Planning and Environmental Management undergraduate brochure

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The University of Manchester Planning and Environmental Management Undergraduate brochure 2014 entry (M658)


Planning andEnvironmentalManagement


















E 20


Excellent facilities inpurpose-builtaccommodation,including a comprehensivespecialist library, projectstudios and new suites of networked PCs

the difficult transitionto a post-industrialeconomy – an idealbase from which tostudy environmentaland urban planningand managementissues

Illustrious history ofmore than 50 years inthe undergraduatestudy of planning,environmentalmanagement and urban studies

The facts

Introducing Manchester

Planning and EnvironmentalManagement at Manchester

Course details


Find out more online

Contact details








I chose Manchester tostudy Planning because ofits reputation and stronglinks with the Royal Townand Planning Institute.What I liked most about thecourse was the variety ofworking styles, interactionwith tutors and otherstudents and the stronglinks the taught course haswith external companiesand bodies.Sarah HineMTCP

Our UniversityMaking things happen

Influential, forward-thinking and down-to-earth,we’ll give you an amazing university experience rooted in a rich academic heritage.We turn enthusiasm into achievement andgroundbreaking theory into practice.

We accomplish feats of global significance, fromsplitting the atom to giving the world graphene –the two-dimensional wonder material that is one atom thick but 200 times stronger than steel. With more Nobel laureates on our staff than anyother UK university, and strong links to industry and public services, we vitalise our undergraduatecourses with pioneering research.

Join us at the heart of Britain’s most popularstudent city.

Learn more about

Our cityAlways moving forward

Manchester lives on the edge of tomorrow,ever a step ahead in science, industry, media,sport and the arts. The Mancunian character,exemplified by the city’s central role in theindustrial revolution, strives for excellence in all walks of life.

This is a city of many accents, having become a cosmopolitan magnet for students andprofessionals eager to experience its can-doattitude, independent spirit and cultural wealth.

Never content to live on past glories,Manchester has a passion for progress.

Discover what makes Manchester



4 PlanningUndergraduate brochure 2014

Your experienceMore than just a degree

From the flexible, 24/7 learning environment of the Alan Gilbert Learning Commons tothe personal development opportunities andspecialist support services we offer, we willempower you to be your best.

We’re well underway with the biggestinvestment programme ever seen in UKhigher education, having invested £750million in our facilities since 2004, withanother £1 billion to follow. Away from yourstudies you’ll have access to the UK’s largeststudent union, almost 300 student societies,and excellent sports and fitness facilities.

The only thing you won’t experience is boredom.

Hear from some of our students, graduates and

Your careerOn a course to success

We are one of the UK’s most targeteduniversities by employers – 92% of ourgraduates go straight into employment or further study.

We design our courses with youremployability in mind. Our problem-basedapproach to learning inspires you to thinkcritically, creatively, and independently. You’llalso be able to learn new skills throughvolunteering, personal developmentprogrammes and study abroad pathways.

We have the UK’s best careers service,providing advice and mentoring services, andconnecting you with employers who’ll putyou on a path to career success.

Take control of your

The planning and management of theenvironment is becoming increasingly importantas governments and societies all over the worldstruggle to balance the demands of botheconomic and sustainable development. Theseproblems are the central concern of planning andenvironmental management at Manchester.

Planning andEnvironmentalManagement

at Manchester

Manchester offers you:• an illustrious history of more than 50 years

in the undergraduate study of Planning andEnvironmental Management

• a city that was the cradle of the industrialrevolution and is a pioneer in the difficult transitionto a post-industrial economy – an ideal base fromwhich to study environmental and urban planningand management issues

• a place of major urban change with a new citycentre, a regional shopping complex on its outskirtsand one of the fastest-growing airports in Europe

• a city which has seen many beneficial effects fromthe 2002 Commonwealth Games

• plenty of scope to explore urban developmentpressures and environmental impacts

• a wide variety of rural environments, includingthree spectacular national parks, new forests andother varied environmental initiatives

• excellent facilities in purpose-built accommodation,including a comprehensive specialist library, projectstudios and new suites of networked PCs.

Planning and Environmental Management courses at Manchester enjoyan excellent reputation with employers and students. Our teachingcovers a wide range of contemporary topics, including sustainabledevelopment, communities and planning, environmental planning andmanagement, and sustainable cities. Teaching styles are varied,including lectures, tutorials, seminars, plus opportunities for groupwork on design projects and field trips. There are opportunities to takemodules from other parts of the School and University too, and tospend a semester overseas at partner universities.

Our graduates take with them a wide range of skills to help them getjobs in a variety of sectors, not just in planning and environmentalmanagement. Demand is particularly high for our students from privatesector consultancies.

I decided to study the MTCP at TheUniversity of Manchester because theUniversity has a reputation for being one ofthe best in the country for undergraduatestudy and because of the city itself which isreally vibrant and a great place to spendyour time as a student.

Richard NaylorMaster of Town and Country Planning

Introducing Planning and EnvironmentalManagement at Manchester

Types of courseWe offer four courses with some commonalities inthe first year, at the end of which it is possible toswitch between courses. We offer three-year Honourscourses in Town and Country Planning,Environmental Management and Urban Studies. Wealso offer a fourth course that entails four taughtyears leading to an enhanced undergraduate degreeat masters level and full professional recognition bythe Royal Town and Planning Institute (RTPI).

The MTCP Town and Country Planning course has animportant element of postgraduate and ‘professionalpractice’ teaching in the final year, and offers verycompetitive qualifications in the professionalmarketplace. If you are not seeking full immediateprofessional qualification, you can take the first threeyears and leave with a BA Honours degree that is stillpartially accredited by the RTPI.

Opportunities to study abroadPlanning also has links with universities in other partsof the world. You may elect to study abroad duringpart of your degree. This study could be in Europe(with one of our partner Erasmus/Socratesinstitutions), the US, South East Asia or Australia.

For more information about the worldwide exchangepossibilities, email orvisit the study abroad section of the Universitywebsite:

8 PlanningUndergraduate brochure 2014

Planning and Environmental Management

I currently work for the environmentalconsultancy TEP. I write greeninfrastructure strategies and advise onenvironmental planning policy for localauthorities. I specialise in ecologicalnetworks and have had several suchnetworks and associated policies adoptedin LDF Core Strategies. I have alsodeveloped Local Wildlife Site selectioncriteria and provided analysis for theForestry Commission and the RSPB.

“Recently I returned to the University as a guest lecturer, which I found to be both interesting and, without sounding too full of myself, I felt quite proud to bewanted and trusted enough to be allowedsome influence in the education of the students.

Christopher MarrsBA (Hons) Environmental Management

I have always been interested in the humanimpact on the environment, and howsociety can become more sustainable.When I applied to university I was lookingfor a course that combined environmentalknowledge with regulation and socialdevelopment. What I liked most about theEnvironmental Management course at theUniversity of Manchester was that itprovided me with both the theoretical andpractical knowledge about environmentalpolicy and management which has reallyhelped me in my career so far.

Maria SmithEnvironmental Management

Excellent career opportunitiesOur courses are both academic and professional and lead to a variety of employment opportunities inboth the public and private sectors. If you decide notto follow a vocational career, your experience inproblem solving, wide knowledgebase and manytransferable skills will prepare you for several other careers.

The MTCP is primarily a vocational degree, preparingyou for professional posts in local and centralgovernment, or in the private sector. The course isaccredited by the RTPI, which means graduates areexempt from the Institute’s own examinations. Inrecent years a growing number of graduates havefound jobs in other public services or in business,where an ability to analyse and propose policies andimplement strategies is vital and a wide variety ofgeneric management and communication skills isappreciated. BA graduates similarly find that a degreefrom Planning and Environmental Managementmakes them eminently employable, giving them skillsfrom a discipline that requires the application ofknowledge to solve problems and developopportunities, now and in the future. Thetransferable skills you develop in strategic thinking,teamwork, creativity and communication fit whatmost employers are seeking in almost any area inwhich you may subsequently decide to develop your career.

Course details

It appeared to be the best course on offerat the time and also was far enough awayfrom home! The lecture course appearedwell compiled, well rounded andinteresting. There was a strong practicalfocus which was also important and clearlyrelated to the possibility of settingstudents up for a practical career. Many ofthe staff were involved in real worldprojects rather than simply academic,theoretical work, which was a bonus andallowed them to bring up-to-date, cutting-edge ideas to the lecture courses.

“The course was well structured andprovided a sound mix of practical work withplanning and design theory. The theorywas carefully chosen to support andexplore some of the practical aspects ofthe course. It was flexible enough (evenwithin specific modules) to allow you as astudent to explore your interests and ideaswithin a structured framework.

“I then became owner and director of amultidisciplinary design practice, e*SCAPEUrbanists. I work throughout the UK, butmainly in the North West and London onmasterplanning projects for urbanextensions and brownfield redevelopments,providing the interface between theplanning system and urban design. Morerecently, in 2012 I’ve set up my ownindependent consultancy firm to continue this work.

Bob Phillips MTCP

Specialist resources and facilitiesWe are situated in purpose-built accommodation that houses a recently refurbished project studio withdrawing facilities, a model-making workshop and alarge computer cluster with networked PCs. As wellas offering the usual internet and word-processingfacilities, our PCs also house specialist design andspatial analysis software for use by all Planning andEnvironmental Management students.

Our University library has one of the most extensivecollections of books, journals and other materials on environmental and planning topics available in the UK. This is complemented by the KantorowichLibrary in the Humanities Bridgeford Street building,which is available to all Planning and EnvironmentalManagement students. In Planning andEnvironmental Management, we have always pridedourselves on the close working relationships betweenstudents and staff, and a genuinely friendlyatmosphere within all courses. In part, this goodatmosphere is a result of the type of work ourstudents tackle, including small group projects, andnumerous field work visits around the region. Thisclose support is underpinned by a strong tutorialsystem, in which individual members of staff areresponsible for organising and managing each year of the course.

Further studyFollowing graduation, students who have studied on one of our three-year Honours courses can alsotransfer on to one of our one-year masters courses ineither Urban Regeneration or Environmental ImpactAssessment and Management, which give you dualaccreditation from the RTPI and the Royal Institutionof Chartered Surveyors. We also offer a new MSc inGlobal Urban Development Planning, designed forthose interested in planning in a predominantlyinternational context, and many of our students also go on to PhDs.

10 PlanningUndergraduate brochure 2014

Planning and Environmental Management

There was a strong practical focus, whichclearly related to the possibility of settingstudents up for a practical career. Many ofthe staff were involved in real worldprojects rather than simply academic,theoretical work, which allowed them tobring up-to-date, cutting-edge ideas tothe lecture courses. The course was wellstructured and provided a sound mix of practical work with planning and design theory.

Bob PhillipsMTCP

Course details

Urban Studies Bsc 3yrsUCAS Code K421

Environmental Management BA 3yrsUCAS Code K851

Town and Country Planning BA 3yrsUCAS Code K402

Town and Country Planning MTCP 4yrsUCAS Code K400

How do you learn?In order to develop the range of knowledge and skillsthat we expect of our students when they graduate,we employ a mix of teaching, learning andassessment methods, both staff and student-led. Wecombine traditional lecture-based teaching with avariety of workshop sessions, in teaching areas asdiverse as environmental protection, planning forclimate change and urban politics and policy. Theseworkshop sessions open up discussion and allow youto work within smaller groups. Practical subjects,such as Computer-Aided Design (CAD), GeographicalInformation Systems (GIS), Photoshop and SketchUp,and general computer skills, are taught primarily inthe computer suites, with some accompanying groupwork and the occasional lecture session, giving youan overall hands-on learning experience.

You also acquire a set of more general skills that willserve you well after university, increasing youremployability and allowing you to be a more activecitizen. For example, you develop skills associatedwith working in teams, including communicationskills, and many forms of skills that allow you toreflect on and affect your own progress. Ourassessment strategy is designed to provide you withfeedback on your progress in understanding thesubject and in developing these skills and abilities.

How are you assessed?The School’s assessment strategy is devised to presentyou with the opportunity to demonstrate the fullrange of your abilities and skills. There is, therefore, a mix of assessment types across all years of studythat reflects the variety of abilities and skills that you develop and acquire as you proceed through the courses.

The mix includes a dissertation, essays of varyinglengths, individual and team projects, courseworkassignments, posters, presentations, practicalsessions, and unseen written examination papers(long and short essay answers). The mix ofassessment types aims to help you in a number ofways. Some of them allow fuller coverage of, andfeedback on, knowledge and understanding, which is so important. Some are devised to allow rapidfeedback, such as presentations. Others aim topromote the development of argument, such astutorial and coursework essays, or the skills ofteamwork. Some test the extent to which you cancarry out work independently, such as courseworkessays and the dissertation.

All our assessment methods have been devised topromote in-depth learning and understanding.

I have many happy memories of my time atManchester and the course has stood mein good stead for a career that now spans16 years here in South Africa.

Peter, studied Town Planning from 1989-93 and is now working in theDepartment of Development Planningand Urban Management, City ofJohannesburg Metropolitan Municipality.

Course details

Course Structure

All courses

Year 1: introduces environmental and urban planningand management studies, and gives you a flavour ofthe sorts of problems and issues faced byprofessionals dealing with the planning andmanagement of our built and natural environments.

You examine ecological, social, economic andhistorical aspects of the wider environment, and learnabout gathering, analysing and presentinginformation. In Semester 1 of the first year you studythe following modules:

• Cities and Society

• Critical Analysis of Place

• Design Skills

• Environment and Society

Focus on environment and society

You can expect lectures and workshops supported byfield trips to the Sefton Coast dune system, naturereserves and woodlands.

We don’t drop you straight in at the deep end butyou can expect to get your hands, and certainly yourfeet, dirty from the outset! You will spend some ofthis course unit in lectures and other weeks in ourstudio as well.

You will learn all about the complex relationshipbetween the human and natural environment.

In second semester you study:

• History of Planning (for Planners)

• Practical Projects

• Urban and Environmental Economics

• Urban Ecology (for Environmental Managers)

After this first year, you will continue as detailed foreach course as follows:

Focus on practical projects: understanding places –the Manchester city region

During Semester 2 you will really get to know theManchester city region from a social, economic andenvironmental perspective. You will learn to gatherand analyse spatial data using a GIS and learn otherpractical skills, such as using Photoshop andSketchUp to develop plans and policies.

14 PlanningUndergraduate brochure 2014

Planning and Environmental Management

Environmental Management BA (Hons)Year 2: covers management aspects of both the builtand natural environments.

Final year: allows specialisation in your chosenaspects of environmental management throughoptions and a dissertation.

Urban Studies BSc (Hons)Year 2: covers management, economic and planningaspects of cities and regions.

Final year: allows specialisation in your chosenaspects of urban studies through options and a dissertation.

Town and Country Planning BA (Hons)Town and Country Planning MTCP (Hons)Year 2: examines the role of spatial planning, the development process, countryside planning and sustainable cities, and teaches skills in spatialdata analysis. You also start to specialise in areas of urban planning and regeneration, orenvironmental planning.

Year 3: includes courses in planning theory and law,a dissertation, a field trip to a European city andfurther specialisation.

Year 4: if you continue to this year, you concentrateon the professional nature of planning work. Thisleads to full exemption from the professionalexaminations of the RTPI.

Having studied for A-levels in Geography, Physics and Maths, I chose Manchester after I visited the openday and was very impressed by the coursecontent, available lecturers to speak to, andoptions for short-term vocational training.

CassieEnvironmental Management

Course details



Urban StudiesBSc 3yrs

EnvironmentalManagement BA 3yrs

Town and CountryPlanning BA 3yrs

Town and CountryPlanning MTCP 4yrs

UCAS Code K421 UCAS Code K851 UCAS Code K402 UCAS Code K400

GCSE or equivalentMinimum Grade C in English Language and Mathematics

GCE A-level GCE A-level GCE A-level GCE A-level


Scottish AdvancedHighers

Scottish AdvancedHighers

Scottish AdvancedHighers

Scottish AdvancedHighers


Scottish Highers Scottish Highers Scottish Highers Scottish Highers






32 points overall 32 points overall 32 points overall 32 points overall

For qualifications not listed above, please contact our School’s Recruitment and Admissions Office.Contact details are available on the final page of this brochure.

Student financeFees

Your tuition fees will cover the cost of your study at the University as well as charges for registration,tuition, supervision, examinations and graduation.Payment of fees will also entitle you to membershipof the Library, the Students’ Union and the Athletic Union.

For information on fees for 2014-15,


As one the country’s leading centres of research andlearning, The University of Manchester is committedto attracting and supporting the very best students. Ifyou have the talent and ability, we want to make surethat you have the opportunity to study hereregardless of your financial circumstances.

More than a third of our students will receivebursaries of up to £3,000 per year and many will beoffered even more generous support. Students whoare eligible will be able to choose how they receivethis support – either as a cash bursary or as discount

on their fees or accommodation bill. UK students arenot required to submit an application for any of theUniversity’s means-tested awards. We will automaticallyidentify eligible students on the basis of thehousehold income data provided by the StudentLoans Company.

The Manchester Bursary

The Manchester Bursary is available to any studentwho is registered on an eligible undergraduate courseat The University of Manchester and who has had afull financial assessment carried out by StudentFinance. This bursary is additional to the governmentpackage of maintenance grants.

For further information,

The McLoughlin Planning and EnvironmentalManagement Merit Awards

Information about awards and bursaries given by the School for Planning undergraduate students willbe published on our website

As an example, for 2012 entry, around twenty of ourhighest-achieving new students were awarded£1,000 as a cash bursary in recognition of their hardwork and outstanding performance at A-level,International Baccalaureat or equivalent qualification.


Practical support and advice for both current studentsand applicants is available from our University’sDisability Support Office (DSO) and our SchoolStudent Experience Administrator.

You should complete the relevant section on theUCAS form if you believe that you have additionalsupport needs arising from a long-term medicalcondition, specific learning disability (for example,dyslexia), mental health condition, or disability. OurUniversity fully complies with the Equality Act 2010.

Please be assured that ticking the disability box will inno way affect the normal screening of your UCASform. You will be assessed in the normal way anddecisions on calling to interview and offers will bemade in accordance with the guidance given here forall candidates. However, if you have ticked the box,our DSO will have access to your application details

so that they can offer assistance with your applicationand ensure that appropriate support is in place, ifrequired. If you state a need for medical support, the DSO will normally send a referral to our StudentOccupational Health Department. You may alsoindependently contact the Student OccupationalHealth Department for advice (see contact detailsbelow). We will assess how the University might best address your support needs.

This process will not influence the academic decisionsof our admissions office.

Further information is available from:Disability Support Office:The University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLtel +44(0)161 275 7512email

Equality and Diversity Office:The University of ManchesterOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLtel +44(0)161 3065857email

Occupational Health:Oxford Road Site:Occupational Health ServicesThe University of ManchesterWaterloo Place, 182-184 Oxford RoadManchester M13 9GPtel 0161 275 2858email

Sackville Street Site:Occupational Health ServicesThe University of ManchesterB22 The Mill, Sackville StreetManchester M13 9PLtel 0161 306 5806email

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18 PlanningUndergraduate brochure 2014

Take control of your

CareersLet us help you prepare for your time

International students



This brochure is prepared well in advance ofthe academic year to which it relates.Consequently, details of courses may varywith staff changes. The University thereforereserves the right to make such alterationsto courses as are found to be necessary. Ifthe University makes an offer of a place, it isessential that you are aware of the currentterms on which the offer is based. If you arein any doubt, please feel free to ask forconfirmation of the precise position for theyear in question, before you accept the offer.

For the most up-to-date courseinformation, visit our

Want to talk through your decision? Call or email us for help and advice.

Stephen HincksPlanning Lecturer tel 0161 275 6883email

Nicola AllardUndergraduate Admissions tel 0161 275 2804email


Royal Charter Number RC000797M658 05.13

The Recruitment and Admissions AdministratorSchool of Environment and DevelopmentThe University of ManchesterArthur Lewis BuildingOxford RoadManchesterM13 9PLUnited Kingdom

tel +44 (0)161 275 2804email