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MA11487 FEBRUARY 2018






INTRODUCTION 1. My name is Stuart Andrew McGurn and I am a Director of Urbis Pty Ltd which conducts its business at

Level 12, 120 Collins Street, Melbourne. My qualifications and experience are described in Appendix A.

2. I have been instructed by Norton Rose Fulbright on behalf of Pask Group Pty Ltd to prepare a town planning assessment of proposed Amendment C142 to the Knox Planning Scheme. Pask Group Pty Ltd is the proponent for Amendment C142 which seeks to rezone Kingston Links Golf Course to allow it to be developed as a residential area.

3. The Amendment was prepared by the City of Knox at the request of Tract Consultants on behalf of Pask Group Pty Ltd. The amendment principally affects the Kingston Links Golf Course at 14 Corporate Avenue, Rowville, as well as some adjoining Council owned land. The Amendment affects a total area of approximately 700 hectares. The aerial photograph at Figure 1 shows the extent of the subject site and surrounding areas.

4. The Amendment proposes to rezone the land from the Special Use Zone 1 (and make revisions to overlays) to provide for the future redevelopment of the land for a primarily residential community. A new Development Plan Overlay is proposed to be introduced to apply to the land to provide for the development in accordance with a concept plan, as well as various Masterplan requirements. Major redevelopment of the land is unable to occur until the relevant documents are approved under the Development Plan Overlay.

5. I note that Amendment C142 includes two portions of Council owned land which are also subject to the Amendment. I have reviewed the Amendment as a whole including the Council land, however the focus of my Statement is on the Kingston Links land.

6. The Amendment was exhibited in October and November 2017 and was the subject of a number of objecting submissions from surrounding residents as well as referral responses from relevant authorities.

7. A Draft Development Plan was submitted to Knox City Council with the Amendment, but will be subject to a separate approval process under the Development Plan Overlay in the event that the Amendment is gazetted.

8. My opinion of the proposed amendment has been informed having regard to:

An inspection of the site and surrounds.

Exhibited Amendment Knox C142 and supporting documents.

The Knox Planning Scheme and reference documents of relevance.

Submissions to the proposed Amendment.

Knox Council’s consideration of the exhibited Amendment (18 December 2017).

The ‘Part A’ submission on behalf of Knox City Council prepared by Russell Kennedy Lawyers.

Ministerial Direction 11 ‘Strategic Assessment Guidelines for Planning Scheme Amendments’ and other Ministerial Directions relevant to the Amendment.

9. A summary of my opinions with respect to proposed Knox Amendment C142 is as follows:

The proposed Amendment will facilitate future land use and development of the site in manner which is consistent with the State and Local Planning Policy Framework.

The proposed rezoning is consistent with the identification of the subject site within the Knox Housing Strategy as a residential investigation area - appropriate for a mix of commercial and residential uses subject to addressing the constraints of the site including drainage/flooding and the interface to existing residential areas (p.28).

The proposed Development Plan Overlay is an appropriate mechanism to guide the future land use and development of the land in concert with the General Residential Zone 1.

The exhibited Development Plan Overlay is appropriate having regard to the site context and surrounding area and gives adequate consideration to environmental issues and integration with surrounding urban areas.



The revision to the LSIO has been supported by Melbourne Water and is an appropriate use of the Planning Scheme provisions.

10. There are minor matters that I have identified which I consider could be improved or confirmed through modifications to the proposed DPO13 as I have indicated at Paragraph 86 of my Statement.

11. Having regard to the above I consider that the proposed amendment is a positive planning outcome which responds to the objectives of Planning in Victoria and will provide a net community benefit.

12. I declare that I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and that no matters of significance which I regard as relevant, have to my knowledge, been withheld from the Panel.



SUBJECT SITE AND SURROUDS 13. The land affected by the Amendment comprises Kingston Links Golf Course and Council owned

reserves, comprising a total site area of approximately 700 hectares.

14. Kingston Links Golf Course comprises the golf course and vegetated areas and golf course buildings (pro shop, small café, meeting rooms, fitness centre and related facilities and a nearby golf driving range). Access to the golf course is from the south from Corporate Avenue (via Wellington Road).

15. The land has modified topography reflecting its golf course use. The golf course area is generally low lying and drains toward Corhanwarrabul Creek and Dandenong Creek to the west. Extensive areas of mature vegetation are present, particularly along the western alignment of the site and adjoining residential areas to the east. Other areas of trees within the site are scattered as well as along Corhanwarrabul Creek and along the driveway entrance to the course.

16. The southern and south western boundary of the site includes drainage easements and drainage lines. The south western portion of the site includes high voltage power lines and associated easement.

17. The Council owned land is vacant and does not have any current vehicle access. The land extends to Wellington Road to the south east. It also includes a drainage reserve area to the south adjoining Corporate Drive

18. Surrounding land and development includes:

Corhanwarrabul Creek generally along its north western alignment.

The East Link tollway along the west boundary

Commercial and industrial uses to the south on Corporate Drive.

Traditional residential areas to the east, with Stud Road further to the east.

Proposed ‘Stamford Park’ development to the north east. This area will include a Council recreation facility and heritage precinct and areas of residential development to be approved under Development Plan Overlay 9.

19. Further beyond this to the north is Caribbean Gardens Business Park. East of Stud Road is the Stud Park Shopping Centre (Rowville Major Activity Centre) – which is approximately 660 metres (as the crow flies) at the nearest point of the site and 1600 metres from the western side of the site.

20. It is proposed through the Development Plan Overlay that access will be provided to from Corporate Drive and through the new Stamford Park Development, into Emmeline Row. No access is proposed over the Creek or into Caribbean Gardens to the north.



Source: Figure 1: Aerial photo of subject site and surrounds

Caribbean Gardens


Kingston Links Golf Course



Stamford Park



KNOX PLANNING SCHEME EXISTING ZONE PROVISIONS 21. The subject site comprises the Kingston Links Golf Course. It is presently included in the Special Use

Zone 1 (Clause 37.01). The Special Use Zone 1 specifically recognises ‘community, recreation, education and religious purposes’. The current Special Use Zone 1 does not allow residential development of the land.

22. A range of zones are evident in the surrounding area as shown at Figure 2, including land in the Urban Floodway Zone to the North, The Road Zone 1 along Eastlink to the west, Residential areas in the General Residential Zone 2 to the east, and commercial and industrial areas in the Commercial 2 Zone to the South.

Figure 2. Extract from Knox Planning Scheme Map Identifying Kingston Links Golf Course (red dashed) and Council land subject to the Amendment (blue dashed).



EXISTING OVERLAY PROVISIONS 23. The land is included in the following overlays:

The Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (Clause 44.04) applies broadly across the site. The overlay identifies potential flood risk and seeks to maintain free passage of flood waters and protect water quality and river health. A permit is required for works in the area affected by the Overlay and applications are to be referred to Melbourne Water for comment.

The Environmental Significance Overlay 2 ‘Sites of Biological Significance’ (Clause 42.01) applies to peripheral areas along the northern side of the Golf Course where land adjoins the Corhanwarrabul Creek.

24. The northern portion of the Golf Course is also identified as comprising areas of ‘Cultural Heritage Sensitivity’ as described in the Aboriginal Heritage Regulations 2007. These requirements are to be addressed at the stage of a planning permit application (as appropriate).

STATE PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK 25. The State Planning Policy Framework provides polices for all land in Victoria.

26. Clause 9 of the State Policy requires planning authorities to consider and apply the Melbourne Planning Strategy ‘Plan Melbourne 2017- 2050’. In addition to the identified ‘Major Urban Renewal Precincts’ Direction 1.3 of Plan Melbourne seeks to ‘create development opportunities at urban renewal precincts across Melbourne’. The policy (1.3.1) indicates that:

‘Significant opportunity exists across Melbourne for urban renewal precincts to accommodate future growth. By concentrating development within urban renewal precincts, other residential areas can be protected’.

27. In addition:

• Policy 2.1.2 seeks to ‘facilitate an increased percentage of new housing in established areas to create a city of 20 minute neighbourhoods close to existing services, jobs and public transport’.

• Policy 6.3.2 calls for an ‘integrated water management approach’ that seeks to manage flood risk and protect waterways.

28. Clause 10.04 ‘Integrated Decision Making’ indicate that planning is to integrate the range of polices and ‘balance conflicting objectives in favour of net community benefit and sustainable.’

29. The State Planning Policy Framework is concerned with providing housing choice and affordability in well serviced locations which have good access to jobs and infrastructure. (Clause 11 and Clause 16). This is to be achieved against a backdrop of places that are pleasant and enjoyable with high standards of public and private amenity (Clause 15 and 16).

30. Consideration for the significance of landscape and river environs and biodiversity is required under Clause 12 ‘Environment and Landscape Values’.

31. Clause 13 ‘Environmental risks’ seek to protect property and people from risks such as flooding (Clause 13.02) and environmental contamination (Clause 13.03) and noise and air quality (Clause 13.04) which is relevant given the proximity to the Freeway.

32. Clause 15.01 ‘Urban Environment include principles for urban design, including in relation to Neighbourhood and Subdivision Design (Clause 15.01-3).

33. Clause 16 ‘Housing’ seeks provision of higher density development on appropriate sites in proximity to activity centres. Such opportunities are to boost the supply of housing and provide a housing diversity as well as facilitate the supply of social housing.

34. A sustainable, diverse and prosperous economic environment is encouraged through Clause 17 ‘Economic Development’ to contribute to the economic well being of the State through land use and development decisions and investment.

35. Clause 18.01-1 ‘Land use and Transport Planning’ calls for integrated transport networks to connect people to jobs and services and goods and minimising adverse impacts on existing transport networks and the amenity of surrounding areas. It also seeks to promote accessibility through public transport and walking and cycling networks.



MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC STATEMENT 36. The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) at Clause 21 of the Knox Planning Scheme applies strategies

for land use and development within the municipality. Relevant clauses are set out below.

37. Clause 21.0-2 ‘Vision’ includes objectives for ‘health connected communities’ a prosperous economy, ‘vibrant and sustainable built and natural environment’ amongst other things.

38. The Strategic Framework Plan at Clause 21.02-1 includes ‘Identifying Strategic Investigation Sites as opportunities to accommodate a range of future residential, commercial and employment uses.’ Kingston Links Golf Course is identified as a ‘residential’ Strategic Investigation Site.

39. Clause 21.06 ‘Housing’. This clause includes the Knox Housing Strategy 2015 as a reference document as well as the Knox Affordable Housing Action Plan 2015 – 2020.

40. The ‘Housing Framework Map’ at Clause 21.06 identifies the subject site as ‘Site 10’ a ‘Strategic Investigation Site’. These sites are recognised as sites not currently used for residential purposes (such as schools, quarries and golf courses) where the land use is likely to change. Such sites are considered potentially suitable for future residential development including a component of social housing.

41. Key issues in the area of ‘housing’ include:

Limited availability of land within the Municipality

Protecting more sensitive areas and directing new residential development to preferred locations.

Lack of diverse housing choices.

Declining housing affordability and limited supply of social housing.

42. Particular direction is give to:

‘Support residential development, where appropriate on Strategic Investigation Sites (in whole or part)’ (Strategy 1.4)

‘Support residential development on large development sites located within a Design and Development Overlay or a Development Plan Overlay consistent with the provisions of those overlays and the underlying zone that applies (Strategy 1.6)

‘Support a diverse range of housing, including smaller dwellings’ (Strategy 2.1).

43. Clause 21.07-1 ‘Economic Growth and Employment’ recognises the significance of the Scoresby Rowville Employment Precinct’ as a key employment precinct, to support technologically advanced industry of regional and national significance. The subject site is located between this and a major employment precinct to the south (Figure 1) and Stud Park Shopping Centre is identified as the Rowville Activity Centre which is to grown in terms of its diversity and connectivity.

44. Clause 21.08-1 Liveability’ requires that ‘land use and development in Strategic Investigation Sites and on other large development sites to maximise walkability and incorporate landscaped pedestrian and bicycle paths and links to open space and community facilities.’

45. Clause 21.08-2 ‘Open Space and Recreation’ sees key issues for the municipality as sustaining the ‘green and leafy image’, ‘providing appropriate types of open space with enhanced levels of service, amenity and functionality to meet the needs of the community’. In particular:

‘ Require the planning for new development to provide for safe, accessible and linked open space while protecting and enhancing its natural landscape and environmental values’ (2.2).

‘Require open space to be integrated with surrounding development’ (2.3)

‘Require new subdivisions to contribute to the provision and/or improvement of public open space’ (2.6).



46. Local planning policies at Clause 22 relevant to the site and future redevelopment include:

Clause 22.02 ‘Environmentally Sustainable Development’ applies to future residential and non residential development.

Clause 22.07 ‘Development in Residential Areas and Neighbourhood Character’ applies to residentially zoned land but identifies that it does not apply to land in a Development Plan Overlay.

Clause 22.08 ‘Scoresby- Rowville Employment Precinct’ applies to Commercial 2 Zone and Public Park and Recreation zoned land bounded by Ferntree Gully, Stud and Wellington Roads and the EastLink reservation and provides design and land use objectives. It is relevant for contextual reasons, but will affect land in the PPRZ.

REFERENCE AND INCORPORATED DOCUMENTS 47. Relevant reference and incorporated documents include:

Plan Melbourne 2017-2050: Metropolitan Planning Strategy (DELWP,2017).

Knox Housing Strategy 2015.

Knox Open Space Plan 2012 -2022

Knox Leisure Plan 2014 -2019

Knox Affordable Housing Action Plan 2015-2020



PROPOSED AMENDMENT 48. In more detail Amendment C142 proposes to:

Rezone the land from the Special Use Zone 1 to:

- The General Residential 1 Zone (the schedule does not include any particular requirements).

- Mixed Use Zone.

- Public Park and Recreation Zone.

Apply a Development Plan Overlay and new Schedule 13 to guide future development.

Revise the extent of the Land Subject to Inundation Overlay (LSIO) which affects the site; and

Amends the schedule to Clause 52.02 to specify requirements under section 36 of the Subdivision Act 1988 relating to the creation of reserves..

49. The proposed Development Plan Overlay is specific to the subject site and requires approval of a Development Plan before a permit is granted (with some exceptions) as well as the executing of a Pre Development s.173 agreement to secure development contributions.

50. The Development Plan Overlay also identifies specific permit conditions and requirements as well as the need for preparation of:

A MasterPlan;

A Landscape Masterplan; and

Integrated Transport Management Plan

51. Broadly speaking the Development Plan Overlay sets an approval path for:

More than 800 dwellings (between 1 and 3 storeys) with a diversity of types.

A centrally located mixed use zone with buildings of up to 8 storeys, including higher density housing.

Unencumbered public open space at 8.5% including significant areas of active open space,

Rehabilitation works along the Creek corridor.

Financial contributions through a pre development s.173 agreement. This agreement is existing and was exhibited with the Planning Scheme Amendment and includes:

- $350,000 toward the construction of a footbridge (to be collected by the 400th lot or April, 2022).

- $350,000 towards the construction of a footbridge.

- $1.58 million plus toward the setting aside of land for the Stamford Parking Link Roadworks, as required for connection.

- Access to Corporate Avenue (not currently subject of the proposal).

- Early completion of earthworks (not part of the s.173 agreement).

52. A copy of the proposed DPO13 Schedule (as exhibited) is included at Appendix B.



ASSESSMENT 53. In reviewing the proposed Amendment I have undertaken an assessment against the ‘Strategic

Assessment Guidelines (for preparing and evaluating planning scheme amendments) Planning Practice Note 46, May 2017’. A copy of my assessment is included at Appendix C.

54. Having reviewed the exhibited amendment and submissions and Council’s Part A Submissions to the Panel my observation is that there is generally agreement regarding the wholesale approach taken to proposed Amendment C142. Given this I have summarised my opinion having regard to the following key questions:

Is the proposed amendment consistent with the State and Local Planning Policy Framework?

Does the amendment make proper use of the Victorian Planning Provisions?

Is the interface with residential properties appropriately addressed through the Amendment documentation?

Are there any other matters or issues which should be addressed through revision to the Amendment documentation?

55. I address each of these matters in turn below.

IS THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT CONSISTENT WITH THE STATE AND LOCAL PLANNING POLICY FRAMEWORK? 56. The golf course is in private ownership and it is proposed to no longer operate it for its original purpose.

This has given rise to the proposed Planning Scheme Amendment so that the land can be redeveloped for residential purposes.

57. The Metropolitan Strategy recognises the value of ‘significant opportunities’ in ‘urban renewal precincts’ (outside of identified ‘Major Urban Renewal Precincts’ to accommodate increased populations allowing other existing residential areas to be protected (Policy 1.3.1 of Plan Melbourne and Clause 9).

58. In Metropolitan terms the site is located within an established urban area which includes residential precincts interspersed with Activity Centres and commercial precincts. The size (some 700 hectares) and location of the land make it suited to a comprehensive residential and mixed use development subject to appropriate management of its environmental conditions and connectivity to surrounding urban areas.

59. While the surrounding areas are largely established they have more modest levels of connectivity than inner and middle ring suburban areas. This site enjoys relative proximity to the Rowville Activity Centre to the east on Stud Road and provides opportunities for connection with linear open space reserves along the Creek to the north and elsewhere within the site. It is also in proximity to two major employment areas (identified at Clause 21.07-1), supporting the desire for housing which is supported by opportunities for access to jobs and infrastructure in the State Planning Policy Framework (Clause 11 and Clause 16).

60. It is acknowledged repeatedly in the Local Planning Policy Framework and in the Knox Housing Strategy 2015 that the site is a potential future investigation area for residential development. This ‘marries with’ the exclusion of Kingston Links Golf Course from the identified municipal open spaces in the ‘Knox Open Space Plan 2012 – 2022’ and the ‘Knox Leisure Plan 2009 – 2014’.

61. Currently the key environmental condition limiting its development is the highly modified topography and the flood potential given the proximity to surrounding waterways. The flood authority, Melbourne Water has agreed that these matters can be satisfactorily resolved through the proposed earthworks and drainage strategy, thereby enabling the redevelopment (while still bearing other constraints), to be realised.

62. The selection of the General Residential Zone responds to the surrounding residentially zoned areas and this opportunity and will enable delivery of a significant number of new single dwellings of up to three storeys in height. This is to be complemented by the potential for higher and more dense forms of residential development at the centre of the site in discrete areas to be rezoned to the Mixed Use Zone. The Mixed Use Zone has been located away from established residential uses and nominates a 3 storey buffer adjoining future General Residential Zone areas within the site.



63. A ‘blended’ mix of single dwelling housing supported by the opportunity for more intensive residential development and mixed use development is an appropriate approach in this location. It is one which aligns with the desire for increased housing diversity (and smaller dwellings) and is an appropriate and strategic outcome with respect to the provisions of the State and Local Planning Policy Framework (Clause 21.06).

64. The Development Plan Overlay makes provision for the future land use and development in a manner which is co-ordinated and will allow for delivery of a pleasant (largely) residential environment supported by a range of passive and active public open. The use of the Development Plan Overlay is encouraged within the Local Planning Policy Framework for large development sites as noted at Clause 21.06 (Strategy 1.6).

65. The concept plan at Figure 1 of the Development Plan Overlay notes these with the Overlay providing a framework for approval of a future Masterplan, Landscape Masterplan and Integrated Traffic Management Plan amongst other requirements. It also demonstrates future options for road links

66. A Draft Development Plan has been prepared to illustrate potential future outcomes under the Development Plan Overlay and while it is not the subject of the Panel proceedings, my observation is that it will enable good connectivity within and into the site, bearing in mind the constraints of the creek and freeway to the north west and north respectively).

67. In other respects I note that:

Modification to the Significant Landscape Overlay is proposed arising from earthworks and drainage which will modify potential flood passage and has been designed in consultation with Melbourne Water (the relevant flood authority). This is a matter outside my expertise and I defer to the relevant experts in this regard.

The Stormwater Strategy has been prepared by WaterTech having regard to Best Practice Management and is the subject of further detailed resolution through the Integrated Water Management Plan required to be approved under the DPO13.

The proposal does not raise significant risk associated with bushfire and has been the subject of comment from the CFA. Requirements of the CFA in relation to the potential risk and mitigation of grassfires should be recognised through a requirement for a separate strategy to be prepared under the Development Plan.

A generous provision is made for public open space including playing fields and passive open space areas including pedestrian and bicycle paths. This is aligned with the desire for connected and healthy communities (Clause 21.08-1 and Clause 21.08-2).

Traffic access is considered largely acceptable, subject to some discussion between the authorities and is a matter outside my area of expertise.

Extensive contributions for social housing provision and physical and social infrastructure have been secured through a ‘pre development’ s.173 agreement, to be recognised within the Development Plan Overlay.

Opportunities identified for mixed use and higher built form (between 3 - 8 storeys) form a relatively small proportion of the site and are removed from established residential areas. The final of such buildings are subject to the regular considerations of the Planning Scheme having regard to site context and design outcomes.

Consideration has been given to environmental matters within the preparation of the Amendment and the Development Plan Overlay including:

- A requirement for an Environment Management Plan prior to the granting of a permit for subdivision.

- Proximity to the noise sources associated with the Eastlink Freeway and strategies for noise mitigation for future residents.

- Flora and fauna and inclusion of areas of conservation and rehabilitation along the Creek.

- The potential presence of environmental contamination and strategies for its management through preparation of an Environment Management Plan.

68. Notwithstanding the above, there are a number of areas which warrant further consideration, that I have addressed in the following sections of my report.



DOES THE AMENDMENT MAKE PROPER USE OF THE VICTORIAN PLANNING PROVISIONS? 69. The purpose and provisions of the existing Special Use Zone 1 are redundant in the event that the

Kingston Links Golf Course is vacated and is to be redeveloped.

70. The Zone and overlay provisions proposed by the Amendment are appropriate on the basis that:

The General Residential Zone is the appropriate zone for residential development at conventional densities. Development of the type envisaged (ie predominantly 1 – 3 storey single dwelling lots) fits with the purposes of the zone to ‘encourage a diversity of housing types and housing growth particularly in locations offering good access to services and transport’. The General Residential 1 Zone reflects the zoning of surrounding residential areas to the east.

The Public Parks and Recreation Zone has been applied along areas nominated as ‘Creekside Parkland’ in the proposed DPO13 Concept Plan. It is the best fit for public land to be reserved for public open space, encompasses important environmental features and creates a connection with the existing PPRZ to the site’s north east.

Other areas nominated on the DPO13 Concept Plan as ‘open space and drainage network’ will fall within the General Residential and Mixed Use Zone. This is not an unusual outcome for redevelopment areas where the final form of a plan is not yet known.

The Mixed Use Zone appropriately accommodates provision of residential uses at higher densities and allowing for greater opportunities for the introduction of non residential uses within the more intensively developed centre of the site. The absence of a height restriction in the Mixed Use Zone (unlike the General Residential Zone) also supports the nomination of areas where higher development may occur. The Mixed Use Zone areas are nominated within areas where the LSIO is to be deleted.

The Development Plan Overlay is a tool commonly used to co-ordinate land use and development outcomes of this nature and is an appropriate tool from the suite of Victorian Planning Provisions. It is proposed that the DPO apply to the entirety of the site.

DPO 13 is a new schedule to apply specifically to the subject site. I have addressed the contents of the DPO in the following section of my report.

71. The LSIO currently applies to land subject to inundation. An early works package is proposed which includes substantial earthworks across the site resulting in areas currently subject to inundation being raised. This approach has been supported by Melbourne Water. It is appropriate to delete the Overlay from the land on this basis. A Section 173 agreement is proposed to require the earthworks to occur upfront (prior to approval of works under a Development Plan).

72. The proposed amendment does not conflict with other provisions of the Scheme or unnecessarily duplicate other areas of legislation. The amendment is consistent with the following planning practice notes:

PN23 Applying the Incorporated Plan and Development Plan Overlay.

Using the Development Plan Overlay and Incorporated Plan Overlay.

PPN2 Public Land Zones

PPN78 Applying the Residential Zones

PPN12: Applying the flood provisions in planning schemes

73. I note that the proposed Development Plan Overlay includes reference to an agreement prepared under s.173 of the Planning and Environment Act which secures ‘pre development’ contributions. This is one of a number of ways that development contributions can be provided for.



74. ‘A Guide to Using Victoria’s Planning System’ indicates that a s.173 agreement can cover things such as:

‘To provide for staged developments;

Rehabilitation of property, repair of the environment, heritage protection or vegetation protection;

Provision of community infrastructure or specific development infrastructure – such as open space or facilities on the land or nearby land; and

Securing developer contributions.’ (S.8.8.3)

75. I am satisfied that the contributions towards infrastructure, open space and rehabilitation of the site are adequately addressed in the s.173 agreement and that it is appropriate for such an agreement to be referenced within the Development Plan Overlay Schedule. Further I am instructed that these items have already been agreed, providing a good level of certainty as to their detail.

76. I consider that there are no other zones or overlays, or new local policy provisions which would be required to facilitate redevelopment of the land in the manner proposed. Given this I consider the proposal makes appropriate use of the Victorian Planning Provisions.

IS THE INTERFACE WITH RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES APPROPRIATELY ADDRESSED THROUGH THE AMENDMENT DOCUMENTATION? 77. One of the key sensitivities with the redevelopment of the site is the location of established dwellings

along the irregular eastern boundary of the site. Currently these adjoin open space areas and vegetation and consequently these properties may experience a high level of change resulting from the future redevelopment.

78. In a general sense, there is no ‘right’ to the maintenance of this existing adjacency or views. I accept however that these dwellings derive a certain amenity from this interface and consequently I have given consideration to how this should be appropriately balanced in future redevelopment of the site.

79. The Development Plan Overlay and concept exhibited with the Amendment included close abuttal of new residential areas immediately adjacent to these dwellings, but with an indication that dwellings along the interface would be limited to two storeys in height. It will be necessary to secure this outcome through a future agreement (or other restriction), applying to residential properties along this interface to eliminate the ability for dwellings to be three storeys in height once subdivision has occurred.

80. The presence of established vegetation along this alignment is an opportunity to contribute to the future amenity of the subject site as well as reduce the impact of site redevelopment on established residents. As such I support a solution which maintains a good proportion of the existing vegetation, with an emphasis on retention of trees which make a high contribution to amenity along this interface (typically larger trees). It is logical that preservation of vegetation in this manner can also be enjoyed by future residents as part of the passive open space provision through inclusion of a pathway along this alignment.

81. I have been provided with two potential resolutions of this interface identified as Option 1 and Option 2 which I have included at Appendix D of my Statement. Either of these outcomes would be satisfactory in my opinion, noting the inclusion of a good number of trees which focus on retention of those of high amenity value and minimum depth of typically 5 – 8 metres in Option 2 and greater in Option 1. I note that the ‘break’ provided from established dwellings, is also increased by the inclusion of a roadway along this alignment, resulting in a generous separation.

82. Ultimately this is a matter of detail in approval of a future Development Plan and is to be balanced with the provision of open space across the site in its entirety. However, I consider that it would be of benefit to identify and secure this outcome under the ‘Landscape Masterplan’ requirement in the DPO13 with a statement such as ‘Inclusion of a landscape buffer along the eastern boundary where it adjoins established residential properties. This area should incorporate retention of existing trees of high amenity value’. This could also be identified more clearly on the Concept Plan.

83. With these modifications I an satisfied that the proposed Amendment will deliver an appropriate amenity interface to adjoining residents, albeit one which is modified from their current experience.



ARE THERE ANY OTHER MATTERS OR ISSUES WHICH SHOULD BE ADDRESSED THROUGH REVISION TO THE AMENDMENT DOCUMENTATION? 84. The proposed Development Plan Overlay Schedule 13 contains the detail of the Amendment.

85. In general I consider that the proposed Overlay schedule is acceptable and conveys the intention for the residential opportunity and makes provision for orderly management of the future site redevelopment in conjunction with the overlays and policy provisions of the Knox Planning Scheme.

86. Notwithstanding this, I make the following observations:

A clearer version of the Concept Plan should be included at Figure 1 of the schedule.

Revise the Concept Plan to add a notation to the eastern boundary with existing residents to indicate inclusion of a landscape buffer (as noted at Paragraph 82).

The reference for specific acoustic attenuation be removed from the S.173 agreement requirement as this is otherwise required under the Masterplan and can be acceptably resolved at this stage.

References sought by ConnectEast that no Major Promotion Signage be visible from East Link are not directly related to the proposed planning controls and potential redevelopment and would be required to be assessed in the event that a planning permit is sought.

Inclusion of a ‘Grassfire Mitigation and Management Strategy’ or similar as a separate requirement under the Development Plan.

The requirements for the Masterplan to include an indication of the ‘Agreed Development Line’ established in consultation with Melbourne Water.





URBIS MA11487 - MCGURN KNOX C142 EVIDENCE 22.2.2018 (002)

NAME AND ADDRESS Stuart Andrew McGurn Director Urbis Pty Ltd Level 12, 120 Collins Street MELBOURNE VIC 3000

QUALIFICATIONS Bachelor of Arts 1984 Graduate Diploma Urban Planning 1986

PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Current Position: Director, Urbis Pty Ltd 2010-2015: Partner, Environmental Resources Management Australia Pty Ltd 1998 – 2010: Director, Fulcrum Town Planners Pty Ltd 1986 – 1998: Town Planner in local government – Cities of Broadmeadows and

Melbourne, including role as Principal Planner – City of Melbourne

AREA OF EXPERTISE Statutory planning for local and state government on a range of residential, commercial and industrial


Consulting advice to a wide range of commercial and local government clients addressing the management of urban development and the statutory planning process.

Extensive planning advice to architects, project managers and other professionals involved in a range of projects and the built form and visual impact issues associated with the development of land.

EXPERTISE TO PREPARE THIS REPORT Professional qualifications and expertise in town planning both in the public and private sectors.

INSTRUCTIONS WHICH DEFINED THE SCOPE OF THE REPORT My instructions required me to undertake a town planning assessment and review the merits of the proposal. In so doing, I have relied upon those matters set down below.

FACTS, MATTERS AND ASSUMPTIONS RELIED UPON I have relied upon the following in the preparation of this report:

Inspection of the subject site and surrounds.

Review of the Knox Planning Scheme, exhibited amendments, and strategic policies.

Documents as described in the Introduction to my Statement.



DOCUMENTS TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT Relevant documents are described above.

IDENTITY OF PERSONS UNDERTAKING THE WORK Stuart McGurn assisted by Christina McRae, Director.

SUMMARY OF OPINIONS A summary of my opinions in relation to this matter is included at paragraph no. 7 of my evidence. I have made all the inquiries that I believe are desirable and appropriate and no matters of significance which I regard as relevant have to my knowledge been withheld from the Panel. Stuart McGurn Urbis Pty Ltd


URBIS MA11487 - MCGURN KNOX C142 EVIDENCE 22.2.2018 (002)





Shown on the planning scheme map as DPO13.


1.0 Requirement before a permit is granted

A permit may be granted before a development plan has been prepared to the satisfactionof the responsible authority to:

Construct or carry out works relating to:

the maintenance or demolition of existing buildings;

rehabilitation works to the creek corridor;

minor works;

any works required to satisfy a Statement of Environmental Audit underthe Environment Protection Act 1970.

Subdivision of the land to realign property boundaries, or to create or removeeasements or restrictions.

Any application for a permit lodged before the development plan has been prepared mustbe accompanied by a report demonstrating that approval will not prejudice the long termfuture of the land as set out in this schedule.

Section 173 Agreement

Prior to the approval of a development plan or the granting of a planning permit, anagreement between the owner of the land and the responsible authority, including undersection 173 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 must be entered into in a form tothe satisfaction of the responsible authority, executed and registered on the owner’s land.The provisions of that agreement must include:

requirements in relation to any earthworks to be conducted;

provision of public open space at 8.5% of the net developable area;

requirements for the conduct of active open space works;

the provision of both a cash contribution and land in respect of social housing;

a requirement for the owner of the land to enter into a further Section 173Agreement to secure the future use of the social housing land for social housingpurposes;

a financial contribution towards a footbridge;

a financial contribution towards a men’s shed;

the construction of the Stamford Park Link roadworks;

a contribution to the cost of land set aside by Council for the Stamford Park linkroad; and

the construction of the Corporate Drive link roadworks.

The costs of preparation and registration of the Section 173 Agreement are to be borne bythe land owner.

2.0 Conditions and requirements for permits


The following conditions and/or requirements apply to permits:

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The contruction of intersection upgrades or improvements in accordance withthe requirements of VicRoads and at the cost of the land owner.

All other agreed road network and intersection upgrades, mitigation works, andreinstatement of existing assets at the cost of the land owner.

All agreed stormwater infrastructure works within the site to be at the cost of theland owner.

Acoustic attenuation measures (including any acoustic barriers) be provided onthe boundary with the EastLink Freeway reserve (or within the reserve asappropriate) which comply with VicRoads’ Traffic Noise Reduction Policy (orany subsequent publication) and the EastLink Concession Deed (or as updated),at the owner’s cost.

Design Guidelines

Prior to the granting of a subdivision permit, dwelling design guidelines, for inclusion in aMemorandum of Common Provisions must be prepared to the satisfaction of theresponsible authority.

Requirement for an Environmental Management Plan

Prior to the granting of a permit for subdivision into lots to be used for dwellings andwhich do not require further subdivision for that purpose, an Environmental ManagementPlan addressing the construction activities proposed on the land must be prepared to thesatisfaction of the responsible authority.

The Environmental Management Plan must include:

Soil erosion and sediment control provisions to protect existing local stormwaterinfrastructure, Cohanwarrabul Creek and the Stamford Park wetlands fromerosion product and sediment transport by minimising erosion of lands duringwork.

Hydraulics and hydrology provisions to protect and improve the floodplain,manage water quality and quantity, and protect the habitat value ofCorhanwarrabul Creek and the Stamford Park wetlands (measures used shouldinclude the installation of a perimeter fence to protect the waterway prior to thecommencement of works).

Protection measures to ensure that disturbance to native flora and fauna habitatis avoided in the first instance, minimised where avoidance is not possible withappropriate contingencies incorporated to prevent the potential for theintroduction of exotic flora and fauna species is abated.

Dust suppression measures to be provided during works to minimise dust impactto EastLink.

Measures to prevent construction fill encroaching on or being placed within theEastLink Freeway reserve.

3.0 Requirements for development plan

A development plan must include the following:

A Masterplan that illustrates land uses (including open space), interfacetreatments, and an indicative road layout across the site.

A Landscape Masterplan that shows the landscape design concept for the site,including all streetscapes and public open space (active and passive recreationareas, natural areas, other public realm).

An Integrated Transport Management Plan that addresses access and movementwithin and to and from the site.

An Integrated Water Management Plan that addresses holistic stormwatermanagement within the site and those water-related interfaces beyond the site.





The Masterplan must include:

The distribution of land uses throughout the site including public open space,generally in accordance with Figure 1.

Detail reflecting public open space, infrastructure and other elements consistentwith any agreement entered into with the responsible authority.

A description of the indicative siting, lot configuration and land uses within themixed use precinct.

A hierarchy of public open spaces.

A description of the road network and hierarchy throughout the site, includingfunction and cross sections.

A description of the distribution of height and massing of built form across thesite, generally in accordance with Figure 1.

Details of the treatment to interfaces, including a minimum rear setback toexisting adjoining dwellings, generally in accordance with Figure 1.

Details of the staging of future land use and development throughout the site.

A notation that the intensity of land uses and the number of dwellings must notexceed that adopted for the traffic generation development scenario that formspart of the approved Integrated Transport Management Plan, unless otherwiseagreed in writing by the responsible authority.

A statement that no major promotional signage will be visable from EastLink.

Detail on how noise attenuation measures will meet the noise level objectives inVicRoads Traffic Noise Reduction Policy (or any subsequent publication) andthe Traffic Noise Criteria set out in the EastLink Concession Deed (whichspecifies performance criteria in relation to traffic noise) or as updated at theboundary of the EastLink Freeway reserve. All noise attenuation measuresrequired to satisfy these objectives must be met by the relevant landowner/developer.

Details on the fencing on the boundary of the EastLink Freeway reserve.Fencing to the EastLink Freeway reserve must complement the urban designtreatment and landscaping of the EastLink corridor, restrict access to theEastLink Freeway, prevent unauthorised dumping of materials or rubbishblowing onto the EastLink Freeway reserve and prevent or minimise graffiti andvandalism.

Landscape Masterplan

The Landscape Masterplan must include:

A statement explaining how landscape design addresses the strategic directionswithin the Knox Open Space Plan 2012-2022 (or as amended).

A statement explaining how landscape design addresses the strategic directionswithin the Knox Liveable Streets Plan 2012-2022 (or as amended).

Details of key landscape design principles and species selected throughout roadreserves, along the site’s key external interfaces, and within public open space.

A planting theme that enhances local habitat values and demonstratescompatibility with the inclusion of water sensitive urban design objectives. Theplanting theme on the eastern boundary must respond to the landscaping andurban design of EastLink.



How any development will address sensitive interfaces as shown in Figure 1,including maximum building heights and the retention of exisiting trees andvegetation.

Details of the removal of vegetation not suitable for retention.

Integrated Transport Management Plan

The Integrated Transport Management Plan must include:

An assessment of the expected impact of traffic generated by the developmenton the existing road network and any mitigation measures required to addressidentified issues.

A statement explaining how the intergrated transport network addresses thestrategic directions within the Knox Liveable Streets Plan 2012-2022 (or asamended).

An indicative road, bicycle, and pedestrian network plan showing:

vehicular access from Corporate Drive to the proposed internal roadnetwork;

vehicular access from Stamford Park to the proposed internal roadnetwork;

pedestrian and bicycle access from surrounding areas, including both on-street and dedicated off-stree facilities connecting to Stamford Park,Caribbean Gardens, and adjacent residential areas;

a street network that (a) makes provision for a vehicular link betweenKingston Links and Stamford Park, and (b) discourages non-localthrough-traffic;

layout of internal roads, including a hierarchy of the roads that speficiesthe purpose, function, cross sections, and widths of the road reserves foreach road type;

provision for bus movement through the site;

provision of emergency services and waste collection services throughthe site;

a pedestrian and cycle shared path network both throughout the site andto the existing network at Stamford Park and the Eastlink Trail with anyaccess to the Eastlink Trail to be controlled and maintained by Council;

connected footpath network both throughout the site and to the existingnetwork on Corporate Drive.

Integrated Water Management Plan

The Integrated Water Management Plan must include:

Detailed information on how stormwater will be managed in an holistic manner.

An assessment of the pre-development and expected post-developmentstormwater conditions.

Details of how stormwater can be efficiently filtered, infiltrated and harvested onsite to limit off-site discharge and meet all relvant State Government waterquality targets, including:

Total Suspended Solids (TSS)

Total Nitrogen (TN)

Total Phosphorus (TP)

Total flows

Details of how the the proposed development will either maintain or increaseoverall stormwater storage capacity of the site.



Details of how the proposed development will limit avlusion to mimise the riskof:

erosion of the creek channel or floodplain;

transportation of sediment downstream;

damage to or destruction of natural habitat and stream ecology;

damage to or destruction of built assets; and

changes in the course of the Corhanwarrabul Creek.

Details of remediation works along the riparian zone of the CorhanwarrabulCreek.

Details of any proposed modifications to the Corhanwarrabul Creek, and howthese modifications will protect and enhance stream ecology.

Details of how the proposed development will accomodate a 1 in 100 year ARIstorm event.

Details of how the Rowville Main Drain will be modified and how modificationswill maintain and/or enhance hydraulic performance and flood protection of thelocal area.

Necessary site control measures during the course of construction of anydrainage works.

Details of wetlands and stormwater maintenance works, including the removalof associated sediment to be undertaken by the land owner, for a period of twoyears after the completion of all works including roadworks, construction of thewetlands and inground infrastructure works.

A statement that:

all surface water (up to the 1 in 100 year ARI storm event) andunderground drainage will be directed away from the EastLink Freewayreserve; and

any works and fillings on the site must have no detrimental effect on theflood levels and drainage paths in and around the EastLink Freewayreserve.

Notation of the requirement for a Wetlands Maintenance and Operation Plan, tothe satisfaction of the Responsible Authority, prior to hand over to the publicland manager of the ownership and management of stormwater infrastructure.

Arrangements for handover to the public land manager of the ownership andmanagement of stormwater infrastructure subsequent to the maintenance period.



Figure 1: Concept Plan





URBIS MA11487 - MCGURN KNOX C142 EVIDENCE 22.2.2018 (002)

Criteria Response

Why is an amendment required?

A decision has been made to discontinue use of the land as a golf course and associated

facilities. An amendment is required in order to facilitate redevelopment of the land for

residential purposes as the current Special Use Zone does not allow this outcome.

The land has been identified within the Knox Housing Strategy as a Housing investigation

area, supporting this outcome.

Does the amendment implement the objectives of planning and address any environmental, social and economic effects?

‘Fair, orderly, economic and sustainable use of land.

Protection of natural and manmade resources and maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity.

Securing a pleasant, efficient and safe working, living and recreational environment.

Conservation and enhancement of buildings and areas to places scientific, aesthetic, architectural or historical interest.

Protection of public utilities and other assets and co-ordination of public utilities and other facilities for community benefit.

Balancing present and future interests of Victorians.’

Does the Amendment implement the objectives of Planning in Victoria?

Given that the golf course land is redundant for its original purpose the proposed rezoning

(and accompanying overlays) allows for redevelopment of the land in a manner which is

consistent with the fair, orderly and economic use of the land and is supported by the State

and Local Planning Policy Framework.

Does the Amendment adequately address any environmental effects?

Consideration has been given to the following:

Flood risk and Stormwater Manager were considered in relation to the removal of

the LSIO and is acceptable to Melbourne Water. Areas around the

Corhanwarrabul Creek will remain subject to inundation and are included within

areas of public open space (encumbered).

A Flora and Fauna Assessment was undertaken by Ecology and Heritage

Partners (May 2017) but did not identify the presence of any specifies of

significance and was found not to include any endangered species.

Environmental contamination has been considered in relation to Ministerial

Direction No. 1 ‘Potentially Contaminated Land’.

Stormwater design in post development conditions will consider Water Sensitive

Urban Design principles.

Areas along the Corhanwarrabul Creek will be rehabilitated as part of the

Environment Management Plan (required under the DPO13). This relies on a

range of specialised reports to be submitted and approved under the

Development Plan Overlay. The inclusion of these areas as part of passive

public open space will support this approach.

An acoustic report has been prepared by SLR which gives consideration to the

interface with the adjoining Eastlink Tollway. Requirements relating to this are

included under the Masterplan Requirement in the DPO13 to be confirmed at a

later date.

An Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Management Plan was prepared by Ecology and

Heritage Partners (May 2013) and exhibited as part of the Planning Scheme

Amendment. The Plan was considered acceptable by Aboriginal Affairs Victoria.

Does the amendment adequately address any social effects?

There is a social implication with the loss of the existing golf course and open space,

however this is already a matter determined by the local authority as acceptable in

determining to sell the land. The development plan and s.173 agreement make provision

for generous areas of public open space including playing fields and areas of passive



Criteria Response

recreation. Contributions to provision of social housing as well as other community

infrastructure are also enshrined within the proposed. S173 agreement requirement.

Does the amendment adequately address any economic effects?

Redevelopment of the land will make a significant contribution to long term economic

investment in the municipality through expenditure of new residents. In the short term

there will be a substantial benefit to be derived from construction jobs (approximately 2500

over a 7 year period.

Does the amendment address relevant bush/ risk?

The land is not identified within the Bushfire Management Overlay or as a Bushfire

Protection Area and will extensively be an urban area. Given this context, the proposed

redevelopment does not demand application of new overlays or a local policy relating to

bushfire and meets the objectives of Clause 13.05-1 of the State Planning Policy


The CFA were consulted and recommended consideration of grassfire hazards and a

mitigation strategy.

Council recommended including these requirements within the Landscape Master Plan

and the Integrated Transport Management Plan.

Does the amendment comply with all the relevant Minister’s Directions?

The amendment complies with the Ministerial Direction 3 ‘Form and Content of Planning

Scheme Amendments’ through the use of the relevant provisions and the drafting of


A ‘Soil Contamination Assessment’ was prepared in support of the Amendment by

Greencap – NAA Pty Ltd (February 2016). While areas of contamination have been

identified, the report concluded that this is not sufficient for the site to meet the definition of

‘Potentially Contaminated Land’ under Ministerial Direction No. 1 and as such an

Environmental Audit Overlay was not recommended.

Ministerial Direction No. 9 requires consideration of the Metropolitan Strategy ‘Plan

Melbourne – 2017 – 2050. This is addressed in relation to the State Planning Policy


Does the amendment support or implement the State Planning Policy Framework (SPPF)?

I have addressed the response to the State and Local Planning Policy Framework in the

body of my statement of evidence.

How does the amendment support or implement the Local Planning Policy Framework (LPPF) and, specifically, the Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS)?

I have addressed the response to the State and Local Planning Policy Framework in the

body of my statement of evidence.


URBIS MA11487 - MCGURN KNOX C142 EVIDENCE 22.2.2018 (002)

Does the amendment make proper use of the VPP?

I have addressed this question in the body of my Statement of Evidence.

How does the amendment address the views of any relevant agency?

Views were sought from:

Aboriginal Affairs Victoria who supported the proposal subject to the Aboriginal

Cultural Heritage Management Plan.

CFA who supported the proposal subject to a grassfire hazard and mitigation


South East Water who had no objection to the Amendment, noting application

would be required to connect reticulated water supply and sewerage.

EPA who sought preparation of Air Quality Assessment – however this does not

relate to any regulation or adopted policy. The EPA also sought an assessment

in relation to the separation distances specified in EPA publication 1518 and

compliance with Ministerial Direction No.1. These are matters outside of my area

of expertise, however I note that there is no further detail of why these

assessments were required. Existing commercial and industrial uses to the south

of the site are separated by areas nominated as open space and drainage in the

proposed DPO13 concept plan.

Vic Roads were generally supportive of the Amendment subject to discussions

regarding distribution and management of traffic volumes. The specific nature of

these comments is outside my area of expertise and I defer to the relevant

experts in this regard. Vic Roads will be consulted in relation to the future

approval of the Integrated Transport Management Plan.

Melbourne Water have indicated that they are supportive of the Amendment

subject to development which is compliant with ‘an agreed development line.’

This line should be referenced for inclusion in the Masterplan requirement of


Transport for Victoria (part of the Department of Economic Development, Jobs,

Transport and Resources’ made a number of comments specific to provision of

transport and connectivity with surrounding areas. These matters are outside my

area of expertise and will be addressed by Mr Stephen Hunt of Ratio Consultants.

ConnectEast have made a submission seeking changes to elements of the

DPO13 regarding provision and cost of acoustic barriers along the Tollway, a 2

metre setback from the East Link boundary and commentary in relation to vehicle

links between the site and the surrounding area. The matters regarding the

acoustic report and setback are accommodated by the future Development Plan.

The matter of connectivity is a matter which will be addressed in relation to traffic.

Does the amendment address the requirements of the Transport Integration Act 2010?

The proposed amendment is broadly compliant with the requirements of the Transport

Integration Act, 2010.



What impact will the new planning provisions have on the resource and administrative costs of the Responsible Authority?

The proposed Amendment will introduce a new urban area and it is proposed that the

process will be co-ordinated by approval of a Development Plan under the Development

Plan Overlay. Approvals will still be variously required under this plan and the Planning

Scheme for subdivision and development (and potentially individual land uses). The

Amendment will not unduly impact on the resources or administrative costs of the

Responsible Authority as it affects only a discreet (albeit large) area of the Municipality.


URBIS MA11487 - MCGURN KNOX C142 EVIDENCE 22.2.2018 (002)



Kingston Links26.02.2018MN MN MN












Interface Option 1 - Linear Park

Key Elements ■ Incorporates high amenity interface

trees and supplementary plantings within a linear park, which varies in width between 6m and 17m, measured from the shared boundary with existing residential lots;

■ Width of the liner park supplemented by road verge which increases the park width to between 10.5m and 18.4m;

■ 2.5m wide shared pedestrian and cycling path within the linear park, extending from the Rowville Main Drain in the south east to Stamford Park open space to the north;

■ Retention of high amenity trees to be optimised within the reserve;

■ Contingent upon the Council attributing the park as Public Open Space.

LegendOpen space

Road verge


Mixed Use

Indicative alignment of shared path

Trees of ‘Moderate’ arboricultural rating located within linear park / verge / rear setback of future dwelling (TPZ shown)

Trees of ‘Low’ arboricultural rating located within linear park / verge / rear setback of future dwelling (TPZ shown)

Trees 5m or greater in height

Cross Section Locations






A A’


Kingston Links26.02.2018MN MN MN












Key Elements ■ Incorporates high amenity interface

trees and supplementary plantings within a vegetated buffer along the shared boundary with existing residential lots, ranging in width between 5.5m and 8.8m;

■ Retention of high amenity trees to be optimised within the corridor;

■ Width of the vegetated corridor supplemented by road verge which increases the width of the verge / corridor to approx. 17m.

LegendOpen space

Road verge


Mixed Use

Trees of ‘Moderate’ arboricultural rating located within linear park / verge / rear setback of future dwelling (TPZ shown)

Trees of ‘Low’ arboricultural rating located within linear park / verge / rear setback of future dwelling (TPZ shown)

Trees 5m or greater in height

Cross Section Locations

Interface Option 2 - Widened Road Reserve






A A’