Pioneer Places - NEA | NEA · 2017-09-07 · Pioneer Places Lynn Melling . DECC PRESS RELEASE...

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Pioneer Places

Lynn Melling


Green Deal Pioneer Fund - Improving household energy efficiency: £10million focused on improving the energy efficiency of homes across local authority areas, not just targeted at vulnerable householders. This money is intended to kick start energy efficiency projects to tie in with the launch of the Green Deal The money will be used specifically for Green Deal household energy efficiency assessments to see where energy savings can be made in the home, whole house retrofits to demonstrate the benefits of energy efficiency, and local events and other activities to raise awareness of the Green Deal. DECC received 74 bids under this scheme for £19.5million and money has been awarded to 40 successful projects, covering over 150 local councils across England.


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

The key desired outcomes: 1. deliver early Green Deals; 300 GDA : 100 GDP

2. build strong legacy for driving future Green Deal

3. develop and support the emerging Green Deal supply chain (e.g.

develop strong network of Green Deal approved assessors and installers).


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

DECC Funding £295K

• Establishing the brand • Targeted data • Stakeholder communication and engagement

» Householders » Supply chain » Green Deal Providers

• Green Deal Assessments • Development of a website and Green Deal Portal • Development of local partnerships


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Targeted Data


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Communication and Engagement


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Communications Plan


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Marketing Channels


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

207 26




10 8

8 8

Origin of 328 referrals

Direct mail

Newspaper (mostly Solihull Observer)

Your Solihull

SEP Leaflet

Other or unknown

Word of Mouth

Solihull Council

Landlords Forum

SEP website

SEP Event

U3A Event

Internet Search

Jaguar Landrover employee email

Birmingham Energy Savers

Customer Journey


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Call to Action to ring SEP

helpline (EST)


Advisors Collected

information to make an

referral (EST)


Referral Confirmed by letter (Encraft)

Assessment arranged by GD Provider

GD assessment carried out

(GD Provider)

Report and possible GDP

Customer Satisfaction


Supply Chain?

• Before and After survey carried out. • Installer events in February and March at EH Smith • Liaison with Green Deal Providers • Solihull Green Deal Portal


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Lessons learned – SEP has established the need for Green Deal and

tested the processes – but at the cost of a great deal of extra work to project managers and delivery teams.

– Previous experience, partnerships and collaborative approaches all worked. Using existing partners to deliver the project helped it to keep on track.

– Keen targeting and the right marketing message


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Lessons learned

– Dedicated advice provision secured buy in and helped manage customer expectation.

– There were a number of Green Deal teething issues (such as concerns over Green Deal ‘ownership’ in the private rented sector, availability of finance, readiness of Green Deal Providers, accreditation of assessors and software glitches).


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Lessons learned

– Linking Green Deal and tried and trusted ‘brands’ such as the Local Authorities will build confidence.

– There is the specter that householders will get ‘lost’ in the process. Must be customer focused.

– Private sector involvement and good standards will be essential for Green Deal success.


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Lessons learned

– Most businesses are now aware of the Green Deal and think it could generate business for them, but need help to explain it to their customers

– Businesses are very keen for Green Deal to work, but are looking for more guidance and support.


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Begin the Beguine

SEP has amassed a considerable amount of knowledge and data which can be used to inform next steps. • Area based schemes • Bulk purchase • Community leadership • Installer interface


Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited



Lynn Melling 07973 316252 ©flourish partnership limited

Critical success pathways in delivering DECC-funded programmes

Northants Warm Homes

DECC Affordable Warmth Project Winter 2012-13

Project Aims

- Reduce extent of fuel poverty through thermal efficiency improvements to low income and vulnerable households.

- c£600,000+ to deliver the project

- Maximise resource by combining with Department of Health “Warmth and Well Being”

- Explore sustainability options via ECO/Green Deal

• Obtain, collate, analyse and map data.

• Re-visit previous unsuccessful grant applications.

• Establish mechanism to manage referrals utilising cross- county support

• Utilise data to negotiate with fuel suppliers for ECO

• Develop a low-risk pilot approach to Green Deal

• Establish an accredited installer panel

• Targeted marketing/canvassing

• Purchase of Energy Saving Trust/Experian address level data sets

• Identification of countywide data • Collation, analysis and mapping

• Dedicated telephone advice service • Debt management • Energy efficiency

• Countywide co-ordinated approach

• Face to face help and assistance 2013

Referrals to DECC Fuel poverty scheme @ 16.04.13Annual fue Assumed lLifetime saving

Boiler Replacements 21 £6,300.00 12 £75,600.00New heating systems 8 £2,646.00 12 £31,752.00Cavity Wall insulation 9 £1,400.00 42 £58,800.00Loft insulation 18 £2,465.00 42 £103,530.00Heating Controls 1 £70.00 12 £840.00Hot water cylinder jacket and th 1 £75.00 10 £750.00External wall insulation 40 £19,600.00 36 £705,600.00

Total savings £32,556.00 £976,872.00

• Combined funding from DoH and DECC

• Data rationalisation and mapping to enable targeted marketing

• Countywide co-ordination • County Council • 7 District Councils –

Northamptonshire Warm Homes

• 3rd Sector partners

• Capacity Building in the Community

• The critical role of comprehensive advice

• Trusted routes to market

Why VIVA came about

© NEA 2012 © NEA 2012 © NEA 2012

National Energy Action charity

NEA working with Age UK

Attended Older People’s Conference – lots of interest

Met with Rotherham Pensioner Action Group

NEA and Age UK submitted joint bid

Funding bid to Comic Relief successful



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Funded by Comic Relief 3 year project


More older people bringing about change in their communities

An increase in the number of projects being delivered by older people

More effective ways of sharing innovative practice in meeting older people’s needs

Reduction in energy costs for older people


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Year 1 8 x Age UK / Community Workers engaged across Yorkshire & Humber (Y&H)

53 VIVA Neighbourhood Energy Champions engaged across Y&H

Champions encouraged to:

Engage in delivery of community activities

Help organise and deliver mini event

Bring about change in their own communities

Develop action plans


© NEA 2012 © NEA 2012 © NEA 2012

How will it work – Year 2

Further 8 x Age UK/Community Workers engaged across Y&H

VIVA Champions continue (if they wish to) and will

Attend event to review and plan

Engage in delivery of community activities

Help organise and deliver a second mini event and/or Green Deal/ECO clinics


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How will it work – Year 3

VIVA Champions will continue (if they wish to)

What will VIVA Champions do:

Attend further refresher/update sessions

Engage in delivery of community activities

Help organise and deliver Green Deal/ECO clinics for older people

In addition…

© NEA 2012 © NEA 2012 © NEA 2012

Workers Champions to attend review/planning session

NEA will provide updates and newsletters especially relating to grants etc.

Highlight opportunities to become involved in additional activities

1. Have you ever worked with or been a volunteer? 2. In what capacity? 3. Considering Green Deal and VIVA to what extent

do you think that volunteers could get the message out there? a. What would be the incentives? b. What could the barriers be?

4. In terms of GD/ECO what are the key messages which volunteers could help to deliver?

5. And how?


Welcome to the

NEA Fuel Poverty Forum

Yorkshire and Humber

21 September 2012

Latest Fuel Poverty Figures

Country Year No. fuel poor households

England 2012 4,000,000

Scotland 2010 658,000

Wales 2010 332,000

Northern Ireland 2009 302,000

Cabinet Reshuffle

Fuel Poverty Future

Fuel poverty: changing the measurement: Taking forward the recommendations of the Hills Review

Low Income High Costs (LIHC) framework adopted

Does reasonable mean affordable? Will also report under 10% definition

Fuel poverty by household type and by fuel poverty definition

Fuel poverty by household typeand by fuel poverty definition (2009)

New Hills indicator Current indicator

Couple with children 661,000 381,000

Older couple (no children) 406,000 733,000

Younger couple (no children) 219,000 281,000

Lone parent families 555,000 347,000

Single older person 277,000 1,184,000

Single person 361,000 763,000

Multi-person households 215,000 275,000

All households 2,695,000 3,964,000

Green Deal / ECO update

Carbon Saving, Affordable Warmth, Carbon Saving Communities

Level of expenditure about half 2010/11 Consultation on in-use factors (JRF report) Regressive funding/charging model ECO customers guarantee? Delivering through the rural safeguard?

Reduced VAT in jeapordy

EU challenge to UK’s VAT reduction for energy efficiency measures

Must be part of ‘social policy’ Conceded with village halls Still contesting domestic provision Potential involvement of European Courts

of Justice

Energy and Climate Change Committee Concerns

Chair of ECCC raised concerns following fuel poverty evidence sessions

Particularly relates to off-gas and private rented sector customers Lack of regulation on off gas fuel Inequitable access to energy efficiency

programmes for rural dwellersMandatory energy efficiency standards in

private sector must be improved and speeded up

Oil or nothing?

All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Off-Gas Grid: disadvantage among off-gas communities

Friday October 12th

Ed Winfield:

T: 0207 219 7164

English Housing Survey: Household Report 2010-11

Strong links between: Poverty and damp Poverty and inefficient homes

Many missing out on direct debit discounts

Efficiency and security

Renewable Heat Strategy

The Renewable Heat Strategy: Published in March 2012

Welcome recognition that energy efficiency, efficient conventional systems and district heating can address fuel poverty and environmental aspirations

Based on ?

Domestic RHI consultation open closes 7/12/12

Health and Housing

Cold snap of December 2010 led to 38% increase in deaths across England and Wales

Average EWD at 27,000 Opportunities in changing health sector to

increase the profile and resources for fuel poverty

National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) are currently developing guidance on

how to tackle cold-related ill health and excess winter deaths

Energy Bill Revolution

Put carbon tax revenue into fuel poverty programmes

£4 billion p/a over 15 years ETS and carbon floor price

Use It or Lose It

CERT SPG: Between 12.2% to 62% success rate

Difficulty in identifying SPG claimed

Warm Front: £50 million underspend in 2011-12 Criteria relaxed: work now permitted from SAP

63 and benefits changed to include child tax credit, working tax credit and where there is parental responsibility for child under 16

T: 0800 316 2805

Announcements and Events

Community Footprint Award: 9 x £2,000 and £3,000for overall national winnerWarm Homes, Healthy People fund re-opened.

Deadline 5th October. More information:

Hands on Help to Tackle Fuel Poverty: a graduate training programme