PINION (PIN yun) verb To bind the wings so As not to fly; to continue Link: PIN

Post on 31-Jan-2016

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QUAFF (kwaf) verb To drink heartily. RESPITE (RES pit) noun Delay; postpone; a brief interval of rest. PREDATORY (PRED ah tor ee) adjective Victimizing or destroying others For one’s own gain; pillaging. RHETORIC (RET or ik) noun The art or study of using language effectively and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


PINION(PIN yun) verbTo bind the wings soAs not to fly; to continue

Link: PIN

PIOUS(PIE us) adjectiveDevout or virtuous; holy

Link: PIE

SYNONYM - adhere ANTONYM - freeSYNONYM - devout ANTONYM - unbelieving

PREDATORY(PRED ah tor ee) adjective

Victimizing or destroying othersFor one’s own gain; pillaging

PREHENSILE(pri HEN sile) adjectiveAdapted for grasping or holding

QUAFF(kwaf) verbTo drink heartily

QUAIL(kwayl) verb

To shrink with fear; to cower;to lose heart and courage

SYNONYM – down ANTONYM - eject

SYNONYM – cringe ANTONYM - face

RESPITE(RES pit) noun

Delay; postpone; a briefinterval of rest

SYNONYM – pause ANTONYM-continuation

RHETORIC(RET or ik) nounThe art or study of using language effectively and persuasively; over-elaborate language

SYNONYM –language ANTONYM - silence

SYNONYM – language ANTONYM- silence

RHETORIC(RET or ik) nounThe art or study of using language effectively andPersuasively; over-elaborate language

PINION(PIN yun) verbTo bind the wings soAs not to fly; to continue

Link: PIN

PIOUS(PIE us) adjectiveDevout or virtuous; holy

Link: PIE

PLETHORA(PLETH or ah) nounA state of excessive fullness;superabundance


PLUCKY(PLUCK ee) adjectiveBrave and spirited; courageous


SYNONYM - deluge ANTONYM - lackSYNONYM - bold ANTONYM -afraid

PRESENTIMENT(pre ZEN tih ment) noun

A sense that something is About to occur; a premonition

PRISTINE(PRIS teen) adjectiveExtremely pure; untouched

RIFE(ryfe) adjectiveAbundant; great in number or amountamou or suppress by force

QUIETUDE(KWIE ih tude) noun

Calm; tranquility; peacefulness

SYNONYM - serenity ANTONYM - agitationSYNONYM - suppress ANTONYM - succeed

RIFE(ryfe) adjective

Abundant; great in number or amount

SYNONYM - plentiful ANTONYM - scarce

ROTE(roht) nounA memorizing process using routine or repetition, often without comprehension; learned or memorized by rote

SYNONYM - renewal ANTONYM - instance

PINION(PIN yun) verbTo bind the wings soAs not to fly; to continue

Link: PIN

PIOUS(PIE us) adjectiveDevout or virtuous; holy

Link: PIE

PLETHORA(PLETH or ah) nounA state of excessive fullness;superabundance


PLUCKY(PLUCK ee) adjectiveBrave and spirited; courageous


PLUCKY(PLUCK ee) adjectiveBrave and spirited; courageous


PLIABLE(PLYE ah bul) adjective

Receptive to change; easily persuaded or controlled; easily bent or twisted


POLARIZE(POH luh ryz) verbTo break up into opposingFactions or groups


SYNONYM -flexible ANTONYM - rigidSYNONYM - unify ANTONYM - spread

PRODIGIOUS(prah DIJ us) adjective

Enormous in size quantity,Degree; marvelous, amazing

PROFOUND(prah found) adjectiveIntellectually deep or penetrating; reaching to, rising from, or affecting the depths of one’s nature.

RAFFISH(RAF ish) adjectiveCheaply vulgar in appearance ornature; tawdry; disrespectable

RANSACK(RAN sak) verb

To search thoroughly; pillage

SYNONYM – coarse ANTONYM - aristocratic SYNONYM – ravage ANTONYM - tidy

RUMINATE(ROO mih nate) noun

To ponder; to reflect upon

SYNONYM – brood ANTONYM - ignore

SAGA(SAH gah) nounA long story, often telling the history of a family

SYNONYM – narrative ANTONYM – short story

POLTROON(pol TROON) nounA coward


PORTAL(POR tul) noun

An entrance, door or gate


SYNONYM - alarmist ANTONYM - aggressorSYNONYM - entry ANTONYM - interior

PROPINQUITY(proh PING kwi tee) noun

Proximity, nearness; kinship

PRUDENT(PROOD ent) adjectiveCautious; discreet; exercisingGood judgment

REIGN(rayn) nounThe exercise or possessionof supreme power

REPLETE(rih PLEET) adjective

Full or supplied to the utmost; gorged

SYNONYM – dominion ANTONYM - decline SYNONYM – abundant ANTONYM - empty

SAGE(sayj) noun

A person of wisdom and prudence

SYNONYM – astute ANTONYM - dumbo

SCRUPULOUS(SKROO pyu les) adjectiveCareful of small details; honest; conscientious

SYNONYM – precise ANTONYM - careless

PORTEND(por TEND) verb

To warn of as an omen; forecast


PRATTLE(PRAT l) verbTo babble; to talk meaninglessly


SYNONYM - foretell ANTONYM - ignoreSYNONYM - chatter ANTONYM – be quiet

PURBLIND(PER blind) adjective

Having poor vision;Nearly or partially blind

PSYCHE(SYE kee) nounThe human soul; the mind

REPROACH(rih PROACH) verb/noun

To express disapproval of; an expression of disapproval

REQUISITE(REK kwuh zut) adjective/nounEssential; necessary

SYNONYM – dishonor ANTONYM - respect SYNONYM – need ANTONYM -nonessential

SEDENTARY(SED en ter ee) adjectiveCharacterized by or requiring much sitting; accustomed to little exercise

SYNONYM – motionless ANTONYM - active

SEETHE(seeth) verbTo be agitated, as by rage; to churn and foam as if boiling

SYNONYM – furious ANTONYM - happy