Physiology for Nutrition, Health and Fitness Does what we Eat, Think, Do really matter?

Post on 13-Jan-2016

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Physiology for Nutrition, Health and Fitness

Does what we




really matter?

Important Factors in Health

1) Diet (Nutrition)

2) Mentality and Emotions

3) Physical Activity

4) Toxins (Environment)

5) Spirituality

Materials for the Body

• Carbohydrates

• Lipids

• Proteins

• Minerals

• Vitamins

• Enzymes

Whole Foods

• Unrefined, entire original “item”.

• All original nutrients remain intact.

• Unprocessed, not chemically treated.

e.g.: - whole brown rice (),quinoa- organic vegetables and fruit- raw nuts and seeds

Refined Foods• Heavily processed from original form.

• Most (if not all) original nutrients removed.

• Often chemically treated (in processing and for shelf-life).

e.g.: - white sugar ()- white flour- heavily preserved (packaged) items

What is a Carbohydrate?

Glucose* = monosaccharide, a simple sugar

Lactose* = disaccharide (glucose and galactose)

Sucrose** = disaccharide (glucose and fructose)

Cellulose = polysaccharide (cannot digest)

Starch = polysaccharide (many glucose molecules)

Simple Complex

Maltose* = disaccharide (glucose and glucose)

Refined Whole

- candy - white bread - potato chips

- fruits - whole grains - vegetables

What is Sugar?

Glucose - most important sugar in Human Body!

Sucrose - highly refined, ‘table sugar’ – Avoid!

High Fructose Corn Syrup – Evil!!!


“But it tastes so good”

Insulin Levels

Rollercoaster ride = Diabetes Mellitus Type II

Advanced Glycation End-products (AGE’s)

Glycoproteins - normal.

If blood glucose chronically elevated, it binds

to proteins non-enzymatically = AGE’s

This is when things start to go wrong!

Impaired circulation BKA’s Blindness

The Effects of Carbohydrates on the Phagocytic Index

Diet and the Immune System

Sugar suppresses

Immune System!

* Rat tooth

enamel study

Many pathways in the body elevate blood glucose but only one lowers it.

Why only one way to lower blood glucose???



Far more Sugar in our Diet now!

Cultural? Social? Conditioning?

Television, Movies, Advertisements

e.g., in 1999 the average American consumed 150lbs of sugar/year.

Taste Test

A B 50% - 50% split!

Coke 85% chose coke!

(Montague, 2005)

Pepsi 50% - 50% split!

Researcher’s Comment

“There are visual images and marketing messages that have insinuated themselves into the nervous system of humans who consume the drink. It is possible that cultural messages perturb taste sensation.”

All Fats are Not Equal!

Omega-3- and 6-Fatty Acids

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils

Cholesterol (LDL’s and HDL’s)

Trans Fats and Acrylamide

*Dr. Ancel Keys (1958) Ischemic Heart Disease

Virgin Coconut Oil - a saturated fat with medium chain Fatty Acids (MCFA) -extremely heat stable and very beneficial for human physiology.

Polyunsaturated Fats – e.g., canola, soybean, safflower, corn - easily become rancid when exposed to oxygen and produce free radicals in the body.

Unsaturated Oils vs. Saturated Fats

*Olive oil – Still good; best if not heated!

Saint-Onge and Jones (2003)

Eating fat makes you fat and increases your risk of cardiovascular disease - Right?

Comparison of Molecules (120Kcal each)

Sucrose EthanolGlucose

2 slices of bread. 1 glass of orange juice. 1 shot of bourbon.

*Dr. Robert Lustig’s “Sugar: The Bitter Truth”

Sucrose EthanolGlucose2 slices of bread 1 glass of orange juice 1 shot of bourbon

~96 kcal used by all cells in body

~24 kcal hits Liver for Metabolism


~24 kcal used by all cells in body

~96 kcal hits Liver for Metabolism

~48 kcal used by all cells in body

~72 kcal hits Liver for Metabolism

↑ Aldehydes ↑ Uric acid ↑ VLDL + ↓NO = ↑BP

↑ Aldehydes ↑ Acetate, ↑ Citrate↑ VLDL

Makes Glycogen

↑ Insulin

60 kcal glucose + 60 kcal fructose

Starch => glucose

Glucose-6-℗ Glucose-6-℗

~0.5 kcal used for de novo Lipogenesis

No effect on Ghrelin ↑ Insulin resistance

CNS Depressant

Inhibits Ghrelin

↑ de novo Lipogenesis ↑ de novo Lipogenesis

When blood Glucose is highInsulin is released to makeblood Glucose lower (normal)

Cells in your bodyup-take the glucose

When blood Glucose is lowGlucagon is released to makeblood Glucose higher (normal)

Liver is key site:

Hepatocytes liberate Glucose stores (glycogen) and use fats & proteins to make more glucose



Glycemic Index and Diabetes Mellitus



How much Protein?Metabolic Typing

2. High Carbohydrate.

3. Mixed.

1. High Protein.

a) Meat

b) Soy

c) Eggs

d) Quinoa

High in Protein

growth hormone injected, antibiotic loaded,corn fed, poorly treated, sick animals.

trypsin inhibitors, goitrogens, phytic acid,phytoestrogens, haemagglutinin, GM.

Find organic eggs! Nutrient rich!

Complete protein, higher protein content than soy.

One of the best foods to eat to control blood glucose is Fats - the right fats!

Acetyl CoA

Hydroxymethyl Glutaric Acid (HMG-CoA)


Mevolaonate Pyrophosphate

Isopentenyl Pyrophosphate

Geranyl Pyrophosphate

Famesyl Pyrophosphate




Statin = HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors


Vitamin D




Bile Salts

Steroid Hormones(testosterone, estrogen,


… = Cholesterol Good!

There must be a BETTER food structure that this Pyramid?

Why Organic?

1. No growth stimulants, no antibiotics, no artificial fertilizers.

1. No pesticides, irradiation, preservatives, additives, artificial colors or flavors.

3. No Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs).

4. Primarily Locally Grown, Seasonal food.

5. Higher nutrient and mineral values ( taste).


β- Endorphins

65% of Americans are overweight. 27% are clinically obese.

60% of Americans do not exercise.

Some Facts:

1. 2. 3.

3 Worst Foods?

(17% of kids ages 6 to 19)



↑ starch

↑ glycemic index!

GM Potatoes

↑ Trans Fats

* Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ)

Zero Nutrients



Average American consumes 54 gallons/year



200-300 Calories

↑ ↑ glycemic index!

30-40%Trans Fat

GM BleachWhite Flour



Avoid certain “foods”!

- No, not even in moderation! -

Better Alternatives?:

What about artificial additives and flavors?

Question why they are added.

Examine what their effects might be.


• MonoSodiumGlutamate (MSG) ‘flavoring’.

• Aspartame artificial ‘sweeter’ (Sucralose)

Substances when ingested in high quantities interfere with nervous transmission.

e.g., interfere with the excitatory neurotransmittersGlutamate and Aspartate.

(“Excitotoxins: The Taste that Kills” by Dr. Russell Blaylock, 1995)

Why is MSG bad for you?!?

Interferes with actions of the Hypothalamus in your brain.

Satiety Center Inhibited by MSG

MSG GelatinCalcium


Monosodium glutamate

Hydrolyzed Vegetable

Protein (HVP)

Textured Protein



Hydrolyzed Plant Protein

(HPP)Yeast Extract


Plant ProteinYeast food or


Glutamic Acid

Sodium Caseinate

Autolyzed Yeast

Foods always contain MSG when these words are on the label:

“Truth in Labeling” organization lists the Hidden names for MSG

Malted Barley (flavor) Flavors, Flavoring, Reaction Flavors Modified food starch

Barley Malt Fermented "anything" Rice syrup or brown rice syrup

Malt Extract or FlavoringNatural Chicken, Beef, or Pork, Flavoring "Seasonings”

Lipolyzed butter fat

Maltodextrin Soy Sauce or Extract "Low" or "No Fat" items

Soy Protein, Stock Caramel Flavoring (coloring) Corn syrup, corn syrup solids

Bouillon, Protease Soy Protein Isolate or ConcentrateCitric Acid (from corn), Cornstarch

Broth, Pectin Wheat, rice, or oat protein Milk Powder

Carrageenan Flowing Agents Dry Milk Solids

Anything enriched or vitamin enriched

Protein fortified "anything" Protein Fortified Milk

Whey Protein or Whey Enzyme modified "anythng" Gums, Annatto

Whey Protein Isolate or Concentrate

Ultra-pasteurized "anything" Spice or Spices

Protease enzymes Dough Conditioners Yeast Nutrients

Foods made with the following products often contain MSG.

Girl Scout Cookie Label

Lets Examine Sodas

Contains lots of sugar Contains no sugar


Aspartame - An Intense Source of Excitotoxins

• Made from phenylalanine and aspartate.

• Accounts for ~ 70% of all complaints to FDA.

• Breaks down at room temp into toxic and dangerous ingredients:

1. DKP (di-ketopiperazine). When ingested, converts to a near

duplicate of a powerful brain tumor causing agent.

2. Formaldehyde - embalming fluid.

3. Methanol - extremely dangerous alcohol, causes blindness.

Ingredients Purpose Adverse Effects

Aspartame Sweetener Breaks down to its neurotoxic components phenylalanine, aspartic acid and methyl alcohol. FDA reports consumption associated with headaches, dizziness, loss of balance, mood swings, nausea, memory loss, muscle weakness, blurred vision, fatigue, weakness, skin rashes, joint and musculo-skeletal pain. Also linked rare tumors known as gliomas and lymphomas.

Acesulfame K Sweetener Causes cancer in animals. Breaks down to Acetoacetamide, shown to affect the thyroid gland in rats, rabbits, and dogs. Use with aspartame to cover its bitter taste, however, there are no studies to show if the combination is safe or whether it produces other toxic by-products.

Phosphoric Acid

Acidifier Erodes tooth enamel; leaches calcium from bones. High soda intake children suffer from osteoporosis.

Citric Acid Preservative, Acidifier

Harsh on tooth enamel, but when mixed with potassium or sodium benzoate during storage (esply at raised temperatures), can form benzene, a known carcinogen.

Dangerous Ingredients in Diet Coke

Ingredients Purpose Adverse Effects

Caffeine Flavoring A CNS stimulant, highly addictive, diuretic; can provoke mood changes, lethargy and headache. Ingestion of high levels can cause miscarriage, peptic ulcers and heart ailments. Children consuming caffeine have higher incidences of illness, headaches, sleep problems and iron depletion.

Sodium Benzoate (E211)

Preservatives In acidic solutions (e.g., sodas), benzoates can break down into benzene. Surveys show levels in soft drinks up to 40 times higher than recognized ‘safe’ doses.

Sulphite Ammonia Caramel (E150d)

Coloring Made by heating sugar, ammonia and sulphites. Ammonia is toxic and caramels made by an ammonia process may damage genes, slow growth, cause enlargement of the intestines and kidneys and destroy vitamin B. This coloring has never been fully evaluated for its potential toxicity.

More Dangerous Ingredients in Diet Coke

“Artificial sweeteners tied to obesity, Type 2 diabetes” Feb 14th, 2013

Sugar Aspartame

Environmental Toxins

• Not just in what you eat!

• Cosmetics, Personal Hygiene, Perfumes.

• House Cleaning Agents and Solvents.

Harmful Ingredients in Cosmetics!

• Methylisothiazoline (MIT) – extensively used in shampoos. Causes neurological damage (National Institute of Health).

• Phenol Carbolic Acid - found in many lotions and skin creams.

• Parabens – widely used in skin-care products. Mimic estrogen, encourages growth of human breast tumors.

Can cause circulatory collapse, paralysis, convulsions, respiratory failure.


• Sodium Lauryl Sulfate - the 'foam-up' of soaps, shampoos, detergents, toothpastes.Breaks skin’s moisture barrier, can become a “nitrosamine”.

Linked to anemia, ↓ blood cell count, liver/kidney damage.

• Toluene - in most synthetic fragrances.

• Propylene Glycol - main ingredient in anti-freeze and used in hydraulic fluids. Dermatitis; kidney/ liver abnormalities

The Information is Out There

1. Question Everything – Don’t blindly accept.

2. Empower yourself by knowing things.Allows us to make well-informed decisions

“Our lives begin to end the moment we become silent about the things that matter”

Martin Luther King Jr.

Our Bodies are amazing,Let’s look after them!

The Vetruvian Man expressed the Canon of Proportions.


• The knowledge or skill obtained or developed by a learning process.


• Intellectual, moral, or spiritual improvement; enlightenment.