Planets By Grace

Post on 14-Jan-2016

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Planets By Grace. The Planets. Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune. Did you know The sun is one of the billions of stars we have in our universe, the sun is Earth’s closest star. The Sun. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



By Grace

The Planets

SunMercuryVenusEarthMars Jupiter SaturnUranus Neptune

The Sun

Did you know

The sun is one of the billions of stars we have in our universe, the sun is Earth’s closest star.

Mercury Did you know That even though Mercury is the closest planet to the sun it is not the hottest planet in the solar system.

Mercury’s moons

Mercury does not have any moons though years ago scientists working on cosmology/astronomy used to think that Mercury once used to have a moon.

Roman/Greek name:

Mercury is the roman messenger god for Zeus/Jupiter,

Mercury is also known as Hermes, god of luck in Greek.

Distance from sun:46 million km

Orbit of the sun: 88 Earth days

1 orbit/day : 59 Earth days


• Mercury’s hot side is hot enough to melt metal but it’s cold side is cold enough to freeze you to death.

•Mercury has a diameter of 3031 miles across.

Venus Did you know

That Venus's atmosphere is made entirely out of carbon dioxide. This planet is slightly smaller than Earth.

Venus’s moons

Venus has no moons just like mercury the reason why they have no moons is because how close they are to the sun.

Roman/Greek name:

Venus is the roman goddess of love and beauty

Venus is also known as Aphrodite goddess of charm in Greek.

Distance from sun:108 million km

Orbit of the sun/year: 225 earth days

1 orbit/day: 243 days earth


• Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system. The air is very thick so that the atmosphere holds all the hot air in.

•Venus is the only planet named after a goddess.

EarthDid you know That Earths galaxy is the milky way.

Earth’s moon

Is also known as Luna see later on.

Roman/Greek name:

Earth’s roman is name is Terra

Earth is also known as Gaea in Greek.

Distance from sun: 150 million km

Orbit of the sun: 365 days

1orbit/day: 24 hours


•We can only drink 1.3% of the water on Earth.

•Earth is the densest planet I the known solar system.

•This planet is around 4.6 million years old.

•Earth is the 5th largest planet that we know about .

•The earths diameter is 12,756 km

Mars Did you know

Mars though mars is red (a hot colour) , you would freeze to death and suffocate on this planet.

Mars’s moons

Mars has two moons Deimos which means terror\dread and Phobos which means panic\fear they were both discovered in 1877 by Asaph hall and they are actually lost asteroids.

Roman name:

Mars was the roman god of war and battle,

Mars was also known as Ares god of hatred in Greek.

Distance from sun:207 million km

Orbit of sun/year:687 Earth days

1orbit/day:24.68 hours


•Mars’ diameter is 6,791 km.

•95.31% of mars’ atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

•Even though mars is freezing cold it has lava on it .

Jupiter Did you know

That the red spot on Jupiter is actually a massive storm.

Jupiter moons

Jupiter has at least sixty three known moons. The largest four are called Io, Europa, Ganymede

and Callisto.

Roman name:

Jupiter was the roman god of rain and Earth,

Jupiter is also known as Zeus god of storms in Greek.

Distance from the sun: 483.78 million km

Orbit of the sun/year:11.86 earth years

1 orbit/day: 9 hours 55 mins


•You can fit 100 Earths in to Jupiter's red spot.

•Jupiter core is slightly bigger than earth but weighs about 20 times more.

•Jupiter is the biggest planet in our solar system.

•Over 1300 Earths could fit inside Jupiter.

Saturn Did you know

Saturn has 7 rings and are given names from the letters A-G.

Saturn’s moons

Saturn has 62 moons 53 are officially moons 9 have not been classified and scientists don’t know many of the moons names.

Roman name :

Saturn is the roman god of harvest,

Saturn is also known as Kronos god of time in Greek.

Distance from the sun: 1.43 billion km

Orbit of sun/year: 29.7 earth years

1 orbit/day: 10 hours 47 mins


•Saturn is very light this planet is made up of hydrogen, helium and other light weight gases.

•Saturn has a very strong magnetic field.

•Saturn is the 2nd largest planet in the solar system.

•Saturn’s nickname is gas giant because all the gases it has inside.

Uranus Did you know

Uranus is pronounced

you rah noos

Uranus’s moons

Uranus has twenty-seven moons and here are the names of the largest five Oberon, Miranda, Titania, Ariel, Umbriel.

Roman name:

Uranus is the roman god of the sky.

Distance from the sun:2.871 billion km

Orbit of the sun/year: 84.3 earth years

1orbit/day: 17.9 Earth hours


•Uranus was actually thought to be a star until properly classified in 1781

•This planet has a tilt of 97.7 degrees

•Each of the four seasons on Uranus last at least 20 years.

Neptune Did you know

That Neptune's atmosphere is made out of methane, hydrogen and helium.

Neptune's moons

Neptune has thirteen moons which were all found quite recently

Roman name:

Neptune is the roman god of the ocean and sky

Neptune is also known as Poseidon god of the sea

Distance from the sun: 4.5 billion km

Orbit of the sun/year: 165 earth years

1 Orbit/day: 16 hours 7 mins


•Surprisingly the planet Neptune is four times the size of planet Earth

•Neptune suffers the most violent weather in our Solar System.

Facts about space

An Au An Au is an astronomical unit an Au is 150 million kilometres which is the distance between Earth and the sun.

Black holes A black holes is a hole in space that has its own gravitational pull even though they may look black on the outside they are the brightest things in the universe inside.

The Milky WayThe Milky Way is Earths galaxy it is also a chocolate bar. Galaxies are made up of bits of ice and rock and stars this is why galaxies are shining brightly tonight and from now onwards.

Planetary rings Saturn and Uranus both have planetary rings these rings are made from ice, rock many more ordinary space materials.








Roman name

The moon’s roman name is Luna the goddess of all moons.


This is the ancient symbol for the moon.

The moon is Earth’s only natural satellite.

The Dwarf Planets

Our Moon

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