Pitch final

Post on 23-Feb-2017

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Film PitchBy Marija Djikic

Production Company

A company that our crew have chosen to be a production company is a Moon Production company.

Moon Production is newly formed company that has produces several movies mainly for student purposes. It is very reliant, reliable and on the good voice, thus it is the choice for the ‘Redemption Dinner’.

Film by: Marija Djikic

Redemption DinnerI chose this title because it represents in two words

the whole film, but without telling audience the end


A heart warming human interest story about a person preparing an engagement dinner with a clear expertise as well as passion and love for his wife. While setting up the table, we see him peeking through a window, expecting soon arrival of his future wife. At the end, as the time passes by, we realize that nobody will come, and the main character starts the dinner, while serving and entertaining his imaginary girlfriend.

Main Narrative

Well groomed and mannered middle aged man aims to prepare exquisite dinner in order to mark very special occasion. Determined to prepare tasty dinner and pleasurable evening he returns to his neat and tidy home with hands full of necessary groceries and specially picked delicacies. Soon the kitchen is overwhelmed and flooded with aromatic and enticing smells of food that is prepared with outmost expertise and tender loving care. In order to satisfy his girlfriend’s taste every course on the menu is prepared with fine and delicate attention to details. During the preparation of food, every stage is well planed and any free time is used to set and arrange the table according to his prior well planed design. Cutlery, table wear, crystal wine glasses used only for special occasions with obligatory candles are as well placed with outmost concern to details and visual appeal.

As the food and dinning table were prepared and set to his high culinary standards and satisfaction and right on his schedule he has decided to award his efforts with glass wine while waiting for his future wife to arrive. Following his military timing and with only few minutes to spare he checked his immaculate appearance while glancing again over perfectly set table. Being fully satisfied and as he was fixing his tie the door bell rang. ”She arrived on time" – with an approving smile he told to himself.

With a broad and welcoming smile, he opens the door kisses his girlfriend and escorts her with gentlemanly manners to their predetermined seats. However, we as the audience, can not see her.


Unique Selling Point (USP)

Unique selling point of this movie is the inner motivation of the main narrative. The core of the story is really deep, carrying a unique message.

At the point when David’s potential fiance enters the house, the camera is actually her head and it films David from point of view angle.

It has unpredictable and original end. Simple, but very effective.


• Corridor of the house

• Kitchen


David Blair - He is a handsome middle aged well groomed and mannered man, with profound features and of a slender statue. Being of a middle class background he is an intellectual with a respectable business career. He is very tidy and neat. Under his social facade he is very troubled and unhappy individual that is thorn apart with guilt. His misfortune led him to invent and create micro world where he is surrounded with people that he greatly misses

Inspiration The character from the movie that inspired

creation of David from ‘Redemption Diner’ is Julianne Moore from ‘Safe’, 1995 directed by Todd Haynes. Short synopsis of safe is ‘An affluent and unexceptional homemaker in the suburbs develops multiple chemical sensitivity’.

The main story is not the same as mine, but Julianne Moore, the main character in the film, has the similar mental issue as the main character in this film. Both of them are tidy, neat, successful, upper class, appearing to be fine. But from the inside they are both collapsing.

The camera and Julianne relationship in the movie is very distant, which represent her, being distant from the whole world, yet being very polite and lovely. I will use similar camera technique when shooting ‘Redemption Dinner’.

Inspiration #2 The film that inspired the creation of David

is George from the film ‘A Single Man’, 2009, director by Tom Ford.

Short synopsis of ‘A Single Man’ is ‘An English professor, one year after the sudden death of his boyfriend, is unable to cope with his typical days in 1960s Los Angeles’.

The storyline is very similar, following the same path. The only difference is that in my film, David is an upper class Businessman, whereas George is a teacher. In addition to this, David’s emotions are overwhelmed by guild, while George is disappointed, said and very close to a suicide. However, both character are very distant and do not have a communication with other people they are surrounded with.

‘A Single Man’ will help me in choosing the right actor for a ‘Redemption Dinner’ once the casting is set up.

Camera technique

Camera will be a hand held camera, at one point (when girlfriend enters the house) the camera style will turn into POV camera style, allowing audience to be closer to the main character because, until that point, they didn’t have that chance. Camera will also pay attention on certain details by extreme close ups. However when the main switch at the film happens, the camera technique switch will be present also. When the audience sees that the girlfriend doesn’t exist, the camera will go into reverse zoom and the long shot will take place.

Our Target Audience

‘Lonely Dinner’ will mainly interest people who are between 20-50 years old. This is mainly because of the outer motivation of the movie. It is a type of movie that audience recalls as a ‘hard movie’. The main aim is to achieve with viewers that they think about it for a while after watching it. Therefore, my target audience aren’t kids and teenagers.

Plan for targeting audience


Issuing leaflets to friends, family, their friends and family, placing them in mailboxes… will definitely increase awareness and customer base.

Social Medias-Facebook, Twitter, Instagram

This is the cheapest and very effective way of ‘promoting a product’. 58% of people in the world use Facebook and an average person enters 7 times a day on any social media. Therefore, a lot of people will be able to see the poster of the ‘Lonely Dinner’ or to see a trailer.

However, the best way to target the audience is to advertise through billboards, cinemas, tv etc…but this is very expensive and in our budget there is not enough means to support that. Budget for the film is still uncertain, but clearly it will be somewhere around $500 including both fixed and variable costs.

Film Screening

The best place for presenting ‘Lonely Dinner’ is definitely cinema and TV channels. However, costs for getting permission to present your movie through these sources is very expensive, and unfortunately, budget for the ‘Lonely Dinner’ cannot support this.

Therefore, ‘Lonely Dinner’ will be played on YouTube, various kinds of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc…). Despite that, we will try to negotiate some deal with ‘Usce’ and ‘Delta Cineplex’ Cinema, so as with ‘Dom Sindikata’ and ‘Takvud’ to allow us to play our short film before any movie instead of commercials.

In order to promote our film further we will apply to various kinds of Short Film festivals in Belgrade, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and London.