PM(Project Life Cycle)

Post on 04-Apr-2018

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  • 7/31/2019 PM(Project Life Cycle)


    Project Life Cycle

    There is general agreement that most

    projects pass through a four phase lifecycle under the following headings:

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    Concept and initiation Phase

    The first phase starts the project by

    establishing a need or opportunity for the

    product, facility or service. The feasibility of

    proceeding with the project is invested and on

    acceptance moves to the next phase.

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    Design and Development Phase

    The second phase uses the guidelines set by

    the feasibility study to design the product and

    develop detailed schedules and plans for

    making or implementing the product.

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    Implementation or Construction Phase

    The third phase implements the project as per

    the base line plan developed in the previous


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    Commissioning and Handover Phase

    The fourth phase confirms the project has

    been implemented or built to the design and

    terminates the project.

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    For example, consider a simple house building

    project which passes through the following


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    Concept and initial Phase

    The desire for a new develops into a need. The

    options and alternatives are considered, and

    the feasibility of the best options are


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    Design and Development Phase

    The preferred option is now designed and

    developed in detail, together with all the

    associated planning of schedules,

    procurement, resources and budgets. The land

    and long lead items may be bought in this


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    Implementation or Construction Phase

    The contracts are let and the house is built to

    detailed plans developed in the previous

    phase. Changes may be made to the original

    baseline plan as problems arise or better

    information is forth coming.

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    Commissioning and handover Phase

    The building is inspected and approve. The

    house is now ready to be handed over to the

    owner and family.

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    The project life cycle definition will also

    determine which transitional actions at the

    end of the project are included and which are

    not. In this manner, the project life cycle

    definition can be used to link the project to

    the ongoing operations of the performing


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    The phase sequence defined by most project life cyclesgenerally involves some form of technology transfer orhand-off such as requirements to design, construction

    to operations, or design to manufacturing. Deliverablesfrom the preceding phase are usually approved beforework starts on the next phase. However, a subsequent

    phase is sometimes begun prior to approval of theprevious phase deliverables when the risks involved are

    deemed acceptable. This practice of overlappingphases is often calledfast tracking.

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    Project life cycles generally define:

    What technical work should be done in eachphase (e.g., is the work of the architect part of

    the definition phase or part of the executionphase?).

    Who should be involved in each phase (e.g.,

    concurrent engineering requires that theimplementor be involved with requirementsand design).

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    Project life cycle descriptions may be very

    general or very detailed. Highly detailed

    descriptions may have numerous forms,

    charts, and checklists to provide structure and

    consistency. Such detailed approaches are

    often called project management


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    Most project life cycle descriptions share a

    number of common characteristics:

    Cost and staffing levels are low at the start,

    higher towards the end, and drop rapidly as

    the project draws to a conclusion. This pattern

    is illustrated in Figure 21

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    The probability of successfully completing the

    project is lowest, and hence risk and

    uncertainty are highest, at the start of the

    project. The probability of successful

    completion generally gets progressively higher

    as the project continues.

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    The ability of the stakeholders to influence the

    final characteristics of the project product and

    the final cost of the project is highest at the

    start and gets progressively lower as theproject continues. A major contributor to this

    phenomenon is that the cost of changes and

    error correction generally increases as theproject continues.

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    Care should be taken to distinguish theproject

    life cycle from theproductlife cycle. For

    example, a project undertaken to bring a new

    desktop computer to market is but one phaseor stage of the product life cycle.

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    Although many project life cycles have similarphase names with similar work productsrequired, few are identical. Most have four or five

    phases, but some have nine or more. Even withina single application area there can be significantvariationsone organizations softwaredevelopment life cycle may have a single design

    phase while anothers has separate phases forfunctional and detail design. Subprojects withinprojects may also have distinct project life cycles.

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    For example: an architectural firm hired to design anew office building is first involved in the ownersdefinition phase when doing the design and in theowners implementation phase when supporting the

    construction effort. The architects design project,however, will have its own series of phases fromconceptual development through definition and

    implementation to closure. The architect may even

    treat designing the facility and supporting theconstruction as separate projects with their owndistinct phases.

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    Feasibilityproject formulation, feasibility studies, andstrategy design and approval. A go/no-go decision ismade at the end of this phase.

    Planning and Designbase design, cost and schedule,contract terms and conditions, and detailed planning.Major contracts are let at the end of this phase.

    Productionmanufacturing, delivery, civil works,installation, and testing. The facility is substantially

    complete at the end of this phase.

    Turnover and Start-upfinal testing and maintenance.The facility is in full operation at the end of this phase.

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    Discovery and Screeningincludes basic and appliedresearch to identify candidates for preclinical testing.

    Preclinical Developmentincludes laboratory and animal

    testing to determine safety and efficacy as well aspreparation and filing of an Investigational New Drug (IND)application.

    Registration(s) Workupincludes Clinical Phase I, II, and IIItests as well as preparation and filing of a New Drug

    Application (NDA). Post-submission Activityincludes additional work as

    required to support Food and Drug Administration reviewof the NDA.