.5 8 0.5 31 0.5

Radiology 49 1.0 5 0.3 57 0.9

Transplant Surgery 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Unspecified 19 0.4 6 0.4 25 0.4

Active MDs – Patient Care 3,522 75.3 1,297 80.0 4,819 76.5

Active MDs – Non-Patient Care 117 2.5 40 2.5 157 2.5

Not Classified MDs 126 2.7 88 5.4 214 3.4

Inactive MDs 912 19.5 197 12.1 1,109 17.6

Total MDs 4,677 100.0 1,622 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Figures for 1993, 2003, and 2013 are for both federal and nonfederal physicians. Figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 20: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs in Patient Care Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice

290 11.9 512 10.9 594 9.4 304 104.8

Family Medicine 207 8.5 444 9.5 567 9.0 360 173.9

General Practice 83 3.4 68 1.4 27 0.4 -56 -67.5

Medical Specialties 633 26.0 1,358 28.9 1,824 29.0 1,191 188.2

Allergy & Immunology 13 0.5 17 0.4 18 0.3 5 38.5

Cardiovascular Disease 77 3.2 128 2.7 129 2.0 52 67.5

Dermatology 23 0.9 48 1.0 54 0.9 31 134.8

Gastroenterology 30 1.2 53 1.1 78 1.2 48 160.0

Internal Medicine 340 14.0 765 16.3 1,084 17.2 744 218.8

Pediatric Cardiology 4 0.2 8 0.2 16 0.3 12 300.0

Pediatrics 121 5.0 291 6.2 386 6.1 265 219.0

Pulmonary Disease 25 1.0 48 1.0 59 0.9 34 136.0

Surgical Specialties 559 23.0 875 18.7 998 15.8 439 78.5

Colon & Rectal Surgery 4 0.2 5 0.1 9 0.3 5 125.0

General Surgery 139 5.7 196 4.2 228 3.6 89 64.0

Neurological Surgery 24 1.0 28 0.6 29 0.5 5 20.8

Obstetrics & Gynecology 159 6.5 263 5.6 283 4.5 124 78.0

Ophthalmology 51 2.1 90 1.9 101 1.6 50 98.0

Orthopedic Surgery 79 3.2 119 2.5 151 2.4 72 91.1

Otolaryngology 30 1.2 46 1.0 46 0.7 16 53.3

Plastic Surgery 30 1.2 44 0.9 62 1.0 32 106.7

Thoracic Surgery 8 0.3 30 0.6 27 0.4 19 237.5

Urology Surgery 35 1.4 54 1.2 62 1.0 27 77.1

Other Specialties 579 23.8 1,107 23.6 1,403 22.3 824 142.3

Aerospace Medicine 2 0.1 2 0.0 1 0.0 -1 -50.0

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology

51 2.1 81 1.7 72 1.1 21 41.2

Anesthesiology 147 6.0 303 6.5 363 5.8 216 146.9

Child & Adolescent Psychology

10 0.4 21 0.4 32 0.5 22 220.0

Diagnostic Radiology 74 3.0 132 2.8 159 2.5 85 114.9

Emergency Medicine 81 3.3 166 3.5 278 4.4 197 243.2

Forensic Medicine 2 0.1 4 0.1 4 0.1 2 100.0

General Prev Medicine 1 0.0 7 0.1 13 0.2 12 1,200.0

Medical Genetics 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 1 -

Neurology 35 1.4 54 1.2 80 1.3 45 128.6

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Nuclear Medicine 1 0.0 4 0.1 5 0.1 4 400.0

Occupational Medicine 14 0.6 14 0.3 9 0.1 -5 -35.7

Other Specialty 15 0.6 29 0.6 25 0.4 10 66.7

Physical Med & Rehabilitation

18 0.7 49 1.0 76 1.2 58 322.2

Psychiatry 69 2.8 153 3.3 170 2.7 101 146.4

Public Health & Gen Prev Med

4 0.2 2 0.0 1 0.0 -3 -75.0

Radiation Oncology 14 0.6 23 0.5 31 0.5 17 121.4

Radiology 34 1.4 53 1.1 57 0.9 23 67.6

Transplant Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0 1 -

Unspecified 7 0.3 10 0.2 25 0.4 18 257.1

Active MDs – Patient Care

2,061 84.7 3,852 82.1 4,819 76.5 2,758 133.8

Active MDs – Non Patient Care

90 3.7 137 2.9 157 2.5 67 74.4

Not Classified MDs 43 1.8 163 3.5 214 3.4 83 397.7

Inactive MDs 238 9.8 539 11.5 1,109 17.6 674 366.0

Total MDs 2,432 100.0 4,691 100.0 6,299 100.0 3,867 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Physicians in

“Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

27 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section Three: Comparative Data on the Physician Workforce in Nevada and the US

Executive Summary and Key Findings

Over the past three decades, the number of MDs in Nevada has grown from 2,432 in 1993 to

6,299 in 2013 (437.9%). Likewise, the number of MDs per 100,000 population in Nevada has

grown from 167.9 to 225.7 (34.4%). However, Nevada’s physician-to-population rank among US

states dropped from 46th to 47th during the same time period (Table 21).

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), only 13.5% of allopathic physicians

(MDs) in Nevada are under the age of 40. Among states bordering Nevada, Utah had the largest

percentage of physicians under the age of 40 (17.1%). Currently, 17.0% of the national

physician workforce is under the age of 40 (Table 22).

Currently, 26.9% of the MD workforce in Nevada is aged 60 and over. Nationally, 29.4% of the

MD workforce is aged 60 and over (Table 22).

Women currently represent 26.5% of the MD workforce in Nevada. Nationally, 33.3% of the

MD workforce is women (Tables 23).

Men currently represent 73.5% of the MD workforce in Nevada. Nationally, 66.7% of the MD

workforce is men (Table 24).

While the number of MDs per 100,000 population in Nevada has improved from 168 to 226

over the last two decades, Nevada is bordered by three states – Arizona, Idaho and Utah – with

physician-to-population ratios below the national rate of 326 MDs per 100,000 population

(Table 25).

The number of MDs in patient care per 100,000 population in Nevada has improved from 142 in

1993 to 173 in 2013. Nonetheless, the Nevada population-to-physician ratio is well below the

national rate of 253 MDs in patient care per 100,000 population (Table 27).

Since 1993, the number of MDs in Nevada has increased in almost every self-designated

specialty area (Table 18). However, over the past two decades, change in the number of MDs

per capita has been comparatively modest. For example, the number of family medicine MDs

increased by 171.6% since 1993; however, the number of family medicine MDs per capita

increased by only 41.0% during the same time period (Table 29).

In 16 of 39 medical specialties, the number of MDs per capita has not kept pace with

population growth in Nevada over the last two decades. For example, while the number of MDs

in cardiovascular disease increased by 52 or 64.2% since 1993, the number of MDs in

cardiovascular disease per capita declined by 14.8% during the same time period (Table 29).

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Currently, of the 39 self-designated specialties, only four specialty areas possess a higher

number of MDs per capita in Nevada versus states in the Mountain Region: internal medicine,

plastic surgery, nuclear medicine, and transplant surgery. Across all 39 specialty areas, the

number of MDs per capita in Nevada is 82.6% of the average rate for the Mountain Region

(Table 30).

In 2013, only 1 of 39 medical specialties has a higher number of MDs per capita in Nevada

versus the US: forensic medicine. Across all 39 specialty areas, the number of MDs per capita in

Nevada is 68.2% of the average rate for the US (Table 30).

Over the past two decades, the number of patient care MDs in Nevada has increased in almost

every self-designated specialty area (Table 20). However, change in the number of MDs per

capita has been comparatively modest. For example, the number of patient care MDs in

pediatrics increased by 219.0% since 1993; however, the number of patient care MDs in

pediatrics per capita increased by only 65.6% during the same time period (Table 31).

In 15 of 39 medical specialties, the number of patient care MDs per capita has not kept pace

with population growth in Nevada over the last two decades. For example, while the number of

MDs specializing in obstetrics and gynecology increased by 124 or 78.0% (Table 20). Since 1993,

the number of MDs in obstetrics and gynecology per capita declined by 7.6% during the same

time period (Table 31).

Currently, only 5 of 39 self-designated specialty areas possess a higher number of patient care

MDs per capita in Nevada versus states in the Mountain Region: colon & rectal surgery, internal

medicine, plastic surgery, nuclear medicine, and transplant surgery. Across all 39 specialty

areas, the number of patient care MDs per capita in Nevada is 82.6% of the average rate for the

Mountain Region (Table 32).

In 2013, in none of the 39 medical specialties does Nevada have a higher number of patient

care MDs per capita in Nevada versus the US. Across all 39 specialty areas, the number of MDs

per capita in Nevada is 68.2% of the average rate for the US (Table 32).

Currently, there are 6,299 MDs in Nevada or 225.8 MDs per 100,000 population. By

comparison, the per capita number of MDs in the Mountain Region is 273.3 per 100,000

population. To meet or exceed the regional per capita rate, Nevada would need a minimum of

1,326 additional MDs. In other words, the supply of MDs in Nevada would need to increase by

21.1% to reach the regional rate (Table 33).

Of 39 self-designated specialties, 34 specialty areas possess a lower number of MDs per capita

in Nevada compared to the Mountain Region. For example, there are 399 pediatric MDs in

Nevada or 14.3 pediatric MDs per 100,000 population. The per capita number of pediatric MDs

in the Mountain Region is 20.0 per 100,000 population. To meet or exceed the regional

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number of family medicine MDs per capita, Nevada would need a minimum of 158 additional

family medicine MDs (Table 33).

Currently, there are 6,299 MDs in Nevada or 225.8 MDs per 100,000 population. By

comparison, the per capita number of MDs in the United States is 330.8 per 100,000

population. To meet or exceed the national per capita rate, Nevada would need a minimum of

2,932 additional MDs. In other words, the supply of MDs in Nevada would need to increase by

46.5% to reach the national rate (Table 34).

Of 39 self-designated specialties, all specialty areas possess a lower number of MDs per capita

in Nevada compared to the United States. For example, there are 584 MDs in family medicine

in Nevada or 20.9 family medicine MDs per 100,000 population. The per capita number of

family medicine MDs in the United States is 29.6 per 100,000 population. To meet or exceed

the national number of family medicine MDs per capita, Nevada would need a minimum of 243

additional family medicine MDs (Table 34).

Tables 35 through 36 estimate the number of additional physicians that would be needed in

each county in Nevada to meet or exceed regional and national MD per capita rates. For

example, Clark County needs 1,144 additional physicians to reach the Mountain Region rate of

273.3 MDs per 100,000 population and would need an additional 2,312 MDs to reach the U.S.

rate of 330.8 MDs per 100,000 population.

Since 1993, the number of MDs in Nevada has increased by 3,867 or 159.0%. This growth has

occurred across all regions of the state. In rural and frontier counties, the number of MDs has

increased by 150 or 133.9%. In urban counties, the number has increased by 3,717 or 160.2%

(Table 37).

Currently, 70.0% of MDs in Nevada are located in Clark County, 23.4% are located in Washoe

County, 2.5% are located in Carson City, and 4.2% are located in the state’s fourteen rural and

frontier counties. By comparison, 72.5% of the state’s population resides in Clark County, 15.4%

resides in Washoe County, 2.0% resides in Carson City, and 10.1% resides in rural and frontier

Nevada. (Table 37)

Over the past two decades, the number of MDs per 100,000 population in Nevada has

increased by 32.9%. In rural and frontier counties, the number of MDs per capita has increased

by 55.6%, as compared to 28.6% in urban counties (Table 38).

Since 1993, the number of patient care MDs in Nevada has increased by 2,758 or 133.8%. In

rural and frontier counties, the number of patient care MDs has increased by 98 or 107.7%. In

urban counties, the number has increased by 2,660 or 135.0% (Table 39).

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Over the past two decades, the number of patient care MDs per 100,000 population in Nevada

has increased by 20.0%. In rural and frontier counties, the number of MDs per capita has

increased by 38.2%, as compared to 16.1% in urban counties (Table 40).

Currently, 38.3% of MDs in metropolitan counties in Nevada list a primary care specialty or sub-

specialty as their self-designated specialty, as compared to 41.4% of MDs in micropolitan

counties and 65.4% of MDs in non-metropolitan counties (Table 41).

In 2013, 64.6% of MDs in metropolitan counties in Nevada are providing patient care in an

office-based practice, as compared to 59.6% of MDs in micropolitan counties and 50.0% of MDs

in non-metro/micropolitan counties. Currently, 12.1% of MDs in metropolitan counties in

Nevada and 11.7% of MDs in micropolitan counties are providing patient care in a hospital-

based practice, as compared to 31.8% of MDs in non-metro/micropolitan counties (Table 42).

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), 1,652 graduates of the University of

Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) are practicing in the United States. Nearly, three in five

UNSOM graduates are currently practicing in the US (55.8%) received their undergraduate

medical education degree (MD) prior to 2000 (Table 43).

Over the past decade, the number of UNSOM graduates practicing in the US has increased by

526 or 46.7%. During the same period, the number of UNSOM graduates with a self-designated

primary care specialty or sub-specialty has increased from 534 in 2003 to 755 in 2013 (Table


In 2015, 50.5% of physicians completing UNSOM residencies and fellowships report that they

will remain in Nevada to begin patient care practice or continue their graduate medical

education (GME) (Table 45).

Over the past decade, 51.5% of physicians completing UNSOM residencies and fellowships

reported that they will remain in Nevada to begin patient care practice or continue their GME

(Table 46).

In 2013, there were 1,608 active physicians in the US who graduated from an MD or DO school

in Nevada – of this total, 58.3 or 36.4% are currently practicing in Nevada (Table 47).

Among US states, Nevada ranks 27th in the percentage of physicians who are practicing in the

same state within which they received their undergraduate medical education (UME) degree

(MD or DO) (Table 47).

In 2013, there were 1,409 active physicians in the US who graduated from a public MD or DO

school in Nevada – of this total, 547 or 38.8% are currently practicing in Nevada (Table 48).

Among US states, Nevada ranks 31st in the percentage of physicians who are practicing in the

same state within which they received their public undergraduate medical education (UME)

degree (MD or DO) (Table 48).

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In 2013, there were a total of 1,168 active physicians (MD and DO) in the US who completed

their GME in Nevada – of this total, 631 or 54.0% are currently practicing in Nevada (Table 49).

Among US states, Nevada ranks 8th in the percentage of physicians who are practicing in the

same state within which they completed their GME (Table 49).

In 2013, there were a total of 229 active physicians (MD and DO) in the US who completed both

their UME and GME in Nevada – of this total, 177 or 77.3% are currently practicing in Nevada

(Table 50).

Among US states, Nevada ranks 6th in the percentage of physicians who are practicing in the

same state within which they completed both their UME and GME (Table 50).

In Academic Year 2014-2015 (AY 14-15), there were 816 students enrolled in an allopathic or

osteopathic medical school in Nevada. This figure translated to a rate of 28.7 medical students

per 100,000 population and a rank of 27th among US states in per capita medical school

enrollment (Table 51).

In AY 14-15, there were 280 students enrolled in a public medical school in Nevada. This figure

translated to a rate of 9.9 students enrolled in a public medical school per 100,000 population

and a rank of 38th among US states in per capita public medical school enrollment (Table 52).

Over the past decade, the number of students enrolled in an allopathic or osteopathic medical

school in Nevada increased from 296 in 2004 to 816 in 2014 – an increase of 175.7% in Nevada

and a ranking of 1st among US states in total enrollment growth in medical schools during that

time period (Table 53).

In AY 14-15, 54 of 86 first-year medical school matriculants (allopathic schools only) in Nevada

were legal residents of Nevada – Nevada’s in-state matriculation rate of 68.6% was above the

national average of 61.6% and resulted in a ranking of 23rd among US states (Table 54).

In 2013, there were 814 medical students (MD and DO) enrolled in undergraduate medical

education (UME) programs and 373 physicians (MD and DO) enrolled in graduate medical

education (GME) programs in Nevada. The ratio of physicians enrolled in GME to students

enrolled in UME in Nevada was 0.5 which resulted in a rank of 45th among US states (Table 55).

Over the past decade, the number of residents and fellows in ACGME-Accredited Programs

(Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education) in Nevada increased from 201 in 2004

to 340 in 2014 – an increase of 69.2% in Nevada and a ranking of 3rd among US states in the

growth of medical residents and fellows during that time period (Table 56).

In 2014, there were 340 residents and fellows in ACGME-Accredited Programs in Nevada,

including 146 MDs who graduated from US allopathic medical schools, 51 DOs, and 143 MDs

who are international medical graduates (IMGs). In Nevada, 42.1% of residents and fellows in

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

32 Office of Statewide Initiatives

ACGME-Accredited Programs were IMGs – among US states, Nevada has the 4th highest

percentage of IMGs in ACGME-Accredited residency and fellowship programs (Table 57).

In 2014, there were 208 residents and fellows in ACGME-Accredited primary care residency and

fellowship programs in Nevada, including 190 MDs and 18 DOs (Table 58).

Among US states, Nevada has a rate of 7.3 residents and fellows per 100,000 population in

primary care residency and fellowship programs resulting a rank of 42nd among US states (Table


Among US states, Nevada has a rate of 12.0 residents and fellows per 100,000 population in

ACGME-Accredited residency and fellowship programs resulting a rank of 46th among US states

(Table 59).

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Table 21: Allopathic Physicians (MDs), Population, and Physician/Population Ratios in Nevada and the U.S. – 1993 to 2013

Category Year Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

United States

Total Population (Millions) 259 291 316 57 22.0

Total MDs (Thousands) 653 859 1,045 392 60.0

Total MDs per 100,000 Population

252 295 331 79 31.3

Individuals per One Physician 397 339 302 -95 -23.9


Total Population (Thousands) 1,448 2,241 2,790 1,342 92.7

Total MDs 2,432 4,691 6,299 3,867 159.0

Total MDs per 100,000 Population

167.9 209.3 225.7 57.8 34.4

Individuals per One Physician 595 478 443 -152 -25.5

Nevada Rank Among U.S. States 46 48 47 - -

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995; AMA.

Notes: Figures for 1993 through 2013 include both federal and nonfederal physicians. All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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34 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 22: Active Physicians (MDs) by Selected Age Groups in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total

Active Physicians

Under Age 40 Age 60 or Older

Number Percent Number Percent Rank

Arizona 15,657 2,251 14.4 4,489 28.7 25

California 101,752 15,903 15.6 33,178 32.6 5

Idaho 3,099 441 14.2 843 27.2 37

Nevada 5,573 751 13.5 1,501 26.9 41

Oregon 11,512 1,825 15.9 3,246 28.2 27

Utah 6,098 1,043 17.1 1,565 25.7 47

Region Subtotal 143,691 22,214 15.5 44,822 31.2 -

Region Subtotal ̶ CA 41,939 6,311 15.0 11,644 27.8 -

United States 844,854 143,308 17.0 248,572 29.4 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. The “total active physicians” figure for the U.S. excludes 1,643 physicians whose age was missing.

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Table 23: Active Female Physicians (MDs) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total Active Physicians

Active Female Physicians

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 15,725 4,789 30.5 30

California 101,662 35,534 35.0 16

Idaho 3,096 727 23.5 49

Nevada 5,594 1,480 26.5 44

Oregon 11,551 4,183 36.2 8

Utah 6,102 1,398 22.9 50

Region Subtotal 143,730 48,111 33.5 -

Region Subtotal ̶ CA 42,068 12,577 29.9 -

United States 845,594 281,259 33.3 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. Physicians whose sex was missing (n=1,093) are excluded.

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Table 24: Active Male Physicians (MDs) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total Active Physicians

Active Male Physicians

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 1,881 1,203 64.0 21

California 101,662 66,128 65.0 1

Idaho 3,096 2,369 76.5 43

Nevada 5,594 4,114 73.5 35

Oregon 11,551 7,368 63.8 27

Utah 6,102 4,704 77.1 30

Region Subtotal 129,886 85,886 66.1 -

Region Subtotal ̶ CA 28,224 19,758 70.0 -

United States 845,594 564,335 66.7 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. Physicians whose sex was missing (n=1,093) are excluded.

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Table 25: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population in Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013


Number of Physicians per 100,000 Population

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Arizona 230 244 276 46 20.0

California 270 294 329 59 21.9

Idaho 154 193 208 54 35.1

Nevada 168 209 226 58 34.5

Oregon 242 302 357 115 47.5

Utah 205 234 249 44 21.5

United States 252 295 326 74 29.4

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

Table 26: Number of Residents per One Allopathic Physician (MD) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013


Number of Residents per One Physician in Patient Care

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Arizona 435 409 362 -73 -16.8

California 371 340 304 -67 -18.1

Idaho 650 517 481 -169 -26.0

Nevada 595 478 443 -152 -25.5

Oregon 414 331 280 -134 -32.4

Utah 488 426 401 -87 -17.8

United States 397 339 306 -91 -22.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 27: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population in Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013


Number of Physicians in Patient Care per 100,000 Population

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Arizona 179 189 213 34 19.0

California 216 228 250 34 15.7

Idaho 126 161 164 38 30.2

Nevada 142 172 173 31 21.8

Oregon 193 235 269 76 39.4

Utah 170 191 201 31 18.2

United States 207 235 253 46 22.2

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 28: Number of Residents per One Allopathic Physician (MD) in Patient Care in Nevada and Neighboring States – 1993 to 2013


Number of Residents per One Physician in Patient Care

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Arizona 558 528 469 -89 -15.9

California 462 438 399 -63 -13.6

Idaho 796 622 608 -188 -23.6

Nevada 703 582 579 -124 -17.6

Oregon 519 425 372 -147 -28.3

Utah 588 525 498 -90 -15.3

United States 483 426 395 -88 -18.2

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 29: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Specialty Total MDs per 100,000 Population Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Change Percent

General and Family Practice 20.7 23.4 22.0 1.3 6.0

Family Medicine 14.8 20.2 20.9 6.1 41.0

General Practice 5.9 3.2 1.0 -4.8 -82.3

Medical Specialties 45.4 62.6 67.7 22.2 48.9

Allergy & Immunology 0.9 0.8 0.7 -0.2 -24.1

Cardiovascular Disease 5.6 5.9 4.8 -0.8 -14.8

Dermatology 1.7 2.2 1.9 0.3 16.8

Gastroenterology 2.1 2.4 2.8 0.7 34.9

Internal Medicine 24.5 35.3 40.5 15.9 65.1

Pediatric Cardiology 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.3 107.6

Pediatrics 8.7 13.4 14.3 5.6 64.3

Pulmonary Disease 1.7 2.2 2.2 0.4 24.6

Surgical Specialties 39.2 39.8 36.4 -2.7 -7.0

Colon & Rectal Surgery 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 16.8

General Surgery 9.6 8.9 8.3 -1.3 -13.7

Neurological Surgery 1.7 1.2 1.1 -0.7 -37.7

Obstetrics & Gynecology 11.1 11.9 10.3 -0.8 -7.2

Ophthalmology 3.7 4.1 3.7 0.1 1.8

Orthopedic Surgery 5.6 5.4 5.4 -0.2 -3.2

Otolaryngology 2.1 2.1 1.7 -0.4 -17.0

Plastic Surgery 2.1 2.0 2.3 0.2 9.0

Thoracic Surgery 0.6 1.4 1.0 0.3 55.7

Urology Surgery 2.4 2.5 2.3 -0.1 -3.6

Other Specialties 43.2 52.3 52.3 9.1 21.0

Aerospace Medicine 0.2 0.1 0.0 -0.2 -82.7

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 3.9 4.0 2.8 -1.1 -29.0

Anesthesiology 10.4 13.7 13.1 2.8 26.6

Child & Adolescent Psychology 0.7 0.9 1.3 0.6 81.6

Diagnostic Radiology 5.3 6.0 5.8 0.5 9.9

Emergency Medicine 5.7 7.5 10.0 4.3 74.5

Forensic Medicine 0.3 0.3 0.2 -0.1 -22.2

General Prev Medicine 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.3 159.5

Medical Genetics 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Neurology 2.6 2.5 3.0 0.5 17.8

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Nuclear Medicine 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 159.5

Occupational Medicine 1.1 0.8 0.4 -0.7 -61.1

Other Specialty 1.7 1.8 1.1 -0.6 -33.6

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 1.2 2.3 2.8 1.6 124.9

Psychiatry 5.5 7.2 6.5 1.0 18.9

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 0.5 0.3 0.1 -0.4 -85.2

Radiation Oncology 1.0 1.1 1.1 0.1 10.7

Radiology 2.3 2.5 2.2 -0.2 -6.9

Transplant Surgery 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Unspecified 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.4 85.4

Active MDs – Non Patient Care 6.2 6.1 5.6 -0.6 -9.5

Not Classified MDs 3.0 7.3 7.7 4.7 158.3

Inactive MDs 16.4 24.1 39.7 23.3 141.8

Total MDs 168.0 209.3 225.8 57.8 34.4

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Physicians in “Patient Care” refer to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. “Inactive MDs” include physicians who are retired, semi-retired, working part-time, temporarily not in practice, or not active for other reasons and who indicated they worked 20 hours or less per week. “Not Classified MDs” includes physicians who did not provide information on their type of practice or their present employment.

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42 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 30: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada, Mountain Region, and the U.S. – 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs per 100,000 Population Nevada per Capita

Number as a Percent of –

Nevada Mountain

Region United States

Mountain Region

United States

General and Family Practice 22.0 33.0 31.7 66.6 69.2

Family Medicine 20.9 31.4 29.6 66.8 70.6


General Practice 1.0 1.2 2.1 83.7 49.2

Medical Specialties 67.7 76.3 104.8 88.7 64.6

Allergy & Immunology 0.7 1.1 1.4 63.9 47.2

Cardiovascular Disease 4.8 5.0 7.5 96.0 63.9

Dermatology 1.9 3.1 3.8 61.8 50.4

Gastroenterology 2.8 3.4 4.5 81.8 61.5

Internal Medicine 40.5 39.6 56.0 102.3 72.3

Pediatric Cardiology 0.6 0.7 0.8 85.8 71.0

Pediatrics 14.3 20.0 26.7 71.6 53.5

Pulmonary Disease 2.2 3.5 4.0 61.0 54.1

Surgical Specialties 36.4 45.5 54.4 80.0 67.0

Colon & Rectal Surgery 0.3 0.3 0.5 99.7 59.9

General Surgery 8.3 10.2 12.4 80.9 66.7

Neurological Surgery 1.1 1.8 2.0 60.9 53.8

Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.3 11.9 14.0 86.9 73.7

Ophthalmology 3.7 4.5 6.1 82.2 60.9

Orthopedic Surgery 5.4 8.0 8.4 67.9 64.6

Otolaryngology 1.7 2.8 3.4 61.8 50.5

Plastic Surgery 2.3 2.1 2.5 109.5 89.6

Thoracic Surgery 1.0 1.1 1.5 86.5 65.5

Urology Surgery 2.3 2.8 3.5 82.8 66.6

Other Specialties 52.3 66.9 79.4 78.2 65.8

Aerospace Medicine 0.0 0.2 0.1 18.6 30.1

Anatomical & Clinical Pathology 2.8 4.5 6.1 16.7 45.9

Anesthesiology 13.1 14.1 14.6 93.2 89.8

Child & Adolescent Psychology 1.3 2.1 2.6 59.6 47.5

Diagnostic Radiology 5.8 7.1 8.6 81.8 67.9

Emergency Medicine 10.0 12.9 12.1 77.6 82.4

Forensic Medicine 0.2 0.2 0.2 98.4 99.8

General Preventive Medicine 0.5 0.7 0.8 78.9 69.2

Medical Genetics 0.1 0.2 0.2 64.7 45.1

Neurology 3.0 4.3 5.7 70.4 53.1

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Nuclear Medicine 0.2 0.2 0.4 102.5 40.1

Occupational Medicine 0.4 0.8 0.7 54.1 60.4

Other Specialty 1.1 1.6 1.9 73.9 59.6

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 2.8 2.9 3.3 96.2 84.1

Psychiatry 6.5 9.1 12.9 71.2 50.3

Public Health & Gen Prev Medicine 0.1 0.3 0.5 24.9 15.7

Radiation Oncology 1.1 1.3 1.6 87.5 69.6

Radiology 2.2 2.9 3.2 75.7 67.5

Transplant Surgery 0.0 0.0 0.1 136.7 54.5

Unspecified 0.9 1.6 3.7 55.0 24.0

Not Classified MDs 7.7 6.6 13.8 116.5 55.7

Inactive MDs 39.7 45.4 46.7 87.5 85.1

Total MDs 225.8 273.3 330.8 82.6 68.2

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Per capita difference may not sum due to rounding errors. Nevada and Mountain Region figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. United States figures for not classified includes physicians whose address is unknown. Mountain Region includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

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44 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 31: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada – 1993 to 2013

Major Specialty

Number of MDs in Patient Care per 100,000 Population

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

General and Family Practice 20.0 22.8 21.3 1.3 6.3

Family Medicine 14.3 19.8 20.3 6.0 42.2

General Practice 5.7 3.0 1.0 -4.8 -83.1

Medical Specialties 43.7 60.6 65.4 21.7 49.5

Allergy & Immunology 0.9 0.8 0.6 -0.3 -28.1

Cardiovascular Disease 5.3 5.7 4.6 -0.7 -13.1

Dermatology 1.6 2.1 1.9 0.3 21.9

Gastroenterology 2.1 2.4 2.8 0.7 34.9

Internal Medicine 23.5 34.1 38.9 15.4 65.5

Pediatric Cardiology 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.3 107.6

Pediatrics 8.4 13.0 13.8 5.5 65.6

Pulmonary Disease 1.7 2.1 2.1 0.4 22.5

Surgical Specialties 38.6 39.0 35.8 -2.8 -7.3

Colon & Rectal Surgery 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.0 16.8

General Surgery 9.6 8.7 8.2 -1.4 -14.9

Neurological Surgery 1.7 1.2 1.0 -0.6 -37.3

Obstetrics & Gynecology 11.0 11.7 10.1 -0.8 -7.6

Ophthalmology 3.5 4.0 3.6 0.1 2.8

Orthopedic Surgery 5.5 5.3 5.4 0.0 -0.8

Otolaryngology 2.1 2.1 1.6 -0.4 -20.4

Plastic Surgery 2.1 2.0 2.2 0.2 7.3

Thoracic Surgery 0.6 1.3 1.0 0.4 75.2

Urology Surgery 2.4 2.4 2.2 -0.2 -8.1

Other Specialties 40.0 49.4 50.3 10.3 25.8

Aerospace Medicine 0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -74.1

Anatomical & Clinical Pathology 3.5 3.6 2.6 -0.9 -26.7

Anesthesiology 10.2 13.5 13.0 2.9 28.2

Child & Adolescent Psychology 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.5 66.1

Diagnostic Radiology 5.1 5.9 5.7 0.6 11.5

Emergency Medicine 5.6 7.4 10.0 4.4 78.1

Forensic Medicine 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.0 3.8

General Preventive Medicine 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.4 574.7

Medical Genetics 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Neurology 2.4 2.4 2.9 0.5 18.6

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Nuclear Medicine 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.1 159.5

Occupational Medicine 1.0 0.6 0.3 -0.6 -66.6

Other Specialty 1.0 1.3 0.9 -0.1 -13.5

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 1.2 2.2 2.7 1.5 119.1

Psychiatry 4.8 6.8 6.1 1.3 27.9

Public Health & Gen Prev Medicine 0.3 0.1 0.0 -0.2 -87.0

Radiation Oncology 1.0 1.0 1.1 0.1 14.9

Radiology 2.3 2.4 2.0 -0.3 -13.0

Transplant Surgery 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Unspecified 0.5 0.4 0.9 0.4 85.4

Not Classified MDs 3.0 7.3 7.7 4.7 158.3

Inactive MDs 16.4 24.1 39.7 23.3 141.8

Total MDs 168.0 209.3 225.8 57.8 34.4

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Per capita difference may not sum due to rounding errors. Nevada and Mountain Region figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. United States figures for not classified includes physicians whose address is unknown. Mountain Region includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

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46 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 32: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by Self-Designated Specialty in Nevada, Mountain Region, and U.S. – 2013

Major Specialty

Total MDs in Patient Care per 100,000 Population

Nevada per Capita Number as a Percent of –

Nevada Mountain

Region United States

Mountain Region

United States

General and Family Practice 21.3 31.4 30.5 67.8 69.7

Family Medicine 20.3 30.2 28.5 67.2 71.2

General Practice 1.0 1.2 2.0 83.6 48.0

Medical Specialties 65.4 72.6 98.6 90.1 66.3

Allergy & Immunology 0.6 1.0 1.3 65.3 49.2

Cardiovascular Disease 4.6 4.7 7.1 97.5 65.4

Dermatology 1.9 3.0 3.7 63.5 51.6

Gastroenterology 2.8 3.3 4.3 84.2 64.3

Internal Medicine 38.9 37.5 52.5 103.5 74.1

Pediatric Cardiology 0.6 0.6 0.8 92.4 76.1

Pediatrics 13.8 19.0 25.3 72.8 54.8

Pulmonary Disease 2.1

3.3 3.7 64.2 57.1

Surgical Specialties 35.8 44.5 53.0 80.3 67.5

Colon & Rectal Surgery 0.3 0.3 0.5 101.1 61.1

General Surgery 8.2 10.0 12.0 81.7 67.8

Neurological Surgery 1.0 1.7 2.0 60.4 53.3

Obstetrics & Gynecology 10.1 11.6 13.6 87.7 74.7

Ophthalmology 3.6 4.5 6.0 81.0 60.4

Orthopedic Surgery 5.4 7.9 8.2 68.9 65.7

Otolaryngology 1.6 2.7 3.3 60.7 49.3

Plastic Surgery 2.2 2.0 2.5 108.6 89.6

Thoracic Surgery 1.0 1.1 1.4 88.6 68.1

Urology Surgery 2.2 2.8 3.4 80.7 64.8

Other Specialties 50.3 63.0 74.0 79.8 68.0

Aerospace Medicine 0.0 0.1 0.1 41.0 52.7

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 2.6 3.8 5.2 67.2 49.9

Anesthesiology 13.0 13.8 14.2 94.4 91.5

Child & Adolescent Psychology 1.1 2.0 2.5 58.3 46.1

Diagnostic Radiology 5.7 6.9 8.3 82.2 68.4

Emergency Medicine 10.0 12.6 11.7 79.4 85.1

Forensic Medicine 0.1 0.2 0.2 82.0 95.4

General Preventive Medicine 0.5 0.6 0.6 80.2 74.9

Medical Genetics 0.0 0.1 0.2 26.5 19.0

Neurology 2.9 4.0 5.2 71.3 54.7

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Nuclear Medicine 0.2 0.2 0.4 110.8 45.0

Occupational Medicine 0.3 0.7 0.5 49.5 62.3

Other Specialty 0.9 1.0 1.3 85.4 68.9

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 2.7 2.8 3.2 96.9 84.8

Psychiatry 6.1 8.5 12.0 71.6 50.9

Pub Health & Gen Prev Med 0.0 0.1 0.1 54.7 56.9

Radiation Oncology 1.1 1.3 1.6 86.2 69.3

Radiology 2.0 2.8 3.1 74.0 66.6

Transplant Surgery 0.0 0.0 0.1 136.7 59.3

Unspecified 0.9 1.6 3.6 56.5 24.9

Active MDs – Patient Care 172.7 211.5 256.2 81.7 67.4

Active MDs – Non Patient Care 5.6 9.8 14.2 57.4 39.7

Not Classified 7.7 6.6 13.8 116.5 55.7

Inactive 39.7 45.4 46.7 87.5 85.1

Total MDs in Patient Care 225.8 273.3 330.8 82.6 68.2

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Nevada and Mountain Region figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. United States figures for not classified includes physicians whose address is unknown. Mountain Region includes Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming.

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48 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 33: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) Needed in Nevada to Meet Mountain Region Average per Capita Rates – 2013

Major Specialty

Nevada MDs Mountain Region MDs

Total Number

per 100,000 Population

Additional Number Needed

Number per 100,000 Population

General and Family Practice 613 22.0 307 7,549 33.0

Family Medicine 584 20.9 291 7,175 31.4

General Practice 29 1.0 6 284 1.2

Medical Specialties 1,888 67.7 241 17,459 76.3

Allergy & Immunology 19 0.7 11 244 1.1

Cardiovascular Disease 133 4.8 6 1,136 5.0

Dermatology 54 1.9 33 717 3.1

Gastroenterology 78 2.8 17 782 3.4

Internal Medicine 1,129 40.5 - 9,053 39.6

Pediatric Cardiology 16 0.6 3 153 0.7

Pediatrics 399 14.3 158 4,567 20.0

Pulmonary Disease 60 2.2 38 807 3.5

Surgical Specialties 1,016 36.4 253 10,409 45.5

Colon & Rectal Surgery 9 0.3 0 74 0.3

General Surgery 231 8.3 54 2,341 10.2

Neurological Surgery 30 1.1 19 404 1.8

Obstetrics & Gynecology 288 10.3 44 2,719 11.9

Ophthalmology 104 3.7 23 1,038 4.5

Orthopedic Surgery 151 5.4 71 1,824 8.0

Otolaryngology 48 1.7 30 637 2.8

Plastic Surgery 63 2.3 - 472 2.1

Thoracic Surgery 27 1.0 4 256 1.1

Urology Surgery 65 2.3 14 644 2.8

Other Specialties 1,459 52.3 407 15,306 66.9

Aerospace Medicine 1 0.0 4 44 0.2

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 78 2.8 46 1,021 4.5

Anesthesiology 366 13.1 27 3,220 14.1

Child & Adolescent Psychology 35 1.3 24 482 2.1

Diagnostic Radiology 163 5.8 36 1,634 7.1

Emergency Medicine 279 10.0 80 2,948 12.9

Forensic Medicine 6 0.2 0 50 0.2

General Preventive Medicine 15 0.5 4 156 0.7

Medical Genetics 3 0.1 2 38 0.2

Neurology 84 3.0 35 979 4.3

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Nuclear Medicine 5 0.2 - 40 0.2

Occupational Medicine 12 0.4 10 182 0.8

Other Specialty 32 1.1 11 355 1.6

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 78 2.8 3 665 2.9

Psychiatry 181 6.5 73 2,085 9.1

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 2 0.1 6 66 0.3

Radiation Oncology 32 1.1 5 300 1.3

Radiology 61 2.2 20 661 2.9

Transplant Surgery 1 0.0 - 6 0.0

Unspecified 25 0.9 20 373 1.6

Not Classified MDs 214 7.7 - 1.506 6.6

Inactive MDs 1,109 39.7 158 10,394 45.4

Total MDs 6,299 225.8 1,326 62,533 273.3

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

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50 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 34: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) Needed in Nevada to Meet U.S. Average per Capita Rates – 2013

Major Specialty

Nevada MDs United States MDs

Total Number

per 100,000 Population

Additional Number Needed

Number per 100,000 Population

General and Family Practice 613 22.0 273 100,358 31.7

Family Medicine 584 20.9 243 93,675 29.6

General Practice 29 1.0 30 6,683 2.1

Medical Specialties 1,888 67.7 1,036 331,364 104.8

Allergy & Immunology 19 0.7 21 4,561 1.4

Cardiovascular Disease 133 4.8 75 23,575 7.5

Dermatology 54 1.9 53 12,131 3.8

Gastroenterology 78 2.8 79 14,366 4.5

Internal Medicine 1,129 40.5 434 177,056 56.0

Pediatric Cardiology 16 0.6 7 2,552 0.8

Pediatrics 399 14.3 347 84,559 26.7

Pulmonary Disease 60 2.2 51 12,564 4.0

Surgical Specialties 1,016 36.4 501 171,854 54.4

Colon & Rectal Surgery 9 0.3 6 1,702 0.5

General Surgery 231 8.3 115 39,247 12.4

Neurological Surgery 30 1.1 26 6,314 2.0

Obstetrics & Gynecology 288 10.3 103 44,299 14.0

Ophthalmology 104 3.7 67 19,355 6.1

Orthopedic Surgery 151 5.4 83 26,477 8.4

Otolaryngology 48 1.7 47 10,766 3.4

Plastic Surgery 63 2.3 7 7,970 2.5

Thoracic Surgery 27 1.0 14 4,668 1.5

Urology Surgery 65 2.3 33 11,056 3.5

Other Specialties 1,459 52.3 757 251,122 79.4

Aerospace Medicine 1 0.0 2 376 0.1

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 78 2.8 92 19,237 6.1

Anesthesiology 366 13.1 42 46,173 14.6

Child & Adolescent Psychology 35 1.3 39 8,342 2.6

Diagnostic Radiology 163 5.8 77 27,204 8.6

Emergency Medicine 279 10.0 60 38,373 12.1

Forensic Medicine 6 0.2 0 681 0.2

General Preventive Medicine 15 0.5 7 2,455 0.8

Medical Genetics 3 0.1 4 754 0.2

Neurology 84 3.0 74 17,916 5.7

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Nuclear Medicine 5 0.2 7 1,414 0.4

Occupational Medicine 12 0.4 8 2,252 0.7

Other Specialty 32 1.1 22 6,079 1.9

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 78 2.8 15 10,513 3.3

Psychiatry 181 6.5 179 40,737 12.9

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 2 0.1 11 1,444 0.5

Radiation Oncology 32 1.1 14 5,210 1.6

Radiology 61 2.2 29 10,239 3.2

Transplant Surgery 1 0.0 1 208 0.1

Unspecified 25 0.9 79 11,786 3.7

Not Classified 214 7.7 170 43,536 13.8

Inactive 1,109 39.7 194 147,676 46.7

Total MDs 6,299 225.8 2,932 1,045,910 330.8 Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

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52 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 35: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Nevada by County Compared to Mountain Region Average per Capita – 2013


Nevada MDs


Number per 100,000 Population

Additional Number

Needed to meet Regional


Rural Counties

Churchill County 30 118.5 39

Douglas County 103 212.5 29

Elko County 51 95.5 95

Esmeralda County 0 - -

Eureka County 0 - -

Humboldt County 9 51.6 39

Lander County 2 31.5 15

Lincoln County 2 39.8 12

Lyon County 15 28.3 130

Mineral County 5 107.3 8

Nye County 32 71.5 90

Pershing County 2 29.1 17

Storey County 0 - -

White Pine County 11 109.0 17

Rural Subtotal 262 92.8 509

Urban Counties

Carson City 157 287.2 -

Clark County 4,409 217.0 1,144

Washoe County 1,471 340.3 -

Urban Subtotal 6,037 239.7 847

Nevada Total MDs 6,299 225.8 1,326 Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office, 2013. Notes: Regional average refers to the number of MDs per 100,000 population in the Mountain Region in 2013 (273.3).

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Table 36: Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Nevada by County Compared to U.S. Average per Capita Rates – 2013


Nevada MDs


Number per 100,000 Population

Additional Number

Needed to meet National Average

Rural Counties

Churchill County 30 118.5 54

Douglas County 103 212.5 57

Elko County 51 95.5 126

Esmeralda County 0 - -

Eureka County 0 - -

Humboldt County 9 51.6 49

Lander County 2 31.5 19

Lincoln County 2 39.8 15

Lyon County 15 28.3 160

Mineral County 5 107.3 10

Nye County 32 71.5 116

Pershing County 2 29.1 21

Storey County 0 - -

White Pine County 11 109.0 22

Rural Subtotal 262 92.8 672

Urban Counties

Carson City 157 287.2 24

Clark County 4,409 217.0 2,312

Washoe County 1,471 340.3 -

Urban Subtotal 6,037 239.7 2,295

Nevada Total MDs 6,299 225.8 2,930 Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office, 2013. Notes: National average refers to the number of MDs per 100,000 population in the U.S. in 2013 (330.8).

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54 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 37: Total Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013


Total MDs Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Rural Counties

Churchill County 14 35 30 16 114.3

Douglas County 35 98 103 68 194.3

Elko County 22 50 51 29 131.8

Esmeralda County 0 0 0 - -

Eureka County 0 1 0 - -

Humboldt County 9 9 9 0 0.0

Lander County 1 3 2 1 100.0

Lincoln County 1 1 2 1 100.0

Lyon County 8 20 15 7 87.5

Mineral County 5 4 5 0 0.0

Nye County 8 24 32 24 300.0

Pershing County 1 2 2 1 100.0

Storey County 0 0 0 - -

White Pine County 8 15 11 3 37.5

Rural Subtotal 112 262 262 150 133.9

Urban Counties

Carson City 96 161 157 61 63.5

Clark County 1,452 3,091 4,409 2,957 203.7

Washoe County 772 1,176 1,471 699 90.5

Urban Subtotal 2,320 4,428 6,037 3,717 160.2

Nevada Total MDs 2,432 4,690 6,299 3,867 159.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Office of Statewide Initiatives 55

Table 38: Total Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013


Total MDs per 100,000 Population Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Rural Counties

Churchill County 70.4 135.6 118.5 48.1 68.2

Douglas County 103.3 214.9 212.5 109.1 105.6

Elko County 55.8 109.2 95.5 39.7 71.1

Esmeralda County 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -

Eureka County 0.0 67.3 0.0 - -

Humboldt County 62.0 54.7 51.6 -10.4 -16.8

Lander County 15.5 56.9 31.5 16.0 103.2

Lincoln County 25.8 26.7 39.8 14.0 54.4

Lyon County 33.6 48.5 28.3 -5.3 -15.6

Mineral County 81.1 85.3 107.3 26.2 32.3

Nye County 39.9 65.5 71.5 31.6 79.3

Pershing County 19.0 28.7 29.1 10.0 52.6

Storey County 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -

White Pine County 89.4 169.6 109.0 19.6 21.9

Rural Subtotal 59.6 105.9 92.8 33.2 55.6

Urban Counties

Carson City 212.7 291.6 287.2 74.5 35.0

Clark County 158.4 190.7 217.0 58.6 37.0

Washoe County 273.6 315.1 340.3 66.7 24.4

Urban Subtotal 186.4 216.1 239.7 53.3 28.6

Nevada Total MDs 169.8 204.2 225.8 55.9 32.9

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office, 1993, 2003, and 2013.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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56 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 39: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013


Physicians in Patient Care Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Rural Counties

Churchill County 13 32 26 13 100.0

Douglas County 23 65 72 49 213.0

Elko County 19 44 38 19 100.0

Esmeralda County 0 0 0 0 -

Eureka County 0 1 0 - -

Humboldt County 7 9 8 1 14.3

Lander County 1 3 2 1 100.0

Lincoln County 1 1 2 1 100.0

Lyon County 6 14 9 3 50.0

Mineral County 5 3 4 -1 -20.0

Nye County 7 18 18 11 157.1

Pershing County 1 2 0 -1 -100.0

Storey County 0 0 0 - -

White Pine County 8 14 10 2 25.0

Rural Subtotal 91 206 189 98 107.7

Urban Counties

Carson City 84 139 130 46 54.8

Clark County 1,237 2,559 3,337 2,100 169.8

Washoe County 649 947 1,163 514 79.2

Urban Subtotal 1,970 3,645 4,630 2,660 135.0

Nevada Total MDs 2,061 3,851 4,819 2,758 133.8

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office, 1993, 2003, and 2013.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an

office-based setting or hospital. All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. Population base from 2010 Census.

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Office of Statewide Initiatives 57

Table 40: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population by County in Nevada – 1993 to 2013


Physicians in Patient Care per 100,000 Population

Change – 1993 to 2013

1993 2003 2013 Number Percent

Rural Counties

Churchill County 65.4 124.0 102.7 37.3 57.0

Douglas County 67.9 142.5 148.5 80.6 118.7

Elko County 48.2 96.1 71.2 23.0 47.6

Esmeralda County 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -

Eureka County 0.0 67.3 0.0 - -

Humboldt County 48.2 54.7 45.8 -2.4 -4.9

Lander County 15.5 56.9 31.5 16.0 103.2

Lincoln County 25.8 26.7 39.8 14.0 54.4

Lyon County 25.2 33.9 17.0 -8.2 -32.5

Mineral County 81.1 64.0 85.8 4.7 5.8

Nye County 34.9 49.1 40.2 5.3 15.3

Pershing County 19.0 28.7 0.0 -19.0 -100.0

Storey County 0.0 0.0 0.0 - -

White Pine County 89.4 158.3 99.1 9.7 10.9

Rural Subtotal 48.5 83.3 67.0 18.5 38.2

Urban Counties

Carson City 186.1 251.7 237.8 51.7 27.8

Clark County 134.9 157.9 164.2 29.3 21.7

Washoe County 230.0 253.7 269.0 39.0 17.0

Urban Subtotal 158.3 177.9 183.8 25.6 16.1

Nevada Total MDs 143.9 167.7 172.7 28.8 20.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995. Population data from Nevada State Demographer’s Office, 1993, 2003, and 2013.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an

office-based setting or hospital. All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 41: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013

Major Professional Activity Metropolitan Micropolitan

Neither Metro nor Micro


Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 513 8.5 41 19.5 20 38.5 574 9.1

General Practice 23 0.4 4 1.9 2 3.8 29 0.5

Internal Medicine 793 13.1 26 12.4 7 13.5 826 13.1

Obstetrics/Gynecology 244 4.0 5 2.4 3 5.8 252 4.0

Pediatrics 281 4.7 8 3.8 2 3.8 291 4.6

Total Primary Care MDs


1,854 30.7 84 40.0 34 65.4 1,972 31.3

Primary Care Sub-specialties 461 7.6 3 1.4 0 0.0 464 7.4

All Other Specialties 2,465 40.8 65 31.0 10 19.2 2,540 40.3

Not Classified MDs 1,257 20.8 58 27.6 8 15.4 1,323 21.0

Total MDs 6,037 100.0 210 100.0 52 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. “Other” includes other, inactive, and not classified physicians. Metropolitan cities are in Carson City, Clark, and Washoe counties. Micropolitan cities are in Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Humboldt, Lyon, and Nye counties. Neither Metro nor Micro are the remaining rural counties: Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, and White Pine.

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Table 42: Allopathic Physicians (MDs) by Major Professional Activity in Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013

Major Professional Activity Metropolitan Micropolitan

Neither Metro nor Micro


Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Office-based Practice

Family Medicine/General


456 7.6 44 18.3 6 27.3 506 8.0

Medical Specialties 1,465 24.3 38 15.8 4 18.2 1,507 23.9

Surgical Specialties 850 14.1 32 13.3 1 4.5 883 14.0

Other Specialties 1,130 18.7 29 12.1 0 0.0 1,159 18.4

Subtotal Office-based


3,901 64.6 143 59.6 11 50.0 4,055 64.4

Hospital-based Practice 729 12.1 28 11.7 7 31.8 764 12.1

Total Patient Care MDs


4,630 76.7 171 71.3 18 81.8 4,819 76.5

Other Professional Activity 150 2.5 7 2.9 0 0.0 157 2.5

Not Classified MDs 209 3.5 5 2.1 0 0.0 214 3.4

Inactive no Address


1,048 17.4 57 23.8 4 18.2 1,109 17.6

Total MDs 6,037 100.0 240 100.0 22 100.0 6,299 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Other includes other, inactive, and not classified physicians Metropolitan cities are in Carson City, Clark, and Washoe counties. Micropolitan cities are in Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Humboldt, Lyon, and Nye counties. Neither Metro nor Micro are the remaining rural counties: Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, and White Pine.

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Table 43: Graduates of the University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Practicing in the U.S. by Year of Graduation and Gender – 2013

Year of Graduation

UNSOM Graduates Practicing in the United States – 2013

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

1980 – 1989 315 70.8 130 29.2 445 100.0

1990 – 1999 301 63.1 176 36.9 477 100.0

2000 – To Present

391 53.6 339 46.4 730 100.0

Total MDs 1,007 61.0 645 39.0 1,652 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

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Table 44: Graduates of the University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Practicing in the United States by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty – 2003 to 2013


UNSOM Graduates Practicing Primary Care in The U.S. Change –2003 to

2013 2003 2008 2013

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 205 18.2 226 16.3 259 15.7 54 26.3

General Practice 5 0.4 6 0.4 6 0.4 1 20.0

Internal Medicine 127 11.3 157 11.4 187 11.3 60 47.2

Obstetrics/Gynecology 89 7.9 103 7.4 120 7.3 31 34.8

Pediatrics 61 5.4 70 5.1 84 5.1 23 37.7

Total Primary Care MDs 487 43.3 562 40.6 656 39.7 169 34.7

Primary Care Sub-specialties 47 4.2 58 4.2 99 6.0 52 110.6

All Other Specialties 543 48.2 678 49.0 811 49.1 268 49.4

Not Classified MDs 36 3.2 69 5.0 51 3.1 15 41.7

Inactive no Address


13 1.2 16 1.2 35 2.1 22 169.2

Total MDs 1,126 100.0 1,383 100.0 1,652 100.0 526 46.7

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2009; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classifications.

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Table 45: University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Retention of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Graduates – 2015

Patient Care Practice

Continuing GME or

Other Total

Physicians Remaining in Nevada 44

(42.7%) 8

(7.8%) 52


Physicians Leaving Nevada 34

(33.0%) 17

(16.5%) 51


Total 78

(75.7%) 25

(24.3%) 103


Source: Nevada Office of Statewide Initiatives, University of Nevada School of Medicine. Nevada Residency and Fellowship Training Outcomes – 2004 to 2013, 2014.

Table 46: University of Nevada School of Medicine (UNSOM) Graduation and Retention – 2006 to 2015

Patient Care Practice

Continuing GME or Other


Physicians Remaining in Nevada 341

(44.1%) 57

(7.4%) 398


Physicians Leaving Nevada 277

(35.8%) 98

(12.7%) 375


Total 618

(79.9%) 155

(20.1%) 773


Source: Nevada Office of Statewide Initiatives, University of Nevada School of Medicine. Nevada Residency and Fellowship Training Outcomes – 2004 to 2013, 2014.

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Table 47: Physicians Retained from Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Active Physicians Who Graduated from MD or

DO Schools In-State

Active Physicians Who Graduated from MD or DO School In-State

and are Active In-State

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 4,289 1,824 42.5 19

California 41,020 25,705 62.7 1

Idaho - - - -

Nevada 1,608 583 36.4 27

Oregon 3,734 1,683 45.1 15

Utah 3,661 1,654 45.2 14

Region Subtotal 54,312 31,449 57.9 -

Region Subtotal – CA 13,292 5,744 43.2 -

United States 630,376 244,040 38.7 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Idaho has no physicians retained from an in-state medical or osteopathic school. Table includes UNSOM and Touro University data.

Table 48: Physicians Retained from Public Undergraduate Medical

Education (UME) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014


Active Physicians Who Graduated from Public

MD or DO Schools In-State

Active Physicians Who Graduated from Public MD or DO School In-

State and are Active In-State

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 3,152 1,553 49.7 14

California 22,243 15,188 68.3 1

Idaho - - - -

Nevada 1,409 547 38.8 31

Oregon 3,734 1,683 45.1 20

Utah 3,661 1,654 45.2 19

Region Subtotal 34,199 20,625 60.3 -

Region Subtotal – CA 11,956 5,437 45.5 -

United States 347,057 164,408 38.7 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Idaho has no physicians retained from a public in-state medical or osteopathic school. Table includes only UNSOM data.

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Table 49: Physicians (MDs and DOs) Retained from Graduate Medical Education (GME) in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Active Physicians Who

Completed GME In-State

Active Physicians Who Completed GME In-State and are Active In-State

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 8,258 4,014 48.6 14

California 79,976 55,842 69.8 1

Idaho 378 204 54.0 9

Nevada 1,168 631 54.0 8

Oregon 5,628 2,961 52.6 10

Utah 4,821 2,021 41.9 32

Region Subtotal 100,229 65,673 65.5 -

Region Subtotal – CA 20,253 9,831 48.5 -

United States 801,906 37,604 47.2 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Table includes all residencies from both UNSOM and non-UNSOM

Table 50: Physicians (MDs and DOs) Retained from Undergraduate Medical Education (UME) and Graduate Medical Education (GME) Combined in

Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014


Active Physicians Who Graduated from UME and Completed GME


Active Physicians Who Graduated from UME and Completed GME In-

State and are Active In-State

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 1,379 1,023 74.3 12

California 25,523 20,529 80.4 4

Idaho - - - -

Nevada 229 177 77.3 6

Oregon 1,070 737 68.9 22

Utah 947 656 69.3 21

Region Subtotal 29,148 23,122 79.3 -

Region Subtotal – CA 3,625 2,593 71.5 -

United States 214,572 161,418 66.8 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Idaho has no physicians retained from an in-state medical or osteopathic school. UME data includes UNSOM and Touro. GME data includes UNSOM and non-UNSOM.

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Table 51: Students Enrolled in All Medical or Osteopathic Schools in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year

State/Region Total


Total Students Enrolled in Medical or Osteopathic


Students Enrolled in Medical Schools

Students Enrolled in Osteopathic


Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 2,240 33.3 20 781 11.6 1,459 21.7

California 38,802,500 7,150 18.4 43 5,266 13.6 1,884 5.0

Idaho 1,634,464 - - - - - - -

Nevada 2,839,099 816 28.7 27 280 9.9 536 19.0

Oregon 3,970,239 574 14.5 44 574 14.5 - -

Utah 2,942,902 396 13.5 45 369 13.5 - -

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 11,176 19.6 - 7,270 12.8 3,879 6.8

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 4,026 22.2 - 2,004 11.1 1,995 11.0

United States 318,857,056 108,494 34.0 - 83,930 26.3 24,564 7.7

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Idaho does not have either a medical or osteopathic school. Oregon and Utah do not have an osteopathic school. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 52: Students Enrolled in Public Medical or Osteopathic Schools in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year

State/Region Total


Total Students Enrolled in Medical or Osteopathic


Students Enrolled in Medical Schools

Students Enrolled in Osteopathic


Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 781 11.6 35 781 11.6 - -

California 38,802,500 3,279 8.5 40 3,279 8.5 - -

Idaho 1,634,464 - - - - - - -

Nevada 2,839,099 280 9.9 38 280 9.9 - -

Oregon 3,970,239 574 14.5 26 574 14.5 - -

Utah 2,942,902 396 13.5 31 396 13.5 - -

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 5,310 9.3 - 5,310 9.3 - -

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 2,031 11.2 - 2,031 11.2 - -

United States 318,857,056 55,685 17.5 - 51,025 16.0 4,660 1.5

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015. Notes: Idaho does not have either a medical and/or osteopathic school. There are no public osteopathic schools in any of the

selected states. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 53: Change in the Number of Students Enrolled in Medical or Osteopathic Schools in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2004 to 2014


Total Students Enrolled in Undergraduate Medical Education (UME)

Students Enrolled in Medical School

Students Enrolled in Osteopathic


2004 2014 Change – 2004 to 2014

2004 2014 2004 2014 Number Percent Rank

Arizona 1,004 2,240 1,236 123.1 4 447 781 557 1,459

California 5,920 7,150 1,230 20.8 24 4,702 5,266 1,218 1,884

Idaho - - - - - - - - -

Nevada 296 816 520 175.7 1 218 280 78 536

Oregon 480 574 94 19.6 31 480 574 - -

Utah 429 396 -33 -7.7 45 429 396 - -

Region Subtotal 8,129 11,176 3,047 37.5 - 6,276 7,297 1,853 3,879

Region Subtotal – CA 2,209 4,026 1,817 82.3 - 1,574 2,031 635 1,995

United States 81,239 108,494 27,255 33.4 - 38,804 83,930 12,525 24,564

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Idaho does not have either a medical and/or osteopathic school. Oregon and Utah do not have an osteopathic school.

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Table 54: In-State Matriculation to Medical School – 2014 to 2015 Academic Year

State/Region Matriculants to MD

Granting Institution by State of Legal Residence

First-Year Medical Students Who Matriculated to a Medical School in Their Legal State of Residence

Number Percent Rank

Arizona 28 130 48.5 34

California 2,306 870 37.7 40

Idaho 72 - - -

Nevada 86 59 68.6 23

Oregon 196 102 52.0 33

Utah 214 83 38.8 39

Region Subtotal 2,902 1,244 42.9 -

Region Subtotal – CA 596 374 62.8 -

United States 19,833 12,213 61.6 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Data are for students in allopathic (MD) medical schools only; students attending osteopathic (DO) schools are excluded. “–“ indicates that the data is not applicable, Idaho does not have a medical school.

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Table 55: Ratio of Residents and Fellows (GME) to Medical and Osteopathic Students (UME) in Nevada and Neighboring States – Academic Year 2013 to 2014


Students Enrolled in UME Residents/Fellows in GME GME to UME Ratio


Total MDs DOs Total ACGME

Programs OGME


Arizona 2,200 742 1,458 1,712 1,640 72 0.8 33

California 6,973 5,198 1,775 10,426 10,159 267 1.5 9

Idaho - - - - - - - -

Nevada 814 266 548 373 294 79 0.5 45

Oregon 564 564 - 981 896 85 1.7 5

Utah 373 373 - 756 754 2 2.0 2

Region Subtotal 10,924 7,143 3,781 14,248 13,743 505 1.3 -

Region Subtotal – CA 3,951 1,945 2,006 3,822 3,584 238 1.0 -

United States 105,152 82,081 2,307 124,877 116,667 8,210 1.2 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). Osteopathic Graduate Medical Education (OGME). Idaho does not have either a medical or osteopathic undergraduate medical education program. Oregon and Utah do not have an osteopathic undergraduate osteopathic program. Idaho and Utah have no residents or fellows in an osteopathic graduate medical education program in the 2013 to 2014 academic year.

Table 56: Change in the Number of Residents and Fellows in ACGME-Accredited Programs in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2004 to 2014


Total Residents and Fellows in ACGME-Accredited Programs

Change – 2004 to 2014

2004 2014 Number Percent Rank

Arizona 1,173 1,640 467 39.8 5

California 9,047 10,142 1,095 12.1 40

Idaho 42 105 63 150.0 2

Nevada 201 340 139 69.2 3

Oregon 726 900 174 24.0 14

Utah 613 731 118 19.2 21

Region Subtotal 11,802 13,858 2,056 17.4 -

Region Subtotal – CA 2,755 3,716 961 34.9 -

United States 102,699 117,535 14,836 14.4 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

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Table 57: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited Programs in Nevada and Neighboring States

State/Region Total

Residents/ Fellows


Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Rank

Arizona 1,640 1,003 61.2 218 13.3 418 25.5 18

California 10,142 8,471 83.5 638 6.3 1,018 10.0 45

Idaho 105 68 64.8 24 22.9 13 12.4 42

Nevada 340 146 42.9 51 15.0 143 42.1 4

Oregon 900 744 82.7 80 8.9 75 8.3 47

Utah 731 623 85.2 35 4.8 73 10.0 46

Region Subtotal 13,858 11,055 79.8 1,046 7.5 1,740 12.6 -

Region Subtotal – CA 3,716 2,584 69.5 408 11.0 722 19.4 -

United States 117,535 77,445 65.9 10,122 8.6 29,812 25.4 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). “Total Residents/Fellows” includes 188 physicians who are graduates of Canadian schools. Rates are calculated using the US Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 58: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited Primary Care Programs per 100,000 Population by

Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States

State/Region Total


Total Residents/Fellows in Primary Care ACGME


MDs in Primary Care ACGME


DOs in Primary Care ACGME


Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 623 9.3 36 523 7.8 100 1.5

California 38,802,500 3,697 9.5 33 3,290 8.5 407 1.0

Idaho 1,634,464 104 6.4 48 80 4.9 24 1.5

Nevada 2,839,099 208 7.3 42 190 6.7 18 0.6

Oregon 3,970,239 348 8.8 39 294 7.4 53 1.3

Utah 2,942,902 259 8.8 38 246 8.4 13 0.4

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 5,239 9.2 - 4,623 8.1 615 1.1

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 1,542 8.5 - 1,333 7.4 208 1.1

United States 318,857,056 43,232 13.6 - 38,407 12.0 4,825 1.5

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The number of MDs includes MDs from international medical schools. Rates are calculated using the US Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 59: Residents and Fellows on Duty as of December 31, 2014 in ACGME-Accredited Programs per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States

State/Region Total


Total Residents/Fellows in

ACGME Programs





Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 1,640 24.4 36 1,422 21.1 218 3.2

California 38,802,500 10,142 26.1 31 9,504 24.5 638 1.6

Idaho 1,634,464 105 6.4 48 81 5.0 24 1.5

Nevada 2,839,099 340 12.0 46 289 10.2 51 1.8

Oregon 3,970,239 900 22.7 38 820 20.7 80 2.0

Utah 2,942,902 731 24.8 35 696 23.7 35 1.2

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 13,858 24.3 - 12,812 22.5 1,046 1.8

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 3,716 20.5 - 3,308 18.3 408 2.3

United States 318,857,056 117,535 36.9 - 107,413 33.7 10,122 3.2

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). The number of MDs includes MDs from international medical

schools. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

Office of Statewide Initiatives 73

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section Four: Active Physicians by Degree Type (MDs & DOs)

Executive Summary and Key Findings

Currently, 27.9% of physicians with an active license in Nevada are “international medical

graduates” (IMGs) – that is, they received their undergraduate medical education in another

country. In 2013, Nevada ranked 8th among US states in the percentage of physicians who are

IMGs (Table 60).

There are currently 5,604 total active physicians in Nevada, including 4,999 allopathic

physicians (MDs) and 605 osteopathic physicians (DOs). In 2013, Nevada ranked 47th among US

states in the number of active physicians (MD and DO) per capita. Nevada has 197.4 active

physicians per 100,000 population, as compared to the US rate of 265.5 active physicians per

100,000 population (Table 61).

There are currently 5,101 total active patient care physicians in Nevada, including 4,594

allopathic physicians (MDs) and 507 osteopathic physicians (DOs). In 2013, Nevada ranked 49th

among US states in the number of active patient care physicians (MD and DO) per capita.

Nevada has 179.7 active patient care physicians per 100,000 population, as compared to the US

rate of 234.7 active patient care physicians per 100,000 population (Table 62).

There are currently 1,982 total active primary care physicians in Nevada, including 1,736

allopathic physicians (MDs) and 246 osteopathic physicians (DOs). In 2013, Nevada ranked 48th

among US states in the number of active primary care physicians (MD and DO) per capita.

Nevada has 69.8 active primary care physicians per 100,000 population, as compared to the US

rate of 91.1 active primary care physicians per 100,000 population (Table 63).

There are currently 1,804 total active patient care primary care physicians in Nevada, including

1,579 allopathic physicians (MDs) and 225 osteopathic physicians (DOs). In 2013, Nevada

ranked 48th among US states in the number of active patient care primary care physicians (MD

and DO) per capita. Nevada has 63.5 active patient care primary care physicians per 100,000

population, as compared to the US rate of 82.5 active patient care primary care physicians per

100,000 population (Table 64).

In 2013, the total number of active physicians in Nevada (MDs & DOs) was 6,996. Of this

number, 5,210 were male (74.5%). Inversely, 1,786 active physicians were female – or 25.5%

(Table 65).

Currently, 80.2% of active female physicians (MDs & DOs) in Nevada report that their major

professional activity is patient care (either office-based or hospital-based) as compared to

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76.1% of active male physicians (MDs & DOs) who report that their major professional activity

is patient care (Table 66).

Currently, 38.7% of active physicians (MDs & DOs) in Nevada report that their self-designated

practice specialty is in primary care – family medicine, general practice, internal medicine,

obstetrics/gynecology, or pediatrics – or a primary-care sub-specialty (Table 67).

Currently, there are 6,996 physicians (MDs and DOs) in the physician workforce in Nevada,

including 5,395 physicians in patient care and 169 physicians in non-patient care activities

(Table 68).

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Table 60: Active Physicians by Medical School Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total

Active Physicians


Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Rank

Arizona 15,751 9,987 63.4 1,822 11.6 3,671 23.3 16

California 101,857 71,151 69.9 4,563 4.5 24,721 24.3 14

Idaho 3,099 2,549 82.3 360 11.6 154 5.0 49

Nevada 5,604 3,387 60.4 605 10.8 1,561 27.9 8

Oregon 11,567 9,388 81.2 837 7.2 1,156 10.0 44

Utah 6,106 5,054 82.8 438 7.2 553 9.1 46

Region Subtotal 143,984 101,516 70.5 8,625 6.0 31,816 22.1 -

Region Subtotal – CA 42,127 30,365 72.1 4,062 9.6 7,095 16.8 -

United States 846,626 569,633 67.3 62,644 7.4 205,053 24.2 -

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active “U.S. MDs” are physicians who received their Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree from a medical school in the United States or Puerto Rico accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education. Graduates of Canadian medical schools are not counted as U.S. MDs. “DOs” refer to physicians with a Doctor of Osteopathy degree. “IMGs” refer to physicians who graduated from a medical school outside of the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada, including U.S. citizens who completed their medical education outside of the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada. “Total active physicians” includes 9,403 physicians who are graduates of Canadian medical schools, as well as 9,839 physicians who are graduates of Puerto Rican medical schools.

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Table 61: Active Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total


Total Active Physicians Active MDs Active DOs

Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 15,754 234.0 32 13,929 206.9 1,822 27.1

California 38,802,500 101,859 262.5 20 97,294 250.7 4,563 11.8

Idaho 1,634,464 3,099 189.6 49 2,739 167.6 360 22

Nevada 2,839,099 5,604 197.4 47 4,999 176.1 605 21.3

Oregon 3,970,239 11,567 291.3 11 10,730 270.3 837 21.1

Utah 2,942,902 6,107 207.5 43 5,668 192.6 438 14.9

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 143,990 253.0 - 135,359 237.8 8,625 15.2

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 42,131 232.5 - 38,065 210.1 4,062 22.4

United States 318,857,056 846,686 265.5 - 783,982 245.9 62,644 19.6

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. Physicians who are classified as retired, semi-retired, temporarily not in practice, or not active for other reasons are excluded. Residents and fellows are also excluded. “MDs” refer to physicians with a Doctor of Medicine degree. “DOs” refer to physicians with a Doctor of Osteopathy degree. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 62: Active Patient Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total


Total Active Patient Care Physicians (MDs & DOs)

Active Patient MDs

Active Patient Care DOs

Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 14,558 216.3 31 12,830 190.6 1,726 25.6

California 38,802,500 90,159 232.4 23 86,077 221.8 4,082 10.5

Idaho 1,634,464 2,953 180.7 48 2,618 160.2 335 20.5

Nevada 2,839,099 5,101 179.7 49 4,594 161.8 507 17.9

Oregon 3,970,239 10,443 263.0 10 9,693 244.1 750 18.9

Utah 2,942,902 5,649 192.0 41 5,223 177.5 426 14.5

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 128,863 226.4 - 121,035 212.6 7,826 13.7

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 38,704 213.6 - 34,958 192.9 3,744 20.7

United States 318,857,056 748,340 234.7 - 691,086 216.7 57,232 17.9

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. “Active patient care physicians” are a subset of active physicians comprised only of those physicians whose self-reported type of practice is direct patient care. Physicians who are classified as retired, semi-retired, temporarily not in practice, or not active for other reasons are excluded. Residents and fellows are also excluded. “MDs” refer to physicians with a Doctor of Medicine degree. “DOs” refer to physicians with a Doctor of Osteopathy degree. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 63: Active Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total


Total Active Primary Care Physicians (MDs & DOs)

Active Primary Care MDs

Active Primary Care DOs

Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 5,306 78.8 39 4,548 67.6 757 11.2

California 38,802,500 35,725 92.1 23 33,450 86.2 2,274 5.9

Idaho 1,634,464 1,179 72.1 46 997 61.0 182 11.1

Nevada 2,839,099 1,982 69.8 48 1,736 61.1 246 8.7

Oregon 3,970,239 4,264 107.4 9 3,865 97.3 399 10.0

Utah 2,942,902 1,914 65.0 49 1,716 58.3 198 6.7

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 50,370 88.5 - 46,312 81.4 4,056 7.1

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 14,645 80.8 - 12,862 71.0 1,782 9.8

United States 318,857,056 290,396 91.1 - 263,176 82.5 27,195 8.5

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care, medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. “Primary care physicians” refer to physicians whose self-designated primary specialty is one of the following: adolescent medicine, family medicine, general practice, geriatric medicine, internal medicine, internal medicine/pediatrics, or pediatrics. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015.

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Table 64: Active Patient Care Primary Care Physicians per 100,000 Population by Degree Type in Nevada and Neighboring States – 2014

State/Region Total


Total Active Patient Care Primary Care Physicians (MDs & DOs)

Active Primary Care MDs

Active Primary Care DOs

Number Rate per 100,000

Rank Number Rate per 100,000

Number Rate per 100,000

Arizona 6,731,484 4,946 73.5 38 4,216 62.6 726 10.8

California 38,802,500 3,284 84.2 22 30,557 78.8 2,127 5.5

Idaho 1,634,464 1,114 68.2 46 941 57.6 173 10.6

Nevada 2,839,099 1,804 63.5 48 1,579 55.6 225 7.9

Oregon 3,970,239 3,947 99.4 7 3,571 89.9 376 9.5

Utah 2,942,902 1,812 61.6 49 1,615 54.9 197 6.7

Region Subtotal 56,920,688 16,907 29.7 - 42,479 74.6 3,824 6.7

Region Subtotal – CA 18,118,188 13,623 75.2 - 11,922 65.8 1,697 9.4

United States 318,857,056 263,159 82.5 - 237,370 74.4 25,770 8.1

Source: AAMC. State Physician Workforce Data Book. Center for Workforce Studies, 2015.

Notes: “Active physicians” refer to those physicians who report working in administration, direct patient care medical research, medical teaching, or other non-patient care activities. Physicians whose major professional activity is unclassified are also considered active. “Active patient care primary care physicians” are a subset of active physicians comprised only of those physicians whose self-reported type of practice is direct patient care and whose self-designated primary specialty is one of the following: adolescent medicine, family medicine, general practice, geriatric medicine, internal medicine, internal medicine/pediatrics, or pediatrics. Rates are calculated using the U.S. Census estimates for July 1, 2015. “Total Active Patient Care Primary Care Physicians” include physicians whose school type was unavailable (n=12).

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Table 66: Total MD and DO Physicians by Gender and Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 2013

Major Professional Activity

MD & DO Physicians

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 3,344 64.2 1,142 63.9 5,250 75.0 Hospital-based Residents &


237 4.5 171 9.6 408 5.8

Hospital-based MD & DO Staff 382 7.3 119 6.7 501 7.2

Subtotal - Patient Care 3,963 76.1 1,432 80.2 5,395 77.1

Other Professional Activity

Administration 53 1.0 15 0.8 68 1.0

Medical Teaching 39 0.7 18 1.0 57 0.8

Medical Research 14 0.3 5 0.3 19 0.3

Other 22 0.4 3 0.2 25 0.4

Subtotal – Other Prof Activity 128 2.5 41 2.3 169 2.4

Not Classified MDs & DOs 126 2.4 88 4.9 214 3.1

Inactive MDs & DOs 912 17.5 197 11.0 1,109 15.9

Total MDs & DOs 5,210 100.0 1,786 100.0 6,996 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office- based setting or hospital. “Other” includes other, inactive, and not classified physicians.

Table 65: Total MD and DO Physicians by Gender and Age in Nevada – 2013

Age Category

MD & DO Physicians

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 332 6.4 249 13.9 581 8.3

35 – 44 1,018 19.5 532 29.8 1,550 22.2

45 – 54 1,240 23.8 471 26.4 1,711 24.5

55 – 64 1,092 21.0 284 15.9 1,376 19.7

≥ 65 1,528 29.3 250 14.0 1,778 25.4

Total MDs & DOs 5,210 100.0 1,786 100.0 6,996 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

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Table 67: Total MD and DO Physicians by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada and the U.S. – 2013


MD & DO Physicians in Nevada

MD & DO Physicians in the United States

Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 701 10.0 107,924 9.6

General Practice 59 0.8 8,966 0.8

Internal Medicine 885 12.7 127,361 11.4

Obstetrics/Gynecology 267 3.8 42,599 3.8

Pediatrics 313 4.5 63,028 5.6

Total Primary Care MD & DO Physicians 2,225 31.8 349,878 31.3

Primary Care Sub – specialties 484 6.9 93,851 8.4

All Other Specialties 2,855 40.8 475,608 42.5

Not Classified MDs & DOs 283 4.0 46,842 4.2

Inactive or Address Unknown 1,149 16.4 152,904 13.7

Total MDs & DOs 6,996 100.0 1,119,083 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude MD and DO physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 68: Total MD and DO Physicians by Self-Designated Specialty and Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 2013

Major Specialty

Total MD & DO Physicians

Patient Care Non-Patient Care Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice 753 11.0 23 13.6 776 11.1

Family Medicine 697 10.2 20 11.8 717 10.2

General Practice 56 0.8 3 1.8 59 0.8

Medical Specialties 1,935 28.3 66 39.1 2,001 28.6

Allergy & Immunology 19 0.3 1 0.6 20 0.3

Cardiovascular Disease 131 1.9 4 2.4 135 1.9

Dermatology 64 0.9 0 0.0 64 0.9

Gastroenterology 82 1.2 6 3.6 88 1.3

Internal Medicine 1,153 16.9 46 27.2 1,199 17.1

Pediatric Cardiology 16 0.2 0 0.0 16 0.2

Pediatrics 411 6.0 14 8.3 425 6.1

Pulmonary Disease 59 0.9 1 0.6 60 0.9

Surgical Specialties 1,049 15.4 20 11.8 1,069 15.3

Colon & Rectal Surgery 9 0.1 0 0.0 9 0.1

General Surgery 236 3.5 3 1.8 239 3.4

Neurological Surgery 30 0.4 1 0.6 31 0.4

Obstetrics & Gynecology 298 4.4 6 3.6 304 4.3

Ophthalmology 110 1.6 3 1.8 113 1.6

Orthopedic Surgery 161 2.4 1 0.6 162 2.3

Otolaryngology 52 0.8 2 1.2 54 0.8

Plastic Surgery 64 0.9 1 0.6 65 0.9

Thoracic Surgery 27 0.4 0 0.0 27 0.4

Urology Surgery 62 0.9 3 1.8 65 0.9

Other Specialties 1,658 24.3 60 35.5 1,718 24.6

Aerospace Medicine 1 0.0 1 0.6 2 0.0

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 77 1.1 6 3.6 83 1.2

Anesthesiology 408 6.0 3 1.8 411 5.9

Child & Adolescent Psychology 33 0.5 3 1.8 36 0.5

Diagnostic Radiology 162 2.4 4 2.4 166 2.4

Emergency Medicine 324 4.7 2 1.2 326 4.7

Forensic Medicine 6 0.1 2 1.2 8 0.1

General Prev Medicine 13 0.2 3 1.8 16 0.2

Medical Genetics 1 0.0 2 1.2 3 0.0

Neurology 85 1.2 4 2.4 89 1.3

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Nuclear Medicine 5 0.1 0 0.0 5 0.1

Occupational Medicine 10 0.1 3 1.8 13 0.2

Other Specialty 28 0.4 7 4.1 35 0.5

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 85 1.2 2 1.2 87 1.2

Psychiatry 189 2.8 11 6.5 200 2.9

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 1 0.0 2 1.2 3 0.0

Radiation Oncology 32 0.5 1 0.6 33 0.5

Radiology 62 0.9 4 2.4 66 0.9

Transplant Surgery 1 0.0 0 0.0 1 0.0

Unspecified 135 2.0 0 0.0 135 1.9

Active MDs & DOs - Patient Care 5,395 100.0 - - 5,395 77.1

Active MDs & DOs – Non-Patient Care - - 169 100.0 169 2.4

Not Classified MDs & DOs - - - - 283 4.0

Inactive MDs & DOs - - - - 1,149 16.4

Total MDs & DOs - - - - 6,996 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S. 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude MD and DO physicians whose address is unknown.

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Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section Five: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs)

Executive Summary and Key Findings

According to the American Medical Association (AMA), there are 697 osteopathic physicians

currently licensed to practice in Nevada, including 533 male DOs (76.5%) and 164 female DOs

(23.5%) (Table 69).

Currently, 41.3% of male DOs in Nevada are over the age of 55, as compared to only 27.4% of

female DOs who are over the age of 55 in 2013. Conversely, 50.0% of female DOs in Nevada

are under the age of 45, as compared to 35.3% of male DOs who are under the age of 45 (Table


Currently, 576 DOs or 82.6% of DOs in Nevada are in patient care, including 431 DOs in office-

based practice and 145 DOs in hospital-based practice (Table 70).

In 2013, there were a total of 253 osteopathic physicians (DOs) in Nevada with a self-

designated primary care specialty or sub-specialty. This number represents 36.3% of the total

number of DOs in Nevada. By comparison, 41.0% of the DO workforce in the US had a self-

designated primary care specialty or sub-specialty in 2013 (Table 71).

Currently, 658 or 94.4% of all licensed DOs in Nevada are based in a metropolitan county of

Nevada (Table 72).

In 2013, 576 or 82.6% of all licensed DOs report patient care as their major professional activity

(Table 73).

The top three self-designated specialties of osteopathic physicians (DOs) in Nevada are: family

medicine (19.1%), internal medicine (10.0%), and emergency medicine (6.7%) (Table 73).

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Table 69: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Gender and Age in Nevada – 2013

Age Category

Osteopathic Physicians (DOs)

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

< 35 55 10.3 32 19.5 87 12.5

35 – 44 133 25.0 50 30.5 183 26.3

45 – 54 125 23.5 37 22.6 162 23.2

55 – 64 107 20.1 22 13.4 129 18.5

≥ 65 113 21.2 23 14.0 136 19.5

Total DOs 533 100.0 164 100.0 697 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Table 70: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Gender and Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 2013

Major Professional Activity

Osteopathic Physicians (DOs)

Male Female Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Patient Care

Office-based 338 63.4 93 56.7 431 61.8

Hospital-based Residents & Fellows 54 10.1 33 20.1 87 12.5

Hospital-based DO Staff 49 9.2 9 5.5 58 8.3

Subtotal – Patient Care 441 82.7 135 82.3 576 82.6

Other Professional Activity

Administration 5 0.9 0 0.0 5 0.7

Medical Teaching 5 0.9 1 0.6 6 0.9

Medical Research 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Other 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Subtotal – Other Prof Activity 11 2.1 1 0.6 12 1.7

Total DOs 533 100.0 164 100.0 697 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in

an office-based setting or hospital. “Other” includes other, inactive, and not classified physicians.

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Table 71: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Self-Designated Primary Care Specialty in Nevada and the U.S. – 2013

Specialty Physicians (DOs) in Nevada

Physicians (DOs) in the United States

Number Percent Number Percent

Primary Care Specialties

Family Medicine 127 18.2 16,309 22.3

General Practice 30 4.3 2,283 3.1

Internal Medicine 59 8.5 6,234 8.5

Obstetrics/Gynecology 15 2.2 2,554 3.5

Pediatrics 22 3.2 2,617 3.6

Total Primary Care DOs 253 36.3 29,997 41.0

Primary Care Subspecialties 20 2.9 3,704 5.1

All Other Specialties 315 45.2 30,938 42.3

Not Classified DOs 69 9.9 3,306 4.5

Inactive or Address Unknown DOs 40 5.7 5,228 7.1

Total DOs 697 100.0 73,173 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015. Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude DO physicians whose address is


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Table 72: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Major Professional Activity in Metropolitan/Micropolitan Areas in Nevada – 2013

Major Professional


Metropolitan Micropolitan Neither Metro

or Micro Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

Office-based Practice

Family Medicine/General


118 17.9 16 44.4 1 33.3 135 19.4

Medical Specialties 81 12.3 3 8.3 0 0.0 84 12.1

Surgical Specialties 42 6.4 3 8.3 0 0.0 45 6.5

Other Specialties 157 23.9 8 22.2 2 66.7 167 24.0

Subtotal Office-based


398 60.5 30 83.3 3 100.0 431 61.8

Hospital-based Practice 143 21.7 2 5.6 0 0.0 145 20.8

Total Patient Care DOs


541 82.2 32 88.9 3 100.0 576 82.6

Other Professional Activity


11 1.7 1 2.8 0 0.0 12 1.7

Not Classified DOs 69 10.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 69 9.9

Inactive or Address


37 5.6 3 8.3 0 0.0 40 5.7

Total DOs 658 100.0 36 100.0 3 100.0 697 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: Physicians in “Patient Care” refers to physicians whose principal professional activity is the provision of patient care in an office-based setting or hospital. Other includes other, inactive, and not classified physicians. Metropolitan cities are in Carson City, Clark, and Washoe counties. Micropolitan cities are in Churchill, Douglas, Elko, Humboldt, Lyon, and Nye counties. Neither Metro nor Micro are the remaining rural counties: Esmeralda, Eureka, Lander, Lincoln, Mineral, Pershing, Storey, and White Pine.

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Table 73: Osteopathic Physicians (DOs) by Self-Designated Specialty and Major Professional Activity in Nevada – 2013

Major Specialty Patient Care Non-Patient Care Total

Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent

General and Family Practice 159 27.6 4 33.3 163 23.4

Family Medicine 130 22.6 3 25.0 133 19.1

General Practice 29 5.0 1 8.3 30 4.3

Medical Specialties 111 19.3 2 16.7 113 16.2

Allergy & Immunology 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Cardiovascular Disease 2 0.3 0 0.0 2 0.3

Dermatology 10 1.7 0 0.0 10 1.4

Gastroenterology 4 0.7 6 50.0 10 1.4

Internal Medicine 69 12.0 1 8.3 70 10.0

Pediatric Cardiology 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Pediatrics 25 4.3 1 8.3 26 3.7

Pulmonary Disease 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Surgical Specialties 51 8.9 2 16.7 53 7.6

Colon & Rectal Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

General Surgery 8 1.4 0 0.0 8 1.1

Neurological Surgery 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Obstetrics & Gynecology 15 2.6 1 8.3 16 2.3

Ophthalmology 9 1.6 0 0.0 9 1.3

Orthopedic Surgery 10 1.7 1 8.3 11 1.6

Otolaryngology 6 1.0 0 0.0 6 0.9

Plastic Surgery 2 0.3 0 0.0 2 0.3

Thoracic Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Urology Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Other Specialties 255 44.3 4 33.3 259 37.2

Aerospace Medicine 0 0.0 1 8.3 1 0.1

Anatomic/Clinical Pathology 5 0.9 0 0.0 5 0.7

Anesthesiology 45 7.8 0 0.0 45 6.5

Child & Adolescent Psychology 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Diagnostic Radiology 3 0.5 0 0.0 3 0.4

Emergency Medicine 46 8.0 1 8.3 47 6.7

Forensic Medicine 2 0.3 0 0.0 2 0.3

General Prev Medicine 0 0.0 1 8.3 1 0.1

Medical Genetics 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Neurology 5 0.9 0 0.0 5 0.7

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Nuclear Medicine 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Occupational Medicine 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Other Specialty 3 0.5 0 0.0 3 0.4

Physical Med & Rehabilitation 9 1.6 0 0.0 9 1.3

Psychiatry 19 3.3 0 0.0 19 2.7

Public Health & Gen Prev Med 0 0.0 1 8.3 1 0.1

Radiation Oncology 1 0.2 0 0.0 1 0.1

Radiology 5 0.9 0 0.0 5 0.7

Transplant Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Unspecified 110 19.1 0 0.0 110 15.8

Vascular Surgery 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0

Not Classified DOs 69 12.0 0 0.0 69 9.9

Inactive DOs 40 6.9 0 0.0 40 5.7

Total DOs 576 100.0 12 100.0 697 100.0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: See Appendix for sub-specialty classification by major specialty categories. Figures exclude DO physicians whose address is unknown.

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Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Section Six: Physician Workforce Rankings

Executive Summary and Key Findings

In 2013, there were 226 allopathic physicians (MDs) per 100,000 population. Among US states,

Nevada ranks 47th in number of physicians per capita (Table 74).

In 2013, there were 173 MDs in patient care per 100,000 population. Among US states, Nevada

ranks 48th in number of physicians in patient care per capita (Table 75).

Over the past three decades, among US states, Nevada rank decreased from 36th in 1980 to 47th

in 2013 resulting in drop of 11 positions in number of MDs per 100,000 population (Table 76).

Over the past three decades, among US states, Nevada rank decreased from 36th in 1980 to 48th

in 2013 resulting in drop of 12 positions in number of MDs in patient care per 100,000

population (Table 77).

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Table 74: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in Physicians per 100,000 Population – 2013

State Rank Estimated Number of

Physicians per 100,000 State Rank

Estimated Number of Physicians per 100,000

Alabama 42 253 District of Columbia 1 905

Alaska 40 262 Massachusetts 2 556 Arizona 33 276 Maryland 3 487 Arkansas 45 243 New York 4 464

California 18 329 Vermont 5 461 Colorado 20 324 Rhode Island 6 457 Connecticut 7 449 Connecticut 7 449

Delaware 28 294 Hawaii 8 369 District of Columbia 1 905 Pennsylvania 9 365 Florida 21 319 New Jersey 10 365

Georgia 39 265 New Hampshire 11 364 Hawaii 8 369 Minnesota 12 358 Idaho 51 208 Oregon 13 357

Illinois 15 342 Maine 14 349 Indiana 41 256 Illinois 15 342 Iowa 46 228 Washington 16 332

Kansas 34 274 Ohio 17 331 Kentucky 38 270 California 18 329 Louisiana 22 314 Virginia 19 328

Maine 14 349 Colorado 20 324 Maryland 3 487 Florida 21 319 Massachusetts 2 556 Louisiana 22 314

Michigan 24 312 Wisconsin 23 313 Minnesota 12 358 Michigan 24 312 Mississippi 49 217 Tennessee 25 311

Missouri 29 293 North Carolina 26 303 Montana 32 278 New Mexico 27 295 Nebraska 30 290 Delaware 28 294

Nevada 47 226 Missouri 29 293 New Hampshire 11 364 Nebraska 30 290 New Jersey 10 365 North Dakota 31 285

New Mexico 27 295 Montana 32 278 New York 4 464 Arizona 33 276 North Carolina 26 303 Kansas 34 274

North Dakota 31 285 South Carolina 35 274 Ohio 17 331 West Virginia 36 274 Oklahoma 50 209 South Dakota 37 273

Oregon 13 357 Kentucky 38 270 Pennsylvania 9 365 Georgia 39 265 Rhode Island 6 457 Alaska 40 262

South Carolina 35 274 Indiana 41 256 South Dakota 37 273 Alabama 42 253 Tennessee 25 311 Texas 43 252

Texas 43 252 Utah 44 249 Utah 44 249 Arkansas 45 243 Vermont 5 461 Iowa 46 228

Virginia 19 328 Nevada 47 226 Washington 16 332 Wyoming 48 221 West Virginia 36 274 Mississippi 49 217

Wisconsin 23 313 Oklahoma 50 209 Wyoming 48 221

Idaho 51 208

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 75: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in Physicians in Patient Care per 100,000 Population – 2013

State Rank

Estimated Number of Physicians in Patient

Care per 100,000 State Rank

Estimated Number of Physicians in Patient

Care per 100,000

Alabama 42 205 District of Columbia 1 647 Alaska 36 214 Massachusetts 2 418 Arizona 38 213 Rhode Island 3 355 Arkansas 45 197 Maryland 4 353 California 21 250 New York 5 351 Colorado 20 251 Vermont 6 345 Connecticut 7 344 Connecticut 7 344 Delaware 30 227 New Jersey 8 284 District of Columbia 1 647 Minnesota 9 283 Florida 26 235 Pennsylvania 10 281 Georgia 39 211 New Hampshire 11 280 Hawaii 12 275 Hawaii 12 275 Idaho 51 164 Oregon 13 269 Illinois 14 266 Illinois 14 266 Indiana 40 208 Maine 15 262 Iowa 46 176 Louisiana 16 259 Kansas 35 215 Ohio 17 258 Kentucky 32 222 Virginia 18 252 Louisiana 16 259 Tennessee 19 252 Maine 15 262 Colorado 20 251 Maryland 4 353 California 21 250 Massachusetts 2 418 Washington 22 250 Michigan 24 246 Wisconsin 23 249 Minnesota 9 283 Michigan 24 246 Mississippi 47 175 North Carolina 25 238

Missouri 28 235 Florida 26 235 Montana 41 206 Nebraska 27 235 Nebraska 27 235 Missouri 28 235 Nevada 48 173 North Dakota 29 233 New Hampshire 11 280 Delaware 30 227 New Jersey 8 284 New Mexico 31 222 New Mexico 31 222 Kentucky 32 222 New York 5 351 South Dakota 33 219 North Carolina 25 238 South Carolina 34 219 North Dakota 29 233 Kansas 35 215 Ohio 17 258 Alaska 36 214 Oklahoma 50 168 West Virginia 37 213 Oregon 13 269 Arizona 38 213 Pennsylvania 10 281 Georgia 39 211 Rhode Island 3 355 Indiana 40 208 South Carolina 34 219 Montana 41 206 South Dakota 33 219 Alabama 42 205 Tennessee 19 252 Texas 43 205 Texas 43 205 Utah 44 201 Utah 44 201 Arkansas 45 197 Vermont 6 345 Iowa 46 176 Virginia 18 252 Mississippi 47 175 Washington 22 250 Nevada 48 173 West Virginia 37 213 Wyoming 49 170 Wisconsin 23 249 Oklahoma 50 168 Wyoming 49 170 Idaho 51 164

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015.

Notes: All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown.

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Table 76: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in the Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) per 100,000 Population – 1980 to 2013

State Rank in the Number of Total MDs per 100,000 Population Change in

Rank – 1980 to 2013

1980 1985 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013

Alabama 46 42 42 42 43 42 42 4 Alaska 43 43 49 50 40 38 40 3 Arizona 12 14 20 32 37 39 33 -21 Arkansas 47 44 43 43 45 45 45 2 California 6 7 11 13 18 18 18 -12 Colorado 10 15 15 17 20 21 20 -10 Connecticut 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 -2 Delaware 24 21 21 22 25 27 28 -4 District of Columbia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Florida 11 11 12 11 19 19 21 -10 Georgia 35 34 35 35 38 41 39 -4 Hawaii 9 8 10 10 8 8 8 1 Idaho 50 50 50 51 51 50 51 -1 Illinois 18 17 16 12 17 17 15 3 Indiana 42 45 41 41 41 40 41 1 Iowa 45 46 44 45 47 48 46 -1 Kansas 26 32 32 34 36 35 34 -8 Kentucky 41 40 38 37 35 36 38 3 Louisiana 32 27 29 20 21 24 22 10 Maine 25 24 25 24 12 14 14 11 Maryland 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 0 Massachusetts 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 0 Michigan 27 29 30 28 31 26 24 3 Minnesota 14 16 13 14 11 11 12 2 Mississippi 51 51 51 49 49 49 49 2 Missouri 21 23 24 27 32 31 29 -8 Montana 40 41 37 39 30 32 32 8 Nebraska 34 36 33 30 28 29 30 4 Nevada 36 37 46 47 48 47 47 -11 New Hampshire 20 20 18 15 16 12 11 9 New Jersey 13 10 8 8 9 9 10 3 New Mexico 28 25 28 31 27 28 27 1 New York 4 4 4 3 4 5 4 0 North Carolina 31 31 26 25 24 25 26 5 North Dakota 37 38 34 29 29 30 31 6 Ohio 22 22 23 23 23 20 17 5 Oklahoma 44 47 47 48 50 51 50 -6 Oregon 16 19 17 21 15 13 13 3 Pennsylvania 15 12 9 9 10 10 9 6 Rhode Island 8 9 7 6 7 7 6 2 South Carolina 38 39 40 36 33 34 35 3 South Dakota 49 48 45 44 39 37 37 12 Tennessee 30 26 22 19 22 23 25 5 Texas 33 33 39 38 44 43 43 -10 Utah 23 30 31 40 42 44 44 -21 Vermont 7 6 6 7 5 4 5 2 Virginia 19 18 19 18 14 16 19 0 Washington 17 13 14 16 13 15 16 1 West Virginia 39 35 36 33 34 33 36 3 Wisconsin 29 28 27 26 26 22 23 6 Wyoming 48 49 48 46 46 46 48 0

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2009; AMA.

Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1999; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995; Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1987; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1982.

Notes: Figures for 1980 and 1985 include nonfederal physicians only. All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. Change in Rank reflects the increase or decrease in rank for that state since 1980.

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

98 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Table 77: Nevada’s Rank Among the U.S. States in the Number of Allopathic Physicians (MDs) in Patient Care per 100,000 Population – 1980 to 2013

State Rank in the Number of MDs in Patient Care per 100,000 Population Change in Rank

– 1980 to 2013 1980 1985 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013

Alabama 46 43 41 41 41 40 42 4 Alaska 44 48 48 45 36 34 36 8 Arizona 12 19 26 37 43 43 38 -26 Arkansas 47 45 43 43 45 44 45 2 California 6 6 11 17 22 22 21 -15 Colorado 10 17 14 19 20 23 20 -10 Connecticut 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 -2 Delaware 24 20 21 22 25 27 30 -6 District of Columbia 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 Florida 11 16 17 16 26 26 26 -15 Georgia 35 33 34 33 39 41 39 -4 Hawaii 9 10 10 10 8 8 12 -3 Idaho 50 50 50 51 50 51 51 -1 Illinois 18 13 13 11 15 16 14 4 Indiana 42 41 42 44 40 39 40 2 Iowa 45 46 46 49 49 48 46 -1 Kansas 29 30 35 36 38 38 35 -6 Kentucky 41 39 36 34 34 32 32 9 Louisiana 32 25 24 14 17 18 16 16 Maine 25 28 31 28 13 14 15 10 Maryland 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 -1 Massachusetts 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 0 Michigan 28 26 28 30 33 29 24 4 Minnesota 14 12 12 15 11 11 9 5 Mississippi 51 51 51 50 48 49 47 4 Missouri 23 23 23 25 30 30 28 -5 Montana 40 42 40 40 29 37 41 -1 Nebraska 34 38 32 29 27 28 27 7 Nevada 36 37 45 46 47 47 48 -12 New Hampshire 20 22 20 18 14 12 11 9 New Jersey 13 9 7 9 9 9 8 5 New Mexico 27 34 30 32 31 31 31 -4 New York 4 3 3 3 4 4 5 -1 North Carolina 31 31 27 23 24 25 25 6 North Dakota 38 32 29 24 28 24 29 9 Ohio 22 21 22 21 23 21 17 5 Oklahoma 43 44 47 48 51 50 50 -7 Oregon 16 18 19 27 18 13 13 3 Pennsylvania 15 11 9 7 10 10 10 5 Rhode Island 8 8 6 6 7 5 3 5 South Carolina 37 40 39 35 32 33 34 3 South Dakota 49 47 44 39 37 36 33 16 Tennessee 30 24 18 13 19 19 19 11 Texas 33 35 38 38 44 42 43 -10 Utah 21 29 33 42 42 45 44 -23 Vermont 7 7 8 8 5 7 6 1 Virginia 19 15 16 12 12 15 18 1 Washington 17 14 15 20 16 17 22 -5 West Virginia 39 36 37 31 35 35 37 2 Wisconsin 26 27 25 26 21 20 23 3 Wyoming 48 49 49 47 46 46 49 -1

Source: AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2015; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2009; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 2005; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1999; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1995; Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1987; AMA. Physician Characteristics and Distribution in the U.S., 1982.

Notes: Figures for 1980 and 1985 include nonfederal physicians only. All figures exclude physicians whose address is unknown. Change in Rank reflects the increase or decrease in rank for that state since 1980.

Appendix of Self-Designated

Practice Specialties

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Office of Statewide Initiatives A-1

Allergy & Immunology (AI)

Allergy (A) Allergy & Immunology/Clinical & Laboratory Immunology

(ALI) Immunology (IG)

Aerospace Medicine (AM)

Anesthesiology (AN) Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology (ACA) Pain Medicine (Anesthesiology) (APM) Critical Care (Anesthesiology) (CCA) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Anesthesiology) (HPA) Obstetric Anesthesiology (Anesthesiology) (OAN) Pain Management (PME)

Cardiovascular Disease (CD)

Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (CHP)

Colon & Rectal Surgery (CRS) Proctology (PRO)

Dermatology (D) Clinical & Laboratory Dermatological Immunology (DDL) Procedural Dermatology (PRD)

Diagnostic Radiology (DR) Cardiothoracic Radiology (CTR)

Emergency Medicine (EM) Critical Care Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (CCE) Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Sports Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (ESM) Medical Toxicology (Emergency Medicine) (ETX) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (HPE) Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (PE) Urgent Care Medicine (UCM) Underseas Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (UME)

Forensic Pathology (FOP)

Family Medicine (FM) Adolescent Medicine for Family Practice (AMF) Family Medicine/Preventive Medicine (FMP) Geriatric Medicine (Family Medicine) (FPG) Sports Medicine (Family Medicine) (FSM) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Family Medicine) (HPF)

Gastroenterology (GE)

General Practice (GP)

General Preventive Medicine (GPM) Clinical Informatics (Preventive Medicine) (CIM) Medical Toxicology (Preventive Medicine) (PTX) Underseas Medicine (Preventive Medicine) (UM)

General Surgery (GS) Abdominal Surgery (AS) Complex General Surgical Oncology (Surgery) (ASO) Surgical Critical Care (Surgery) (CCS) Craniofacial Surgery (CFS) Dermatologic Surgery (DS) Head & Neck Surgery (HNS) Hand Surgery (HS) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Surgery) (HPS) Hand Surgery (Surgery) (HSS) Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery (OMF) Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery (PCS) Pediatric Surgery (Surgery) (PDS) Surgical Oncology (SO) Trauma Surgery (TRS) Vascular Surgery (VS)

Internal Medicine (IM) Advanced Heart Failure & Transplant Cardiology

(Internal Medicine) (AHF) Adolescent Medicine (AMI) Critical Care Medicine (Internal Medicine) (CCM) Diabetes (DIA) Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism (END) Hematology (Internal Medicine) (HEM) Hepatology (HEP) Hepatology/Oncology (HO) Hospitalist (HOS) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Internal Medicine) (HPI) Interventional Cardiology (IC) Cardiac Electrophysiology (ICE) Infectious Diseases (ID) Clinical & Laboratory Immunology (Internal Medicine) (ILI) Geriatric Medicine (IMG) Sports Medicine (Internal Medicine) (ISM) Nuclear Cardiology (NC) Nephrology (NEP) Nutrition (NTR) Medical Oncology (ON) Rheumatology (RHU) Sleep Medicine (Internal Medicine) (SMI) Transplant Hepatology (Internal Medicine) (THP)

Medical Genetics (MG) Clinical Biochemical Genetics (CBG) Clinical Cytogenetics (CCG) Clinical Genetics (CG) Clinical Molecular Genetics (CMG) Medical Biochemical Genetics (MBG) Molecular Genetics Pathology (Medical Genetics) (MGG)

Neurology (N) Child Neurology (CHN) Clinical Neurophysiology (CN)

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

A-2 Office of Statewide Initiatives

Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology (Neurology) (ENR) Epilepsy (Neurology) (EPL) Hospice and Palliative Medicine (Psychiatry & Neurology)

(HPN) Pain Medicine (Neurology) (PMN) Sleep Medicine (Psychiatry & Neurology) (SMN) Vascular Neurology (VN)

Nuclear Medicine (NM)

Neurological Surgery (NS) Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology (ES) Endovascular Surgical Neuroradiology (ESN) Pediatric Surgery (Neurology) (NSP)

Obstetrics & Gynecology (OBG) Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery

(Obstetrics & Gynecology) (FPR) Gynecological Oncology (GO) Gynecology (GYN) Hospice & Palliative Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynecology)

(HPO) Maternal & Fetal Medicine (MFM) Obstetrics (OBS) Critical Care Medicine (Obstetrics & Gynecology) (OCC) Reproductive Endocrinologist (REN)

Occupational Medicine (OM)

Ophthalmology (OPH) Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (OPR) Pediatric Ophthalmology (PO)

Orthopedic Surgery (ORS) Hand Surgery (Orthopedic Surgery) (HSO) Adult Reconstructive Orthopedics (OAR) Orthopedics, Foot & Ankle (OFA) Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine (OMM) Musculoskeletal Oncology (OMO) Pediatric Orthopedics (PO) Sports Medicine (Orthopedic Surgery) (OSM) Orthopedic Surgery of the Spine (OSS) Orthopedic Trauma (OTR)

Other Specialty (OS) Addiction Medicine (ADM) Pediatric Psychiatry/Child Psychiatry (CPP) Emergency Medicine/Family Medicine (EFM) Pediatrics/Emergency Medicine (EMP) Epidemiology (EP) Family Medicine/Psychiatry (FPP)

Hospice & Palliative Medicine (HPM) Internal Medicine/Emergency Medicine/Critical Care

Medicine (IEC) Internal Medicine/Family Medicine (IFP) Internal Medicine/Dermatology (IMD)

Internal Medicine (Preventive Medicine) (IPM) Legal Medicine (LM) Internal Medicine/Medical Genetics (MDG) Medical Management (MDM) Internal Medicine (Emergency Medicine) (MEM) Internal Medicine & Neurology (MN) Internal Medicine/Psychiatry (MP) Internal Medicine/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

(MPM) Neurology/Diagnosis Radiology/Neuroradiology (NRN) Clinical Pharmacology (PA) Pediatrics/Dermatology (PDM) Phlebology (PHL) Pharmaceutical Medicine (PHM) Palliative Medicine (PLM) Pediatrics/Medical Genetics (PMG) Pediatrics/Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (PPM) Psychiatry/Neurology (PYN) Sleep Medicine (SME)

Otolaryngology (OTO) Otology/Neurotology (NO) Pediatric Otolaryngology (PDO) Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck (Otolaryngology)

(PSO) Sleep Medicine (Otolaryngology) (SMO)

Psychiatry (P) Addiction Psychiatry (ADP) Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (Psychiatry & Neurology)

(NDN) Neuropsychiatry (NUP) Forensic Psychiatry (PFP) Pain Medicine (Psychiatry) (PPN) Psychoanalysis (PYA) Geriatric Psychiatry (PYG) Psychosomatic Medicine (PYM)

Pediatrics (PD) Adolescent Medicine (ADL) Child Abuse Pediatrics (CAP) Pediatric Critical Care Medicine (CCP) Developmental/Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) Hospice & Palliative Medicine (Pediatrics) (HPP) Internal Medicine/Pediatrics (MPD) Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (Pediatrics) (NDP) Neonatal Perinatal Medicine (NPM) Pediatric Anesthesiology (PAN) Pediatric Allergy (PDA) Pediatric Dermatology (PDD) Pediatric Endocrinology (PDE) Pediatric Infectious Disease (PDI) Pediatric Pulmonology (PDP) Medical Toxicology (Pediatrics) (PDT)

Physician Workforce in Nevada – 2016 Edition

Office of Statewide Initiatives A-3

Pediatric Emergency Medicine (Pediatrics) (PEM) Pediatric Gastroenterology (PG) Pediatric Hematology/Oncology (PHO) Clinical & Laboratory Immunology (Pediatrics) (PLI) Pain Management (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)

(PMP) Pediatric Nephrology (PN) Pediatric Rheumatology (PPR) Sports Medicine (Pediatrics) (PSM) Pediatric Transplant Hepatology (PTP) Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine (RPM) Sleep Medicine (Pediatrics) (SMP)

Pediatric Cardiology (PDC)

Public Health & General Preventive Medicine (PHP)

Physical medicine &Rehabilitation (PM) Hospice & Palliative Medicine (Physical Medicine &

Rehabilitation) (HPR) Neuromuscular Medicine (NMN) Neuromuscular Medicine (Physical Medicine &

Rehabilitation) (NMP) Pain Medicine (PMM) Sports Medicine (Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation)

(PRS) Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)

Plastic Surgery (PS) Cosmetic Surgery (CS) Facial Plastic Surgery (FPS) Surgery of the Hand (Plastic Surgery) (HSP) Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck (PSH) Plastic Surgery – Integrated (PSI) Plastic Surgery within the Head & Neck (Plastic Surgery)


Anatomic/Clinical Pathology (PTH) Anatomic Pathology (ATP) Blood Banking/Transfusion Medicine (BBK) Clinical Informatics (Pathology) (CIP) Clinical Pathology (CLP) Dermatopathology (DMP) Hematology (HMP) Molecular Genetic Pathology (MGP) Medical Microbiology (MM) Neuropathology (NP) Chemical Pathology (PCH) Cytopathology (PCP) Pediatric Pathology (PP) Selective Pathology (SP)

Pulmonary Disease (PUD) Pulmonary Critical Care Medicine (PCC)

Radiology (R) Abdominal Radiology (AR) Hospice & Palliative Medicine (Radiology) (HPD) Musculoskeletal Radiology (MSR) Nuclear Radiology (NR) Radiology (PDR) Neuroradiology (RNR) Radiological Physics (RP) Vascular & Interventional Radiology (VIR)

Radiation Oncology (RO)

Thoracic Surgery (TS) Congenial Cardiac Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) (CHS) Thoracic Surgery – Integrated (TSI)

Transplant Surgery (TTS)

Urology (U) Pediatric Urology (UP)

Vascular Medicine (VM)

Unspecified (US)