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B Burlington Books

CONTENTSPicture Dictionary

Food and drink ................................................................................................................................ 3

Times and dates ............................................................................................................................... 6

Weather ........................................................................................................................................... 7

Cardinal numbers ............................................................................................................................ 9

Ordinal numbers .............................................................................................................................. 12

Parts of the face and body ............................................................................................................... 14

Clothes ............................................................................................................................................ 17

Rooms in the house ......................................................................................................................... 19

The neighbourhood ......................................................................................................................... 20

Hobbies and activities ..................................................................................................................... 24

Free-time activities .......................................................................................................................... 26

Fruit ................................................................................................................................................. 29

Professions ...................................................................................................................................... 30

Vegetables ....................................................................................................................................... 33

Classroom items .............................................................................................................................. 34

Items in the house ........................................................................................................................... 37

Personal items ................................................................................................................................. 40

Wild animals ................................................................................................................................... 42

Farm animals ................................................................................................................................... 43

Domestic animals / pets .................................................................................................................. 44

Other Word Groups

Colours ............................................................................................................................................ 45

Days of the week and months of the year ....................................................................................... 46

The family ....................................................................................................................................... 47


Food and drink

1. toast

2. bread

3. butter

4. pizza

5. pasta

6. hamburger

7. sausages

8. chicken

9. beef

10. fish

11. rice

12. flour

13. sugar

14. oil

3Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

22. coffee

23. cereal

24. cheese

25. ham

26. salad

27. sweets

28. biscuits

15. salt

16. pepper

17. jam

18. yoghurt

19. milk

20. eggs

21. tea

4Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. cake

30. chocolate

31. crisps

32. sandwich

33. icecream

5Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Times and dates

1. o’clock

2. quarterpast

3. halfpast

4. quarterto

5. morning

6. afternoon

7. evening

8. night

6Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

1. cold

2. cool

3. hot

4. warm

5. cloud/cloudy

6. fog/foggy

7. raining/rainy/rain

8. snowing/snowy/snow

9. sun/sunny

10. wind/windy

11. storm/stormy

12. thunder

13. lightning


7Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

14. summer

15. autumn

16. winter

17. spring

8Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Cardinal numbers

nought/zero/oh 0

one 1

two 2

three 3

four 4

five 5

six 6

seven 7

eight 8

nine 9

ten 10

eleven 11

twelve 12

thirteen 13

fourteen 14

fifteen 15

9Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

sixteen 16

seventeen 17

eighteen 18

nineteen 19

twenty 20

twenty-one 21

twenty-two 22

twenty-three 23

twenty-four 24

twenty-five 25

twenty-six 26

twenty-seven 27

twenty-eight 28

twenty-nine 29

thirty 30

thirty-one 31

thirty-two 32

thirty-three 33

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thirty-four 34

thirty-five 35

thirty-six 36

thirty-seven 37

thirty-eight 38

thirty-nine 39

forty 40

forty-one 41

forty-two 42

forty-three 43

forty-four 44

forty-five 45

forty-six 46

forty-seven 47

forty-eight 48

forty-nine 49

fifty 50

11Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Ordinal numbers

first 1st

second 2nd

third 3rd

fourth 4th

fifth 5th

sixth 6th

seventh 7th

eighth 8th

ninth 9th

tenth 10th

eleventh 11th

twelfth 12th

thirteenth 13th

fourteenth 14th

fifteenth 15th

sixteenth 16th

seventeenth 17th

eighteenth 18th12Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

nineteenth 19th

twentieth 20th

twenty-first 21st

twenty-second 22nd

twenty-third 23rd

twenty-fourth 24th

twenty-fifth 25th

twenty-sixth 26th

twenty-seventh 27th

twenty-eighth 28th

twenty-ninth 29th

thirtieth 30th

thirty-first 31st

13Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Parts of the face and body

1. arm

2. back

3. ankle

4. ear

5. elbow

6. eye

7. foot(pluralfeet)

8. hair

9. head

10. knee

11. leg

12. mouth

13. neck

14. nose

14Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. shoulder

16. stomach/tummy

17. tooth(pluralteeth)

18. beard

19. moustache

20. cheek

21. tongue

22. lips

23. toe

24. wrist

25. finger

26. hand

27. freckles

28. nail

15Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. chin

30. tall

31. short

32. slim

33. pretty

34. good-looking/handsome

35. blond

36. dark

37. fair

16Photocopiable© B Burlington Books


1. boots

2. hat

3. jacket

4. jeans

5. jumper/sweater

6. shirt

7. shoes

8. skirt

9. socks

10. tie

11. trainers

12. trousers

13. T-shirt

14. dress

17Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. sweatshirt

16. shorts

17. cap

18. belt

19. coat

20. scarf

21. sandals

22. swimsuit/ swimmingcostume

18Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Rooms in the house

1. bathroom

2. bedroom

3. diningroom

4. house

5. garden

6. hall

7. flat

8. kitchen

9. livingroom

10. stairs

11. upstairs

12. downstairs

19Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

The neighbourhood

1. baker’s/bakery

2. bank

3. bookshop

4. butcher’s

5. café

6. chemist’s

7. church

8. cinema

9. departmentstore

10. greengrocer

11. hospital

12. hotel

20Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

19. shoppingcentre

20. stadium

21. supermarket

22. swimmingpool

23. theatre

24. toyshop

13. market

14. museum

15. postoffice

16. restaurant

17. shoeshop

18. school

21Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

25. park

26. zoo

27. trainstation/ railwaystation

28. busstop

29. busstation

30. newsagent’s

31. musicstore

32. hairdresser’s

33. touristinformation office

34. clothesshop

35. library

36. jeweller’s

37. sportsshop

38. sportscentre

22Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

39. nurseryschool

40. primaryschool

41. middleschool

42. secondaryschool

43. university

23Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Hobbies and activities

1. dohomework

2. dothewashingup

3. getup

4. getdressed

5. gotobed

6. havebreakfast/ lunch/dinner

7. listentomusic

8. playcomputer games/videogames

9. haveashower

10. haveabath

11. takethedogout forawalk

12. tidymyroom

13. washmyface

14. brushmyteeth

24Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. gotoschool

16. gethome

17. watchTV

18. visitfriends

19. goshopping

20. gooutwithfriends

21. read

25Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

1. dance

2. doballet

3. dogymnastics

4. dojudo

5. dokarate

6. doathletics

7. gohorseriding

8. gotothebeach

9. gotothecinema

10. listentomusic

11. seefriends

12. gosailing

13. draw

14. playcomputergames

Free-time activities

26Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. playbasketball

16. playfootball

17. playtennis

18. playvolleyball

19. playtheguitar

20. playthepiano

21. playthedrums

22. playtheviolin

23. playtheflute

24. playthekeyboard

25. read

26. gocycling

27. gorollerblading

28. goskiing

27Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. go swimming

30. watch TV

31. collect stickers / stamps

32. go fishing

28Photocopiable © B Burlington Books


1. apple

2. banana

3. orange

4. melon

5. grapes

6. grapefruit

7. lemon

8. peach

9. pear

10. cherry

11. strawberry

29Photocopiable © B Burlington Books


1. actor / actress

2. chef

3. doctor

4. engineer

5. firefighter

6. football player

7. hairdresser

8. mechanic

9. nurse

10. policeman /

policewoman /

police officer

11. secretary

12. singer

13. taxi driver

14. teacher

30Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

22. dentist

23. farmer

24. flightattendant

25. salesassistant

26. photographer

27. TVpresenter

28. scientist

15. vet

16. waiter/waitress

17. writer

18. musician

19. lifeguard

20. tourguide

21. architect

31Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. lawyer

30. businessman/woman

32Photocopiable© B Burlington Books


1. tomato

2. cucumber

3. lettuce

4. onion

5. potato

6. mushroom

7. carrot

8. peas

9. beans

33Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Classroom items

8. desk

9. diary

10. dictionary

11. door

12. map

13. notebook/ exercisebook

14. pen

1. blackboard/board

2. book

3. calculator

4. chair

5. classroom

6. clock

7. computer

34Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. pencil

16. rubber/eraser

17. rucksack/ schoolbag/bag

18. ruler

19. shelf

20. pupil/student

21. table

22. teacher

23. telephone/phone

24. timetable

25. window

26. paper

27. pencilcase

28. sharpener

35Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. files

36Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Items in the house

1. armchair

2. lamp

3. rug

4. sofa

5. television/TV

6. picture

7. bath

8. toilet

9. shower

10. towel

11. bed

12. computer

13. mirror

14. wardrobe

37Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. drawers

16. shelf

17. desk

18. chair

19. poster

20. cooker

21. cup

22. cupboard

23. fork

24. fridge

25. glass

26. knife

27. plate

28. radio

38Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

29. sink

30. spoon

31. table

32. bowl

33. napkins

39Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Personal items

1. wallet

2. sunglasses

3. mobilephone

4. diary

5. purse

6. keyring

7. comb

8. CDplayer

9. bracelet

10. earring

11. necklace

12. watch

13. camera

14. glasses

40Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

15. brush

16. softtoy

41Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

8. seal

9. giraffe

10. camel

11. zebra

12. hippo

13. ostrich

14. cheetah

15. penguin

1. elephant

2. lion

3. tiger

4. monkey

5. gorilla

6. dolphin

7. bear

Wild animals

42Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

8. sheep(pluralsheep)

9. lamb

10. bull

11. duck

12. donkey

13. fox

14. goose(pluralgeese)

1. chicken

2. cow

3. goat

4. pig

5. horse

6. pony

7. rooster

Farm animals

43Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

1. bird

2. cat

3. kitten

4. dog

5. puppy

6. fish(pluralfish)

7. hamster

8. snake

9. tortoise

10. mouse(pluralmice)

11. rabbit

Domestic animals / pets

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1. black negro/a

2. blue azul

3. brown marrón

4. green verde

5. grey gris

6. orange naranja

7. pink rosa

8. purple morado/a

9. red rojo/a

10. white blanco/a

11. yellow amarillo/a

12. beige beis

45Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

Days of the week and months of the year

1. Monday lunes

2. Tuesday martes

3. Wednesday miércoles

4. Thursday jueves

5. Friday viernes

6. Saturday sábado

7. Sunday domingo

8. January enero

9. February febrero

10. March marzo

11. April abril

12. May mayo

13. June junio

14. July julio

15. August agosto

16. September septiembre

17. October octubre

18. November noviembre

19. December diciembre

46Photocopiable© B Burlington Books

The family

1. father/dad padre / papá

2. mother/mum madre / mamá

3. parents padres

4. sister hermana

5. brother hermano

6. grandmother abuela

7. grandfather abuelo

8. grandparents abuelos

9. aunt tía

10. uncle tío

11. cousin primo/a

12. twins gemelos/as, mellizos/as

13. baby bebé

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