PM NEWS - Citadel

Post on 21-Mar-2022

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Masters of Science in Project

Management (MSPM) Students

enrolled in PMGT 672: Applied

Leadership Concepts

conducted three executive

interviews during the spring

2014 semester. Students

interviewed Mr. Jim Wigfall, a

1982 Citadel graduate with a

B.S. in Math and Computer

Science, who is now the Vice

President of Business Support

for The Boeing Company.

Other Executive Leadership

Interviews were conducted with

Jim Newsome, The President &

CEO of the South Carolina State

Ports Authority; and Citadel

Athletic Director Larry


These interviews enabled the

students to analyze the

leadership practices applied by

senior executives in the

workforce, and compare those

successful practices with

concepts presented in the

course material.

Students Learn More About

Leadership Practices


I N T E R E S T :

Lowcountry’s First

Mechanical Engineer-

ing Program

First MSPM Graduate

to Attend Medical


Gordon Muldrow

Becomes Program’s

First 5’er


I S S U E :

PMGT Students

Visit Clemson

Wind Turbine



Student Spotlight 3

Dr. Charles Skip-

per presents at

Annual EPOS Con-



Graduates 5



Department of Engineering Leadership & Program Management

2 0 1 3 - 2 0 1 4 V O L U M E 4

Pictured from left to right: Mary Creese, Lana Davis, Joseph Matsell, Lt Isaac Nyangena (USN), Kevin Adcock, Sharon Newman, Elisha Kidwell, Nate Jarvis, Kent Weikel, Lisa Carreiro, Pauletoria Jones, Paul Danos, Bernie Jansen, Krista Walker, Jake Axman, and Mr. Jim Wigfall. (Spring 2014)

Mr. Jim Newsome

Mr. Larry Leckonby

P A G E 2

The Citadel New Mechanical Engineering

Program Housed in Department of

PMGT Students Visit Clemson Wind Turbine

On 13 March, 2014 The Students of PMGT 653 (Technical

Project Operations and Support) visited the new Clemson Wind

Turbine Drivetrain Testing Facility in North Charleston, South

Carolina. Students were provided a tour of this innovation

center by Mr Jim Tuten, the Project Manager. Following the

tour student enjoyed a detailed presentation and question &

answer session with Mr. Tuten regarding the project

management challenges that were encountered in the

construction process. PMGT 653 students are enrolled in the

School of Engineering’s Technical Project Management (TPM)

Graduate Certificate program, or The Masters of Science In

Project Management (MSPM) program. The discussion topics

were an excellent complement for the course content in these


The Citadel Military College was the forerunner in engineering education in the state of South Carolina,

including engineering as part of the college’s curriculum since 1843.

The Citadel School of Engineering, the fifth oldest in the nation, is currently composed of the Department of

Electrical and Computer Engineering, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the

Department of Engineering Leadership and Program Management. The Department of Engineering Leadership

& Program Management has now become the home of the new Mechanical Engineering Program.

We would like to introduce our two new Mechanical Engineering faculty members Dr. Robert Rabb and Dr.

Monika Bubacz. Dr. Rabb comes to us from West Point. Dr. Bubacz joins The Citadel faculty from Mercer


For more information please visit


Dr. Robert Rabb Dr. Monika Bubacz

V O L U M E 4

First MSPM Graduate to Attend Medical

completed in August, 2013. Chase

credits the MSPM program with

helping him meet the extremely

competitive requirements to be

accepted into Medical School.

Chase Yonce, who graduated with a

Master’s of Science in Project

Management (MSPM) from The Citadel,

is our first MSPM Graduate to continue

on to Medical School. Chase is

currently a first year medical student at

the Medical University of South

Carolina, here in Charleston. Chase

came by The Citadel on 13 September,

2013 to receive his Systems Engineering

Management Certificate, which he

P A G E 3 V O L U M E 4

Chase Yonce, MSPM 2013, Receives his Systems Engineering Management (SEM) Certificate From Department Chairman

Col Charles Skipper, USMC (Ret)

Erik Rooman

MSPM, TPM Graduate

When did you know you wanted to pursue a graduate level program in


When I was reviewing potential graduate programs, the MSPM program stood out

because of the significant value the education could provide. I quickly recognized the

fact that this program is not limited by discipline, nor is it limited in applicability.

After I read the course descriptions that made up the core curriculum of the

program, I knew I could apply this knowledge easily in real-life situations. Because of

my multidisciplinary background, it was refreshing to find a program that would not

be limiting in scope or discipline and were aligned to my future professional goals.

What would you tell prospective graduate students about the project

management program at The Citadel?

The program can provide enormous return on the investment of your time, effort,

and money regardless of your profession. Furthermore, the content discussed and

reviewed in the classroom is presented in a logical format. The instructors also

ensure that ‘real-life’ examples are applied to the concepts, which provides a

significant amount of context for the material. The classroom interactions along

with the coursework help to provide a student with a rewarding educational


Sarah Smith

MSPM, SEM, & TPM Graduate

What would you tell prospective graduate students about the

project management program at The Citadel?

Go for it! It was the best decision I could have made. Not only has it given

me a unique skill-set, it has helped me further develop skills needed to

flourish in today’s businesses. I am one step ahead of many of my

colleagues and I’m helping them get ahead as well by sharing my

knowledge and skills.

Has your experience in the project management program

brought you success you would like to share with others?

I really can’t say enough about the program. To say that it has turned my

life and career around, would be an understatement. In less than a

semester, I had job offers, career opportunities, and a lot of excitement in

my life. If it weren’t for this intense program and dedicated staff, I

couldn’t be where I am today. I owe my success to this program and the

outstanding mentors I’ve been surrounded by.

To hear more student testimonials, visit our website at

Student Spotlight

P A G E 4

Gordon Muldrow Becomes Program’s

First 5’er Gordon Muldrow, who graduated with

his MSPM in May 2014 has taken

maximum advantage of his Project

Management Studies. Through his

enrollment in The Citadel’s project

management program, hard work, and

determination, he has become the first “5

-er”! His academic achievements include

earning the following:

Technical Project Management

(TPM) Graduate Certificate

Systems Engineering Management

(SEM) Graduate Certificate

Masters of Science in Project

Management (MSPM) Diploma

Certified Project Management

Professional (PMP)

Certified Systems Engineering

Professional (CSEP)

Congratulations to Gordon for setting a

standard that other students can aspire

to achieve.

Gordon Muldrow being presented his Systems Engineering

Management Graduate Certificate by the School of

Engineering’s Dean, Col. Ron Welch (May 2014)

Dr. Charles Skipper presents at Annual EPOS

Dr. Skipper attended the annual Engineering Project Organization Society

(EPOS) Conference at Winter Park, Colorado from 9-11 July, 2013. The

conference was attended by 65 people from 17 different countries,

presenting technical papers on Engineering Project and Program Research.

Dr. Skipper presented a paper that he and Dr. Keith Plemmons had

collaborated on: Graduate Leadership and Management Education for

Professional Development. In addition to Dr. Skipper, only one other

conference attendee represented a non Tier I Research University.

V O L U M E 4

P A G E 5 V O L U M E 4

Technical Project Management Certificate Graduates

Congratulations to our Graduates! Technical Project Management Certificate Graduates - December 19, 2013

Regimental Commander’s Riverview Room

Guest Speaker: Mr. James Thigpen, Senior VP, Science Applications International Corporations

From Left to Right:

Mary Creese, Justin Robinette, Paul Danos, Krista Walker, Elisha Kidwell,

Jessica Newbury, Paul Fagala, Lisa Carreiro, Tim Albrecht, Margaret Jeffer-

son, Gordon Muldrow, Robert Floyd, Doug Miller, Nate Jarvis, Chris Fuchs,

Ardean Buggs, and Ralph Arzbach.

Systems Engineering Management Certificate Graduates

From Left to Right: Gordon Muldrow, Robert Floyd, Joshua Heller, Kevin Crafton, & Ervin Chase

Spring Graduation Dinner - May 7, 2014 Altman Athletic Center Guest Speaker: Mr. Dan Mooney, VP Engineering Design Center, Boeing South Carolina

Back Row: Jonathan James, Mike Simpson, Willie

White, Reg Christopher, Trae Redmond, Ed

Stephens, Skip Mulligan, Andrew Kavanaugh, Kent

Weikel, Cassandra Thomas, Phillip Straney, Kaci

Gaskill, Renee Nahabedian Front Row: Wannetta

Mallette, Karen Abernathy, Phillip Obie, Jim

Mossman, Franklin Rinaca, Nicole Wells, Kari

Martin, Ervin Chase, Caitlyn Lees, Tanya Cook

Front Left to Right Back Row: Jessica Newbury,

Phillip Obie, Justin Robinette, Joshua Heller,

Gordon Muldrow, Paul Danos, Nancy Bright,

Wes Holcombe, Lana Davis, Mary Creese Front

Row: Pauletoria Jones, Tim Albrecht, Elisha

Kidwell, Karen Abernathy, Nicole Wells, Ervin

Chase, Kent Weikel, William Simmons, Cassan-

dra Thomas, Alex Hahn

Master of Science in Project Management Graduates

171 Moultrie St.

Charleston, SC 29409

Phone: 843-953-0115


The Citadel is a four-year, public college in historic Charleston,

South Carolina. The Citadel offers a classic military college

education for young men and women profoundly focused on

leadership excellence and academic distinction. Graduates are

not required to serve in the military but about 30 percent of

each class commission as officers in every branch of U.S.

military service. Graduates of The Citadel have served the

nation, their state and their community as principled leaders

since the college was founded in 1842. The Citadel Graduate

College offers more than 40 Master's degrees and graduate

certificates in a wide range of disciplines, plus five

undergraduate programs, through an all-evening schedule.

Some graduate courses are available online.

Class of 2014 MSPM Graduates at Citadel Graduate College Commencement

Joyous graduates of the Masters of Science in Project Management (MSPM) gathered at the Bulldog after commencement for the traditional class picture on 10 May, 2014.

Front row kneeling, left to right: Tim Albrecht, Ed Vogel, Paul Fagala

Standing, left to right: Halie Kennie, Pauletoria Jones, Elisha Kidwell, Lana Davis, Nicole Wells, Justin Robinette, Ervin Chase, Josh Heller, Kent Weikel, Gordon Muldrow, Phillip Obie, Jessica Newbury, Nancy Bright, and Karen Abernathy