Plant fossils are good indicators of palaeo-climate

Post on 23-Jan-2018

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• Introduction • How palaeoclimte determines from the plant

fossils?• Parameters for interpretation of

Palaeoclimate.• Evolution of Palaeoclimate through

morphological characters.

• Morphographic characters changes for various climate.

• Case study form Gondwana Group

• Conclusions

Xerophytes Condition plantsGrow in desert


Hydrophytes Condition plantsPlants in Water

Tundra Condition plants – Ice condition

Each plants grows in different Environmental conditions and produces its own kind of spores and

pollens according particular climates

Paleoclimate is defined as the climate that exist in the geological past. The plant fossils preserved in the rocks are useful to study the paleoclimate of that region / sediments / Basins etc.,.

The synthesis has been done mainly on the available data of plant charcterstices flora and vegetation

Spores and pollens are good indicators of palaeoclimate and other geological information. The study of spores and pollens are refered as Palynology

Application of palynology to geologic or stratigarphic problems involves the defination and delination of specific strata, are seggments of stratigraphic column, in terms of palnomorphs derived from these rocks

Ecological factors like environment and climate shows contineous changes from one time to other. The climate of the past life was so much different then the present.

Continuous climate changes during the earth’s past age the climate effect on the flora of plant fossil.

The flora changes found in the particular geological strata reflects the climate changes during the formation of the strata

So we can determine the climate of the strata that exist in geological past by using these fossil evidence

The flora of the plants can also change due to the evolution of that plants. It is difficult to distingush the flora changes due to the climate and flora changes to the evolution

1)Sediment-types pointer to climate ex:carbonates evaporates tilltes

2)Flora and fauna

3)Oxygen isotope ratio

4)Palaeowind direction

5)Direction of flow of ice sheets in the past

Fossils spores and pollens exhibit various morphographic characters with specific configuration and structure, each with a precise function.

Dense central body thin central body

It develops dense central body to withstand at extreme climate conditions,

central body


Fossils spores and pollens exhibit various morphographic characters with specific configuration and structure, each with a precise function.

Thin body wall could indicate amelioration of intensive situation

Dense central body thin central body

central body

Saccate pollen:Function of saccus to be an aid of floating ,they are two types

1)Monosaccate 2)Disaccate

Saccate pollen


This organization helps in floating of pollen during dispersal climate conditions



Haploxylonoid Diploxylonoid

Grow in cold temperature conditions

Grow in hot temperature conditions

Leathery saccus Non- Leathery saccus Tetrad of spores

These morphological characters reflects the changing climate conditions

Suite-1Radial monosaccate , Dense central body, Haploxyonoid construction, Leathery saccus, CallumisporaIn these suite having the extremely cold condition with low humidity

Suite-2Radial monosaccate, Thin central body, Haploxyonoid construction, Leathery saccus, TetradsIn these suite palynoflora indicates amelioration of the climate.

Suite-3Thin central body, Radial monosaccate, Haploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccus, Callumispora suggests a relatively favourable conditions like cold with medium to high humidity

Suite-4Radial monosaccate, Thin central body, haploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccusThe upper Karharibari indicates a very cold situation with medium to high humidity but not the extreme cold and dry climates as of lower Talchir

Suite-5Thin central body, Haploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccusLower barakar ,In these suite a favourable cool with high humidity climate. The combination of the above

Suite-6Thin central body, Diploxyonoid construction, Non leathery saccus, Stration diversity.In these suite suggests better climate than that previous i.e., moderately warm with high humidity.

Suite-7Dense central body, Diploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccus, Striation diversity, Densipollenites, Radial monosaccates.In kulti palynoflora, they indicate a adverse condition than suites 5 &6 i.e., warm with low to medium humidity

Suite-8Thin central body, Diploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccus, Striation diversity.These characters supports warm climate with very high humidity. Such combination identified in lower raniganj.

Suite-10Dense central body, Haploxylonoid construction,non leathery saccus, Tetrad, Radial monosaccates, CallumisporaIn panchat palynoflora shows recurrence of certain characters of suite-1 to suite-3 and indicates a moderately cool climate with low humidity.

Suite-11Thin central body, Diploxylonoid construction, leathery saccus, Taeniate complex,These suite found in the later part of lower panchet assemblage indicates warming of climate with medium to low humidity.

Suite-9Thin central body, Haploxylonoid construction, Non leathery saccus, Striation diversity, Densipolenites. It represents the upper most raniganj palynoflora. It is similar to suite-8 .

In these series Pollens are monosaccates type were very dominant.

It can be conclude this is mostly covered with thick ice sheets having a small crevices.

In these Pollens are monosaccates were very dominant.

It can be conclude that land was completely free of ice and temperature become much high.

In these series Pollens are bisaccate were very dominant.

It can be concluded that the climate during the barakar was warm temperature, with appreciable amount of humidity.

In these series pollens are striate disaccate

It can be concluded that the climate was arid under the present state of evidences warm, humidity and temperature climate prevailed.

In these series pollens are striate disaccate with triletes.

It can be concluded that the presence of warm, humid temperature climate with intermittent rainfall is indicated.

In these series no pollens.

It can be concluded that the favourable climate for plant growth,i.e warm and humid.

Chart showing various morphic features v/s PaleoclimateProposed 11 Suits

Study of plant remains as fossils have more applications like

Spore and Pollens are good indicaters of palaeoclimate

1) Correlation of different rock beds of different geographic localities

2) To fix the geological age for the sediments

3) To determine the depositional conditions during sedimentary formation

Based on Indicator and analogy palaeoclimate has been interpreted. By analogy of the present day indicators ,palaeoclimate of particular period can be determined by the signatures available in the strata.

The record of changes in the earth climate during the geological ages can be scanned from various lines of evidence.


Vital role in Hydrocarbon exploration by investigating maturation of sediments

1) Bharadwaj & Chandra (1987) The Paleobotonist, vol. 36, Pp 75 -100

2) Tshcudy (1969) , Aspects of Palynology, Pp 127- 135WEB ADDRESS:

3) www.wikipedia .com

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