Plasmon Generation by Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes€¦ · Plasmon Generation by Excitons in Carbon...

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  • Plasmon Generation by Excitons in Carbon Nanotubes

    I.V. Bondarev and T.Antonijevich

    Physics Department, North Carolina Central University1801 Fayetteville Str, Durham, NC 27707, USA,


    We theoretically demonstrate the possibility of low-energy localized surface plasmon generation by opticallyexcited excitons in small-diameter (∼ 1 nm) single wallcarbon nanotubes. The stimulated character of such anon-radiative energy transfer causes the buildup of themacroscopic population numbers of plasmons associatedwith high-intensity coherent optical-frequency fields lo-calized at nanoscale throughout the nanotube surface.The effect can be used for various applications, such asnear-field nonlinear-optical probing, switching, or mate-rials nanoscale modification.

    Keywords: single wall carbon nanotubes, excitons,plasmons, coherent optical effects


    The true potential of carbon nanotube (CN) basedoptoelectronic device applications lies in the ability totune their properties in a precisely controllable way.In particular, optical properties of semiconducting CNsoriginate from excitons [1], [2], and may be tuned byeither electrostatic doping [3], [4], or by means of thequantum confined Stark effect (QCSE) with an electro-static field applied perpendicular to the CN axis [5], [6].In both cases the exciton properties are mediated by col-lective plasmon excitations in CNs [7]. In the case of theperpendicular electrostatic field applied, we have shownrecently that the QCSE allows one to control exciton-interband-plasmon coupling in individual undoped CNsand their optical absorption properties, both linear [5],[6] and non-linear [8], accordingly.

    Here, we extend our studies to demonstrate the pos-sibility of low-energy localized surface plasmon genera-tion by optically excited excitons in individual small-diameter (∼ 1 nm) carbon nanotubes [9]. The phe-nomenon is pretty much similar to the SPACER effect(Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emissionof Radiation) reported earlier for a number of hybridmetal-semiconductor-dielectric nanosystems [10].

    Plasmons are coherent charge density waves due tothe periodic opposite phase displacements of the elec-tron shells with respect to the ion cores. In general, plas-mons cannot be excited by light in optical absorption

    since they are longitudinal excitations while photonsare transverse. In small-diameter semiconducting CNs,light polarized along the nanotube axis excites excitonswhich, in turn, can couple to the nearest (same-band)interband plasmons [6]. Both of these collective excita-tions originate from the same electronic transitions and,therefore, occur at the same (relatively low) energies∼ 1 eV, as opposed to bulk semiconductors where theyare separated in energy by tens of eVs. Their coexis-tence in the same energy range in carbon nanotubes is aunique feature of the confined quasi-1D geometry wherethe transverse electronic motion is quantized to form 1Dbands and the longitudinal motion is continuous.

    The stimulated character of the non-radiative energytransfer, whereby the external electromagnetic (EM) ra-diation absorbed to excite excitons transfers into theenergy of surface plasmons, can efficiently mediate andgreatly enhance the electromagnetic absorption by pris-tine semiconducting nanotubes, to result in the buildupof the macroscopic population numbers of coherent sur-face plasmons associated with high-intensity coherentoscillating electric fields concentrated locally through-out the nanotube length. The effect can manifest itselfboth in individual CNs and in densely packed alignednanotube films. The strong local coherent fields pro-duced in this way can be used in a variety of new tunableoptoelectronic applications of carbon nanotubes, such asnear-field non-linear optical probing and sensing, opti-cal switching, enhanced electromagnetic absorption, andmaterials nanoscale modification. The process can becontrolled via the QCSE, by means of an electrostaticfield applied perpendicular to the nanotube axis.


    In small-diameter semiconducting CNs, because oftheir quasi-one-dimensionality, excitons are excited bythe external EM radiation polarized along the CN axis [6].As a consequence, they have their transition dipole mo-ment and translational quasi-momentum both directedalong the nanotube axis (longitudinal excitons). Thatis why they are able to couple to their neighboring (low-energy, interband) longitudinal plasmon modes (Fig. 1,top panel). When the exciton is excited and the nan-otube’s surface EM field subsystem is in the vacuum

    NSTI-Nanotech 2012,, ISBN 978-1-4665-6274-5 Vol. 1, 2012334

  • Figure 1: Calculations for the (11,0) CN. Top: Energydependence of the dimensionless (normalized by e2/2πh̄)axial surface conductivity of the nanotube. Ovals indi-cate the lowest-energy exciton (Eii) and plasmon (Pii)excitations (given by the peaks of Re[σzz ] and Re[1/σzz],respectively). Middle: Calculated time dependence ofthe first bright exciton (E11) population probability,when the exciton energy is close to the nearest plasmonresonance (P11). Bottom: Same for the plasmon P11 asthe first bright exciton energy is tuned close to it (higherlines correspond to smaller de-tunings with E11 alwaysbeing less than P11). Dimensionless time and energy aredefined as [T ime]2γ0/h̄ and [Energy]/2γ0, respectively,where γ0 = 2.7 eV is the C-C overlap integral.

    state, the time-dependent wave function of the wholesystem ”exciton + surface EM field” is of the form (onlythe first bright exciton is considered here for simplic-ity, corresponding to the E11 peak of Re[σzz ] in the toppanel of Fig. 1; see Ref. [6] for more details)


    Cex(k, t) e−i(E(k)−iΔE)t/h̄|1(k)〉ex|0〉p


    ∫ ∞0

    dω Cp(k, ω, t) e−iωt|0〉ex|1(k, ω)〉p

    Here, |1(k)〉ex is the excited single-quantum Fock statewith one exciton and |1(k, ω)〉 is that with one surfaceEM mode excited (plasmon) of frequency ω. The ex-citon relaxation constant ΔE is normally attributed tothe exciton-phonon scattering [11]. The vacuum statesare |0〉ex and |0〉p for the exciton subsystem and fieldsubsystem, respectively. The coefficients Cex(k, t) andCp(k, ω, t) stand for the population probability ampli-tudes of the respective states of the whole system. Theyare found from the set of the two coupled simultaneousdifferential equations, which under resonance conditions(exciton energy is close to the plasmon resonance en-ergy) results in

    |Cp(β)|2 ≈ 12π


    ∣∣∣∣∣∫ β0

    dβ′Cex(β′) ei(xp−ε+iΔε)β′∣∣∣∣∣2

    Here, all quantities are dimensionless, normalized to 2γ0,with γ0 = 2.7 eV being the C-C overlap integral. Thecoefficient on front of the integral is the exciton spon-taneous decay rate into plasmons taken at the plasmonresonance energy xp, with ρ(x) representing the (sharplypeaked) plasmon density of states (DOS – see Fig. 1,top panel). The condition ε ≈ xp is assumed to hold,whereby the exciton population probability amplitudecan be approximated as

    Cex(β) ≈ 12

    (1 +

    δx√δx2 −X2





    (1− δx√

    δx2 −X2)e−(δx+


    where δx = Δxp −Δε and X=[2ΔxpΓ̄0(xp)ρ(xp)]1/2.


    Figure 1 (middle and bottom panels) shows the re-sults of our calculations of the exciton and plasmon pop-ulation probability time dynamics as given by the aboveequations for the first bright exciton in the semicon-ducting (11,0) carbon nanotube (taken as an example),as the (dimensionless) exciton energy ε is tuned in thevicinity of the nearest (interband) plasmon resonance xp(E11 and P11, respectively, in the top panel of Fig. 1) bymeans of the QCSE [6]. We used Δε = (h̄/τph)(1/2γ0)

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  • Figure 2: Schematic view of the plasmon generation pro-cess by the optically excited exciton. (a),(b) Excitonexcitation by the external EM radiation. (c),(d) Plasmaoscillations produced by the non-radiative exciton decaycan be viewed as standing charge density waves (shownby + and − signs) due to the periodic opposite-phasedisplacements of the electron shells with respect to theion cores in the neighboring elementary cells (blue andyellow) on the nanotube surface. Such periodic displace-ments induce coherent oscillating electric fields of zeromean magnitude, but non-zero mean-square magnitude,concentrated at nanoscale across the nanotube diameterthroughout the nanotube length.

    Figure 3: (a),(b) Low- and high-temperature plasmonpopulation (also representing light absorption by ex-citons) tuned by means of the QCSE using the elec-trostatic field applied perpendicular to the CN axis.(c) Local surface field amplitude as a function of tem-perature and perpendicular electrostatic field applied.All calculations are done for the first bright exciton inthe (11,0) carbon nanotube.

    NSTI-Nanotech 2012,, ISBN 978-1-4665-6274-5 Vol. 1, 2012336

  • with the exciton-phonon relaxation time τph = 30 fs asreported in Ref. [11]. The plasmon population is seento increase by at least two orders of magnitude (top linein the bottom panel) under the resonance conditions.

    Schematic view of the interband plasmon genera-tion process by the optically excited exciton is shownin Fig. 2. Plasma oscillations produced by the non-radiative exciton decay can be viewed as standing chargedensity waves due to the periodic opposite-phase dis-placements of the electron shells with respect to the ioncores in the neighboring elementary cells on the CN sur-face. Such periodic displacements induce coherent oscil-lating electric fields of zero mean, but non-zero mean-square magnitude, concentrated at nanoscale across thenanotube diameter throughout the nanotube length.

    Figure 3 (a),(b) shows plasmon population numbersaveraged over the longitudinal momentum distributionof excitons (also representing light absorption by exci-tons) calculated at low (T =10 K) and high (T =300 K)temperatures for the first bright exciton in the (11,0)CN exposed to the perpendicular electrostatic field (theQCSE, see Refs. [6], [9] for more details). We see the dra-matic increase in the peak intensities, associated with in-creased optical absorption, when the perpendicular elec-trostatic field strength exceeds 50000×(1/√4π�0) V/m,both at low and at high temperatures. Rabi splitting oc-curs as the field drives the exciton-plasmon system intothe strong coupling regime, whereby the effective plas-mon generation starts. Temperature generally smoothesthe effect due to higher momenta excitons contributingto the process.

    Figure 3 (c) demonstrates our result for the calcu-lations of the mean-square surface field associated withplasma oscillations generated by optically excited exci-tons in the (11,0) CN under the perpendicular electro-static field applied [9]. Local surface fields ∼ 108 V/m,just a few orders of magnitude less than intra-atomicfields, are created under the resonance conditions. Theeffect slightly decreases with temperature, but it startsat lower perpendicular electrostatic fields due to highermomenta excitons contributing to the plasmon gener-ation. Strong local surface fields created here are theresult of the efficient energy conversion, whereby theexternal EM radiation energy absorbed to excite exci-tons transfers into the energy of high-intensity coherentlocalized optical-frequency fields of charge plasma oscil-lations on the nanotube surface.

    The effect presented here for individual single wallcarbon nanotubes is analogous to the SPASER effect(Surface Plasmon Amplification by Stimulated Emis-sion of Radiation) reported earlier for hybrid metal-semiconductor-dielectric nanostructures [10]. In our casehere, surface plasma oscillations and associated coherentlocal surface fields can be controlled and manipulatedby fine tuning the exciton energy in the vicinity of the

    plasmon resonance by means of the QCSE. This effectis universal in its physical nature as it originates fromthe transverse quantization of electronic degrees of free-dom in quasi-1D systems. The effect can manifest itselfin densely packed aligned nanotube films as well, boththrough plasmon enhanced inter-tube Casimir interac-tions, as it is recently demonstrated for double wall CNsystems [12], and through the exciton-to-plasmon en-ergy transfer tuned by means of the QCSE. In the lattercase, plasmon-induced coherent local surface fields canbe used in a variety of new tunable optoelectronic ap-plications both with individual CNs and with nanotubecomposites, such as enhanced electromagnetic absorp-tion and optical switching, near-field nonlinear-opticalprobing and sensing, materials nanoscale modification.


    Supported by NSF (ECCS-1045661& HRD-0833184),NASA (NNX09AV07A), ARO (W911NF-11-1-0189), andDOE (DE-SC0007117).


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