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Post on 20-Jul-2015

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PinkLace Wigs

About Us

Hello and thank you for your visit

to PinkWigs LLC

is a large lace wig and hair

production company originally

started in Falls Church, VA May

2007. Our lace front wigs and full

lace wig are all made by the VERY

best ventilators with top quality

hair that surpasses our competitors!

We never use any synthetic hair or

poor materials when producing our

lace wigs. We provide only celebrity

quality PREMIMUM lace wigs at

the most affordable prices!

Check Our latest Blogs

New Year resolutions that every lady should make in 2015

Many of you would have already made

your New Year resolutions, while many

others would still be busy wrapping up

your celebrations. Nevertheless, we

thought we could provide you some

lovely resolution ideas that can help you

simplify your life and enjoy it.

If you have taken a resolution to lose 10

pounds in 6 weeks, something that has

been your resolution for more than 6

years, here are some doable ideas that

you must try.

To read more click here

Simple yet effective tips for surviving holiday parties in a healthy way

New Year is the time when we all suffer from

overstuffed tummies. Family gatherings, office

parties, New Year parties; wherever you go, food

will play a major role in the celebration.

Resisting the hot and delicious food during the

winter celebration is the toughest thing to do.

But, if you tend to grab every piece snack that

you are offered, you will end up putting extra

pounds. Further, if you mix and eat wrong things,

you will most likely suffer from unwanted

health problems. Here are some simple yet

effective tips for surviving holidays happily as

well as in a healthy way: To read more

click here

5 worst food for hair

In our last blog, we discussed about a

few things that we must eat in order to

improve the quality of our hairs. Here, we

will be discussing on what we must not

eat. This blog will educate you about

foods that can degrade the quality of

your hairs and may even cause hair loss.

You must stay away from them as much

as possible. So, here we go:to read more

click here

Taking care of your hair during the Holiday season: some helpful tips

December is a month of parties, get-togethers,

vacations, and celebrations. This is a season

when we are too busy to take care of ourselves.

Hairs get the least priority in terms of care. You

style them in a different every time you step out.

Excessive usage of styling products, hot irons,

curlers, etc. make them suffer a lot. After the

New Year fever is over, you realize the damage

that you did to your hairs. If you love your

tresses like anything and do not want them

become dull and lifeless at the end of this

season, here are some hair care tips that you

must follow. To read more click here

Contact Us

Pink Lace Wigs

12651 N. Dale Mabry


Tampa, FL. 33688


