Planning and Urban Management Experience in Samoa

Post on 02-Dec-2014

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Jude Kohlhase

November 16, 2011

Context / Chronology of Events / Functions /

Challenges / Opportunities / Urban Sector Road Map

Context - Facts Total 180,000 pop.

Urban pop. 35%

GDP 75%

Central govt.

Customary laws &


Chronology of Events

Colonial attempts to introduce Municipal powers


ADB TAs’ technical and policy development 2001-03

Planning and Urban Management Agency est. 2002

Legislated in 2004

Involved in statutory nuisance case re noise impact, 2008

Decision challenged regarding procedure, 2011 – settled

Initiated PUM reform, 2011 – two staged approach

Decision appealed to Planning Tribunal, 2011

Functions Planning and Urban Management Act

2004 Spatial planning

Project control – development consenting

(approvals process)

Environmental protection and prevention

Statutory nuisance

Urban management

Challenging issues National vs. urban context

Macroeconomic agenda – forest for the trees (recognize

and prioritize PUM)

Improving the existing built environment in light of climate

change and disaster management

Address current / future urban growth – poorly controlled

and coordinated.

PUM reforms to improve administration and outcomes

Tensions / trade-offs between private interests vs. public

interests (e.g. land rights, long-term outcomes)

Opportunities Whole of government approaches (sector

collaborations that build on benefits)

Responding to climate change through disaster risk

reduction initiatives

Retrofitting and smart growth planning

Urban Sector Road Map Urban Governance: peri-urban structure planning

Apia Spatial Plan

establishes a long-term agenda and articulates a

common vision of a desirable future for greater urban


City Development Strategy

guide planning, design and development through a

range of integrated initiatives