Platypus By: Jacob Birt. What it looks like A platypus is about the size of a house cat. It has a...

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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By: Jacob Birt

What it looks like

A platypus is about the size of a house cat.

It has a venomous spike. It can use it for a defense.



Where it lives

They live in eastern Australia. live in burrows near fresh water lakes.

It spends most of its time of the day guarding its burrow.


What it eats

They eat shrimp , worms and little insects.

They live near lakes. It has webbed feet to eat shrimp deep down in the lake.



They lay eggs near fresh water lakes.

It has poison to scare away the enemies.

Interesting facts

It can live up to 10 to 17 years.

It has water proof fur. Only the male platypus has venom.