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Planning for Chapter 1

Topics❖ Describing people and places❖ Nationalities❖ Numbers: 0–30

Culture❖ El Quijote, the novel❖ Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra❖ Map of Spain (La Mancha)❖ Alicia Bustelo, a student from Venezuela❖ Plaza Simón Bolívar, Caracas❖ Two Latin American heroes: Simón

Bolívar and San Martín ❖ Geographical terms in Spanish

Functions❖ How to ask who someone is❖ How to state where someone is from❖ How to describe a person or thing❖ How to identify people or things❖ How to count from 0 to 30

Structure❖ Singular forms of definite and indefinite

articles—el, la, un, una❖ Singular forms of adjectives❖ Singular forms of ser

The chapter content is coded below to assist you in planning.D required C recommended A optional

For a more specific pacing tool, use your TeacherWorks™ calendar.


Vocabulario (required) Days 1–4D Palabras 1

¿Quién es?¿Qué es?¿Cómo es el muchacho?¿Cómo es la muchacha?

D Palabras 2¿Quién soy yo y de dónde soy?¿Quién es y cómo es?Los números

Estructura (required) Days 5–7D Artículos—el, la, un, unaD Adjetivos en el singularD Presente del verbo ser en el singular

Conversación (required) Day 8D ¿De dónde eres?

Pronunciación (recommended)C Las vocales a, o, u

Lecturas culturalesC El Quijote (recommended)A Una alumna (optional)A Simón Bolívar y José de San Martín (optional)

ConexionesA La geografía (optional)

C ¡Te toca a ti! (recommended)C Assessment (recommended)A ¡Hablo como un pro! (optional)

National Standards❖ Communication Standard 1.1 pp. 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26,

27, 29, 30, 36, 37

❖ Communication Standard 1.2 pp. 12, 17, 21, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29,30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 37

❖ Communication Standard 1.3 pp. 21, 37

❖ Cultures Standard 2.1 pp. 22, 28, 30–31, 32, 33, 470

❖ Cultures Standard 2.2 p. 30

❖ Connections Standard 3.1 pp. 34–35

❖ Comparisons Standard 4.1 pp. 22, 33

❖ Communities Standard 5.1 p. 36

To read the ACTFL Standards in their entirety, see page T54.




Vocabulario ¿Quién es? (pp. 14, 16–17) Audio Activities TE (pp. 1–2) Vocabulary Transparencies 1.2–1.3¿Qué es? (pp. 14, 16–17) Workbook (pp. 1–2) Audio CD 2¿Cómo es el muchacho? Quiz 1 (p. 1) ExamView® Assessment Suite

(pp. 15, 16–17) PowerTeach¿Cómo es la muchacha? Vocabulary PuzzleMaker

(pp. 15, 16–17)

Vocabulario ¿Quién soy yo y de dónde Audio Activities TE (pp. 2–4) Vocabulary Transparencies 1.4–1.5

soy? (pp. 18, 20–21) Workbook (pp. 3–4) Audio CD 2¿Quién es y cómo es? Quiz 2 (p. 2) ExamView® Assessment Suite

(pp. 19, 20–21) Vocabulary PuzzleMakerLos números (pp. 19, 20–21)

EstructuraArtículos—el, la, un, una Audio Activities TE (pp. 5–6) Audio CD 2

(pp. 22–23) Workbook (pp. 5–8) ExamView® Assessment SuiteAdjetivos en el singular Quizzes 3–5 (pp. 3–5) PowerTeach

(pp. 23–24)Presente del verbo ser en

el singular (pp. 25–27)

Conversación¿De dónde eres? (p. 28) Audio Activities TE (p. 7) Audio CD 2

Interactive ConversationsPowerTeach

PronunciaciónLas vocales a, o, u (p. 29) Audio Activities TE (p. 8) Pronunciation Transparency P 1

Audio CD 2

El Quijote (pp. 30–31) Audio Activities TE (p. 8) Audio CD 2Una alumna (p. 32) Tests (pp. 4, 6) PowerTeachSimón Bolívar y

José de San Martín (p. 33)

ConexionesLa geografía (pp. 34–35) Tests (p. 7)

¡Te toca a ti!(pp. 36–37) ¡Viva el mundo hispano!

Video, Episode 1Video Activities, Chapter 1Spanish Online

Assessment(pp. 38–39) Quizzes 1–5 (pp. 1–5) Communication Transparency C 1

Performance Assessment, Task 1 ExamView® Assessment SuiteTests (pp. 1–12) MindJogger VideoquizSituation Cards, Chapter 1



Lecturas culturales


Using Your Resources for Chapter 1



Audio Activities

Vocabulary, pages 1–4

Structure, pages 5–8

Enrichment, pages 9–10

VocabularioAntonio Irizarry Here’s a picture of Antonio Irizarry. Write a story about him. You maywant to use some of the following words.





Una mexicana Here’s a picture of Guadalupe Cárdenas. She’s from Puebla, México. Writeas much about her as you can.









Nombre ________________________________________ Fecha ____________________________


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 1

Un amigo o una amigacapítulo 1

Answers will vary but may include the following: Antonio

Irizarry es de Bogotá, Colombia. Es guapo. Es rubio.

No es moreno. Él es alto. No es bajo. Es serio.

Answers will vary.

Nombre ________________________________________ Fecha ____________________________


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 5


Artículos definidos e indefinidos

Oye, ¿quién es? Complete the cartoon with el or la.

Oye, ¿quién es______ muchacho?

¿Quién? ¿ ______muchacho alto? Sí, él.

Pues, él es Felipe Lugones. Él es alumno aquí en

______ Escuela Franklin.

Y ______ muchacha,¿quién es?

¿ ______muchacha


Pues, ella es ______ amiga deFelipe. Es Marisol Rodríguez.

¿Es ella alumna en ______ EscuelaFranklin también?

No, ella es alumna en______ Colegio de SanAgustín en Santurce.

Sí, ella.

Un alumno y una alumna Complete the sentences with un or una.

1. Alan es ______ alumno en ______ escuela secundaria en los Estados Unidos.

2. Alejandra es ______ alumna en ______ colegio en Olivos, ______ suburbio de BuenosAires.

3. Alejandra es ______ persona muy sincera.

4. Y Alan es ______ muchacho muy honesto.


el la

la La



un una

una un





Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 9

Nombre ________________________________________ Fecha ____________________________

Un poco másMás información Every chapter in your workbook will include readings. These readingswill have some unfamiliar words in them. However, you should be able to understand themeasily, since many of them are cognates—words that look alike and have similar meanings inEnglish and Spanish. In addition, you can guess the meanings of other words because of thecontext of the sentence. See whether you can understand the following reading.

Simón Bolívar es un héroe famoso de Latinoamérica. Es de una familia

noble y rica. No es de la ciudad. Simón Bolívar es de una región rural.

Es del campo.

En la época de Simón Bolívar, Venezuela es una colonia de España.

No es un país independiente. La mayoría de Latinoamérica es una

colonia española. Las ideas de Simón Bolívar son muy liberales. Para

él, Venezuela no debe1 ser una colonia. Venezuela debe ser un país


1debe should

En inglés Give the English word related to each of the following Spanish words. As youalready know, these related words are called “cognates.”

1. héroe _____________________________________________________________________

2. famoso ___________________________________________________________________

3. noble _____________________________________________________________________

4. región rural ________________________________________________________________

5. colonia ____________________________________________________________________

6. independiente ______________________________________________________________




rural region



Structure, pages 5–6

Vocabulary, pages 1–4

Conversation,Pronunciation,pages 7–8

Actividad F Listen and choose.(STM, page 2) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 4)

You will hear a short story about Isabel Torres. You will then hear five questionsabout her, each followed by three possible answers. Choose the correct answer andcircle a, b, or c on your activity sheet.

Isabel Torres es de México. Ella es mexicana. No es americana. Isabel es alumnaen un colegio mexicano. No es alumna en una escuela secundaria americana.Isabel es bastante alta. No es muy baja. ¿Es ella muy seria? No, de ningunamanera. Isabel es muy graciosa. Ella es una amiga buena. Y es una personaambiciosa.

1. ¿De dónde es Isabel Torres?a. Es de Puerto Rico.b. Es de México.c. Es americana.

2. ¿Dónde es ella alumna?a. Es una alumna muy buena.b. En un colegio mexicano.c. En una escuela secundaria americana.

3. ¿Es alta Isabel?a. Sí, es bastante alta.b. No, es muy baja.c. Sí, es flaca.

4. ¿Cómo es ella?a. Es muy seria.b. Es rubia.c. Es graciosa.

5. ¿Es ella una persona ambiciosa?a. Sí, es perezosa.b. Sí, es graciosa.c. Sí, es ambiciosa.

1. a b c 4. a b c

2. a b c 5. a b c

3. a b c


4 ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

EstructuraActividad A Listen and choose.(STM, page 2) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 5)

You will hear eight statements or questions. On your activity sheet, circle a if the statement refers to a boy. Circle b if it refers to a girl.

1. ¿Quién es el muchacho?2. Ella es muy simpática.3. Es ambicioso.4. Soy alumno en una escuela secundaria.5. Es una amiga muy buena.6. Es mexicana. No es colombiana.7. ¿Quién es ella?8. ¿Y él? ¿Quién es?


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 5

1. a b 3. a b 5. a b 7. a b

2. a b 4. a b 6. a b 8. a b

Actividad B Listen. (Activity 20—Textbook, page 26)(STM, page 2) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 6)

Listen to the conversation. Do not repeat.

JULIA: ¡Hola!EMILIO: ¡Hola! ¿Quién eres?JULIA: ¿Quién? ¿Yo?EMILIO: Sí, tú.JULIA: Pues, soy Julia. Julia Rivera. Y tú, ¿quién eres?EMILIO: Yo soy Emilio. Emilio Ortega.JULIA: ¿Eres americano, Emilio?EMILIO: No, no soy americano.JULIA: ¿No? ¿De dónde eres?EMILIO: Soy de México.JULIA: ¡Yo soy de México también!EMILIO: ¡Increíble!

a b

Conversación Actividad F Listen. (Conversación—Textbook, page 28)(STM, page 3) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 9)

Listen to the conversation. Do not repeat.

¿De dónde eres?

RAFAEL: ¡Hola, José! ¿Qué tal, amigo?JOSÉ: Bien, Rafael.RAFAEL: Oye, José. ¿Quién es el muchacho alto allí?JOSÉ: ¿Quién? ¿El rubio?RAFAEL: Sí, él.JOSÉ: Pues, es Felipe García. Él es un alumno nuevo. Soy un amigo de Felipe.

¡FELIPE!JOSÉ: Hola, José.JOSÉ: Felipe, Rafael.FELIPE: Hola, Rafael. Mucho gusto.RAFAEL: Mucho gusto. ¿De dónde eres, Felipe?FELIPE: Soy de Puerto Rico.RAFAEL: ¿Sí? Hombre, yo también soy puertorriqueño.

Actividad G Listen and choose.(STM, page 3) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 9)

You will hear eight statements about the conversation you just heard. If the state-ment is correct, circle sí on your activity sheet. If the statement is not correct, circle no.

1. José es un amigo de Rafael.2. El muchacho alto es Felipe.3. El muchacho alto es rubio.4. Rafael es un alumno nuevo en la escuela.5. José es un amigo de Felipe.6. Rafael es un amigo de Felipe.7. Felipe es de Chile.8. Rafael es puertorriqueño.

1. sí no 3. sí no 5. sí no 7. sí no

2. sí no 4. sí no 6. sí no 8. sí no


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 7

Additional Practice,pages 9–10


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 9

Actividad B Listen.(STM, page 4) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 12)

Listen to the make-believe conversation between Don Quijote and Sancho Panza. Donot repeat.

DON QUIJOTE: Sancho, ¿por qué no eres ambicioso como yo?SANCHO: Don Quijote. No eres ambicioso. Eres absurdo.DON QUIJOTE: ¿Dices que soy tonto, Sancho? No, no soy tonto. Soy muy sabio,

muy inteligente. Y tú, Sancho—eres muy perezoso.

Actividad C Write.(STM, page 4) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 12)

In English compare what Don Quijote and Sancho have to say about one another inthe conversation you just heard. You will have thirty seconds to write your answer.




Actividad D Listen.(STM, page 4) (Cassette 2A/CD 2, Track 13)

Listen to the narrative. Do not repeat.

Marta Barros es de Puerto Rico. Ella es alumna en el Colegio San Jorge, en SanJuan. San Juan es la capital de Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico no es una península.Puerto Rico es una isla. Es una isla tropical. Marta es una alumna muy buena.Ella es bastante ambiciosa. Es una alumna seria pero es también una personagraciosa.

Don Quijote says he’s hard-working and Sancho isn’t. Sancho says Don

Quijote is absurd. Don Quijote says he’s not foolish, he’s very intelligent

and Sancho is lazy.

______1 ______5

Vocabulary 1.1–1.5Bellringer 1.1–1.6 Communication C 1

¡Buen viaje! Level 1

Capítulo 1



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Bellringer Reviews

Make a list in Spanish of the months for fall and winter.

On a piece of paper, write three words that describe a studentseated near you. If possible, put these words into sentences.

Using the verb soy, write your name and where you are from.

Write a list of words that can be used to describe people.

Write the name of a friend. Then write two or three thingsabout him or her.

Write three sentences about yourself. Read them to aclassmate. Then convert each of your sentences into a questionand ask a classmate the questions.

1.1(p. 14)

1.2(p. 18)

1.3(p. 22)

1.4(p. 23)

1.5(p. 25)

1.6(p. 28)

V 1.2¡Buen viaje! Level 1

Capítulo 1 (page 14)



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VocabularioC 1¡Buen viaje! Level 1

Capítulo 1



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Pronunciation P 1

P 1


en viaje!

Level 1




Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.



Las vocales a, o, uWhen you speak Spanish, it is important to pronounce the vowelscarefully. The vowel sounds in Spanish are very short, clear, and concise. The vowels in English have several different pronunciations, but in Spanish they have only one sound. Imitate carefully thepronunciation of the vowels a, o, and u. Note that the pronunciation of a is similar to the a in father, o is similar to the o in most, and u is similar to the u in flu.

a o uAna o unobaja no muchaamiga Paco muchoalumna amigo muchacho

Repeat the following sentences.Ana es alumna.Adán es alumno.Ana es amiga de Adán.




Vocabulary andStructure Quizzes,pages 1–5

Chapter Tests,pages 1–12

Situation Cards,Chapter 1

capítulo\1Quiz 5


Presente del verbo ser en el singular

Answer each question with a complete sentence. (4 points)

1. ¿Quién eres?


2. ¿De dónde eres?


3. ¿De quién eres un(a) amigo(a)?


4. ¿Cómo es ��������� (your friend)?


Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb ser. (6 points)

1–2. Yo �������������������������������� rubio y Bárbara �������������������������������� morena.

3. Y tú, José, ¿�������������������������������� rubio o moreno?

4–5. José �������������������������������� de Los Ángeles y yo �������������������������������� deCalifornia.

6. Y tú, ¿de dónde ��������������������������������?



Nombre ������������������������������������������������������������ Fecha ������������������������������������������


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 5

Nombre ���������������������������������������������������������� Fecha ����������������������������������������


Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Capítulo 1 155

capítulo 1Proficiency Test

Write a brief description of yourself.

Write as much as you can about this person.


¡Buen viaje! Level 1 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


¡Buen viaje! Level 1 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


¡Buen viaje! Level 1 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill


¡Buen viaje! Level 1 © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill

Your Spanish pen pal, Juan López, is visiting you over summervacation. Describe a couple of your friends to him.

You’re sitting in a café on the Plaza Mayor in Madrid when astudent at the next table strikes up a conversation with you.Introduce yourself and tell him or her as much about yourselfas you can.

You’re vacationing on the Costa del Sol in Spain with your bestfriend. A Spanish friend of yours wants to know somethingabout your American friend. Say as much as you can about himor her.

While traveling in México, you meet a Mexican student aboutthe same age as you. Ask the student where he or she is fromand if he or she is a student at a colegio. Then give the sameinformation about yourself.

MindJogger Videoquiz,ExamView ® Assessment

Suite, Chapter 1

• Interactive Teacher Edition• Lesson Planner with calendar

• Access to all program blackline masters• Correlations to National Standards

• Use premade tests or build your owneasily and quickly

• Customize tests using a full-featureeditor

• Select questions from existing test banks• Set up your own question test banks• Disaggregate data

All-in-one interactive Student Edition and student resources—a backpack solution

• Notetaking and Study Strategies help students organize and internalize new infor-mation, allowing them to become more effective communicators in the target language.

• Reading Strategies take the mystery out of reading and give students the tools theyneed to become more effective readers.

• Standardized Test Practice in every chapter helps students improve their test-takingskills through the study of foreign language.



This all-in-one planner includes:

The ExamView® Assessment Suite includes Test Generator, Test Player, and Test Manager.

• This fun, interactive review in game-show format can be played as a class activity or independently at a computer

• Reviews vocabulary,grammar, and culture for every chapter in ¡Buen viaje! Level 1

• Enclosed CD includes entire script and answer cards

P/N G64047.28

Maratón Mental

Mindjogger Videoquiz


PreviewIn this chapter students will learnto describe themselves as well as afriend, using the singular forms ofthe verb ser and high-frequencydescriptive adjectives. The pluralforms of the verb ser will be pre-sented in Chapter 2 to avoid intro-ducing an overwhelming numberof forms in this initial chapter.

National StandardsCommunicationIn Chapter 1, students will com-municate in spoken and writtenSpanish to: • identify and describe themselves

and others• find out where people are from

and say their nationality Students will engage in conversa-tions, provide and obtain informa-tion, and exchange opinions asthey fulfill the chapter objectiveslisted on this page.

Arte Francisco de Goya (1746–1828) is one of the great Spanishmasters. His early frescoes, innova-tive tapestry cartoons, and laterlithographs, as well as his paint-ings which range from elegant tosatirical and pessimistic, left agreat influence on later artists.

Fotografía The students inthis photograph are standing inthe Plaza de Armas, the oldestplaza in Santiago, the capital ofChile.


In this chapter you will learn to:

❖ ask or tell who someone is

❖ ask or tell what something is

❖ ask or tell where someone is from

❖ ask or tell what someone is like

❖ describe yourself or someone else

❖ talk about a famous Spanish novel andsome Latin American heroes

Un amigo ouna amigaUn amigo ouna amiga


Francisco de Goya Muchachos trepando a un árbol

To interact with your online edition of¡Buen viaje! go to:

12 doce

The TeacherWorks CD-ROM is an all-in-one plannerand resource center. You may wish to use several ofthe following features as you plan and present the

Chapter 1 material: Interactive Teacher Edition, Interactive Lesson Planner withCalendar, Point and Click Access to Teaching Resources including Hotlinks to theInternet and Correlations to the National Standards.

All-In-One Planner and Resource Center


11It is extremely impor-tant that students be

able to use and respond correctlyto interrogative expressions in thevery early stages of languageacquisition. In this chapter, theinterrogative words ¿quién?,¿qué?, ¿cómo?, and ¿de dónde?are introduced.

The most common interrogativewording throughout ¡Buen viaje!is inverted order. ¿Es Juanamericano? ¿De dónde es elmuchacho? However, studentswill sometimes encounter theupward intonation pattern: ¿Juanes americano? ¿Él es de quénacionalidad?, since it is so fre-quently used in many areas of theSpanish-speaking world, particu-larly when speaking.

LEVELINGThe activities, conversations,

and readings within each chapterare marked according to level ofdifficulty. E indicates easy. A indi-cates average. C indicates challeng-ing. Some activities cover a rangeof difficulty. In some activities, forexample, advanced students willbe able to produce more extensiveresponses while students wholearn at a different rate may giveless detailed responses. The level-ing indicators will help you indi-vidualize instruction to best meetyour students’ needs.

The Quia Interactive Online Workstation found at books.quia.comfeatures all the ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 Workbook and Audio Activitieswith instant feedback for students, while grades and scores are

recorded for you automatically in an online, customizable gradebook. Students canalso practice independently with the chapter-specific games and flashcards.

14 catorce CAPÍTULO 1

¿Quién es?



el muchacho

el amigo

la muchacha

la amiga

¿Qué es?una escuela

un colegio

¿Qué es un colegio?Un colegio es una escuela secundaria.Es una escuela secundaria en Latinoamérica.

Guadalupe es mexicana.Guadalupe es de San Miguel de Allende.Ella es alumna en un colegio.Es alumna en el Colegio Juárez.Guadalupe es una amiga de José Antonio.

el alumno la alumna

Use your CD for more practice.


Resource ManagerVocabulary Transparencies 1.2–1.3Audio Activities TE, pages 1–2Audio CD 2Workbook, pages 1–2Quizzes, page 1ExamView ® Assessment Suite

PRESENTATIONStep 1 Present the vocabularyfirst with books closed usingVocabulary Transparencies 1.2–1.3.You may also wish to use studentsas “models” as you present manyof the descriptive adjectives.

Step 2 Present one word orphrase at a time and build to acomplete sentence. For example,point to Guadalupe as the classsays Guadalupe. Point to the mapof Mexico as you and the class saymexicana. Then have the class saythe entire sentence: Guadalupe esmexicana.

Step 3 After the initial presenta-tion with the overhead transparen-cies, have students open theirbooks and look at the new vocabu-lary words as they repeat eitherafter you or Audio CD 2.

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.1 or writethe following on the board.Make a list in Spanish of themonths for fall and winter.


R e a c h i n g A l l S t u d e n t sTotal Physical Response Theexpressions levántate, anda, párate, andseñala are new to the students. You can con-vey their meanings by doing the activity your-self the first time and having a student imitateyou while the others look on.(Student 1), levántate.Anda por la sala de clase. Párate.

Señala o indica a un muchacho.Señala a un muchacho alto.Señala a un muchacho moreno.Señala a un muchacho alto y rubio.Señala a una muchacha.Señala a una muchacha rubia.Señala a una muchacha alta.Señala a una muchacha alta y morena.



guapo rubiofeo moreno

bonita, linda rubiafea morena

alta ambiciosabaja seria perezosagraciosa, cómica

¿Cómo es la muchacha?

José es rubio.Él es guapo. No es feo.

¿Cómo es el muchacho?

Anita es alta. No es baja. Ella es muy bonita, muy linda.

Nota There are many ways to express good-looking, handsome, or pretty in Spanish. Theword guapo(a) can be used to describe a boy ora girl. The words bonito, lindo, hermoso, andbello all mean pretty. They can describe a prettygirl or a pretty item. The word feo in Spanish isnot as strong as the word ugly in English. To get a friend’s attention, you could even say jokingly,¡Oye, feo!The following words are used to express degrees.Él es guapo. Ella es bonita.Es bastante guapo. Es bastante bonita.Es muy guapo. Es muy bonita.


ambiciososerio perezosogracioso, cómicoalto bajo



When students ask for additionalrelated vocabulary in the earlychapters, it is strongly recom-mended that you not give themmore words at this point. This willcomplicate or confuse the lan-guage concepts being presented.For example, in this chapter do notintroduce students to adjectivesthat have irregular forms.

The word rigoler is an informalword used frequently in France. Itis fine to use the verb rigoler withfriends but not when speaking tostrangers. �

About the Spanish Language

Step 4 You may wish to ask thefollowing types of questions dur-ing the oral presentation of thevocabulary or as the students arereading from their books: ¿EsGuadalupe? ¿Es Guadalupe oMaría? ¿Es mexicana Guadalupe?¿Quién es mexicana? ¿De quénacionalidad es Guadalupe?These questions that build fromvery easy to more complex permityou to take into account the vary-ing abilities of your students. Gearthe questions to the skill level ofeach student.

Step 5 Use the overhead trans-parencies to check comprehen-sion. Ask ¿Cómo es el muchacho(la muchacha)? as you point tothe illustrations randomly.

Teaching Tips• Use gestures to help convey the meaning of words such as:gracioso, cómico, serio, ambicioso,perezoso, alto, bajo, or call on stu-dents who like to perform andhave them pantomime the mean-ing of each word.• Use intonation and expressionto illustrate the differencebetween Es bastante guapo andEs muy guapo.

• In many areas of the Spanish-speaking world, the terms elchico and la chica are heard asfrequently as el muchacho andla muchacha.

• The word moreno refers to haircoloring and complexion. Adark-haired person is moreno. Insome areas of the Caribbean,moreno can refer to a person ofcolor.

• El alumno and la alumna areused for both elementary andsecondary school students. El/Laestudiante usually refers to auniversity student but can some-times be used to refer to a sec-ondary school student.

LEVELINGE: Vocabulary

You may wish touse the editablePowerPoint® pre-sentation availableon this PowerTeach

CD-ROM for additional vocabu-lary instruction and practice.


¿Cómo es Fernando?Contesten según la foto. (Answer according to the photo.)

1. ¿Cómo es Fernando? ¿Es alto o bajo?2. ¿Cómo es Fernando? ¿Es gracioso o serio?3. ¿Cómo es Fernando? ¿Es guapo o feo?4. ¿Cómo es Fernando? ¿Es rubio o moreno?


16 dieciséis CAPÍTULO 1

San Miguel de Allende, México

Miami, la Florida

Barcelona, España

¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?Un muchacho mexicano

Contesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Es Manolo mexicano o colombiano?2. ¿Es de San Miguel de Allende o de Bogotá?3. ¿Es alumno en el Colegio Juárez?4. ¿Es el Colegio Juárez un colegio mexicano?5. ¿Es Manolo un amigo de Alicia Gómez?

Una muchacha americanaContesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Es Debbi una muchacha americana?2. ¿Es ella de Miami?3. ¿Es ella alumna en una escuela secundaria

de Miami?4. ¿Es ella una alumna seria?5. ¿Es Debbi una amiga de Bárbara Jones?

¿Quién? ¿Manolo o Debbi?Contesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Quién es de San Miguel de Allende?2. ¿Quién es de Miami?3. ¿Quién es alumno en el Colegio Juárez?4. ¿Quién es alumna en una escuela secundaria

de Miami?



¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?


When students aredoing the ¿Qué palabra

necesito? activities, accept anyanswer that makes sense. The pur-pose of these activities is to havestudents use the new vocabulary.They are not factual recall activi-ties. Thus, it is not necessary forstudents to remember specific fac-tual information from the vocabu-lary presentation when answering.If you wish, have students use thephotos on this page as a stimulus,when possible.

Each time Historietaappears, it means that the answersto the activity form a short story.Encourage students to look at thetitle of the Historieta, since it canhelp them do the activity.

and Have students closetheir books. Model the cognatesthat appear in Activities 1 and 2 onpage 16, and have students repeatthem: mexicano, colombiano,americana, secundaria, seria. Nowask the questions and call on a dif-ferent student to answer each one.Then have students open theirbooks and do the activities again.

and These activities canbe done first with books closedand then with books open. Notethat Activity 3 reinforces the inter-rogative word quién, and Activity4 reinforces cómo.


1. Manolo es mexicano.2. Es de San Miguel de

Allende.3. Sí, (No, no) es alumno

en el Colegio Juárez.4. Sí, es un colegio

mexicano.5. Sí, (No, no) es un amigo

de Alicia Gómez.

1. Sí, Debbi es una muchachaamericana.

2. Sí, ella es de Miami.3. Sí, ella es alumna en una

escuela secundaria de Miami.4. Sí (No), ella (no) es una

alumna seria.5. Sí, (No, no) es una amiga

de Bárbara Jones.

1. Manolo es de SanMiguel de Allende.

2. Debbi es de Miami.3. Manolo es alumno en

el Colegio Juárez.4. Debbi es alumna

en una escuelasecundaria de Miami.

1. Es alto.2. Es serio.3. Es guapo.4. Es moreno.

Writing DevelopmentHave students write the answers toActivity 3 in a paragraph to illus-trate how all the items tell a story.

ANSWERS TO ¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?


UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA diecisiete 17

Todo lo contrario Contesten según el modelo.(Answer according to the model.)


MÁSFor more practice using words from Palabras 1,do Activity 1 on page H2 at the end of this book.

1. ¿Es muy seria Teresa?2. ¿Es pelirroja Teresa?3. ¿Es baja Teresa?4. ¿Es muy ambiciosa Teresa?

¿Quién es? Work with a classmate. Choose one of the photographs below, but don’t tell which one. Describe the student in the photo. Your partner has to guess which person you are describing. Take turns.

¿Es un muchacho o una muchacha?Work with a classmate. Describe someone in the class. First yourpartner will tell whether you’re describing a boy or a girl and willthen guess who it is. Take turns.

Málaga, España

¿Es alta Teresa? No, de ninguna manera.Es bastante baja.




1. No, de ninguna manera.Es bastante graciosa.

2. No, de ninguna manera.Es bastante rubia.

3. No, de ninguna manera.Es bastante alta.

4. No, de ninguna manera.Es bastante perezosa.

1. Es rubia, guapa, baja, bonita,linda.

2. Es alto, guapo, moreno,gracioso.

3. Es serio, rubio, guapo,ambicioso.

4. Es alta, graciosa, cómica,morena.

Answers will vary but mayinclude:

Ella es rubia. Es cómica. Ella esbonita.

Él es alto. Es guapo y serio. Él esmexicano.

This activity can be done as aminiconversation. You may havestudents work in pairs.

Note that the activitiesare color-coded. All the

activities in the text are commu-nicative. However, the ones withblue titles are guided communica-tion. The red titles indicate that theanswers to the activity are moreopen-ended and can vary more.You may wish to correct students’mistakes more so in the guidedactivities than in the activities witha red title, which lend themselvesto a freer response.

Paired Activities

• Have students work in pairs towrite sentences describing twoother students in the class—onemale and one female. • Have students compare twoother students. For example:Roberto es moreno. Tadeo esmoreno también. Roberto es deMéxico. Es mexicano. Tadeo no esde México. Él es de Los Ángeles.Tadeo es americano.

This InfoGap Activity willallow students to practice in pairs.The activity should be very man-ageable for them, since all vocabu-lary and structures are familiar tothem.



LEVELINGE: Activities 1, 2

A: Activities 3, 5, 7

C: Activity 6

ANSWERS TO ¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?


18 dieciocho CAPÍTULO 1

Carmen es una amigamuy buena.

Ella es una persona muy simpática.

¡Hola!Yo soy Roberto. Roberto Davidson.Soy de California.Soy un alumno serio.Soy un amigo de Carmen.

¿Quién soy yo y de dónde soy? Use your CD for more practice.


Resource ManagerVocabulary Transparencies 1.4–1.5Audio Activities TE, pages 2–4 Audio CD 2Workbook, pages 3–4Quizzes, page 2ExamView ® Assessment Suite

2 PRESENTATIONIn this lesson we havestudents identify them-

selves and give their names usingsoy. This is done to avoid theperennial me llamo (es) problem.The verb llamarse is presented inChapter 12, which introducesreflexive verbs. It is recommendedthat the students not be given thisform at this point.

Step 1 Have students close theirbooks. Present the vocabulary,using Vocabulary Transparencies1.4–1.5 or student models.

Step 2 Model each new word orphrase. Have students repeat eachword or phrase after you or AudioCD 2.

Step 3 If you have a male studentwhose pronunciation is quite good,call him to the front of the room.Say to the class: Él es RobertoDavidson. Tell the students inEnglish that Roberto is going to tellthem something about himself.

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.2 or writethe following on the board. On a piece of paper, write threewords that describe a studentseated near you. If possible, putthese words into sentences.

R e a c h i n g A l l S t u d e n t sTotal Physical ResponseDramatize the meaning of gestos. Youmay also dramatize or give the meaning ofhaz, compórtate, and indica.(Student 1), ven acá. Vas a hacer


Compórtate de una manera tímida.Haz algo cómico.Haz una expresión seria.Indica que eres alto(a). Compórtate de una manera perezosa.



¿Quién es y cómo es?

Los números0 cero

1 uno

2 dos

3 tres

4 cuatro

5 cinco

6 seis

7 siete

8 ocho

9 nueve

10 diez

11 once

12 doce

13 trece

14 catorce

15 quince

16 dieciséis

17 diecisiete

18 dieciocho

19 diecinueve

20 veinte

21 veintiuno

22 veintidós

23 veintitrés

24 veinticuatro

25 veinticinco

26 veintiséis

27 veintisiete

28 veintiocho

29 veintinueve

30 treinta

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA diecinueve 19

Oye, Roberto. ¿Quién es?

Es muy flaco, ¿no?¿Y él? ¿Quién es?

Ay, Jaime. Es el famoso don Quijote.Don Quijote es de la Mancha, en España.

Es el compañero de don Quijote. Es Sancho Panza. Sancho no esflaco como don Quijote. Es gordo.

Nota Words that look alike and have similar meanings inSpanish and English are called“cognates.” It is very easy to guessthe meaning of cognates. But,¡Cuidado! (Watch out!) becauseeven though they look alike andmean the same thing, they arepronounced differently. Here aresome cognates. Take care topronounce them correctly.fantástico honestotímido generososincero



Then have the student taking therole of Roberto read Roberto’s lineson page 18 to the class.

Step 4 In addition to having stu-dents look at the illustrations, youcan use gestures when describingdon Quijote and Sancho Panza.

Step 5 Ask the following ques-tions as you present the vocabu-lary on page 19: ¿Quién es alto?¿Don Quijote o Sancho Panza?¿Quién es flaco? ¿Don Quijoteo Sancho Panza? ¿De dónde esdon Quijote?

The numbers 1–30 werealso presented in the

Bienvenidos section to allow stu-dents to give the date. Note that inthis lesson we reintroduce thesesame numbers. To avoid teachingtoo many numbers at once, wepresent the remaining numbers inChapter 2, page 49, and Chapter 3,page 81. It is suggested that younot stress the spelling of numbers,since students will very seldom, ifever, have to spell them out inreal-life situations.• Have students repeat the num-

bers after you.• Write some numbers from 1–30

in random order on the boardand call on individuals to givethe number in Spanish.


Un(a) amigo(a) Have studentsget a key pal in a Spanish-speakingcountry. Have them request a photo-

graph of their key pal. Students can preparea bulletin board with the photographs theyreceive. They can also write a short para-

Chapter ProjectsChapter Projectsgraph about their key pal to accompany thephotograph. Tell students to use onlySpanish they know when writing their de-scription. At this very early level, we do notwant to encourage students to try to sayand write things that are beyond theirknowledge.

As an informal assessment, askyes/no and either/or questions.Call on the entire class as well asindividuals to respond. For example:¿Es Roberto Davidson o Pablo

González?¿Es Roberto americano o

colombiano?¿Es él alumno en un colegio o

en una escuela secundaria?



20 veinte CAPÍTULO 1

1. Ana 2. Alicia 3. Isabel

4. Victoria 5. Beatriz 6. Juanita

San Francisco, California

¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?

Jim Collins, un muchacho americano Contesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Quién es americano, Jim Collins o Eduardo Dávila?

2. ¿De dónde es Jim? ¿Es de San Francisco, California o es de Guadalajara, México?

3. ¿De qué nacionalidad es Jim? ¿Es americano o mexicano?

4. ¿Dónde es alumno Jim? ¿En un colegio mexicano o en una escuela secundaria de California?

5. ¿Cómo es Jim? ¿Es serio o gracioso?

¿Cómo es la muchacha?Describan a cada muchacha. (Describe each girl.)


¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?

and Go over these activi-ties once in class before assigningthem as homework.

This activity reinforces theinterrogative word ¿dónde? Thisactivity can be done with booksclosed or open. Expansion: After students com-plete this activity, have a studentsummarize all the informationabout Jim in his or her own words.

Have students look at theillustrations as they give thedescription of each girl.

1. Jim Collins es americano.2. Es de San Francisco, California.3. Es americano.4. Es alumno en una escuela secundaria de

California.5. Es serio (gracioso).

Answers will vary but may include:

1. Es cómica (graciosa).2. Es bonita (linda, morena).3. Es seria (morena).4. Es generosa (simpática).5. Es rubia (linda, bonita).6. Es alta (ambiciosa).

ANSWERS TO ¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?



Ask students the following ques-tions about one of their femaleclassmates:¿Es ___ americana o

colombiana?¿Es alumna?¿Es una alumna seria?¿Es ___ alumna en una escuela

secundaria americana o enun colegio colombiano?

¿Ella es alumna en qué escuela?

C h e c k u p

DifferentiationTutorial The customizableVocabulary PuzzleMaker can beused to create crossword, wordsearch, and jumble puzzles to rein-force vocabulary terms for non-mas-tery students.

Enrichment The customizableVocabulary PuzzleMaker canalso be used to create more chal-lenging puzzles for masterystudents.

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA veintiuno 21

Gabriela Torres, la graciosaCompleten. (Complete.) Historieta

Gabriela Torres es de México. Ella es .

No es americana. Gabriela es alumna en un

mexicano. No es alumna en una

secundaria americana. Gabriela no es baja.

Ella es bastante . ¿Es ella muy seria? No,

de ninguna manera. Gabriela es muy .

Ella es una amiga .6





¿Quién es? Think of a student in the class.A classmate will ask you questions about theperson and try to guess who it is. Take turns.

Un(a) amigo(a) ideal What are some ofthe qualities an ideal friend should have?With a classmate, discuss what you think anideal friend is like.

El Zócalo, Ciudad de México

Una alumna mexicana

Use your GlencoeeCoach SpanishCD-ROM for morevocabulary practice.

1. mexicana2. colegio3. escuela4. alta5. cómica (graciosa)6. buena (sincera)

Answers will vary, but studentsshould use the vocabulary fromPalabras 1 and 2.

Answers will vary, but mayinclude:

Un(a) amigo(a) ideal essimpático(a), sincero(a), generoso(a), cómico(a), etc.

Activity 10 must be done withbooks open. You may wish to goover it a second time and have onestudent read the entire activity.

and These activities pro-vide an opportunity for studentsto recycle and combine all thevocabulary they have learned tothis point to describe people.

Note: Activities 11 and 12 encour-age students to use the chaptervocabulary in open-ended situa-tions. It is not necessary to havestudents do all the activities. Letstudents choose the ones theywish to do. Encourage them towrite or tell as much as they can.

ReteachingBring to class a magazine photo ofa well-known personality all thestudents will recognize. Havethem describe the person, usingvocabulary they know.

Learning from Photos(page 21 bottom) The photo-graph is of El Zócalo, Ciudadde México. The formal nameof el Zócalo is la Plaza de laConstitución. It is the mainsquare of Mexico City and wasbuilt by the Spaniards on thesite of the main temple ofTenochtitlán, the capital of the Aztecs. La Catedralmetropolitana, seen in thisphoto, is the oldest and largestcathedral in Latin America.Construction began in 1573.Over the centuries the cathe-dral has been sinking in thesubsoil.LEVELING

E: Activities 9, 11

A: Activities 8, 10

C: Activity 12

ANSWERS TO ¿Qué palabra necesito?¿Qué palabra necesito?



Resource ManagerAudio Activities TE, pages 5–6Audio CD 2Workbook, pages 5–8Quizzes, pages 3–5ExamView® Assessment Suite

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.3 or writethe following on the board.Using the verb soy, write yourname and where you are from.

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

You can do Activity 13 withbooks closed and then with booksopen.

1. Sí, el muchacho es americano.2. Sí, ella es americana.3. Sí, el muchacho es bastante guapo.4. Sí, la muchacha es muy bonita.



Artículos—el, la, un, una

Step 1 Read Items 1–3 aloud.

Step 2 Have students repeat theexamples in Item 3 as you writethem on the board. Underline thearticle and the o or a ending.

Step 3 Contrast the use of a defi-nite article to refer to a specificperson with the indefinite articleto refer to any person. Say elmuchacho and have studentspoint to a specific boy in the class.Say un muchacho and have stu-dents look around the class andsay ¿Quién? ¿Roberto o José? Dothe same thing with lamuchacha/una muchacha.

LEVELINGE: Activity 13

A: Activities 14, 15

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

22 veintidós CAPÍTULO 1

Una amiga y un amigo, California

Artículos—el, la, un, unaDescribing one person or thing

1. The name of a person, place, or thing is a noun. In Spanish, every nounhas a gender, either masculine or feminine. Many Spanish nouns end ineither o or a. Almost all nouns that end in o are masculine, and almost allnouns that end in a are feminine.

2. There are two types of articles. The English word the is called a definitearticle because it is used to refer to a definite or specific person or thing—the girl, the school. The word a (an) is called an indefinite article because it refers to any person or thing, not a specific one—a girl, a school.

3. The definite articles in Spanish are el and la. El is used with a masculinenoun and la is used with a feminine noun. The indefinite articles are un and una. Un is used with a masculine noun and una is used with afeminine noun.

el muchacho la muchacha un muchacho una muchachael colegio la escuela un colegio una escuela

El muchacho y la muchachaContesten con sí. (Answer with sí.)

1. ¿Es americano el muchacho?2. ¿Y la muchacha? ¿Es ella americana?3. ¿Es bastante guapo el muchacho?4. ¿Es muy bonita la muchacha?


¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

Use your CD for more practice.






1. El2. La3. El4. la5. La


1. un2. una3. un4. un5. una6. una7. un

6. el7. La8. la9. El

10. el

and These activities mustbe done with books open. Haveone student complete two or threesentences before calling on thenext student. If a student makes anerror, call on another to get thecorrect response. Return to the stu-dent who made the error and seeif he or she can now give the cor-rect response.Expansion: After calling on sev-eral individuals to completeActivities 14 and 15, have one stu-dent do each of the activities in itsentirety. Call on other students inthe class to ask questions aboutthe information in the activities.This allows them to use the inter-rogative words on their own. Youcan answer the questions or havestudents answer them.

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.4 or writethe following on the board.Write a list of words that can beused to describe people.


Adjetivos en elsingular

Step 1 Draw two stick figures onthe board. Name them Paco andElena. Point to Paco as you sayalto, cómico, cubano, etc. Point toElena as you say alta, cómica,cubana, etc. Ask students whatsound they hear repeated whendescribing a boy. Ask what soundthey hear when describing a girl.

Step 2 Model the sentences andphrases given in Items 1 and 2 andhave the students repeat themafter you.

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA veintitrés 23

Guanajuato, México

Santiago, Chile

El muchacho mexicano y la muchacha americana Completen con el o la. (Complete with el or la.)

muchacho es mexicano. muchacha

es americana. muchacho mexicano es Paco

y muchacha americana es Linda. muchacha

es morena y muchacho es moreno. muchacha

es alumna en Escuela Belair en Houston.

muchacho es alumno en Colegio Hidalgo

en Guanajuato.

Un muchacho y una muchachaCompleten con un o una. (Complete with un or una.)

Roberto es muchacho americano y

Maricarmen es muchacha chilena. Roberto

es alumno muy serio. Pero es

muchacho muy gracioso. Él es alumno

en escuela secundaria en Nueva York.

Maricarmen es alumna muy seria

también. Ella es alumna en colegio

chileno en Santiago.















Adjetivos en el singularDescribing a person or thing

1. A word that describes a noun is an adjective. The highlighted words in the following sentences are adjectives.

El muchacho pelirrojo es muy guapo.La muchacha morena es una alumna muy buena.

2. In Spanish, an adjective must agree with the noun it describes ormodifies. If the noun is masculine, then the adjective must be in the masculine form. If the noun is feminine, the adjective must be in the feminine form. Many singular masculine adjectives end in o, and many singular feminine adjectives end in a.

un muchacho gracioso una muchacha graciosaun alumno serio una alumna seria

For more information about Santiago andother cities in the Spanish-speaking world,go to Web Explore on the GlencoeSpanish Web site at



You may wish touse the editablePowerPoint® pre-sentation availableon this PowerTeach

CD-ROM for additional grammarinstruction and practice.

You can do Activity 16 withbooks closed and then with booksopen.Expansion:• Have one student read all ofActivity 16. Then have anotherstudent retell the story in the activ-ity in his or her own words.• Have students substitute thenames of students in the class forthe names in the activity and thenhave them ask the new questions.• Have students give a descrip-tion of Elena and another descrip-tion of Eduardo in their ownwords.

Encourage students to useboth affirmative and negative sen-tences in their answers.Expansion: You can also make agame out of Activity 17. Studentscan work in pairs or groups andguess who is being described.

and Allow students tochoose which activity they wouldlike to do.


americano gracioso





Elena y EduardoContesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Es Elena americana o venezolana?2. Y Eduardo, ¿es él americano o venezolano?3. ¿Es moreno o rubio el muchacho?4. Y la muchacha, ¿es ella rubia o morena?5. ¿Es Elena una alumna seria?6. ¿Es ella alumna en una escuela americana?7. Y Eduardo, ¿es él un alumno serio también?8. ¿Es él alumno en un colegio venezolano?

¿Quién es gracioso? Describan. (Here are some adjectives that describe people. Choose a classmate and an adjective that describes that person. Then make up a sentence about him or her.)


¿Quién es y cómo es? Show a classmate this photo of Isabel García, a new friend you made in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. One of your classmates wants to know all about Isabel.Answer his or her questions.

¿Quién es y cómo es? Here’s a photo ofPablo Gómez, another friend you met on yourtrip. He’s from Guanajuato. Answer yourclassmate’s questions about him.


San Miguel de Allende, México

Caracas, Venezuela

24 veinticuatro CAPÍTULO 1

Guanajuato, México

Nueva York

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

Learning from Photos(page 25 bottom) Much of thecity of Bogotá contains modernhigh-rise towers such as thoseseen in this photo.

1. Es americana.2. Es venezolano.3. Es moreno.4. Es rubia.5. Sí, es una alumna seria.6. Sí, es alumna en una escuela americana.7. Sí, es un alumno serio también.

(No, no es un alumno serio.)8. Sí, es alumno en un colegio venezolano.

Answers will vary, but students will use theadjectives in the colored boxes in the appropri-ate masculine or feminine form.

Answers will vary but may include:

Es de San Miguel de Allende. Es mexicana. Esmorena y muy simpática.

Answers will vary but may include:

Es de Guanajuato. Es mexicano. Es moreno, bajo y serio.

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?ANSWERS TO





UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA veinticinco 25

Presente del verbo ser en el singularIdentifying a person or thing

1. The verb to be in Spanish is ser. Study the following forms of this verb.

You use yo totalk aboutyourself.

You use tú to address a friend.

You use él or theperson’s name to talkabout a boy or a man.

You use ella or theperson’s name to talk

about a girl or a woman.





Él es Alejandro.Tú eres Juan. Ella es una alumna seria.Yo soy Eugenio.

Note that the form of the verb changes with each person.

3. Since the form of the verb changes with each person, the subjects yo, tú, él, and ella can be omitted.

Soy Paco.Eres mexicano, ¿no?Es alumna.

4. To make a sentence negative, you simply put noin front of the verb.

Antonio es mexicano. Él no es colombiano.Yo soy de Bogotá. No soy de Cali.

Bogotá, Colombia

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.5 or writethe following on the board.Write the name of a friend. Thenwrite two or three things abouthim or her.


Presente del verboser en el singular

Step 1 Before presenting the verbser, go over the meaning of thepersonal pronouns yo, tú, él, ella.

Have students do the following:• point to themselves as they say

yo• look at a neighbor as they say

tú• point to a boy as they say él• point to a girl as they say ella

Step 2 Have students look at thephotos as they read the sentencesin Item 2 aloud.

Step 3 Read the explanatorymaterial in Item 3 to the studentsand have them read the sentencesin unison.

Step 4 Write the affirmative andnegative examples in Item 4 on theboard and have students readthem aloud.

R e a c h i n g A l l S t u d e n t s

LEVELINGE: Activity 16

A: Activities 17, 18, 19



As an informal assessment, youmay wish to ask students ques-tions that require naming appro-priate male and female students.For example: ¿Quién es rubio?¿Quién es rubia?


For the Heritage Speakers Becauseof interference from English, students may usethe indefinite article incorrectly with nationali-ties and professions. Provide them with a listof professions such as:abogado(a) ingeniero(a) enfermero(a)dentista médico(a) vendedor(a)policía agricultor(a)

Ask: ¿A quién conoces que es abogado(a)/médico(a), etc.? If they use the article, correctthem, but first provide examples such as: TomCruise es actor. Do the same with a list ofadjectives of nationality such as alemán(a),español(a), mexicano(a), argentino(a),americano(a), ruso(a), etc. For this activity,you can use pictures of famous people likeAlbert Einstein: ¿Es mexicano?

Have students work in pairsand read the conversation inActivity 20 aloud. Insist that theyuse the best intonation and expres-sion possible. Call on a pair of stu-dents to present the conversationto the class.

Before having students doActivity 21, you may wish to askquestions such as:¿Es Julia de California?¿De dónde es Julia?¿De qué nacionalidad es?, etc.Ask similar questions about Emilio;then have students do the activity.

Do this activity first with booksclosed and then with books open.Expansion: Once you have elicitedall the answers to this activity fromvarious students, have one studentgive the same information abouthimself or herself.

Paired Activities

• You may have studentswork in pairs and interview oneanother using Activity 22 as aguide.• You may wish to do Activities23 and 24 a second time as pairedactivities. One student asks thequestions and another answers.

LEVELINGE: Activities 20, 22, 27

A: Activities 21, 23, 24, 26

C: Activity 25

Answers will vary but may include:

Julia es simpática. Es morena. Es mexicana.Emilio es de México también. Es simpático ymoreno también.

Answers will vary but may include:

1. Soy americano(a). (Soy cubano[a].)

2. Sí, soy alumno(a).

3. Sí, soy alumno(a) en una escuela secundaria.4. Soy de ___.5. Soy alto(a). (Soy bajo[a].) 6. Soy muy serio(a). (Soy bastante gracioso[a].)

1. ¿Eres puertorriqueño?2. ¿Eres de Ponce?3. ¿Eres alumno en un colegio de Ponce?4. ¿Eres un amigo de Inés García?

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?ANSWERS TO

¡Qué coincidencia! Practiquen la conversación. (Practice the conversation.)

—¡Hola!—¡Hola! ¿Quién eres?—¿Quién? ¿Yo?—Sí, tú.—Pues, soy Julia. Julia Rivera. Y tú, ¿quién eres?—Yo soy Emilio. Emilio Ortega.—¿Eres americano, Emilio?—No, no soy americano.—¿No? ¿De dónde eres?—Soy de México.—¡Yo soy de México también!—¡Increíble!

Julia Rivera y Emilio Ortega Hablen de Julia y Emilio. (Based on the conversation, tell what you know about Julia and Emilio.)

Yo soy... Contesten personalmente. (Answer about yourself.)

1. ¿Eres americano(a) o cubano(a)?2. ¿Eres alumno(a)?3. ¿Eres alumno(a) en una escuela secundaria?4. ¿De dónde eres?5. ¿Cómo eres? ¿Eres alto(a) o bajo(a)?6. ¿Eres muy serio(a) o bastante gracioso(a)?

José, ¿eres... ?Pregúntenle a José Fuentes si es...(Ask José Fuentes if he is . . . )

1. puertorriqueño2. de Ponce3. alumno en un colegio de Ponce4. un amigo de Inés García


Ponce, Puerto Rico


¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?

Use your GlencoeeCoach SpanishCD-ROM for moregrammar practice.


¿De dónde eres? Ask studentsthe following questions to assesstheir use of the singular forms ofthe verb ser:¿Eres ___? ¿Eres de ___? ¿Eres un(a) amigo(a) de ___? ¿Es simpático(a)? ¿De dónde es él/ella? ¿Dónde es alumno(a)?

C h e c k u p

Learning from Photos(page 26 bottom) The cathedraland square are located inPonce, the second largest cityin Puerto Rico after the capital,San Juan. Ponce is in the south-ern part of the island on theCaribbean Sea. The firehouse in the photo, el Parque debomberos, is very colorful andattracts thousands of visitorsannually. (page 27 top) Santiago, thecapital of Chile, is located atthe foot of the Andes andstretches 40 miles north tosouth and 20 miles east towest. Santiago is situated in avalley with some of the mostproductive farmland in thenation. The city is about a one-hour drive from the thrivingport of Valparaíso and thebeautiful resort of Viña del Mar.(page 27 middle) Theseteenagers are seated at a cafécalled La Terraza in San Miguelde Allende, México.

¡Adelante!At this point in the chapter,students have learned all

the vocabulary and structure nec-essary to complete the chapter.The conversation and culturalreadings that follow recycle all thematerial learned up to this point.

R e a c h i n g A l l S t u d e n t sAdditional PracticeSoy yo Ask students to bringphotos of themselves to class andhave them describe the photos totheir classmates.

1. ¿Eres de Chile?2. ¿Eres de Santiago?3. ¿Eres alumna en un colegio?4. ¿Eres una amiga de José



Answers will vary. The conversations will encourage students tobe as creative as possible and say as much as they can.

Questions will vary but may include:

¿Es rubio(a)?¿Es alto(a)?¿Es serio(a) o gracioso(a)?

Answers will vary, but students will use as many adjectives aspossible to describe themselves.

¿Cómo lo digo?¿Cómo lo digo?ANSWERS TO

Andas bien. ¡Adelante!

veintisiete 27

Inés, ¿eres... ?Pregúntenle a Inés García si es...(Ask Inés García if she is . . . )

1. de Chile2. de Santiago3. alumna en un colegio4. una amiga de José Fuentes


Santiago, Chile

San Miguel de Allende, México

En un café You’ve just met astudent your own age at a café in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Have a conversation to get to know one another better.

Un(a) amigo(a) nuevo(a)A classmate will think of someone inclass you both know and pretend thatthat person is his or her new boyfriendor girlfriend. Ask as many questionsas you can to try to find out who thenew boyfriend or girlfriend is.

¡Soy una persona fantástica! Have a contest with aclassmate to see which one of you can boast the most. Say somethinggood about yourself and then your partner will “one-up” you.

ALUMNA 1: Yo soy simpática.ALUMNA 2: Yo soy simpática. Y soy generosa también.


Rafael ¡Hola, José! ¿Qué tal, amigo?José Bien, Rafael.

Rafael Oye, José. ¿Quién es el muchachoalto allí?

José ¿Quién? ¿El rubio?Rafael Sí, él.

José Pues, es Felipe García. Él es unalumno nuevo. Soy un amigo de Felipe. ¡FELIPE!

Felipe Hola, José.José Felipe, Rafael.

Felipe Hola, Rafael. Mucho gusto.Rafael Mucho gusto. ¿De dónde eres,

Felipe?Felipe Soy de Puerto Rico.Rafael ¿Sí? Hombre, yo también soy


¿De dónde eres?

28 veintiocho CAPÍTULO 1



Contesten. (Answer.)

1. ¿Es José un amigo de Rafael?2. ¿Quién es el muchacho alto?3. ¿Es rubio el muchacho alto?4. ¿Quién es un alumno nuevo en la escuela?5. ¿Es José un amigo de Felipe?6. ¿Es Rafael un amigo de Felipe?7. ¿De dónde es Felipe?8. Y Rafael, ¿de qué nacionalidad es?

Interactive Conversations


1. Sí, José es un amigo de Rafael.2. El muchacho alto es Felipe García.3. Sí, el muchacho alto es rubio.4. Felipe García es un alumno nuevo en la escuela.5. Sí, José es un amigo de Felipe.6. No, Rafael no es un amigo de Felipe.7. Felipe es de Puerto Rico.8. Rafael es puertorriqueño también.

Resource ManagerAudio Activities TE, page 7Audio CD 2

Bellringer Review

Use BRR Transparency 1.6 or writethe following on the board.Write three sentences about your-self. Read them to a classmate.Then convert each of your sen-tences into a question and ask aclassmate the questions.

Step 1 Tell students that they aregoing to hear a conversationamong Rafael, José, and Felipe.Rafael wants to know who some-one is.

Step 2 Ask students to open theirbooks to page 28. Have them fol-low along as you read the conver-sation or play the recorded versionon Audio CD 2.

Step 3 Have students work ingroups of three to practice the con-versation. Then have severalgroups present it to the class.

Step 4 After presenting the conversation, go over the¿Comprendes? activity. If studentscan answer the questions with relative ease, move on. Studentsshould not be expected to memo-rize the conversation.

Learning from Photos(page 28) The beautiful scenein this photo is a part of thewall that encircles much of theold colonial section of San Juan,Puerto Rico.

LEVELINGE: Conversation




Pre-AP SkillBuilderListening to this conversation willgive students the tools they needto succeed on the listening portionof the AP exam.

¿Quién es? Think of someone in the class, but don’t tell who it is.Say just one thing about the person and let your partner take aguess. If he or she guesses incorrectly, give another hint. Continueuntil your partner guesses correctly. Take turns.

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA veintinueve 29

PronunciaciónPronunciaciónLas vocales a, o, uWhen you speak Spanish, it is important to pronounce the vowelscarefully. The vowel sounds in Spanish are very short, clear, and concise. The vowels in English have several different pronunciations, but in Spanish they have only one sound. Imitate carefully thepronunciation of the vowels a, o, and u. Note that the pronunciation of a is similar to the a in father, o is similar to the o in most, and u is similar to the u in flu.

a o uAna o unobaja no muchaamiga Paco muchoalumna amigo muchacho

Repeat the following sentences.Ana es alumna.Adán es alumno.Ana es amiga de Adán.

¿Quién soy yo? Play a guessing game. Think ofsomeone in the class. Pretend you’re that person and describeyourself. A classmate has to guess who you are.

Vamos a hablar másVamos a hablar más

Vamos a hablar másVamos a hablar más

Answers will vary, but students should usedescriptive adjectives taught in this chapter.

Answers will vary but may include:

—Yo soy rubia y alta.—¿Tú eres Elena?—No, yo no soy Elena. Yo soy de Nueva York y soy

amiga de Roberto.—¿Tú eres Ana?—Sí, yo soy Ana.

Have students work in pairs.You may wish to choose a pair ofstudents to do this activity for theclass.

This recycling activ-ity is fun for students to playeither with a partner or in teams.


Step 1 Have students repeatthe vowels after you or AudioCD 2. Have them imitate verycarefully.

Step 2 Now have studentsrepeat the words after you,Audio CD 2, or the Chapter 1PowerPoint® presentation onthe PowerTeach CD-ROM.

Step 3 Have students opentheir books to page 29. Call onindividuals to read the sen-tences carefully.

Step 4 All model sentences on page 29 can be used for dictation.

Héroes hispanos Haveone or more students do aresearch project on an impor-

tant hero from Spain, Mexico, orLatin America and prepare a brief bi-ography of the person. Some possi-bilities include: Simón Bolívar, Joséde San Martín, and Benito Juárez.

Chapter ProjectsChapter ProjectsANSWERS TO Vamos a hablar másVamos a hablar más

CD-ROMOn the Interactive

Conversations CD-ROM, studentscan watch a dramatization of thisconversation. They can then playthe role of either one of the char-acters and record themselves inthe conversation.



You may wish touse the editablePowerPoint® pre-sentation availableon this PowerTeach

CD-ROM to have students listento and repeat the conversation.Additional activities are also provided.


30 treinta CAPÍTULO 1

Reading Strategy

Cognates Words that

look alike and have similar

meanings in Spanish and

English (famoso, famous)

are called “cognates.” Look

for cognates whenever

you read in Spanish.

Recognizing cognates can

help you figure out the

meaning of many words

in Spanish and will thus

help you understand what

you read.

Sancho Panza ydon Quijote

El QuijoteEl Quijote es una novela

famosa de la literaturaespañola. El autor de El Quijotees Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra.

El Quijote es la historia del famoso caballero andante1, donQuijote de la Mancha. La Mancha es una región de España.

Don Quijote es alto y flaco. Sancho Panza es el compañero oescudero2 de don Quijote. ¿Es alto y flaco como don Quijote?No, de ninguna manera. Sancho es bajo y gordo. Sancho Panzaes una persona muy graciosa. Es muy cómico. ¿Y don Quijote?De ninguna manera. No es cómico. Él es muy serio y es muyhonesto y generoso. Pero según3 Sancho Panza, don Quijote esmuy tonto4. Y según don Quijote, Sancho es perezoso.1caballero andante knight errant 3según according to2escudero knight’s attendant 4tonto foolish



La Mancha

PRESENTATIONPre-readingStep 1 Have students locate LaMancha on the map of Spain inthe front of your textbook or useMap Transparency M 2.

Step 2 Ask students the names ofthe two characters from a famousSpanish novel that they learnedabout in the Vocabulary section ofthis chapter (see page 19).

ReadingStep 1 Lead students through theLectura on page 30 by reading italoud. Have students repeat eachsentence after you.

Step 2 After every two or threesentences, ask questions such as:¿Es El Quijote una novelafamosa? ¿Es una novela mexicanao española? ¿Quién es el autor dela novela?

Step 3 Call on some students toread aloud individually. After astudent has read about three sen-tences, ask questions of other stu-dents to check comprehension.

Post-readingHave students do the¿Comprendes? activity on page 31.

National StandardsCulturesThis short, simple reading exposesstudents to the two main charac-ters of the famous Spanish novel,El Quijote.

CommunicationStudents will say as much as theycan in their own words about donQuijote and Sancho Panza.

It is claimed that El Quijote is themost widely read book in theworld with the exception of theBible. Ask how many studentshave seen the Broadway musicalMan of La Mancha. Show a clip ofthe movie version to the class andencourage them to see the play orthe movie on their own.

Resource ManagerAudio Activities TE, page 8Audio CD 2



UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA treinta y uno 31

La Mancha, España

¿Comprendes?¿Comprendes?Después de leerDespués de leer

A ¿Es don Quijote o Sancho Panza?Decidan. (Decide whether each sentence describes Don Quijote or Sancho Panza.) 1. Es bajo.2. Es alto.3. Es muy gracioso.4. Es gordo.5. Es flaco.6. Es muy serio.7. Es un caballero andante.8. Es honesto y generoso.9. Es un escudero.

B Palabras afines Busquen cinco palabras afines enla lectura. (Find five cognates in the reading.)

Don Quijotede Pablo Picasso

Use your CD for more practice.


Geography ConnectionLa Mancha is located inCentral Spain. This area is

very arid and has few trees. Thedelicious, well-known quesomanchego comes from this area.See the map of Spain on page 30.

Writing DevelopmentHave students write as much asthey can in their own words aboutdon Quijote and Sancho Panza.

A1. Sancho Panza2. don Quijote3. Sancho Panza4. Sancho Panza5. don Quijote

6. don Quijote7. don Quijote8. don Quijote9. Sancho Panza

B Answers will vary but may include:

novela, famosa, literatura, autor, región,compañero, persona, cómico, serio,honesto, generoso

Art ConnectionYou may wish to project theFine Art Transparency and

have students do the correspond-ing activities.


A: Reading

C: Activity B

ANSWERS TO ¿Comprendes?¿Comprendes?

Pre-AP SkillBuilderStudents who are exposed to read-ing in the early stages of foreignlanguage study will graduallybuild the necessary reading andcomprehension skills to reach theAP level. These cultural readingswill help students develop thereading skills they need to becomecompetent and confident readers.


History ConnectionSimón Bolívar was born inVenezuela in 1783.

Although he came from a wealthyfamily, he was always interested inthe welfare of the less fortunate.He spent time in France, Spain,and the United States. In 1810, hereturned to Venezuela to take partin the rebellion against theSpaniards.

Have students scan the reading forthe answers to this activity.


1. Venezuela2. Caracas3. Simón Bolívar4. Latinoamérica

National StandardsCulturesThe reading selections on pages32–33 familiarize students withVenezuela and two important his-torical figures—Simón Bolívar andJosé de San Martín.

Geography ConnectionThe land that is today calledVenezuela was discovered by

Columbus in 1498. One year later,Alonso de Ojeda and Amerigo Vespuccimapped the coastal area where theOrinoco River empties into the Atlanticand the area around Lake Maracaibo.The waterways reminded them of thecanals of Venice, and thus they namedthe area Venezuela, or Little Venice.

ANSWERS TO ¿Comprendes?¿Comprendes?

32 treinta y dos CAPÍTULO 1

Una alumna venezolana

Alicia Bustelo es una muchacha venezolana. Ella

es de Caracas, la capital de Venezuela. Alicia es alta y

es una muchacha bastante bonita. Es muy graciosa.

Pero es también una alumna muy seria. Es alumna

en el Colegio Simón Bolívar. En

Latinoamérica un colegio es una

escuela secundaria. El Colegio Simón

Bolívar es una escuela muy buena.

Plaza Simón Bolívar, Caracas



CaracasV E N E Z U E L A


Después de leerDespués de leer

Latinoamérica Busquen la información enla lectura. (Find the information in the reading.) 1. the name of a Latin American country2. the name of a Latin American capital3. the name of a Latin American hero4. the term for the Spanish-speaking countries

of the Americas

PRESENTATIONStep 1 Have students read theselection quickly as they look atthe photos that accompany it.

Step 2 Ask students to say asmuch about Alicia as they can.

You may want to give the follow-ing quiz to those students whoread this selection.Answer.1. ¿De dónde es Alicia Bustelo?2. ¿Cuál es la capital de

Venezuela?3. ¿Cómo es Alicia?4. ¿Dónde es ella alumna?5. ¿Quién es un héroe




UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA treinta y tres 33

Simón Bolívar y José de San MartínMaría Iglesias es una muchachavenezolana. Ella es de Caracas, la capital.Es alumna en el Colegio Simón Bolívar. Y la plaza principal de Caracas es la Plaza Simón Bolívar. Simón Bolívar es un héroe famoso de la América del Sur.José Ayerbe no es venezolano. Él es peruano. Es de Lima, la capitalde Perú. Es alumno en el Colegio San Martín. Y la plaza principal deLima es la Plaza San Martín. San Martín es otro héroe famoso de laAmérica del Sur.

Simón Bolívar y José de San Martín luchan contra1 España por laindependencia de los países 2 de la América del Sur. Simón Bolívar esel gran3 «libertador» de los países del norte del continentesudamericano y San Martín es el libertador de los países del sur.1luchan contra fight against 2países countries 3gran great

José de San Martín

Simón Bolívar


Después de leerDespués de leer

A Héroes Den ejemplos. (Give examples.)Many schools in Spain and in Latin Americaare named after heroes. Is the same true in theUnited States? Give some examples.

B El libertador Expliquen. (Explain.) What is the meaning of the word libertador orliberator in English? What does a liberator do?

C Historia de Estados UnidosContesten. (Answer.)Who is considered the liberator of the UnitedStates? What did he fight for?

PRESENTATIONStep 1 Have students locateCaracas and Lima on the map ofSouth America in the front of yourtextbook, or use Map TransparencyM 3. Point out that both cities areclose to the sea. This is the casewith most of the major cities inSouth America.

Step 2 Have students read theselection to themselves.

Step 3 Now have students do the¿Comprendes? activities.

National StandardsComparisonsIn the ¿Comprendes? activities,students are encouraged to com-pare Spanish and English and tomake comparisons betweenHispanic and American cultures.

A Many American schoolsare named after presi-dents or other famouspolitical and historicalfigures such as John F.Kennedy, Martin LutherKing, and GeorgeWashington.

B A liberator is a person who frees a coun-try from a foreign power.

C George Washington fought to free thecolonies from British rule in order to gainreligious and political freedom and free-dom from unfair taxation.

The readings on pages32–33 are optional. You

may skip them completely, havethe entire class read them, haveonly several students read themand report to the class, or assigneither of them for extra credit.

¿Comprendes?¿Comprendes?ANSWERS TO LEVELING

E: Reading 1

C: Reading 2



34 treinta y cuatro CAPÍTULO 1

Las ciencias sociales







El desierto Atacama, Chile

El r ío Tajo, España

La geografíaGeography is the scientific study of the Earth’s

surface. It deals with all of Earth’s features, particularlythe natural forces that create these features and causethem to change. It is also the study of where people,animals, and plants live and how rivers, deserts, andother of Earth’s features affect their lives. It is a subjectthat has interested human beings since earliest times.

Look at the map of South America. Notice howmany geographical terms you will be able to recognizein Spanish. Now find out how easy it is to read aboutgeography in Spanish.

National StandardsConnectionsThis reading establishes a connec-tion with another discipline—geography. Knowledge studentsalready have from previous studywill enable them to read this selec-tion with ease as they increasetheir vocabulary in Spanish andlearn more about the geographyof Spain and Latin America.

The readings in theConexiones section are

optional. They focus on some ofthe major disciplines taught inschools and universities. Thevocabulary is useful for discussingsuch topics as history, literature,art, economics, business, science,etc. You may choose any of the fol-lowing ways to do the readings inthe Conexiones sections.

Independent reading Have stu-dents read the selections and dothe post-reading activities ashomework, which you collect. Thisoption is least intrusive on classtime and requires a minimum ofteacher involvement.

Homework with in-class follow-up Assign the readingsand post-reading activities ashomework. Review and discussthe material in class the next day.

Intensive in-class activity Thisoption includes a pre-readingvocabulary presentation, in-classreading and discussion, assignmentof the activities for homework, anda discussion of the assignment inclass the following day. C l a s s M o t i v a t o r

¿Sí o no? Have students play the follow-ing sí o no game after they complete thereading. 1. Puerto Rico es una península.2. El norte es uno de los cuatro puntos

cardinales.3. Hay cinco puntos cardinales.

4. La América del Norte es un continente.5. Australia es una isla.6. Puerto Rico es una isla.7. España es parte de una isla.8. El Atlántico es un océano.9. El Pacífico es un río.


1lengua language 2países countries

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA treinta y cinco 35

La geografíaHay cuatro puntos cardinales: el

norte, el sur, el este y el oeste.Hay siete continentes: la América

del Norte, la América del Sur, Europa, África, Asia, Australia y la Antártida.

El océano Atlántico es muy grande. Es inmenso. El océano Pacífico es muy grande también.

España es parte de una península. Puerto Rico es una isla. El español es la lengua1

de España. Es la lengua de Puerto Rico también. El español es una lengua muy importante. Es la lengua de países2 en la América del Sur, en la América Central, en el Caribe, en la América del Norte y en Europa.



A Un poco de geografía Escojan la palabra. (Choose the correctword to complete each sentence. You may use a word more than once.)1. Europa es un _____.2. España no es una isla. España

es parte de una _____.3. Puerto Rico es una _____.4. Cuba es otra _____.5. El Sahara es un _____ de

África y el Atacama es un _____ de la América del Sur.

B Estrategias Adivinen. (Guess the meaning of the following words.) Often you can guess the meaning of words because of otherknowledge you have. You may not know the meaning of el río butwhen you see el río Misisipí or el río Hudson, you can probablyfigure out what río means.1. el río Hudson2. la bahía Chesapeake3. el lago Superior, el lago Erie

4. el golfo de México5. el mar Mediterráneo



océano península



Los Andes, Argentina


Las ciencias socialesLa geografía Step 1 Have students read theintroduction in English on page 34.

Step 2 Have them quickly skimthe terms on the map of SouthAmerica on page 34. You may alsohave them repeat the terms afteryou.

Step 3 Have students read theselection quickly or have themskim it.

Step 4 You may wish to havethem find and repeat all the cog-nates in the reading selection.Explain to them that there are twoimportant strategies to use whenreading unfamiliar material—theyshould learn to recognize cognatesand derive meaning from context.

A Have students do this activity.Call on one student to read all theanswers as the others listen.

B Explain to students that thestrategy outlined in this activity isvery important. Quite oftenprevious knowledge will helptheir comprehension.


A 1. continente2. península3. isla4. isla5. desierto, desierto

B 1. river2. bay3. lake4. gulf5. sea

LEVELINGA: Connections

ANSWERS TO ¿Comprendes?¿Comprendes?


You may wish to give the follow-ing quiz to students who havedone the Conexiones section. Find the following information.1. los cuatro puntos cardinales2. los nombres de cuatro

continentes3. un país que forma parte de

una península4. la lengua de Puerto Rico



36 treinta y seis CAPÍTULO 1

Use what you have learned

Un amigo nuevo✔ Describe a male friend and answer questions

about himWork with a classmate. Here’s a picture of your new

friend, Carlos Álvarez. He’s from Barcelona, Spain. Sayas much as you can about him and answer anyquestions your partner may have about Carlos.

Una alumna nueva✔ Ask a female friend questions and tell her

about yourselfInés Figueroa (a classmate) is a new girl in your

school. You want to get to know her better and helpher feel at home. Find out as much as you can abouther. Tell Inés about yourself, too.





Barcelona, España

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Oye, ¿quién es?✔ Ask someone questions about another person

You and a friend (a classmate) are in a café in San Juan, Puerto Rico.You see an attractive girl or boy across the room. It just so happensyour friend knows the person. Ask your friend as many questions asyou can to find out more about the boy or girl you’re interested in.



PRESENTATIONEncourage students to say asmuch as possible when they dothese activities. Tell them not to beafraid to make mistakes, since thegoal of the activities is real-lifecommunication. If someone in thegroup makes an error, allow theothers to politely correct him orher. Let students choose the activi-ties they would like to do.

You may wish to divide stu-dents into pairs or groups.Encourage students to elaborateon the basic theme and to be cre-ative. They may use props, pic-tures, or posters if they wish.

Writing DevelopmentHave students keep a notebook orportfolio containing their best writ-ten work from each chapter. Theseselected writings can be based onassignments from the StudentTextbook and the Workbook. Thetwo activities on page 37 areexamples of writing assignmentsthat may be included in each stu-dent’s portfolio.On page 10 in the Workbook, stu-dents will begin to develop anorganized autobiography (Miautobiografía). These workbookpages may also become a part oftheir portfolio.

Answers will vary, but students can use theconversation on page 28 as a model.

Answers will vary, but students can use theconversation on page 28 as a model.


22Answers will vary but may include:

Es Carlos Álvarez. Es bajo y moreno. Carlos es deBarcelona, España. Es alumno en una escuelasecundaria de Barcelona.



Use what you have learned

RecyclingThese activities allow students touse the vocabulary and structurefrom this chapter in completelyopen-ended, real-life situations.




Un amigo español✔ Write a postcard telling about yourself

The following is a postcard you just received from a newpen pal. First read the postcard. Then answer it. Give Jorgesimilar information about yourself.



Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid, España

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA treinta y siete 37

Writing Strategy

Freewriting One of the easiest ways to begin any kind ofpersonal writing is simply to begin—to let your thoughts flow andwrite the first thing that comes to mind. Sometimes as you thinkof one word, another word will come to mind. If you get stuck,take several minutes to think of another word or phrase. Suchbrainstorming and freewriting are sometimes the best sourceswhen doing any type of writing about yourself.

¿Quién soy yo?On a piece of paper, write down as

much as you can about yourself inSpanish. Your teacher will collect thedescriptions and choose students toread them to the class. You will all tryto guess who’s being described.




For information on creating your ownpostcard in Spanish, go to Send aPostcard on the Glencoe Spanish Website at

Writing Strategy

Freewriting Have students readthe Writing Strategy on page 37. Ifstudents have difficulty thinking ofwords to describe themselves, havethem use the vocabulary list onpage 41.

Students can write this letteron a sheet of paper. 44

LEVELINGThese activities encompass allthree levels. All students will beable to do them at a sophisticationlevel commensurate with theirability in Spanish. Some studentswill be able to speak for severalminutes, and others may be ableto give just a few sentences. This isto be expected when students arefunctioning completely on theirown generating their own lan-guage to the best of their ability.

Answers will vary. Students should describethemselves, using as many adjectives andwords as possible from the chapter vocabulary.

55Answers will vary but may include:

Soy (nombre). Soy de (ciudad). Soy (nacionalidad).Soy alumno(a) en (nombre de la escuela). Soyalto(a), moreno(a).





For non-mastery students, you canmake these activities less open-ended. For example, in Activity 1you can give a list of sample ques-tions and have the partners taketurns asking and answering them:

¿Quién es?¿Es español?¿De dónde es?¿Es rubio o moreno?¿Es cómico?¿Es alumno en un colegio



To review definite

and indefinite

articles, turn to

page 22.

To review

Palabras 1, turn topages 14-15.

To review Palabras 2,turn to pages 18-19.

Escojan. (Choose.)11

Completen. (Complete.)6. Roberto es _____ en una escuela secundaria.7. Roberto no es _____. Él es bastante serio.8. Carmen es una _____ de Roberto. Ella es una _____

muy simpática.9. Sancho Panza es _____. No es flaco.

Completen con el o la. (Complete with el or la.)

10–11. _____ muchacho es americano y _____ muchacha es mexicana.

12. Ella es alumna en _____ Colegio de Santa Teresa.

Completen con un o una. (Complete with un or una.)

13–14. _____ colegio es _____ escuela secundaria.




a. seriob. gracioso

38 treinta y ocho CAPÍTULO 1


b. feo

1. 3.

a. morenab. rubia


b. perezosa


a. altob. bajo

a. guapo

a. ambiciosaFor more Chapter 1 test preparation go tothe Chapter 1 Self-Check Quiz on theGlencoe Spanish Web site at

1. a2. b3. a4. b5. b



6. alumno7. gracioso

(cómico)8. amiga, amiga

(muchacha)9. gordo


10. El11. la12. el


13. Un14. una


Resource ManagerCommunication Transparency C 1Quizzes, pages 1–5Performance Assessment, Task 1Tests, pages 1–12Situation Cards, Chapter 1ExamView® Assessment Suite

Chapter 1MindJogger Videoquiz, Chapter 1

Music ConnectionCanta con JustoYou may wish to have stu-

dents listen to Eres tú found onTrack 10 of the Canta con Justomusic CD or online ( in the ¡Buen viaje! Level 1Student Center activities. It isparticularly appropriate as stu-dents learn the verb ser.

This is a pre-test for students totake before you administer thechapter test. Note that each sec-tion is cross-referenced so stu-dents can easily find the materialthey have to review in case theymade errors. You may useAssessment Answers TransparencyA 1 to do the assessment in class,or you may assign this assessmentfor homework. You can correctthe assessment yourself, or youmay prefer to project the answerson the overhead in class.


Non-Mastery StudentsEncourage students who needextra help to refer to the yellownotes and review any sectionbefore answering the questions.

Reaching All Students

MINDJOGGER VHS/DVDYou may wish to help yourstudents prepare for thechapter test by playing theMindJogger game show.Teams will compete againsteach other to review chaptervocabulary and structure andsharpen listening compre-hension skills.


15. pelirrojo16. pelirroja17. graciosa18. serio



19. es20. soy21. eres


22. No, la muchacha no es muytímida.

23. No, yo no soy argentino(a).


24. b25. c


UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA treinta y nueve 39


To review this culturalinformation, turn topages 30-31.

Completen. (Complete.)

15. El muchacho es _____. (pelirrojo)16. La muchacha es _____ también. ( pelirrojo)17. Ella es muy _____. (gracioso)18. Pero él es bastante _____. (serio)

Completen con ser. (Complete with ser.)

19. El muchacho _____ cubano.20. Yo _____ americano(a).21. Y tú, ¿de dónde _____?

Contesten con no. (Answer with no.)

22. ¿Es muy tímida la muchacha?23. ¿Eres argentino(a)?

Escojan. (Choose the correct completion.)

24. Don Quijote es _____.a. escudero b. alto y flaco c. bajo y gordo

25. El autor de El Quijote es _____.a. Shakespeare b. Sancho Panza c. Cervantes





To review ser inthe singular, turnto page 25.

To review negative

sentences, turn to

page 25.

To review adjectives,

turn to page 23.

Dinah Zike’sStudy Guides

Your students may wish to useFoldable 3 in the Foldables bookletor in the PowerPoint® presenta-tion on the PowerTeach CD-ROMto organize, display, and arrangedata as they learn about the vastSpanish-speaking world. You maywish to encourage them to addinformation from each chapter asthey continue to gather facts andmake observations about all thedifferent countries they will bestudying.

A pocket book foldable is alsoideal for having students differen-tiate between masculine and femi-nine forms.

Los países hispanohablantesHave one or more stu-

dents do a research project on aSpanish-speaking country or re-gion. Some possibilities are:Argentina, Peru, Madrid, Mexico,or any others they choose fromthe maps at the front of the book.

Chapter ProjectsChapter Projects

The Glencoe World Languages Website ( provides Internetenrichment activities and links forstudents to investigate the Spanish-speaking world. For each chapter,there are eGames, a Self-CheckQuiz, and a WebQuest activity. TheWeb Explore section takes studentsto Spanish Web sites related to thechapter theme. Students can alsoclick on World News Online toread current articles in Spanish-language newspapers.


40 cuarenta CAPÍTULO 1

Tell all you can about this illustration.

This unique page gives stu-dents the opportunity to speak freely and say whatever theycan, using the vocabulary andstructures they have learned in thechapter. The illustration serves toremind students of precisely whatthey know how to say in Spanish.There are no activities that studentsdo not have the ability to describeor talk about in Spanish. The artdepicts the vocabulary and contentof this chapter. This illustration isalso on CommunicationTransparency C 1.

You may wish to use this page inmany ways. Some possibilities areto have students do the following:1. Look at the illustration and

identify items by giving thecorrect Spanish words.

2. Make up sentences about whatthey see in the illustration.

3. Make up questions about theillustration. They can call onanother class member to respondif you do this as a class activity,or you may prefer to allow stu-dents to work in small groups.This activity is extremely benefi-cial because it enables students toactively use interrogative words.

4. Answer questions you askthem about the illustration.

5. Work in pairs and make up aconversation based on the illus-tration.

6. Look at the illustration andgive a complete oral review ofwhat they see.

7. Look at the illustration and writea paragraph (or essay) about it.

DifferentiationYou can also use this page as anassessment or testing tool, takinginto account individual differ-ences by having students go fromsimple to quite complicated tasks.The assessment can be either oralor written. You may wish to use

the rubrics provided in the teacher materialin the front of your textbook as you givestudents the following directions.

1. Identify the topic or situation of theillustration.

2. Give the Spanish words for as manyitems as you can.

3. Think of as many sentences as you canto describe the illustration.

4. Go over your sentences and put them inthe best sequencing to give a coherentstory based on the illustration.


You will notice that the vocab-ulary list here is not trans-

lated. This has been done intentionally,since we feel that by the time students havefinished the material in the chapter theyshould be familiar with the meanings of allthe words. If there are several words theystill do not know, we recommend that theyrefer to the Palabras 1 and 2 sections in the

chapter or go to the dictionaries at the endof this book to find the meanings. However,if you prefer that your students have theEnglish translations, please refer to Vocabu-lary Transparency 1.1 or to the Chapter 1PowerPoint® presentation on the Power-Teach CD-ROM, where you will find allthese words with their translations.

The Video Program allows stu-dents to see how the chaptervocabulary and structures areused by native speakers within anengaging story line. For maximumreinforcement, show the videoepisode as a final activity forChapter 1.


Vocabulary ReviewThe words and phrases in theVocabulario have been taught forproductive use in this chapter.They are summarized here as aresource for both student andteacher. This list also serves as aconvenient resource for the ¡Tetoca a ti! activities on pages 36 and37. There are approximatelytwenty cognates in this vocabularylist. Have students find them.

UN AMIGO O UNA AMIGA cuarenta y uno 41

Finding out information

Identifying a person or thing

Describing a person

el muchachola muchachael amigola amigael alumno

la alumnala personael colegiola escuela


moreno(a)rubio(a)pelirrojo(a)flaco(a)gordo(a) gracioso(a)



Stating nationality



¿quién?¿qué?¿cómo?¿de dónde?

¿de qué nacionalidad?¿no?

Expressing degrees

bastantemuyno, de ninguna manera

Other useful expressions


How well do you knowyour vocabulary?

• Choose five words that describe agood friend.• Use these words to write severalsentences about him or her.


Episodio 1In this video episode, you will meetsix friends from different Spanish-speaking countries. Get to knowAlejandra, Julián, Claudia, Alberto,Vicky, and Fernando as theythemselves become acquainted. Seepage 492 for more about theadventures of our new friends.

R e a c h i n g A l l S t u d e n t sFor Visual Learners Havestudents draw a series of facesthat illustrate the meaning ofadjectives presented in this chap-ter. Have them label each drawingwith the appropriate Spanishword. Select the most attractiveones and put them on a bulletinboard entitled Características.

You may wish touse the editablePowerPoint® pre-sentation availableon this PowerTeach

CD-ROM to have students viewand listen to a segment of thevideo. Additional activities arealso provided.