Pinterest clone - Osiz Technologies

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Pinterest is one of the most popular social networks these days. Users can upload, save, sort, and manage images—known as pins through collections known as pinboards. The platform allows its subscribers from around the world to categorize links and files they consider interesting, and then share them with friends and followers far and wide across the globe – a feature that turns the website in a potent marketing tool. We, the team of, believe that we have created a fantastic product that can be considered a Pinterest clone.

Features •Bootstrap-Responsive•Join or login•Interests•Front Page•Notification•Boards•Pins•Likes•Followers•Following – Interests•Following - Pinners•Following - Boards•Account Settings•Pin Detail•Category•Edit profile•Board Pins•Pin It•Create Board•Help•Change Password



To enhance the website look and feel and to make compatible with any browser, we have effectively ingredient this responsive design layout. This helps to have a consistent webpage while viewing with indefinite resolution. Moreover we integrated with nice bootstrap design.

Join or login

Join or login

Whether you’re an established brand, a non-profit organization, or a blogger, you can join Pinterest clone. This effective Pinterest Clone website facilitates login in with mail account. Authenticated profile dependent access to data and its user friendly, performed effectively.



You can able to select what you are interested at the time of signup. Pinterest-clone will automatically suggest the pins and boards at the time of login. The automated category management done with the user interest is also a main advantage of the pinterest clone , user friendly is concentrated in this site.

Front Page

Front Page

When you first log in to Pinterest-Clone, you will see your home feed—it’s a collection of Pins from the people, boards and interests you follow, as well as a few Promoted Pins and Pins we have picked for you. It updates every time there’s a new Pin. Its awesome feature to user.



When someone Pins, likes or comments on your Pins, or follows or mentions you, Pinterest clone send a notification. Notifications are a great way to find new people and boards to follow. If someone adds you Pin to their own board, check out the board and to follow it.



Boards are where you save your Pins. You can make boards for anything and everything. You can also make secret boards, or invite other people to Pin with you on a board. If you don't want people to know about it yet, make a secret board and reveal it to the world whenever you're ready.



Pins are visual bookmarks. You can save anything you find around the web by adding the Pinterest-Clone browser button to the browser you

use most.

Or try looking through Pinterest-clone to see what other people have found. If you discover a Pin that looks interesting, just save it

for yourself.



Likes page are the one which liked by you . Likes dont need the boards to save for it . It other than pins. you can save any pin by like it at different user page. Then if You dont like the pin just press unlike to get rid of that stuff. This like is the one which you interested in the pins and then it saved in like page.



The People who following you can be visible in the followers page. You can follow them or you can avoid it. If you follow the user the users boards , pins should also update into your account . you can also follow the new peoples through pinterest clone. this is the new method to sharing pins with friends.

Following - Interests

Following - Interests

Following interest page contains the Interest that save by you on the time of signup will be there. You can unfollow the stuff if you got bored in the category or if its want to avoid. This show the category or interests you are following in the pinterest clone site. this is awesome method to manage interest in the pinterest clone site.

Following - Pinners

Following - Pinners

Following Pinners page contains the persons to follow option. If you add a pin form pinterest clone, the site will suggest the pin owner in your following category.

In that you can add the people to update all their pins into your page and you can chat with them and make a friendly environment through pinterest-clone.

Following - Boards

Following - Boards

Following Boards page

contains of the board

that followed

by you on anytime

and anywhere at the site.

This boards can be viewed by You at any time and you can save

the pin for there future


If you not interest in that board

just unfollow

the boards to get rid

of the pins. Then the board pins will

not in site.

Account Settings

Account Settings

Pinterest clone have a detailed setting page . Where you can change your accounts information , Profile information , Notifications. Thus this detailed functionality in pinterest clone helps to stick the users into this site. You can add email notifications or website url for business purpose also in the pinterest clone.

Pin Detail

Pin Detail

Pin detail page lets you to see the whole image of the pin. It also used to share the contents in social networks. A slide show at the right end use to see the other pins in the board. You can comment or follow the people or you can see other pins or you can like the pin or you can visit the site .This pin details will awesome!



In this category popup , Pinterest clone will show lot of category type where the user can search the pins according to the category. if the user clicked a category he can able to see the subcategory . Thus this category page can be easily be adopted by the user of the pinterest clone. This is really nice feature for the user.

Edit profile

Edit profile

In this modern website era , user are very much bored with loading. So pinterest clone provide lots of popup which can visit within a fraction of seconds. User can easily edit profile picture or name or location or about you. This edit profile reduce the tension of the user. This is the modern website features in pinterest clone.

Board Pins

Board Pins

Board Pins page consists of the pins that Saved in the board. This also provide the facility of save the pin to that page. In this page you can delete the pin if you don't want in this board. Pinterest clone just manage to have the full functionality to attract the user of this site. This is good functionality fot the user to manage pins.

Pin It

Pin It

This is the feature of saving the pins or images in a specific board with a description. User can add his image and pin it in the board he already have. This consists of two popup where in first he can upload the pin. In second popup, he can give description and image board for the future use of pins in this pinterest clone. This is Awesome!!

Create Board

Create Board

Create Board is of two types – open and secrete board. Open board visible to all the users of the pinterest clone where as the secrete board cannot be visible to the users. You can save the pin which is secrete in this secrete board. This is secured in lot of ways and liked by users. This is just a popup to save board.



Help page provide the detailed data for the newly joined or users. This provide the complete guide for the users. The user can also request the question for troubleshooting pages. The concern authority can response to the query. This provide the complete Functionality of the pinterest clone from which users can easily analyse the site.

Change Password

Change Password

This change password is the newly customized popup for the pinterest clone. It very much quicker than the normal page. This popup have use to change the password if the user wants. This is available in the account setting page. This change passwords save the time of the user. This is better that any site for the features.

- By Osiz Technologies