Pine Cellular CPNI 2012

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  • 8/3/2019 Pine Cellular CPNI 2012


    Annual 47 C.F .R . 64.2009(e) CPNI CertificationE B Docket 06-36

    Annual 64.2009(e) CPNI Certification for 2012 covering the prior calendar year 2011

    1. Date filed: Friday, February 17 t h 20122. Name of company covered by this certification: Pine Cellular Phones, Inc.3. Form 499 Filer ID : 8252164. Name of signatory: Jerry Whisenhunt5. Title of signatory: General Manager6. Certification:

    I , Jerry Whisenhunt, cer t i fy that I am an officer of the company named above, andacting as an agent of the company, that I have personal knowledge that thecompany has established operating procedures that are adequate to ensurecompliance with the Commission's CPNI rules.See 47 C.F.R. 64.2001 ef seq.Attached to th is certification is an accompanying statement explaining how thecompany's procedures ensure that the company is in compliance with therequirements (including those mandating the adoption of CPNI procedures, training,recordkeeping, and supervisory review) set forth in section 64.2001 ef seq. of theCommission's rules.Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. has not taken actions (i.e., proceedings instituted orpetitions filed by a company at either state commissions, the court system, or at theCommission against data brokers) against data brokers in the past year.Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. has not received customer complaints in the past yearconcerning the unauthorized release of CPNI

  • 8/3/2019 Pine Cellular CPNI 2012


    The company represents and warrants that th e above certification is consistent with4 7 . C .F .R . 1 . 1 7 which requires truthful an d accurate statements to the Commission.The company also acknowledges that fa lse s ta tem ents and misrepresentat ions toth e Commission are punishable under Title 18 of the U.S.Code and may sub ject it toenforcemejSigned:

    Print Name:Title:

    Jerry Whisenhun tGeneral ManagerPine Cel lu lar Phones, Inc.

    Date: Friday, February 17 th 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Pine Cellular CPNI 2012


    Statement of Compliance with the FCC'sC ustomer Proprietary Network Information "CPNI"Rules and RegulationsPine Cellular Phones , I nc . ' s ( "P ine Cellular") operating procedures cer t i f y tha t P ineCellular is in compliance with th e FCC ' s rules and regulat ions regarding CustomerProprietary Network Informat ion (CPNI) .A ll o t Pine Ce l lu la r' s employee s are aware tha t d isc losure of our cus tomers ' CPNIin fo rmat ion w i thou t obtaining the proper customer approval is a v io lat ion o f theFCC 's rules se t fo r th in 47 U.S.C. 222 and Subpart U of Title 47 of the Code ot Federa lRegulat ions; 47 C.F.R. 64 .2001 through 64.2009.Pine Cellular has t a ken th e steps and has in terna l p rocedures in place so as toeducate our employees th rough t ra in ing regarding th e FCC's rules an d regulat ionsas to when an d where CPNI in fo rmat ion may be re leased . T he emp loyees that havea c c e s s to this in fo rmat ion are aware tha t t h e FCC prohibits th e disc losure o f s u c hin fo rmat ion w i thou t th e proper c u s t o m er c o nsen t and as al lowed by law and theFCC's rules.A n y employee tha t v io la tes Pine Cellular 's CPNI operating procedures is sub jec t todisc ip linary act ion , up to dismissal.Pine Cel lu lar mandates year ly CPNI t ra in ing for a ll em ploye es to en sure up to datecompliance with a ny new regulat ions.Pine Cellular has implemented sa fe guards fo r our cus tom ers ' p ro tec t ion aga instpretexters co ns is ten t w i th th e FCC ' s requ i rements in Sec t i o n 47 C . F . R . 64 .2010 .

  • 8/3/2019 Pine Cellular CPNI 2012


    Certification of CPNI FilingEB-06-TC-060E B Docket No. 06-36

    ANNUAL CERTIF ICATIONCustom er Proprietary Network Information Procedures ofPine Cellular Phones, Inc.I, Jerry Whisenhunt, as an officer of the company named above do herebycertify that I have personal knowledge that Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. ("PineCellular") has established proce dur es regarding the Customer ProprietaryNetwork Information related to the subscribers of Pine Cellular.These procedures, described on the attached page, are in compliancewith Section 222 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended (47U.S.C. 222) and 47 CFR 64.2001-64 .2009.


    By: Jerry WhisenhuntGeneral ManagerPine Cellular Phones, Inc.

    Date: Friday, February 1 7 th 2012

  • 8/3/2019 Pine Cellular CPNI 2012


    Certification of CPNI FilingPine Cellular Phones, Inc.Pine Cellular Phones, Inc. ( "P ine Cellular" or "Company") hereby submi tst ha t it s procedures regarding it s subscribers' C u s t o m e r Proprietary NetworkInformat ion ( "CPNI") are in compliance with Sect ion 222 of theCommun ica t i ons Act of 1934, as amended (47 U.S.C. 222 ) and 47 CFR64.2001-64.2009.Pine Cellular certi f ies that it pro tec ts an d utilizes its customers ' CPNI incompliance with th e Commiss i on ' s rules in 47 CFR 64.2001-64.2009 anddoes no t sell or disclos e subscr iber CPNI to outs ide ent i t ies. In addit ion PineCellular does no t disc lose nor al low access by o thers to subscribers' CPNI fo rth e purpose o f ident i fy ing customers placing calls to competing carriers.Pine Cellular Company WaiverA ll em ployee s have s igned a com pany waiver s ta t in g that the y havereceived annual CPNI training and are aware of the FCC's CPNI regu la t ionsas well as the related federal regulat ions and Pine Cellular's s ta tu to ryrespons ibility to its custo m ers. A ll reques ts for subscriber CPNI are forwardedto Senior Managem ent personne l and any unauthor ized use, sale, o rdisclosure o f CPNI by any employee would subject the employee todisciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.Carrier Authentication RequirementsPine Cellular pro hibits it s em ployees f rom re leas ing a c us t om e r ' s phone callrecords when a cus tom er calls excep t when th e cus tomer p rov ides apassword. If a cus tom er does no t provide a password , Pine Cellular will no tre lease th e cus tomer ' s phone cal l records except by sending i t to anaddress of record or by calling the customer at the telephone of record.Pine Cellular also prov ides man dato ry passwo rd pro tec t ion fo r onl ineaccount access. Pine Cellular will provide all CPNI, inc lud ing customerphone call records , to cus tomers based o n in-store con tac t w i th a validgovernm ent pho to ID.Notice to Customer of Account ChangesPine Cellular notifies the cus tom er imm ediate ly whe n the fo l lowing arecreated o r changed: ( 1 ) a password; (2) a back-up fo r f o rgo t t enpasswords; (3) the address o f record, or (4) an onl ine account.

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    Joint Venture and Independent Contractor Use of CPNIPine Cellular requires explicit consent from a customer before disclosingtheir CPNI to a joint venture partners or independent contractors for thepurposes of marketing communications-related services to that customer.In addition Pine Cellular does not disclose nor allow access by others tosubscr ibers ' CPNI for the purpose of identifying cus tomers placing calls tocompeting carriers.Business Customer ExemptionPine Cellular m ay bind itself contractually to authentication regimes otherthan those described in this Section for services it provides to its businesscustomers that have both a dedicated account representative and acontract that specifically addressesth e Company's protection of CPNI .Notice of Unauthorized Disclosure of CPNIA notification process is established fo r both law enforcement and PineCellular customers in the event of a CPNI breach. Pine Cellular's SeniorManagement shall notify law enforcement of a breach of its customers'CPNI no later than seven business days after a reasonable determination ofa breach by sending electronic notification to the United States SecretServ ice ( U S S S ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation ( F B I ) . Pine Cel lu larm ay notify th e customer and/or disclose th e breach publicly after sevenbusiness days following notification to the U S S S and the F B I , if the U S S S andthe FBI have not requested to postpone th e disclosure.However, Pine Cellular m ay immediately noti fy a customer or disclose th ebreach publicly after consultation with th e relevant investigativeagency, ifPine Cellular believes that there is an extraordinarily urgent need to not i fy acustomer or class of customers in order to avoid immediate and irreparableharm. Additionally, Pine Cellular will maintain a record of any discoveredbreaches, notifications to the U S S S and the FBI regarding those breaches,as well as the U S S S and the FBI response to the notifications for a period ofat least tw o years. These records will include, if available, the date that PineCellular discovered th e breach, th e date that Pine Cellular notified th e U S S Sand the FBI, a detailed description of the CPNI that was breached, and thecircumstances of the breach.Opt-In / Opt-Out ApprovalsPine Cellular maintains records of all opt-in and opt-out approvals bycus tomers , including a history of notices to customers. A ll outboundmarketing campaigns are approved by the General Manager.