PK-MAG English - isuee 13

Post on 11-Mar-2016

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From Editor


Good afternoon, friends! Тhere was a small delay of the issue because of reports` expec-tation from USSR Fre-erun Chal-lenge and Red Bull Art of Mo-tion. Unfortunately, Dekster had no time to prepare the written ver-sion of the report about his cit-ies` trip, that`s why it won’t be in this issue. Organizers will be satisfied with these reports. Originally I wanted to give my own com-ments about Red Bull Art of Mo-tion 2011, but when I wrote the report I understood that all were much deeper and more unpleas-ant. In general, go ahead and read it.

A man whose nickname is Peresvet won our contest for the best article or photo. He sent a lot of cool photos, but we couldn’t make up your mind for a long time. Thank you to all partici-pants who sent their articles and photos, I`ll try to publish most of them in the future. Nestegin Michael won the last issue`s con-test with a secret phrase. If you are wondering, it was hidden on the page 14. If you have LCD monitor you may simply tilt it. Friends, if you hold some large events or jams, the report is simply obliged to appear in our magazine, because it is physical-ly impossible to show everything in the video. Please write here:

Thank you all!G.R.


Progress and development 3

Biomechanics 9

Interview with Inna 17

Interview with Dexter 23

Principles of Healthy

Lifestyle 37

2011跑酷中国训练营选拔开始 47

Back from USSR 51

Red Bull Art of Motion 83

Eric and Sasha tell

us about AoM 93


Progress and development


Progress (Latin progressus –

a movement forward, success) -

the direction of development from

lower to higher, sustained forward

movement, for the better. “- this

definition gives us the Wikipedia in

Russia. That is true, but what does

progress mean in parkour?

We can consider progress

in parkour from three

sides: separate from

the physical or spiritual

development and into

the aggregate. What is

the physical progress?- it `s clear,

but how does the spiritual prog-

ress look, does it exist separately

and on its own? Yes, it does! And

you can see this spiritual develop-

ment in your life, not only in train-

ing. One of the examples is how

you deal with difficulties when you

are trying to achieve a goal.

However in parkour, if you

consider trainings where you ex-

ecute some elements or just move

for fun, spiritual development is

inseparable from the physical one.

It is practically impossible to ex-

ecute the element when you don’t

believe in yourself and haven`t got

right physique. You can

train yourself physically

to the element with GPP

and some other exercis-

es, but you cannot train

yourself spiritually by lying on the

sofa and listening to music.

A simple example: the tracer

can easily and clearly does accu-

racy at one meter height, but at

three meters height this confi-

dence is mysteriously dissolved.

Another similar example: tracer

“ spiritual development is

inseparable from the physical one ”


tries to execute an element at the

same height, but during flight he

begins to fear and then he falls if

his experience or innate skill don`t

help him. Experienced

tracers can remember

their early training. Most

likely you were in the

same situations.

How can we devel-

op the spiritual side of

parkour? We should note that spir-

itual side of parkour is not only an

ability to overcome fear, difficulty

or obstacle, but also it is the abili-

ty to fight against what we depend

on, what restrains our freedom,

suppresses our individuality. It is

the fight against prejudice, public

opinion (because it is not always

true) and stereotypes imposed

by society. You will feel that you

choose the right way when you are

developing these qualities.

First of all, before you execute

a new element, it is necessary to

have confidence in what you do.

One of parkour’s principles is lack

of risk to save the tracer`s health.

You should start by executing the

element at small height

in more or less safe con-

ditions. If you study the

acrobatic element, use

the safety equipment.

Self-confidence relieves

of fear later, if you, of

course, believe in yourself 100%.

Here you can watch the video of

famous tracer in the world parkour


Daniel IIabaca’s «Choose Not

to Fall» where he says that if we

fall we choose to fall, because we

think that we can fall and we fear

it. If you analyze your most mem-

orable falls, you will come to the

same conclusion.

It`s also important to devel-

op your individuality and to devel-

op your spirit. You should learn to

use your imagination in trainings.

“spiritual side of parkour - it’s not only the ability

to overcome fear, difficulty, obstacle ”

Don`t use patterns and give a piece

of yourself to parkour, compose

boldly and think. It can lift your

mood to do your trainings with a

more variety and self-motivation.

This quality makes parkour simi-

lar to the art. Many people wonder

how some tracers have become fa-

mous on YouTube. We should say

that if you inappropriately execute

an element, it does not mean that

you have your own style or tech-

nique, it means that you need to

work harder, because your mis-

takes can damage your health.

You shouldn`t be like ev-

eryone else! A desire to emulate

any athlete who has his own style

which is suitable only to himself

leads to loss of individuality. If


your friend does an element, you

are not obliged to repeat after him,

although desire to catch-up with

a friend who often helps to block

your fears, but only block, not get

rid of them! Don’t give in to this il-


If your progress stopped it is

very important not to blame your

weight, growth, physique and so

on in this problem. It

is necessary to turn

your disadvantages

into your advantag-

es. It is more easily

to overcome this ob-

stacle by using an-

other element, which

is more suitable for

you. Maybe you have

not found “your” way

yet. But if you con-

tinue to train and

experiment, then, of

course, you will find

it. Features of your

body will help you to form your

own method of movement -the

fastest, most beautiful and the one

that satisfies you.

All of us live according to

some certain rules and perceive

our world mostly the same. If you

try to look at things differently, it

will be interesting, especially to

those people who complain that

in their town (or village - it does

not matter) there are no places to

train. You need only a border, iron

railing, stump and your imagina-

tion to begin training. You can do

such things that do not become

obviously immediately. It’s in your

hands, let`s do it! You should de-

velop and move in the right direc-

tion, and whatever it is – it is yours,

that`s why it`s always right.

by Mamichev Eugene



What is biomechanics?

This name includes the Greek

words bios – it is life and mex-

ane - a mechanism, a lever. Unlike

the traditional mechanics in which

movement and interaction of sub-

jects are considered, biomechanics

is the science concerned with the

internal and external forces acting

on the human body and the effects

produced by these forces.

In fitness, and in all sports,

especially mobile ones, the biome-

chanics is considered and used as

the base science of great impor-

tance. The basis of biomechanics is

physiology, geometry, mathemat-

ics, anatomy and physics in the sec-

tion of mechanics. Biomechanics is

not less connected with psychology

and biochemistry. All variants of

interaction of applied sciences are

useful and bring notable advan-

tage. The main producer of human

mechanical energy is skeletal mus-

cles and muscular groups. What al-

lows muscles to do their work and

interact together? Under what con-

ditions the functional properties of

skeletal muscle are most efficient

and how to achieve this mode? Bio-

mechanics can give us information

about it.

Biomechanical muscular work.

Work of any muscles of the

human musculoskeletal system is

based on muscles skills and capa-

bilities to shrink. The muscle short-

ens in the moment of muscles re-

duction, and both points of bones

fastening get closer to each other.

The movement of this extremity oc-

curs in this way: fixed point Inser-


tion begins to approach the initial

fixed point of fastening Origin.

There is a way to do a certain

mechanical work (lifting a bar, the

movement of extremity on a dumb-

bell) by making different degree

of muscular effort if we apply this

quality and muscle matter to the

fitness area. Animal force in this

case will be defined by a square of

section of muscle fibers. The size of

muscle reduction is determined of

the length of muscle fibers. Bones`

connections and interaction with

the muscle groups are arranged in

the form of the mechanical lever,

allowing for the elementary work of

subjects` raising and movement.

Biomechanics teaches us that

the force of muscle will be used

more profitable if this muscle is at-

tached as far as possible from the

reference point. Petr Lesgaft quali-

fied strong muscles which have a

fastening further from a reference

point and fast or dexterous ones—

which have a point of fastenings

near to a leg.

Muscular movement is always

made in opposite directions. For

this reason, it is necessary to have

two muscles in opposite sides for

impellent process around one ref-

erence point. Movement directions

in biomechanics have received the

definitions as well: flexion and ex-

tension, reduction and abduction,

horizontal reduction and horizontal

abduction, medial and lateral rota-


Muscle that causes the move-

ment at the reduction and takes

the main load is called muscle-ag-

onist -Prime mover. Each reduc-

tion of muscle-agonist leads to full

relaxation of opposite muscle-an-

tagonist. If we flex our elbow, ago-

nist will be a bicep and antagonist

will be a triceps. Both muscles will

balance each other and be a little

stretched after finish the move-

ment. This process is called mus-


cle toning. Muscles synergists are

muscles which help to move mus-

cle-agonist in the same direction,

but they experience less stress

and a smaller degree of reduction.

Clamps are muscles which provide

stability and balance for a certain

joint during the movement.

At any moment of movement

bones follow muscular commands

and form mechanical levers. There

are two types of biomechanical

levers: the lever of the first sort

where points of application are lo-

cated in the opposite sides from

an axis and the second lever sort

where points of application are lo-

cated on the one side from an axis,

but at a different distance. That`s

why there are two types of levers:

“the force lever” and “the speed le-


Let’s consider the types of le-

vers in more detail:

The first lever sort is called

“balance lever” in biomechanics.

Also, this lever is called “double-

armed” because of its points of ap-

plication. This lever demonstrates

backbone and cranium bond. There

is a balance at the rotating moment

of the force which affects on occipi-

tal part of a skull is equal the ro-

tating moment of the gravity which

affects the front part of a skull and

they have the same lever arm. It

is convenient for us because we

don`t notice multidirectional action

and our muscles are relaxed.

There are two types of the

second lever sort in biomechanics.

The name and action of this lever

depend on location of point of ap-

plication, but both types of levers

have resistance point of application

on one side from fulcrum and that`s

why both levers are “one- armed”.

Force lever forms at a point where

the arm length of muscles point of

application is longer than the resis-

tance. The example of this is a hu-

man foot.


The axis of rotation is heads of

instep bone, heel bone is a point of

application and gravity forms resis-

tance in an ankle. Speed lever has a

shorter arm of muscle point of ap-

plication than gravity. The example

is work of flexor muscle in an elbow.

Biceps are situated near an elbow

and that`s why it is necessary to

give more force to flexor muscle. We

should conclude that the muscle at-

tached closer to fulcrum of the lever

arm will be shorter and therefore

the loss in force will be greater.

Biokinetic pair forms when

two osteal pairs are connected. The

nature of biokinetic pair motion

is defined by structure of osteal,

muscles` work, tendons and reti-

naculums. There are a lot of factors

of the movement in a joint, such

as: sex, age, genetic structure and

work of CNS.

It is crucial to know principles

of the first and the second types of

lever work in order to take the initial

position for a correct exercise. It is

important to know that you should


choose less loading positions of

limbs and a body frame. That way

you can increase arm lever length

for strengthening the impact on a

particular muscle group.

If you want to do technically

correct exercise you should know

in what direction a joint, which con-

nect active muscle group, works.

Human`s supporting-motor ap-

paratus contains of different oste-

als and joints. The human`s body

can move in six directions: forward

and backward, to the left and to

the right, up and down. There is a

joint`s classification which allows

the movement in these directions.

Three-axis joints are the

most flexible ones. They provide

the movement in three directions.

Here are some examples of it: the

connection of skull and spine, in-

tervertebral disc, arm joints, ra-

dial and coxofemoral ones. Such

joints have spherical shape. The

movement of these joints occurs

in sagittal, coronal and transverse

planes. A trainee has an opportu-

nity to do all moves: flexion and

extension, medial and lateral rota-

tion and so on.

Two-axis joints provide the

movement in two directions and

they are less active. They have el-

lipse or saddle shape. The move-

ment of these joints occurs in sag-

ittal and coronal planes. Some

examples include: fingers` joints,

radiocarpal joint. There can be flex-

ion and extension, reduction and


One-axis joints provide the

movement in one direction. They

have cylinder and block shape.

There are also some examples of it:

humeroulnar, radial, genicular and

talocrural joints. The movement of

these joints occurs in sagittal plane

and it can be flexion and extension.

There can be lateral rotation (supi-

nation) and medial rotation (prona-

tion) in radial joint.


Despite the fact that many

large muscles are considered in

anatomy as a whole, the different

parts and divisions of large mus-

cles can perform unequal motion.

For example Deltoid Anterior par-

ticipates in shoulder flexion and

Deltoid Posterior in shoulder ex-

tension. These skills are the basis

for individual training programs

which the instructor or the trainer

prepares for the trainee. It allows

choosing exercise that has a cor-

rect impact on a specific muscle or

a muscle group.

Performance of certain exer-

cise can become complicated or

be facilitated depending on the ini-

tial position of the trainee. Overall

training effectiveness depends on

initial position.

There are stoppers for smooth-

ing unbalance in body position with

unstable balance. Lying position is

very common. It is a closed kine-

matic chain because all body parts

are closed. Stability and balance

are quite high, the center of grav-

ity is low and bearing area is large.

Hangs can be example of upper sup-

port. Hangs can be stable enough.

The human body undergoes tensile

force under its own weight. Arms

straight and contact with the sup-

port in the fixed position. A hang

is a challenging exercise by itself.

Pull-ups are difficult heaving exer-

cises which only skilled sportsman

can do.

Walking is a daily human phys-

ical activity. Walking is an alternat-

ing movement of legs. One leg is

supporting while the other one is in

the air.

Running is fast cyclic steps

that require more energy, tension

of CNS and good physical shape

from supporting-motor apparatus.

It is measured by step`s length,

running speed and duration of time



Squats are executed by feet

muscles. Bearing area is small

enough and that`s why a balance

is unstable. Squats are easier if we

use arms support. Deep squats are

heavier. You can do heavier squats

if you increase temp and the num-

ber of it and also use an additional


Jumping is alternating body

repulsion from bearing area. Mus-


cles of lower extremity do the main

work and body and arms muscles

provide auxiliary function.

Interview with Inna


Here is a small interview

with freerunner girl - Inna. She is

a member of the Underways.RU


Hi! What`s your name?

Hello. I`m Inna Kukuruka.

Please tell us something about


I`m 22 years old. I’ve been

into sports since my childhood, in-

cluding extreme kinds of sport. I

have been swimming for 5 years,

dancing for 16 years, skateboard-

ing for 4 years and skydiving. I`m

also a very sociable girl.

How long have you been fre-


I have been freerunning for

less than half a year.

How did you first get involved

in freerun? Why did you choose

this discipline?

I got interested in freerun in

2006 or 2007. I watched some pro-

gram about parkour and I liked it.

Then I decide to try it out myself. But

there was no one who could help me

to begin, so I danced. At the end of

2009 we needed people who could

execute tricks for our City Day`s per-

formance. And then tracers came to

us. We became friends and I began to

photograph them at different events.

Then I wanted to try it out myself

again and began to train at Dinamo.

And I became addicted to it.

How do you think that train-

ing is harder for you than for the


I think it is different. For in-

stance, some physical elements are

more difficult. And if it is acrobat-

ics I haven`t got enough practice,

but I try my best. But if we speak

about such element as stretch-

ing and flexibility I think those are

easier for me to execute.


Why are there not enough

girls in our discipline?

Actually, there are a lot of

girls here, but not everyone wants

to continue their trainings after the

first mistakes.

Do you study or work and


I graduated from the Univer-

sity of Hotel and Tourism Manage-

ment one year ago. Now I work for

a company of IT developments for


What is your attitude towards

some other extreme kinds of sport?

Maybe some kind of it is special for


Extreme is always great. Cer-

tainly I don’t love all of it. I like

skateboarding because I have

been skating for four years. When

you learn something new you have

great feelings. There are many di-

rections and many styles of riding

you anyone can choose!

Please give some advices to

the girls who are beginners in fre-

erun or want to try it.

Firstly, you should have a real

desire for it. It is very important

to practice on real results and feel

comfortable, but not for the sake

of learning some cool jacks to show

off to your friends. Secondly, your

body should be strong. If you are

sure that your hands are strong

you always achieve what you


want. Thirdly, you shouldn`t try to

do difficult elements if you know

some basic ones. It is important

not to overestimate yourself. And

of course you should have willpow-

er, persistence and diligence. Also,

you need to understand that the

process can be painful, unpleasant

and sometimes offensive.

Interview with Dexter


We also interviewed Oleg Ak-


Hello, Oleg! Almost six months

have passed since our first conver-

sation. Which role does sport play

in your life? Do you have any new

hobbies or you do follow your usu-

al trainings?

Hello! I always answer “main

one” because it is really so. I don`t

know people who get such fun from

new achievements and records as

me. I have never had usual train-

ings. Today I have 5 years expe-

rience (active 3 years) and I al-

ways change something in sport.

New directions of my sporty life

are added every year. If we speak

about last six months I have start-

ed practicing martial arts. I won`t

speak which ones because I didn`t

decide it at all. I prefer head-to-

head, especially street style. Also

I include pump iron in my “diet”,

because you cannot buff up all

muscles (in my opinion about 90%

of the body). That`s why I took

the most needed: benchpress, tra-

pezia exercises, grasp (pulling and

keeping of weight plate). And also

I begin to run more active. I am

going to run a marathon (42 km).

And if you think that I begin to

spend less time on horizontal bar

it doesn`t so, because two plus

two equals five.

You have a lot of sports hob-

bies. Certainly you can be named

a man who understands sport.

Please tell us how you started your

first trainings and what you men-

tioned firstly. I want to ask you


this question because there are

many guys who cannot control the

number of stresses when they are

beginners. It is an important for

juniors. Can you tell us about your

experience: what have you been

accenting during active trainings?

Hmm… I need to think about

it. It`s logically to say that every-

thing you can achieve gradually

and I`m not an exception. My fist

sport was volleyball, beach volley-

ball, I`m a self-taught. I’ve been

into sports since a school. I rarely

play now because we haven`t got

a team. My “creation” on horizon-

tal bar began in 2002. My class-

mate did 12 pull-ups and I only 4.

It played a big role in my future


And then I began training. I

began to pull-ups harder. After 2

month I could do about 15-18 pull-

ups. But until spring 2006, it was

quite irregular and unstable train-

ings. There were several month

pauses because of simple laziness.

In 2006 there were new interests:

to climb on a roof, to do a flip, a

parachute jump. I interested in

it after watching famous video of

the parkour founder David Belle

and Cyril Raffaelli. Then I began to

learn the discipline in which a hori-

zontal bar was a part of training.

There was one lack I had a big stress

to my feet but then I were hard-

ened to it and began to strengthen

them by static load and squatting.

That`s why when I`m a trainer I

advice to my trainee GPP. I think

that is the base of all sport. GPP

strengthens the body, not only in

muscle, but the whole organism

too. Good level of GPP can save

from injury, especially from a con-

tusion or a drop. The stronger the

muscles, the more they protect

you from these injuries, because

they protect all organs and bones.

In addition I want to quote the

English experienced tracer Blaine:

“Try to do all dangerous moments

at 10% less than their limits.”

Full body development re-

quires a complex muscles training.

Certainly, the organism of every

person is unique. Please tell us do

you rely on your personal prefer-

ences or balance the development

of muscles of different body parts?

Every organism is unique, it

is no doubt! And how could you try

to keep a balance in development,

anyway, it turns out that one part

of the body is stronger than the

other. It depends on natural fac-

tors, heredity and your everyday

stresses. Yes, I prefer some things

- the outputs of the two, pumping

the press, run, strengthen the grip,

but also I try to align the balance of

the weaker functions of the body.

If you think that certain functions

of your body will not be useful in

life, sometime you will faced with

this problem and you need them,

that`s why I advise to align your


Most of our readers have al-

ready known that Oleg Aksenov

and a horizontal bar are friends.

It is not a secret that today many

guys cannot chin up at once. How

can juniors just begin working on

this problem? We can assume that

a man hasn`t got any pathology

in the development, but the arm

muscles are extremely weak. What

exercises will be more effective

to him and what training regimen

(the number of days exercises for

the arms) will be best for begin-


Yeah! It`s the best question!

Almost everyone asks about it when

he begins, because he is in confu-

sion and he doesn`t know what to

do. What does he start with? I col-

lect the information about it and

prepare training video about pull-

ups. Many people will be chuckle


and say why? What are you going

to tell us? You just have to come

on the bar and try it because it is

very simple. I agree with it, it is

really easy. First of all you need

to have a desire and it is the first

step in everything! But there are

others: to begin, to continue, do

not stop, never give up, strive to

succeed, to believe in your dream.

It is quite difficult to say about it

because you should see it because

there are many nuances in the

usual pull-ups, especially at the

primary level. And the lighter the

element, especially the most ba-

sic, the more he should be given

time to explain.

So, you cannot pull-ups any

one time. But this future time is a

lot for those who are just begin-

ning, believe me. So I’ll divide it

into parts: a half of time, a quarter

times, or just slightly bend the el-

bows to climb up to the horizontal

bar. That’s what you need to do it

many times until you will cut the

distance from the horizontal bar to

the chin completely. Every day you

try to do it 20 times, and I’m sure

that after several (for example 5)

days you will pull-ups significantly

higher than in the first day. It was

the first way, which is the most ef-

fective. But people like the variety

and alternatives. Therefore, I pro-

pose the following: try to do it not

by force and do it by your jerk of

arms. You should raise the neck

as long as possible and try to stay

at the top of this point. Also you

should use the following method:

‘negative’ (reverse) pulling. It

takes less force. You need to keep

yourself when you are lowering,

and not to use force to climb up.

And, of course, there is the latest,

easiest and the most convenient

way, but less powerful it’s friend`s


That’s all the ways which I

know. I don`t exclude that there


are some others methods of lift-

ing the extra weight on the biceps,

a variety of exercises with a bar-

bell and dumbbells. There is no the

best way of pull-ups.

In the 21 century, people still

have the opinion that the more

repetitions of an exercise the bet-

ter the effect. Do you also think

so? Or you can perform, for exam-

ple, 15-30 sets of any exercise for

biceps and then do triceps by the

same scheme?

First of all I will give you a

short definition about sets and rep-

etitions. When you do an exercise

one time without stopping the ex-

ercise is named a repetition. The

set is a set of repetitions when you

stop an exercise and make pause

to rest and do the exercise again.

Yes, I share this philosophy, be-

cause the growth of repetitions on

this way. You can do as much as I

can and it means that your mus-

cles are completely exhausted in

this set, and you know your maxi-


Every next time you will try to

do more and become stronger and

sturdier (but there are some cases

when you can do more at the same

day). It is the basic principle. Lack

of willpower, laziness and pain can

stop you. You don`t want to do it

(but you can) and perform the last

2, 3, 5 or more times because you

haven`t such goal: to beat your

record or set a limit. You keep

yourself in shape, do exercise “for

the soul”. This way of training for

those who need a certain level, re-

lief, reasonable force and a mass.

This way I usually use when I’m

not in a great shape. I use the first

principle more often, and it really

helps me because I like to set re-


Please tell us in more details

about “one training day of Oleg


Aksenov”. Which exercises do you

prefer for a warm up? How do you

relax after training?

I have a lot of exercises for

it, and some of them are radical-

ly different from each other. It is

associated with type of training,

a company in which you train,

your mood, your forces and etc.

So I`ll tell you about GPP training


Warm up: I run to the place

of training in 90% of cases. You

heat your body, train the respira-

tory system even save your time.

In winter it is also an opportunity

to give you a warm (I dress very

warmly before it).

When I arrive to the place,

I spend a couple of minutes only

for joints` warm up, from the top

to the bottom, you can remember

them as a saying: neck, shoulders,

elbows, hands, fingers, back, hips,

knees and ankle. Then I begin to

do exercises from simple to com-

plex. You should select the items

that you do without tension and

start with them. For me it is the

exercise with two hands, and also

some technical elements that are

connected in combinations. Then,

I train something which is more

difficult, something that I have re-

cently learned or it was hard for

me. Then, of course, I try to do

something new, which I don`t


After all experiments and at-

tempt, which are successful and

unsuccessful, I begin to “mali-

ciously” to pump my body! And

the main principle is training to the

limit and almost the entire force.

For example, if I want to pump the

press, hanging on the bar, I’ll do it

until hands quit hold of it. But, of

course, I don`t always do that, but

in the most cases, I can make just

a couple of sets and spend about

50-60% of my capacity. I always

try to start pumping with exercis-


es, which require more forces. It is

logical, because it is clear that it is

better to practice pull-ups on one

arm, and after it to pull with two


After some exercises (the

press or the back) I like to finish

of static. It means that you stand

in one position a few seconds and

keep the legs or arms in the air, it

additionally trains the muscles and


At the end of training there is

a cooldown. A cooldown - the op-

posite of warm-up, it relaxes the

body after the training and pre-

pares muscles for the initial po-

sition. There are some exercises:

stretching, breathing recovery and

relax. Usually I haven`t got a meal

during an hour and drink almost

only water because it is the best

drink when you are thirsty.

It is just one of my training,

but they are very diverse. I tell you

some of them next time.

Wise approach is needed to

every sport. Safety is first. In what

clothes do you train and what kind

of shoes do you choose? Is it ac-

ceptable to practice barefoot?

Of cause I prefer to wear

bouffant sports clothes. The flimsy

clothes, the easier to train. I pre-

fer Kalenji shoes, the second place

is Asics. Trousers for dry weather

should be made from flimsy and

soft materials, because they are

comfortable to move, run and

jump. In wet or winter weather

it should be the most waterproof

ones. I choose T-shirts and so on

by the same principle. In the warm

weather I wear my favorite free

green cotton T-shirt, in the rainy

weather I wear a windbreaker.

Comfort is the main thing. If these

clothes are comfortable, you are


You can run and jump when

you are barefoot only in the sur-

face, which was created by nature.


I would not advise you to move in

the asphalt or other artificial turf

a lot and for a long time, our skin

isn`t ready for it. But on grass,

sand, even the stones (only cau-

tiously) it is useful. The favorite

surface for me is the hot sand:).

You have got excellent phys-

ical shape. But the way of this is

repetitions of a small set of exer-

cises, and the constant addition of

something new. What is closer for

you- regular experiments or loyalty

to classics?

Classic is certainly respectable

for me, because it’s a great experi-

ence of the great people from the

past. But I dislike repeating and

I`m always experimenting, creat-

ing new or upgrading an old one.

You can get much more pleasure

from it than from a result.

So I prefer the classics when

during trainings “I have no one


I think that it will be interest-

ing for many people to know about

sports impact on your life. Do you

reconsider your views on some-

thing because of training? Do you

change your values? Does sport

help you psychologically?

Sport is a huge part of my life

that I cannot express in words! It

has changed, it changes, and I will

change everything in me. I’m get-

ting stronger, faster, more experi-

enced in the physical and psycho-

logical terms. I get decisive, brave

and confident. My training is more

difficult and dangerous year by

year, so I’m trying to lead a cor-

rect way of life, diet and sleep.

This great phrase was fixed in my

mind: “Be strong to be useful”. It

is one of the main values of life

that I have.

Thank you Oleg Aksenov


Principles of Healthy Lifestyle


Principles of Healthy Lifestyle

by Eddie Will

Health is the highest value,

which we have in our life. It can-

not be bought at any price. Health

is happiness, because a sick man

cannot be happy and have full life

even he has all world`s wealth. Ev-

eryone person can prolong his life

and be health if he knows rules of

hygiene, balanced diet and physical

activity. Everyone should do it for

itself, for the relatives and for the

country. People blame someone or

something. It can be ecology, God

in the end, but they don`t blame

themselves. Health and longevity –

are not a miracle and God’s gift. It

is result of constant observe of laws

about health which can achieve ev-


I have read enough books

about health and prolong life and

some of it tried itself. I think that it

is my duty to share my knowledge

with people. There are some princi-

ples. According to them you will be

strong and healthy for a long time.

1. The principle to be closer

to nature

This principle is the most im-

portant and fundamental. All next

principles will be proceeding from

it. The main idea of the principle

is the aim of natural lifestyle. It is

necessary to achieve the maximum

of closeness to nature in food,

clothing, recreation, and the sim-

plest living habits. We are part of

nature and live by its laws, as we

would not want it. If we break the

laws, it harms our health. I do not

believe in any drugs except nature.

There is the reason in a basis of ev-

ery illness, which cannot cure any


2. The principle of a natural


“We are what we eat” - said

the ancient. It is difficult to imag-

ine a harmonious and happy life

without a diet. A diet is the base of

health, it affects not only on phys-

ical health but also on the psyche

and even the spiritual life. Ac-

cording to the human diet you can

easily determine what lifestyle he

leads, his intellectual and spiritual

level and, finally, his health! The

most reasonable solution is eating

natural food. It is harmoniously to

combine the products of animal

and vegetable origin for receiving

protein, fats, carbohydrates, vita-

mins and minerals. You should to

exclude different food “garbage”

from the diet such as chips, soda,

chewing gum, fast food and etc.

3. The principle of fasting

Fasting is a natural way to remove

toxins from the organism. Primi-

tive humans had only a method of

treatment. This is an instinct which

any animal has, and that a human

have lost during its existence. You

probably have noticed that ani-

mals, when they were sick, did not

eat, because they spend the en-

ergy to clean the organism. I also

want to add that fasting is useful

both for those who want to lose

weight, and for those who are try-

ing to gain it. There are one cause

of overweight and underweight. It

is the disturbed metabolism. When

the metabolism is broken, every-

thing that you eat does not digest,

and you don`t gain the weight.

Fasting normalizes metabolism.

Fasting also helps to improve your

health and has a strong impact on

the spiritual side of human exis-

tence. Pythagoras demanded his

disciples to have forty days of

fasting before dedicate them in

secrets of his philosophical teach-

ings. He believed that according to

this way you could clean and clarify

the mind to perceive the depth of

the teachings about life mysteries.

However, it is necessary to read

enough books about it and consult

a doctor before it. But I think that

it is enough to have 24-hour fast-

ing once a week or two for clean-

ing the organism and improve your



4. The principle of deep


When we born we take a big

and deep breath. When we die we

stop breathing. Our life depends

on the oxygen. We can live with-

out food about 30 days and sur-

vive, without air we can live few

minutes. We take the oxygen from

the air. This product is needed for

each body cell, which takes away

the deadly carbon dioxide, which

dissolved the poisonous toxins. If

a human doesn`t receive enough

oxygen, he is poisoned his organ-

ism. Thus, the oxygen, as well as

fasting, expels toxins from the

organism. But how can we get

enough oxygen?

First of all you need to be

physically active, take long walks

in the fresh air, run, swim and etc.

When we do all these active ex-

ercises, we absorb more oxygen

than leading a sedentary lifestyle.

Secondly, you need to practice in

deep slow breathing. Scientists

have proved that the deeper the

man can breathe, the less breaths

he produces in one minute, and

the longer his life. It is confirmed

in the animal world: animals that

produce fewer breaths per minute

live very long. There are plenty

of breathing exercises that I will

not describe. The main thing that

you should know is the slower

and deeper you breathe, the bet-

ter you will feel and the longer

you will live. Therefore, you need

to do exercises and run. It is bet-

ter to run in parks or even out of

town, if it is possible, where a lot

of trees.

5. The principle of physi-

cal activity

Physical activity is the law

of life. It is necessary for good

health and well being. Strength

and development of each organ

depends on its using. If we do

not use our muscles, we “lose”

them. We should always use our

body and train it to safe the body

young and strong. Daily exercis-

es make our blood circulate and

also clean the body of poisons.


The best exercises are stimulat-

ing the development of all human

body muscles. The body becomes

beautiful and strong. Develop-

ment of the back muscles, chest

and torso leads to the develop-

ment of healthy internal organs.

Thus we can say that activity is

life, inactivity is death.

6. The principle of setting

priorities among three human be-


Human nature has three be-

ginnings: will, mind and body.

Will must prevail over mind and

mind must prevail over the body.

Otherwise it is impossible harmo-

nious development of personal-

ity. Flesh is stupid. Do not forget

about it. The body controls the

mind by a false philosophy, like:

“Eat, drink and joy, do not think

about tomorrow.” This is the great


Living by this philosophy, you’re

not going to die tomorrow, but

after 10-20 years turn into a

prematurely aged man, day and

night, suffering from disease. Bad

habits are the best example of

how the body controls the mind.

People don`t die, they kill them-

selves. Therefore, you must allow

your mind to become the master

of the body.

That’s all principles that I

wanted to describe. There can

be more principles, but I think

that it’s very basic, and it`s

quite enough. You may not agree

with me and it is your right. It is

not only true of truth. They are

my methods, which allow me to

maintain my health at different

levels and develop my personal-

ity. And I’m happy to share them

with people who need it.

by Edward «Eddie Will» Strel-




Parkour Camp in China



Screening participant 2011

for the trip to parkour training

camp has already started. You are

invited to consider the best cre-

ative ideas.

In China Parkour appeared 5

years ago. Originally there were

only a few teams that specialized

in it. However, the development

was very fast and now there are

about 200 teams. The number of

people who are fond of parkour is

about 200 thousand. The number

of views on theme sites reaches a

few billion. Second All-China con-

test of extreme parkour will held

in Beijing during the May holidays.

The contest will be three days, but

it isn`t possible to share people`s

art and technique skills together

in this period. That`s why we had

the idea of creating the “Chinese

parkour camps for professionals,

which will be sponsored by Red

Bull. There will be screen ten mas-

ters of this discipline in China, and

will be invited a team of parkour

veterans from French YAMAKASI.




Training camp for masters of

parkour officially opened ithe doors

on the 1st of March. We search

participants on the Internet. They

could sent one article which de-

scribe their own feelings and im-

pressions of parkour and also sent

two videos (individual workout or

in team) to the Organizing Com-

mittee of Second All-China ex-

treme parkour contest.

These materials were selected

and evaluated of specialized team

and also there was\the Internet

voting on the resources of media

partners. Then there were select-

ed 10 participants who went to the

parkour camp. Voting results were

published on the main theme sites.

Participants and French team YA-

MAKASI would arrive in Beijing to

take part in training camp on the

21st of April.


“Parkour-camp Red Bull” will

be divided into days: a media day,

a communication day, daily so-

cial activities and etc. During the

event, well-known journalists and

columnists will interview partici-

pants and famous directors. Then


there will be shoot 4 exciting mov-

ie about parkour. Each outstand-

ing participant will has the oppor-

tunity to become real celebrity in

the Chinese social networking sites

and forums and also get on a fa-

mous magazines cover. Thus, this

event becomes a kind of American

Idol in the parkour world. Dur-

ing the parkour camp, these vid-

eos will be shown to prestigious

Chinese media and the films will

be given feedback. However, the

films will be shown at the Second

All-China extreme parkour compe-

tition. Also there will be a micro

blog with the audience. Winners

will be announced on the last day

of competition.

The winner (or winners) will

receive a prize from the company

“Red Bull”, it is 50 000 Yuan.



Parkour appeared in 80 years

in France, the essence of the sport

is “a hurdle race in the city”. Par-

kour makes people to overcome

their own limitations, as well as any

obstacles. Then it became a par-

ticular style of young people life.

Parkour athletes express them-

selves by using unique and cre-

ative movement, and emphasize

their own distinctive approach to

overcome difficulties. Passage or

climb, it doesn`t matter how you

will overcome the obstacle, the

goal is your achievement through

movements and technique. This

sport reflects the activity of young





In 2002, after the film

“B13”parkour became a popular

sport around the world. During

next few years, parkour has pen-

etrated into China, and instant-

ly became very popular extreme

sport among young people. Cur-

rently, the number of athletes has

reached about 200,000 people.

Young people are not afraid of dif-

ficulties, always strive forward and

form the base of China’s parkour.

Then there will be created some

videos. We ask for Internet us-

ers to vote for any of them. The

first 20 winners will be included in

the list of “most popular athletes

of Parkour in China”. Experts will

choose “ TOP 10 athletes of Park-

our”, which will be included in the

list of participants in training camp

Red Bull”. List of top ten athletes

will be known on the 18th of April

and will be published on the offi-

cial website of Xin Lan.

Final preparations for the

journey have already taken place

at the Belarusian railway station.

Someone bought the food and

someone, probably, flipped a som-

ersault at the station building.


Back from USSR

There were six people. Ath-

letes: Vitaly Chung and Sadedin

«Sad» Nuraliev, Azamat «Azm»

Ermatov and Anton Plekhanov

(photographers), and an accom-

panying group: Fetisov, Alexan-

der and Suhih Marina. Our train`s

neighbors quickly realized that it

wouldn`t be a quiet journey.

The 1st of April in 2011, the day of

arrival to Minsk

Messages of my mobile op-

erator woke me through the night.

They informed about the roaming.

Prices for the roaming were scared.

In the morning we found out that


we should be put one hour back

our watches. We arrived at 08:26

a.m. to the Minsk railway station.

The huge railway station building

was looked modern and spacious.

The guys did not miss the oppor-

tunity to jump here.

First of all we went to the ex-

change office to buy Belarusian ru-

bles. On average, 1 Russian ruble

is equal to 100 Belarusian. It was

difficult to get used to the money.

There were a lot of banknotes and

no one coin. It was funny to keep

in the hands 10 cents with the in-

scription “10 rubles”. And

when we had

d i n -

ner in a pizzeria our bill was

157,000 rubles and we were sur-

prised. We found out that prices

in Minsk are sometimes cheaper

than in Moscow.

We bought 6 (!) trip tickets

in underground and it costs 50

Russian rubles. For comparison:

in Moscow we couldn`t buy two

tickets on this sum. Tickets were

beautiful pink tokens.

Minsk was surprisingly clean

and spacious city. Garbage was not

noticeable even near the building

construction. There were not stray

dogs, any homeless person or any

migrant workers. There were not

many people (everywhere except

McDonalds), and there was not

traffic jams!

We bought a map of Minsk

in the first kiosk, in Rus-

sian. But names of sta-

t i o n s

were in Belarusian. Some of them

we could translate, they were the

same in Moscow. But some of the

names were completely new for

us and they sounded

completely different.

Once we couldn`t un-

derstand where we

went. In general, the

Belarusian language

seemed to us the most fun of all

things. It was very similar to Rus-

sian, but sometimes the spell-

ing led me into a shock: such as

commom “Ы” after “Ч” and “A”,

when we usually write “O”, for ex-

ample “Выход” (exit) (in Belarus

“ВыхАд”)” Город “(a city) (in Be-

larus” ГорАд).

The rooms were booked in

one of the best hotels in Minsk.

When we read comments about

the other hotels in Minsk, we de-

cided to live more civilize.

We went to the hotel before

the check-in. Therefore, we had

time: athletes and photographers

to train and take a photo, and for

Sasha and me to explore the sur-

rounding locality.

12:00 p.m., The 1st of April

(by the way, everybody forget

about the day of fools), the recep-53

tion of the Hotel “Турыст” (in Rus-

sian “ТурИст”) (it’s not a bug, it’s

the Belarusian language).

Young pretty girl-manager:

“Did you jump on the hotel terri-

tory? Several guests had called at

the reception (at that moment, I

thought that now our friendly com-

pany got a fine). They said they

liked it! “.

We were

pleased with

it, and took the

keys and had a breakfast. We

checked in three double rooms,

located next to each other. Rooms

were nice and comfortable.

We planned to take pictures

in the evening, but when we ar-

rived at the right station, there

was the rain. Sasha and I decided

not to get wet and go to the room.

Vitaly, Sad, Anton and Azm went

to train with tracers’ friends which

came to competition.

“Let`s ask the guys, what did they

do all this time?”

Marina: Let`s ask the guys,

what did they do all this time?

Sad: We went to the guys`

training at the University and met

guys from the PK-City and had a

little practice. Then there went

more guys and we all went to

“Let`s ask the guys,

what did they do all

this time?”

train and went back to the hotel.

Anton Plekhanov: We ar-

rived at the station and saw the

tracer and followed him. There

were 20 people. All of us stood

under the roof and some websters

jumped arabian somersault and

etc. Then we met other tracers from

M o s -

cow: Blade, Shev,

Shade and so on. Then we went

back to the hotel.

I knew exactly when the guys

came back because of the thunder

and the laughter behind the wall.

After the evening walk, we decid-

ed to go to bed early and sleep

before a difficult day.

The 2 of April in 2011, the

day of USSR Freerun Challenge

Next morning, the day of the

championship, we were happy to

because we had tasty meal at the

buffet breakfast. Athletes could

eat enough to gain forces.

Sasha: “Only Russian can

come to breakfast with a camera.”

After breakfast, we packed

up and left hotel at 12 p.m.

Thank you the «Турист» ho-


And we went to the city cen-

ter to understand its character

and look at something interesting.

There were large areas, govern-

ment buildings, theaters, an offi-

cer’s house, a circus, a park, the

tank. The patrol, which looked for

the order in the government terri-

tory, made us to delete all pictures

of the Government building. We

went to the local square to make a

few good photos on freerun theme

and feed the ducks.

At 2:00 p.m.we arrived at

the station «Спортыуная» (Sport-


We went to the front entrance

and told guards that we are partici-

pants. And they asked a question,

what kind of competition? And where

were your special bracelets? In gen-

eral, it was clear that we will not

understand each other. Some guys

trained near the Ice Palace, they

told us how to get to the contest.

We went inside from the “black” en-

trance into the arena. One-third of

the arena was for parkour area. The

other two thirds ... were for dance

competitions! It was terrible and I

had a desire to be a sniper.

The organization was not

good. We didn`t know how to en-

ter to PK area, what we should do,

where we could leave our luggage

and where we could register. It was

unclear who could tell us about it.

Meanwhile, there was

not any place to seat.

We met our trac-

ers’ friends. The guys

ran to jump with the

others, but Sasha and

I tried to understand

what to do. After that

there was someone with

a badge on his chest -

probably some repre-

sentatives. They asked

to leave the area. The

organizer went to us

and began to explain

that now the athletes

would go to PK area and

organizers would make

a list of participants.

Sasha took the initiative: “We

promised to let photographers

from the organization to shoot the

event.» After a pause, the orga-

nizer said: “We will solve this is-

sue. » All tracers who participated

in contest with photographer went

to the area.

Other viewers sit in the

stands. All our luggage was took

more seats than we both with Sa-


Championship started at 4

p.m. It was 4:45 p.m. - we fall

asleep in the stands. Our athletes 58

went upstairs to us and said: “I

cannot wait more ...”. Meanwhile,

freerun challenge didn`t begin.

Organizers haven`t ever

heard about safety. When you

landed from the height to the mats,

a thrilling flight a la magic carpet

was guaranteed. There were many

people in this small area, Garbage

(some papers on the area and cans

of soda under the ramp) gradually

became more. I also did not notice

any documents about safety,.

And “dancing” had a break and

gave to tracers about 20 minutes

(!) for the contest. The organizers

and referees of the freerun cham-

pionship asked to leave those peo-

ple who did not take a part.

Referees were:

• Ez - Representative of World

Freerun Association (England);

• Eric Mukhametshin (Rus-


• Edward Karyakin (Russia);

• Denis Saperov (Belarus).

There were 21 participants.

There were rumors that the list of

participants has changed during

the competition. In addition, the

host of USSR Freerun Challenge in

a cute hat and in a T-shirt Urban

Free Flow, asked the participants

to spend one or one and a half

minutes to their show.

It was 5 p.m. After the in-

troductory speech and group pho-

to there was a qualifying round,

where should be defined 8 lucky

winners in the final. And the final


Participants tried to show the

wonders of freerun, someone was

successful, and someone not.

I tell you without any hesita-

tion that Underways team show

was amazing and one of the best

in compare with others. I want

to respect Alexandra Shevchen-

ko which was the only girl among


Unfortunately I could note

that there were very few parkour

(so-called «old-school parkour» in

Russia). There were mostly acro-

batics. Fans who didn`t want to

watch the show from the stands

went down to the athletes. Ath-

letes had to slow down because

they crashed into photographers

or operators which were a lot. They

also didn`t use some construc-

tions because there were fans.

The organizers promised that each

athlete would be able to perform

under any desired track. But in

such conditions it was impossible.

Therefore, the musical accompa-

niment provided DJ of the Ice Pal-

ace and it was bad.


“I’m so tired”

“I’m so tired”

All participants couldn`t show

their program during 20 minutes.

So during the break, we continued

to watch dances from the stands,

and PK area looked like a pasture


There was a long waiting

again. Finally, the tournament of

dancing ended and their host gave

the word to our host.

USSR Freerun Challenge

host: “Thank you to allow (!) us to

continue the contest” ... and the

competition continued. During the

next break chaos began again.

It was very “funny” when po-

lice and Special Forces began to

turn people out the hall. Everyone

took their luggage and went outside.

There formed a crowd of people. We

had time to discuss this chaos. Sa-

sha met Daniel, the organizer of the

contest of Minsk tracers.

Sasha: What is happening


Daniel: “The organizers are

crossed up us. I am very shocked

this situation. “

After, probably, an hour, peo-

ple started to enter inside. But only

athletes and refereeing could go to

USSR Freerun Challenge. Photog-

raphers were pushed through. Or-

ganizers promised it would be free

for fans` groups but the prudish

representative of the Ice Palace

has declared that we had to buy

tickets (the cost was 200 Russian

rubles). All right, 200 rubles are

not a question. We went to

the ticket office. Ticket office was

closed! We didn`t buy any tickets

and missed our athletes.

Marina: What was happen-

ing inside? We asked the guys:

Sad: They turned the lights

off and switched searchlights on

and the show continued. It was

the same show but with the light-


Anton Plekhanov: Every-

thing was great! Vitali and Vlad

were the best! Many people (in-

cluding 2 referees) came to Vitale

told him that they liked his per-

formance. But he did not give any


While Sad, Acne, Azm and An-

ton were in the championship, Sa-

sha and I had to go to the city and

search where we could put mon-

ey into mobile phones. Nobody

knew about Beeline in Minsk.

Megaphone`s network didn`t

work. It was unreasonable

to wait for our guys on the

street because we could not

connect to them. We were al-

most ready to wait for them

at the railway station. But we

met them earlier. They were

waiting for us near the Ice


And the winners were:

1 st place: Ivan «Low-

Kick» Savchuk

2 nd place: Alexander

«Shade» Gisych

3 rd place: Glory «Denim»


The prizes were bags for

shoes, earphones and cups.

Marina: Guys, what do you

think about the event? What can

you say about refereeing?

Sad: The event was good,

but not great. I enjoyed only a

friendly atmosphere, and I didn`t

like that there were dancers, be-

cause we always waited for them.

We were tired and I felt so bad.

And that`s why it was even worse.

Anton Plekhanov: The PK

area could be better. I didn`t like

that there were participants who

hadn`t the same level. There was

no organization! Our guys were

great, I liked it! Unfortunately

they didn’t win the prizes.

Vlad «Blade» Erovikov:

I really liked the event because

it was great, positive and it can

stimulate the growth of level. Ref-

ereeing was fair.

When we went to the local

McDonald’s at the metro station

Pushkinskaya our boys almost

broke their necks because they

looked for beautiful girls. Then we

went to the station together. We

looked for exchange office, but

we couldn’t exchange money be-

cause of some problems. In this

way foreign banknotes leave their


We were afraid to miss the

train, and that`s why we ran. We

were tired and happy. We took our

seats and went to home.

Marina: Guys, What are your

impressions of Minsk?

Sad: I liked the city. There

are a lot of places where you can

jump! And girls are beautiful.

Anton Plekhanov: The city

is beautiful, groomed. There are a

lot of spots to train! I liked every-

thing except the organization.

Vlad «Blade» Erovikov:

The city is good. This city reminds

me Moscow. In addition, there are

many places for jumping.

Marina: Vlad, you went and

lived separately from the main

group Underways. What were the

living conditions?

Vlad «Blade» Erovikov: I

didn`t plan to participate because

of my injury. I went to Minsk for

fun and communications. But there

were not enough participants, and

I had to do it. We lived with trac-

ers from other cities in two huge

three-storey cottages. There were

about 60-70 people! And it was

very cool, fun and friendship.

I will summarize: the orga-

nization was fail. Organizers of


the Ice Palace were guilty in it. If

you want to organize and hold an

event you should be careful with

your partners!

Marina Syhih, Underways.RU

Special for PK-MAG



Red Bull AoM 2011


The 19th of March at 12:56

p.m. I was in London after a two-

hour journey in Liverpool. I had

to go about an hour to the South

Bank and the National Theatre. I

was not upset because I had got

a small luggage. We met with JJ

Goda and Matty Maletnear near the

theater, where the main contest

began at 1:30 p.m. They agreed

to pass me on the PK area. I did

not notice the time. The morning

was a half cloudy and a half clear.

When we got to the area - there

was anyone except police

officers and work-

ers who tested con-

structions. There

were not any events

and we’re going to train

with athletes who would partici-

pate in the contest. We walked in

the city, because there was no en-

trance to the athletes.

Phil D. called after 6 p.m. and

said that they were going to Wa-

terloo station to take a few pho-

tos and work out together. As a re-

sult, there were only 7 or 8 people

of participants and others were

somewhere else or even stayed at

the hotel, we did not understand.

There was a famous spot at the


Waterloo station, you could see

it in hundreds of videos. We were

there a lot of time. It was a bit

cold, about 6 degrees Celsius or

more, but many people jammed

in T-shirts. Then everybody left to

the hotel, and we went to Mattie.

There was a seminar

where should be all

athletes. It was probably

done for the publicity. Park-

our in England is only tricks and

extreme sport. Although here the

understanding of parkour is great-

er than, for example, in Germany

or France. There were 12 people

who participate in a seminar. Per-

haps it was done purely symbolic,

because there was not a seminar

at the previous championships

in Austria.

Later we could train. Only

a few athletes trained because

constructions were dangerous,

and they could be damaged.

There were levels of height

constructions which couldn`t

allow to move. We had to

be extremely careful. Peo-

ple who choose the way

of acrobatics were right.

Few people damaged at

this day, on the 20th of

March, when they per-

formed the elements on the mats.

There were about 2 hundred view-

ers. It was open event that`s why

we did not have to pay for it. The

main task of Red Bull AOM was

popularization of parkour, and in

fact nothing more, except PR of

the PR WFPF and Red Bull.

The 21st of March. The day of

the contest.

The atmosphere was tense.

The audience began to come at

11a.m. although the competi-

tion started at 6 p.m. I thought

that athletes were nervous. And

I could understand it because the

event was a large scale. A trialist

prepared on the constructions, he

was also an athlete of Red Bull.

The contest started, the music

started to play. The first perfor-

mance of the athletes was a quali-

fication, after there were selected

10 finalists. But there were 12

people in the final. It was not clear.

The first part was good except a

really terrible fall of Frenchman

Leroux. People thought that he

broke his ribs, but he told fans on


facebook that it wasn`t true. Also

Dido (from Bulgaria) was injured

after a double internal somersault

in horizontal bar. Then there were

a few falls. You can watch them on

YouTube and Vkontakte. In gener-

al it was a fascinating show.

Preparation for the event was

at the highest level except some

strangeness. I won`t tell you

about my performance because

you could find it on the Internet.

I would try to pay your attention

to the strangeness. There was a

man who spoke about something

with the athletes. It could seem

quite common but there were

some strangeness. As you know,

the winners were: Tim Shieff, Mar-

cus Gustaffson and Ryan Doyle.

Lucy Steele won Women’s Cup,

Eric Mukhametshin won a prize for

the crazy trick. An hour earlier the

finalists were 10 and then in the

final there were 12 people. Two of

them were athletes of WFPF.


After the show, the winners

were award, and then there be-

gan the main strangeness. After

the words: “and the winner is ...”

People in the crowd started to cry

“Eric”. I was not in the crowd, so

I couldn`t say it was athletes or

viewers. But the winner was Tim

Shieff and many people didn`t

agree with this decision but some-

body applauded to him. All 3 win-

ners were from WFPF, and one of

them was Ryan Doyle, the athlete

of Red Bull. Their own athletes

usually win at their events, except

AOM. Moreover, referees were also

from WFPF, and everything be-

came clear. Nicky Capo from Apex

team from England (Moreton) told

us that he had to be the fourth

referee, but instead of him Paul

‘Blue’ Joseph became a referee.

And what was the result? It

was a successful event ... for the

audience, but how the communi-

ty remembered it? That’s another


It`s a show for the viewers.

For those people who only watch.

It has no real value for the com-

munity. It was a good occasion for

meeting with some friends from

England, Switzerland and Austria.

Also it was a good occasion for

athletes meeting, joint training,

exchange of experience among

the “best”, etc.

But it was not a champion-

ship. I would to say some words

which I heard on the 20th of March

in the contest: “It is not a compe-

tition! It is fun, don`t worry. Have

a rest.“

Article was made with the help of

Urban FreeFlow.

Photos from Redbull

Eric and Sasha tell us about AoM


We asked the participants of

Red Bull ‘AOM’ from Russia.

PK-MAG: Please tell us

about your trip in London. What

do you think?

Eric: It was great! We com-

municated a lot, there was a great

atmosphere, everyone was happy

to each other.

PK-MAG: What do you think

about competitions?

Eric: I disliked competi-

tions. There were a lot of orga-

nizational mistakes and referees

were wrong. Everybody know this


PK-MAG: What can you say

about construction?

Eric: There were a lot of

mistakes too. Very big height was

not suitable for freerun and for

acrostreet too. It was not a good

place for event.

PK-MAG: How do you think

refereeing was fair in champion-


Eric: I have already an-

swered that no. But I don`t

think that I`m the best tracer. Of

course it could be the best, but I

couldn`t be sure in it. Although I

think that I could be in the top of


PK-MAG: How do you tabu-

late the results itself?

Eric: It is a difficult ques-

tion. I don`t want to answer this



PK-MAG: Hi! Please tell us

about your trip in London.

Alexandra: I really liked this

journey! There was a really friend-

ly atmosphere, beautiful pure city

and perfect organization of this


PK-MAG: What do you think

about competition?

Alexandra: In my opinion

It wasn`t a competition it was a

show. Refereeing was absent.

PK-MAG: What can you say

about construction?

Alexandra: I disliked these

constructions. There were big

heights and there was really close-

ly. I could do only rounded flip.

Horizontal bars were located close

to each other. It was normal for

me, but Eric touched them when

he made turns and it disturbed.

It was an area for one element.

There were only drops.

PK-MAG: Is it necessary to

hold such events further?

Alexandra: Of course! From

participant side it is really fun,

friendly and you have an experi-

ence. From observer’s side it is

spectacular, beautiful and atmo-


PK-MAG: Do the girls need to

participate in such competitions?

Alexandra: Yes they do! But

unfortunately we haven`t got the

same level.

By Edward Karjakin

Special for PK-MAG

Great Thanks to all the peo-

ple, who made this issue:

Marina Suschih

Oleg Aksenov

Edward Koriakin

Olga Schvitko

Roman Emelianov

Pitirim Stegneev

Eugenia Zagvozdina

Thanks to all people, who

took part in our contest and sent

to us their photos and articles!

They definetly will be published in

the next issue of the magazine.

If I forgot about somebody,

kick me!=)

11.05.2011 0:40

Chief Editor and page-proofs

Borodin Nikita