Poem: I Wonder

Post on 31-Dec-2015

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Literature Component




Prepared by: Madame Hastina

Mohd Farid

Literature Component for Secondary Schools


Jeannie Kirby

I wonder why the grass is green,

And why the wind is never seen?

Who taught the birds to build a nest,

And told the trees to take a rest?

O, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found?

Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky,

And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad won’t tell me, if he knows?

Couplet 1: I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen?

Meaning: The persona, a child, is wondering about the

natural happenings, asking why the grass is green (instead of being other colours) and why the wind is invisible

In Couplet 1, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: green and seen

Couplet 2: Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest?

Meaning: He or she continues to ponder on how the birds

know how to build nests without any instruction and why the trees shed their leaves in autumn.

In Couplet 2, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: nest and rest

Couplet 3: O, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found?

Meaning: He also wonders where the other part of the

moon is (when the moon shows up in the sky in a crescent shape).

In Couplet 3, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: round and found

Couplet 4: Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about?

Meaning: He wonders about who makes the stars shine

and what makes the lightning flash about.

In Couplet 4, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: out and about

Couplet 5: Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?


He asks who colours the rainbow and puts the clouds high in the sky

In Couplet 5, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: sky and high

Couplet 6: Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad won’t tell me, if he knows?

Meaning: His father, however, would not answer the

child’s questions. He wonders why the father

was unwilling to give him the answers.

In Couplet 6, the words that rhyme or sound the same are: suppose and knows

Synopsis 1. The persona, a child, is wondering about the natural

happenings, asking why the grass is green (instead of being other colours) and why the wind is invisible. He or she continues to ponder on how the birds know how to build nests without any instruction and why the trees shed their leaves in autumn.

2. He also wonders where the other part of the moon is (when the moon shows up in the sky in a crescent shape). He wonders about who makes the stars shine and what makes the lightning flash about. He asks who colours the rainbow and puts the clouds high in the sky. His father, however, would not answer the child’s questions. He wonders why the father was unwilling to give him the answers.


Persona (Speaker) - An inquisitive child who observes the world around him.

Point of view - First person („I‟ Wonder)

Setting - Outdoor; in the countryside, during the day green grass windy day nests on trees Autumn

- Outdoor during the night Stars in the sky A crescent moon A flash of lightning

- Outdoor after the rain Rainbow in the sky A crescent moon

- Indoors where the child is talking to his father

Theme Curiosity of a child - Children are by

nature inquisitive and they like to ask questions. They do not take things for granted and they like to ask questions, seeking answers to things that puzzle them. This is evident in the numerous questions about the surrounding that the child poses in the poem.

Theme The wonders of nature - The poem shows

readers of how majestic and awe-inspiring nature can be for those who take the time to stop and appreciate it. In the eyes of the persona, nature is just amazing: the various wonders of the sky, the complexity exhibited by a humble bird in nest-making, the tide of time shown by the surrounding trees.

Theme The thirst for knowledge - Humans, by nature,

are inquisitive beings. We have the innate drive to seek knowledge and information to better ourselves. It sets us apart from other creatures. As such, we strive to obtain as much information in our daily undertakings. Life is a constant learning process and this urge manifests itself from an early age. This is shown in the persona‟s incessant questioning.

Moral Values Cultivating a desire for knowledge -As

humans, we must never be satisfied with the level of knowledge that we have acquired. We must continue to try to better ourselves through acquiring more knowledge.

Moral Values Caring for our environment - Through the

eyes of the poet, nature is portrayed as majestic, mysterious and beautiful. As such, it gives readers a sense appreciation towards our environment. Therefore, it is pertinent that we take measures to care for our environment.

Moral Values The existence of a creator or God -The poet

exudes a sense of wonder at the grandeur and mystery of nature. He is amazed that, even though he cannot see it, he knows that wind is there. He is also baffled how a bird that has never gone to school can build a nest, much like an architect, having gone to university, constructs a building. In the last stanza, the father’s not answering the poet’s questions indicates how, for all our knowledge and technological superiority, humans will never be able to provide all the answers to life’s mysteries.

1. Structure - 6 stanzas (6 couplets)

2. Rhyme Scheme - Regular (aa bb cc dd ee)

3.Tone - Questioning and curious. The child employs an almost interrogative aura while posing the questions. He gives us a glimpse of what goes on in his mind.

4.Mood: Reflective

5.Language - Simple, Wh-questions

6.Imagery - Nature (grass, wind, bird, moon, stars, lightning, rainbow, clouds)

7. Poetic Devices

1. Personification ("trees...take a rest") - And told the trees to take a rest - Who lights the stars when they blow out –

2. Alliteration ("grass is green", "birds to build")