Piracy on Apps

Post on 07-Jul-2015

797 views 1 download



A short talk about the impact of Piracy on Mobile apps -specially on games and specially on Android-, how to minimize the impact and how to live with it.


Piracy on Apps

Raul Portales@sla_shalafi

Platty Soft@plattysoft

Is it real?

The platform matters

Some recent reactions

It can happen to you

Look at other media

Music and Movies

What you can NOT do

Beat them

Opportunity Cost

There is more to piracy than just money

Opportunity Cost

Easy to obtain

Opportunity Cost

Ethics / Moral

Opportunity Cost


Opportunity Cost

Price / Value

What you CAN do

Work out the opportunity cost

What you CAN do

Offer free options (Freemium)

What you CAN do

Price according to perceived value

What you CAN do

Embrace other models (Free2Play)

What you CAN do

Improve accessibility (In-app purchases)

A pirated copy is NOT a lost sale

What you SHOULD do

Always look at the bright side of life


Raul Portales@sla_shalafi

Platty Soft@plattysoft