Pineapple Stitch Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern · Pineapple Stitch Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern...

Post on 21-Feb-2020

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Pineapple Stitch Shawl – Free Crochet Pattern

For this project you will need 3 ply for the US or 8 ply for AU. I know the picture above she is wearing it upside down, whoops, so beautiful either way!

Also you will need a button if you are making it to be closed. And a 5 mm hook or size H hook for the US. I used 2 ½ skeins of Shan wools Ran – Soft Microfiber yarn – medium green. 100 grams – 3.53 ounces and length is 260 meters or 284 yards. I made mine a shorter shawl so it can be worn as a cape if desired. I have always loved this stitch and wanted it to be sort of a garment as well. But feel free to make it long and use it as a full shawl.

Short shawl get 3 SkeinsWide shawl get 4 skeins

The multiples of this Crochet Stitch Pattern is 24 + 16 which means you will need to chain loosely in sets of 24 until you have your desired length, when you do add 15 more chains and you're ready to begin. This pattern will be for the shorter

version you see above.

Ch = chainSc = single crochetDc = double crochetQuad = Quadruple crochet – Need help?

sk a st = skip a stitchsl st = slip stitch.( ) repeat what is in the brackets for the amount mentioned.* repeat the whole section for the remainder of the row.

To Start:

Chain 160 loosely.For a wider shawl chain 184

Row 1

dc twice in the 7th chain from the hook, ch 2, dc two more times in the same stitch to make your first V stitch. Ch 3, skip 3 sts and sc into the next. ( ch 3, sk a st, sc ) repeat 4 more times. You should have 5 little spaces. Ch 3, sk 3 sts, and in the next stitch work 2 dc's , ch 2, 2 dc's all in the same stitch to make your V stitch. Skip 5 sts.

Now you are going to continue to repeat for rest of round:(ch 3, sk a st, sc) repeat 4 more times. You should have 5 little chain spaces. Ch 3, sk 3 sts, and in the next stitch work 2 dc's , ch 2, 2 dc's all in the same stitch to make your V stitch. Skip 5 sts.

When you reach the end of the row and you have just finished your V stitches and are about to start your little chain spaces again:

then you ch 3, sk a st, sc, ch 3 sk a st, ch 3, ch 1 and dc into last stitch of round.

Row 2

ch 1 and turn. Sc into beginning stitch, (ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round) repeat 1 more time (2 little chain spaces)

Then ch 3 and do your next V stitch of dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 worked into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row. Ch 1 and do your next V stitch of dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 worked into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row.

(ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round ) do this 3 more times (4 little chain spaces)

Now you are going to continue to repeat for rest of round:* Then ch 3 and do your next V stitch of dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 worked into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row. Ch 1 and do your next V stitch of dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 worked into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row.

(ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round) do this 3 more times (4 little chain spaces) *

When you reach the end of the row after you have just done your 4 sets of little chain spaces. Ch 3 and work your next V stitch of dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 worked into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row. Dc in last stitch.

Row 3

Ch 5 and turn. work a V stitch of (dc 2, ch 2, dc 2) into the ch 2 space of the V stitch from the previous row. ( ch 3 and sc into the middle chain of next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 2 more times giving you 3 little chain spaces. Once you have that then, Ch 3 and work a V stitch of (dc 2, ch 2, dc 2 ) into the ch 2 space of the next V stitch.

Note: From now on I will just be saying work a V stitch in the next V stitch, because you will always be working a V stitch in the ch 2 space of the next V stitch from the last round.

Ch 2, DC into the chain 1, Ch 2 , then do another V stitch in the next V stitch.

Now you are going to continue to repeat for rest of round:* (ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round) repeat this 2 more times giving you 3 little chain spaces. Ch 3 and work a V stitch in the next V

stitch. Ch 2, DC into the chain 1, Ch 2 then do another V stitch in the next V stitch. *

When you reach the end of the row And you have just done your second V stitch and are ready to start to make your tiny chain spaces.

ch 3 and sc into the middle chain of next ch 3 space from last round, ch 1 and DC into last stitch of round.

Row 4

ch 1 and turn, sc into the first dc from last round (the very first stitch) ch 3 and sc into the middle chain of next chain 3 space. Ch 3 and work your V stitch into next V stitch, ch 2, work a dc into the center dc from last round, ch 3 and work another dc into the same stitch, ch 2 and work a V stitch in the next V stitch.

(ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round) repeat this 1 more time giving you 2 chain 3 spaces.

Now you are going to continue to repeat for rest of round: * Ch 3 and work your V stitch into next V stitch, ch 2, work a dc into the center dc from last round, ch 3 and work another dc into the same stitch, ch 2 and work a V stitch in the next V stitch. (ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 1 more time giving you 2 chain 3 spaces. * Repeat what is in between *'s

When you reach the end of the row After you finish your little chain spaces from above and close to the end, you ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 2 and dc 1, ch 1 dc 1 all in the 3rd ch of the beginning ch 5.

Row 5

Ch 3 and turn. Dc 3 times in the ch space you just created from last row. Ch 1 and do a V stitch in the next V stitch. * ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space from last round, ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 1 and put 7 dc's into the next ch 3 space. Ch 1 and put a V stitch into the next V stitch * repeat until end of row whats between the *'s

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch, ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3 space, ch 1 and dc into last stitch.

Row 6

ch 1 and turn, sc into first stitch of round {on the top of the dc} ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, * ch 2 and {Working on the fan} ( dc and ch 1) into the next 6 dc's, dc into the 7th and ch 2. V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 3 and sc into the middle ch of next ch 3. ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch* repeat until end of row whats between the *'s

When you reach the end of the row after the last V stitch, ch 2 and *dc and ch 1 into the next 3 dc's, ch and dc into top of ch 3.

Row 7

(ch 3 and turn, sc into the next ch 3 space from last round) Repeat 2 more times, giving you 3 little chain 3 spaces. ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, then without chaining, just V stitch into the next stitch.

* ( ch 3 and sc into the first ch 1 space in between the dc's from last round. ) repeat this 5 more times giving you 5 little chain 3 spaces. Once you have that then, Ch 3 and work a V stitch into the next V stitch then without chaining, just V stitch into the next stitch * Repeat what is in between the *'s until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row you should have just done a V stitch. Quadruple crochet into last stitch.

Row 8

Ch 3 and turn. * V stitch into the next V stitch, (ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 4 more times giving you 4 little chain 3

spaces. Ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 1 * repeat from * you will be doing just like you did with Row 1.

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch, ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, repeat 2 more times giving you two small chain spaces, ch 3 and sc into last stitch of round.

Row 9

Ch 3 and turn, sc into the next ch 1 space from last round, ch 3 and V stitch in the next V stitch. * Ch 2, dc into ch 1 space from previous round, ch 2, V stitch in the next V stitch. (ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 3 more times giving you 3 little chain spaces. Once you have then repeat from. ch 3 and V stitch in the next V stitch *

When you reach the end of the row Once you have your last V stitches done and you are near the end ch 2 and dc into last stitch.

Row 10

Ch 4 and turn, dc into same beginning stitch, ch 2 and do a V stitch in the next V stitch, * (ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 2 more times giving you 2 little chain spaces. Once you have them, ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 2 then dc, ch 3, dc into the center dc from last round, ( all in the same stitch) ch 2, V stitch into next V stitch * repeat what is in between *'s

When you reach the end of the row After last V stitch of row, ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, ch 3 and sc into last stitch of round.

Row 11

Ch 3 and turn, sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, * ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 1, DC 7 into ch 3 space, ch 1 and V stitch into the next V stitch, sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, then again sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, * Then repeat what is in between *'s

When you reach the end of the row and you have just completed your little

ch 3 spaces, DO a V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 1 and dc 4 into top of ch 4 which is your very last stitch of the row.

Row 12

ch 4, dc and ch 1 in next stitch, dc and ch 1 in next stitch , then dc and ch 2 , V stitch in the next V stitch, * ch 3 , sc into the next ch 3 space from last round, ch 3 and V stitch into next V stitch ch 2, dc and ch 1 into the next 6 dc's, in the 7th

dc and ch 2, V stitch into next V stitch * Repeat what is in between *'s

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch, ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3.

Row 13

Ch 6 and V stitch into the next V stitch, * ( ch 3 and sc into the first ch 1 space in between the dc's from last round. ) repeat this 5 more times giving you 5 little chain 3 spaces. Once you have that then, Ch 3 and work a V stitch into the next V stitch then without chaining, just V stitch into the next stitch * Repeat what is

in between the *'s until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row then you ( ch 3 , ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3) 3 times, giving you 2 small chain spaces, then ch 1 and dc into last stitch.

Row 14

ch 1 and turn, ( ch 3 , ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3) twice giving your 2 small ch 3 spaces, ch 3 * V stitch into the next V stitch, (ch 3 and sc into the next ch 3 space from last round ) repeat this 4 more times giving you 4 little chain 3 spaces. Ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 1 * repeat from * you will be doing just like you did with Row 1.

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch, DC into last stitch.

Row 15

Ch 5, * V stitch into next V stitch, ( ch 3 , ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3) do this 3 times total giving your 3 small ch 3 spaces, ch 3, V stitch into the next V stitch, ch 2 and dc into the ch 1 space from last row. * Repeat until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row after your last V stitch, ( ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3 ) repeat this 1 more time, giving you 1 ch 3 space, ch 1 and dc into last stitch.

Row 16

ch 1 and turn, sc into beginning stitch (into the DC) ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3, ch 3 and V stitch in the next V stitch. * Ch 2 and dc, ch 3, dc into the next stitch, ch 2 and V stitch in the next V stitch, ( ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3 ) repeat this 2 more times to create 2 little ch 3 spaces, ch 3 and V stitch into next V stitch. * Repeat until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch, ch 2, and DC ch 1 DC into last stitch of round.

Row 17

ch 3 and turn, dc 3 into the beginning stitch, ch 1 and * V stitch in the next V stitch. ( ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3 ) repeat 1 more time giving you 1 ch 2 space, ch 3 and V stitch in the next V stitch. Ch 2, and DC 7 into ch 3 space, ch 1 *Repeat until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row After your last V stitch of the row, ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3, ch 1 and dc into last stitch.

Row 18

ch 1 and turn, sc into beginning stitch (into the dc) ch 3, V stitch in the Beginning V stitch, * ch 2, dc and ch 1 into the follow 6 dc's, dc into the 7th and ch 2, V stitch into the next V stitch. ch 3 and sc into the middle of the ch 3 , ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch * Repeat until end of row.

When you reach the end of the row Dc and ch 1 in the last 4 stitches.

Row 19

(ch 3 and sc into the ch 1 spaces of the dc's) repeat 2 more time giving you 3 ch 3 spaces. * Ch 3 and V stitch into the next V stitch, then V stitch into the next V stitch. ( ch 3 and sc into the ch 1 spaces of the dc's ) repeat 5 more times giving your 5 little ch 3 spaces. * repeat for rest of row.

When you reach the end of the row after the last V stitch of row, do a Quadruple crochet into the last stitch.

Repeat rows 8 – 19 until shawl reaches desired length.