POF (Internship Repot)

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  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)





    Repot Contents:

    SAA & B.MMAA & B&G


    Submitted By: Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    University of Engineering & TechnoogyT!"i!

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    %nie#sity o' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a.

    Hydraulics Lab (POFIT)

    Introduction to POFIT:

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    POFITis the abb#eiation o' Pa*istan O#dinane +ato#y in'o#mation tehno!o"y, a

    si# this is a institute o' Pa*istan O#dinane +ato#y whe#e students study and a!so t

    students o' PO+ en"inee#in" o!!e"e do p#atia! wo#* he#e. -n this institute - isit on

    Hyr!#ic )!chinery *!$+

    Hydraulics Machinery Lab:

    -n hyd#au!is mahine#y !ab - saw many adane die#ent types o' mahine#y


    -n this !ab, - saw main!y two die#ent types o' appa#atuses, whih a#e:

    /0 Pneumati (ype.10 2yd#au!i (ype.

    Pne#%!tic Ty,e(

    Wh!t is Pne#%!tics-

    Pne#%!ticsis a b#anh o' tehno!o"y, whih dea!s with the study and app!iation o

    use o' p#essu#i3ed "asto aet mehania! motion.4

    Pneumati systems a#e e)tensie!y used in indust#y, whe#e 'ato#iesa#e ommon!y p!umbe

    with omp#essed ai#o# othe# omp#essed ine#t "ases. (his is beause a ent#a!!y5!oated an

    e!et#ia!!y5powe#ed omp#esso#that powe#s y!inde#sand othe# pneumati deies th#ou"

    so!enoid a!esis o'ten ab!e to p#oide motie powe# in a heape#, sa'e#, mo#e 6e)ib!e, andmo#e #e!iab!e way than a !a#"e numbe# o' e!et#i moto#sand atuato#s. Pneumatis a!so ha

    app!iations in dentist#y, onst#ution, minin", and othe# a#eas.

    Pne#%!tic Ro$ot(

    Pneumati #obot wo#*s by usin" pneumati p#essu#e 7ai# p#essu#e0. +o# that pu#pose a

    omp#esso# is used to in#ease p#essu#e o' ai# '#om /8.9psi at sea !ee! to any desi#ed

    a!ue !i*e /;psi, 1;;psi et. (his pneumati #obot has < a!es, so it has < motions.

    We 'eed the p#o"#amme#s '#om a mi#op#oesso# and ont#o! the p#essu#e by

    pneumati system. (he#e is a atuato# p#esent in it whih demonst#ate the

    ha#ate#istis and the ope#ations o' steppe# moto#. -n that #obot !i"ht p#o"#ammin"

    ommands a#e used to p#o"#amme the 5a)is #obot a#m.

    -n othe# pa#ts o' #obot a ont#o!!e# is p#esent to demonst#ate #obot ont#o!!e# ope#atio

    A inte#'ae t#ainin" modu!e is a!so p#esent whih demonst#ates the ation o' e!et#on

    i#uit that inte#'ae the #obot to mi#op#oesso# t#aine#.

    Pne#%!tic Tr!iner(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (his inte"#ated hands5on pneumati t#ainin" aid int#odues basi p#inip!es o'

    pneumatis and omp#essed ai# deies. (his unit a!!ows 'o# the onnetin" o'

    pneumati i#uits. With this unit !ot o' omponents a#e p#esent !i*e pneumati

    y!inde#s, omp#esso# with "ea# pump, a!! types o' a!es and many mo#e othe#


    Hyr!#ic Ty,e(

    -n hyd#au!i pa#t - saw two types o' t#aine#s.

    /0 2yd#ostati t#aine#10 2yd#odynami t#aine#

    Hyrost!tic Tr!iner(

    At this unit we an he* :

    Pro,erties of .#i(

    /0 $ensity

    10 =isosity>0 Capi!!a#y Eet

    St!tic Press#re(

    /0 +#ee su#'ae o' stati !i?uid10 Eet o' 6ow on '#ee su#'ae20 Measu#ement o' !i?uid !ee!30 =a#iation o' p#essu#e with depth40 -ntensity o' !i?uid p#essu#e50 Cent#e o' p#essu#e on the p!ane su#'ae

    )e!s#re%ent of Press#re(

    /0 Ba#omete# o' Bo#den type p#essu#e "ua"e10 Manomete#

    Hyroyn!%ic Tr!iner(

    Measu#in" 6ow o!ume Measu#in" p#essu#e Stati and dynami p#essu#e -nesti"ate pitot tube -nesti"ate pie3omete# Combined inesti"ation with pie3omete# and pitot tube Be#nou!!i@s p#inip!e +!ow measu#ement with entu#e mete#

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Measu#ement o' 6ow with no33!e and o#ie -nesti"ation o' 6ow #est#ito# -nesti"ation o' pipe system

    -nst#uto# a!so show us die#ent types o' a!es !i*e di#etiona! ont#o! a!es, die#en

    types o' hyd#au!i y!inde#s. A'te# this we a!so see a wind tunne! in !abo#ato#y.

    Connection of ! ,ne#%!tic circ#it(

    On !ast day the inst#uto# "ie me a i#uit o' a automati pneumati y!inde#.

    $etai! o' that i#uit#y is "ien be!ow:


    /0 Pneumati y!inde#10 Aumu!ato#>0 Need!e a!e80 85way 15position pi!ot ope#ated di#etiona! ont#o! a!e

    0 >5way 15position pi!ot ope#ated di#etiona! ont#o! a!e

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    (a*e out a!! the omponents '#om d#awe# o' pneumati t#aine# unit. Put on the

    omp#esso# and set the p#essu#e at ;psi. (hen a##an"e the appa#atus on the t#aine#

    and onnet aa! the pipes au#ate!y. (hen open the shutt!e a!e whih is p#esent at

    the main supp!y o' omp#essed ai#. (hen the #od o' pneumati y!inde# ome out '#om

    the y!inde# then adust the wo#*in" time o' y!inde# #od by need!e a!e, whih

    ont#o!s the p#essu#e by sto#in" a e#tain amount o' omp#essed ai# in aumu!ato#.

    P#essu#e o' this omp#essed ai# is shown on the p#essu#e "au"e whih is p#esent on t

    top o' pneumati t#aine# unit.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    'RASS )I**

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    SHOP A637S#$%itte To ( Assistant Mana"e# Shop A58;

    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment %nie#sity O' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a


    (he shop whih - isit #st in 'r!ss )i is A58;. (his shop is main!y diided into two pa#ts.


    Co%,ressor Ho#se & P#%, Ho#se


    +ound#y is main!y diided into two basi diisions.

    /0 Mehania! Maintenane10 P#odution

    /0)ech!nic! )!inten!nce(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Mehania! maintenane is 'u#the# diided into th#ee pa#ts.

    /0 Se#ies & +ound#y10 Ro!!in" & Maintenane>0 Basement wo#*shop

    /0 Services & Fo#nry(-n this po#tion se#ies depa#tment is #esponsib!e 'o# ope#ation o' wate# 'u#nae

    supp!y pumps. -t is a!so #e!ated to the ope#ation o' ai# omp#esso#.+ound#y is main!y #esponsib!e 'o# the me!tin" 'u#naes and thei# a##an"ements. A!!

    p!ants a#e insta!!ed in 'ound#y a#ea and oe# head #anes, #ai! t#a*s, supp!y !ines o

    steam, natu#a! "as and wate# a#e a!so p#esent in 'ound#y.

    10 Roing & )!inten!nce((his po#tion in!udes maintenane o' a!! the mahines insta!!ed in #o!!in" a#ea.

    20 '!se%ent Wor8 Sho,(-n this wo#* shop a!! types o' spa#e pa#ts o' die#ent mahines p#esent in 'ound#y

    a#e manu'atu#ed.

    10 Pro#ction((his po#tion is on!y #e!ated to those thin"s whih a#e the p#oduts o' this shop A58;.

    -mpo#tant p#oduts o' this shop a#e:

    /0 B#ass 7St#ips & Coi!s0.10 Gi!din" Meta! 7;F Cu /;F Hn0.>0 GMC

    !0 )!teri! #se for ,ro#ction of 'r!ss(

    We *now that the basi 'o#mu!a 'o# b#ass is:

    Coppe# Hin 5555555555555I B#ass

    But the#e a#e two types o' mate#ia!s a#e used. Whih a#e:

    Pu#e Mate#ia!s. S#ap Mate#ia!s.

    P#re )!teri!s(

    /0 =i#"in oppe#: whih is impo#ted '#om Aust#a!ia and Ge#many, it F pu#e.10 Pu#e 3in: (his is impo#ted '#om -ndia.

    Scr!, )!teri!s(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    S#ap mate#ia!s a#e basia!!y waste mate#ia!s. S#ap in!udes:

    /0 A!! #eeted pa#ts '#om othe# shops 7!i*e bu!!ets and she!!s '#om SAA & MAA0.10 (he waste o# e)t#a po#tions !e't #emain a'te# any ope#ation 7!i*e #emainin" pa#ts o

    st#ips a'te# uppin"Jappin"Jb!an*in" o# many o' othe# ope#ations0.

    +o# p#odution pu#pose we a!ways use !a#"e amount o' s#ap and 'ewe# amounts o'

    pu#e mate#ia!s. So, in 'ound#y 7o' A58;0 ;F s#ap and 1;F pu#e mate#ia!s a#e used t

    ma*e b#ass.

    +ound#y Mahine#y and (hei# +untions

    /0 Eectric F#rn!ces(

    !0 In#ction F#rn!ces(

    An indution 'u#nae is an e!et#ia! 'u#naein whih the heat is app!ied by

    indution heatin"o' a ondutie medium 7usua!!y a meta!0 in a #uib!ep!aed in

    wate#5oo!ed a!te#natin" u##entso!enoidoi!. (he adanta"e o' the indution

    'u#nae is a !ean, ene#"y5eKient and we!!5ont#o!!ab!e me!tin" p#oess ompa#ed

    to most othe# means o' meta! me!tin".

    -ndution 'u#nae apaities #an"e '#om !ess than one *i!o"#am to two ton apaity

    and a#e used to me!t i#onand stee!, oppe#, a!uminum, and p#eious meta!s.(he one mao# d#awba* to indution 'u#nae usa"e in a 'ound#y is the !a* o'

    #enin" apaityL ha#"e mate#ia!s must be !ean o' o)idation p#oduts and o' a

    *nown omposition, and some a!!oyin" e!ements may be !ost due to o)idation 7and

    must be #e5added to the me!t0.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (ota! numbe#s o' indution 'u#naes p#esent in A58; a#e 'ou#. Whih hae ma)imum

    apaity o' 1 tons. (his 'u#nae is ai# oo! and it does not 'u!!y empty any time. -t

    a!ways has app#o)imate 9; *" mate#ia! a!! the time. (hey hae the apaity to me

    b#ass at //1;C, oppe# at /1;;C and "i!din" meta! at //9;C. its an p#odue

    tons o' b#ass in one hou#.

    $0 Cr#ci$e F#rn!ce(

    On!y one #uib!e 'u#nae is p#esent in this shop. -t has apaity o' / ton. (his'u#nae is wate# oo!ed and it an be 'u!!y empty it. -n #uib!e 'u#nae oppe#

    astin" is a!so p#esent. (his 'u#nae wo#*s at >

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (he p#oess o' both 'u#naes is same. A'te# 'u#nae heatin" the mate#ia! 7me!ted

    b#ass0 is shi'ted to mou!d by usin" !ad!e. (he mou!d whih - saw in that shop has


    Shape Round$iamete# 11;mmCapaity

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    40 '!n8ing Press (

    (his p#ess has /

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    +o# p#e5heatin" o' GMC 7"!idin" meta! !ad0 sheets a stee! s!ab is p!aed between two

    oppe# s!abs. (his is a!!ed GMC sandwih. -t is heated at about 8;C. (hen the oppe

    s!abs attahed to stee! s!ab and then hot #o!!in" p#oess is done. (his GMC sheet is used

    to ma*e t#ae# bu!!et 7in SAA0.

    :0 Hot Roing )!chine(

    2ot #o!!in" is a meta!wo#*in"p#oess that ou#s aboe the #e#ysta!!i3ation tempe#atu#

    o' the mate#ia!. A'te# the "#ains de'o#m du#in" p#oessin", they #e#ysta!!i3e, whih

    maintains an e?uia)edmi#ost#utu#eand p#eents the meta! '#om wo#* ha#denin". (he

    sta#tin" mate#ia! is usua!!y !a#"e piees o' meta!, !i*e semi5nished astin" p#oduts,

    suh as s!abs, b!ooms, and bi!!ets.

    -' these p#oduts ame '#om a ontinuous astin"ope#ation the p#oduts a#e usua!!y 'ed

    di#et!y into the #o!!in" mi!!s at the p#ope# tempe#atu#e. -n sma!!e# ope#ations the

    mate#ia! sta#ts at #oom tempe#atu#e and must be heated.2ot #o!!in" is used main!y to

    p#odue sheet meta!o# simp!e #oss setions, suh as #ai! t#a*s

    +o# hot #o!!in" o' GMC sheets:

    GMC s!ab used o' dimensions:

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    en"th /;;;mmWidth 1; mm(hi*ness /

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    mate#ia! beomes. (he o!d5#o!!in" mi!!s a#e desi"ned to minimi3e de6etion a#oss the

    width o' the #o!!e#s in o#de# to p#odue b#ass sheets with nea#5uni'o#m thi*ness.

    /70 'r!ss Pic8ing (Pic8ingis a meta!su#'ae t#eatment used to #emoe impu#ities, suh as stains,

    ino#"ani ontaminants, #usto# sa!e, '#om oppe#a!!oys. A so!ution a!!edpickle liquor

    (which contains sulphuric acid of about 12% ), is used to #emoe the su#'ae impu#ities-n this p#oess the b#ass oi!sJ'oi!s a#e passed th#ou"h th#ee types o' !i?uids.

    /0 Su!phu#i Aid 7/1F010 2ot wate# bath>0 Co!d wate# bath

    //0 Sitting )!chine =Ro Sitting0(

    Ro!! s!ittin", a!so *nown as !o" s!ittin", is a shea#in"ope#ation that uts a !a#"e #o!! o'

    mate#ia! into na##owe# #o!!s. (he !o" s!ittin" te#mino!o"y #e'e#s ba* to the o!den days

    o' saw mi!!s when they wou!d ut !o"s into sma!!e# setions. (hey wou!d a!so use thes

    saw mi!!s to ut b#ass oi!s into sma!!e# setions.

    (he sheets may be "ien a na! o!d #o!!in" to ti"hten the to!e#anes on the thi*ness

    o# to p#odue a e#y smooth su#'ae nish. (hey a#e then ut to si3e, sta*ed o# oi!e

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    dependin" on thei# thi*ness and intended use, and sent to the wa#e5house 'o#


    B#ass P#odution P#oess $ia"#am

    (he 'o!!owin" dia"#am shows impo#tant p#oesses in the manu'atu#in" o' b#ass st#ips

    and oi!s.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    Co%,ressor Ho#se(

    -n omp#esso# house omp#essed ai# is p#odued, whih is used in 'ound#y 'o# die#e

    pu#poses. -t is the main supp!y 'o# A58; shop. -t supp!ies omp#essed ai# to shop at

    8!it omp#essed ai# pe# hou# to the shop.

    (he#e is an othe# p!ant is p#esent in omp#esso# house, whih is a!!ed apaity '#ee a

    de!ie#y p!ant. -ts apaity is

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    S#$%itte To ( Assistant Mana"e# Shop C5;/ & C5;>

    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    %nie#sity O' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a

    C67/ SHOP

    CAP (

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Cap is tted on the ani! head o' ase, and t#i""e# st#i*es with it and ap is !!ed with

    e)p!osie whih bu#ns the inside p#ope!!ant 7inside the ase0 whih e)e#ts a hu"e p#essu#e

    bu!!et, whih !eaes the ase and hit the ta#"et

    )!>or Pro#cts(

    /0 9.0 /15bo#e omponents 7ani!, head, ap0

    Di?erent @ro#,s Of Sho,(

    Shop C5;/ is diided into die#ent


    /0 Cuppin"10 $#aw>0 (#immin"80 +o#min"

    0 $#i!!in"

    E)ept these "#oups, annea!in" 'u#naes with annea!in" tempe#atu#e up to /;;;C and a

    pi*!in" p!ant a#e a!so p#esent he#e. A isua! inspetion #oom is a!so p#esent in that shop.

    )!teri!s #ner Use(

    /0 Coppe# 7G#ade5/010 B#ass 7G#ade5/0>0 Coppe# 7Coated080 B#ass 7Coated0

    '!n8ing & C#,,ing )!chine(

    (his is mu!ti5ope#ation b!an*in" mahine. -ts p#odut is /15bo#e up. -ts name is B-AC

    -t is apab!e o' doin" e ope#ations at a time. (hese ope#ations a#e:

    /0 Pie#in"

    10 B!an*in">0 Stampin"80 +o#min"0 Chippin"

    (hese ope#ations a#e done in two steps. -n #st step pie#in" ope#ation is done. (hen othe#

    'ou# ope#ations a#e done to"ethe#. (he p#oess o' ma*in" ho!e in st#ip is a!!ed pie#in"

    ope#ation and the ho!e whih is 'o#med in the b#ass st#ip is the p#oess o' b!an*in".

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    ertic! C#,,ing )!chine(

    (his mahine is basia!!y used 'o# ma*in" ap 'o# mm bu!!et. -ts ope#ation is same a

    e#tia! uppin" mahine whih is used 'o# d#awin" o' bu!!et ase. +u#the# othe# uppin"

    mahines a#e a!so p#esent whih wo#*s in same sense as aboe but its wo#*in" moement

    ho#i3onta! and !inea#.

    Pic8ing P!nt(

    A'te# uppin" ope#ation annea!in" o' aps a#e done in annea!in" 'u#nae 7unde# abou

    /;;;C0. (hen the o!o# o' aps beomes b!a*ish. (hen washin" p#oess is done. (his

    washin" p#oess is done in pi*!in" p!ant. -n that p!ant 'o!!owin" aid a#e used 'o# pi*!in"


    /0 Su!phu#i Aid10 Nit#i Aid>0 Ch#omi Aid80 Baso!

    @!#ging & is#! Ins,ection(

    A'te# washin" and pi*!in" p#oess aps o!o# beomes b#i"ht. (hen the aps a#e "on

    to "au"in" and isua! inspetion setion. -n this setion the hei"ht o' aps a#e he*ed by aspeia! hei"ht "au"e. -n that hei"ht "au"e the aps whih a#e passed th#ou"h the spae

    7spei hei"ht "ap0 a#e pass.

    (hen a hi"h s*i!!ed pe#son he*s a!! the 'au!ts p#esent in aps. 2e point out the 'au!ty aps

    (his p#oess is a!!ed isua! inspetion.

    Fire Tr!ns%itting T#$e =!nother ,ro#ct0(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Anothe# p#odut o' this shop is #e t#ansmittin" tube whih is used in /15bo#e bu!!et '

    i"nition pu#pose. +o!!owin" p#oesses a#e ino!ed in the p#odution o' this tube.

    /0 Pa#tin" o' tube upto 9mm to mm0

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    $0 )!teri! #se for ,ro#ction of 'r!ss(

    We *now that the basi 'o#mu!a 'o# b#ass is:Coppe# Hin 5555555555555I B#assBut the#e a#e two types o' mate#ia!s a#e used. Whih a#e:

    Pu#e Mate#ia!s. S#ap Mate#ia!s.

    P#re )!teri!s(

    >0 =i#"in oppe#: whih is impo#ted '#om Aust#a!ia and Ge#many, it F pu#e.80 Pu#e 3in: (his is impo#ted '#om -ndia.

    Scr!, )!teri!s(

    S#ap mate#ia!s a#e basia!!y waste mate#ia!s. S#ap in!udes:

    >0 A!! #eeted pa#ts '#om othe# shops 7!i*e bu!!ets and she!!s '#om SAA & MAA0.80 (he waste o# e)t#a po#tions !e't #emain a'te# any ope#ation 7!i*e #emainin" pa#ts o

    st#ips a'te# uppin"Jappin"Jb!an*in" o# many o' othe# ope#ations0.

    +o# p#odution pu#pose we a!ways use !a#"e amount o' s#ap and 'ewe# amounts o'

    pu#e mate#ia!s. So, in 'ound#y 7o' C5;>0 ;F s#ap and 1;F pu#e mate#ia!s a#e used t

    ma*e b#ass.

    Fo#nry )!chinery !n Their F#nctions(

    /10 In#ction F#rn!ces(

    An indution 'u#nae is an e!et#ia! 'u#naein whih the heat is app!ied by indution

    heatin"o' a ondutie medium 7usua!!y a meta!0 in a #uib!ep!aed in a wate#5oo!ed

    a!te#natin" u##entso!enoidoi!. (he adanta"e o' the indution 'u#nae is a !ean,

    ene#"y5eKient and we!!5ont#o!!ab!e me!tin" p#oess ompa#ed to most othe# means o

    meta! me!tin".

    -ndution 'u#nae apaities #an"e '#om !ess than one *i!o"#am to two ton apaity, anda#e used to me!t i#onand stee!, oppe#, a!uminum, and p#eious meta!s.(he one mao# d#awba* to indution 'u#nae usa"e in a 'ound#y is the !a* o' #enin"

    apaityL ha#"e mate#ia!s must be !ean o' o)idation p#oduts and o' a *nown

    omposition, and some a!!oyin" e!ements may be !ost due to o)idation 7and must be #e5

    added to the me!t0.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (ota! numbe#s o' indution 'u#naes p#esent in C5;> a#e si). (hese 'u#naes a#e sin"!e

    hanne!ed. Whih hae ma)imum apaity o' 1 tons. (his 'u#nae is ai# oo! and it doe

    not 'u!!y empty any time. -t a!ways has app#o)imate 9; *" mate#ia! a!! the time. (hey

    hae the apaity to me!t b#ass at //1;C, oppe# at /1;;C and "i!din" meta! at

    //9;C. its an p#odue 1 tons o' b#ass in one hou#.

    /20 S!9 '!es C#tter(

    A'te# heatin" b#ass in 'u#nae, it pou#s down into mou!ds. (hese mou!ds a#e oo! down

    into bi!!ets. (he #ou"h and ho!!ow sides o' these bi!!ets a#e #emoed by usin" saw b!ade

    - saw two types o' saw b!ades in that shop.

    0 Cutte# thi*ness is /1;mm and utte# dia is 9/;mm.d0 Cutte# thi*ness is

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    10 Hot Roing )!chine(

    2ot #o!!in" is a meta!wo#*in"p#oess that ou#s aboe the #e#ysta!!i3ation tempe#atu#

    o' the mate#ia!. A'te# the "#ains de'o#m du#in" p#oessin", they #e#ysta!!i3e, whih

    maintains an e?uia)edmi#ost#utu#eand p#eents the meta! '#om wo#* ha#denin". (he

    sta#tin" mate#ia! is usua!!y !a#"e piees o' meta!, !i*e semi5nished astin" p#oduts,

    suh as s!abs, b!ooms, and bi!!ets.

    -' these p#oduts ame '#om a ontinuous astin"ope#ation the p#oduts a#e usua!!y 'ed

    di#et!y into the #o!!in" mi!!s at the p#ope# tempe#atu#e. -n sma!!e# ope#ations the

    mate#ia! sta#ts at #oom tempe#atu#e and must be heated. 2ot #o!!in" is used main!y to

    p#odue sheet meta!o# simp!e #oss setions, suh as #ai! t#a*s

    /30 S!$ )iing )!chine(

    A s!ab mi!! mahines a 6at su#'ae o' the wo#* piee in o#de# to p#oide a smooth nish

    (he depth o' the 'ae, typia!!y e#y sma!!, may be mahined in a sin"!e pass o# may be

    #eahed by mahinin" at a sma!!e# a)ia! depth o' ut and ma*in" mu!tip!e passes.

    (he sheets a#e hot #o!!ed th#ou"h #o!!in" mahine a#e then "o th#ou"h to s!ab mi!!in"

    p#oess 'o# ne su#'ae nish. $u#in" this type o' mi!!in" about ;. mm mate#ia! is

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    #edued '#om uppe# and !owe# su#'ae o' sheet. S!ab mi!!in" is used to #emoe i##e"u!a#

    po#tion p#esent on the su#'ae o' b#ass sheets. (he 'o!!owin" "u#e shows the p#oess o

    s!ab mi!!in".

    /40 Anne!ing(

    As the b#ass is hot #o!!ed it "ets ha#de# and mo#e diKu!t to wo#*. -t a!so !oses its

    duti!ity, o# abi!ity to be st#ethed 'u#the#. Be'o#e the b#ass an be #o!!ed 'u#the#, it mus

    #st be heated to #e!iee some o' its ha#dness and ma*e it mo#e duti!e. (his p#oess is

    a!!ed !nne!ing

    +o# bette# shinin" and st#en"th in st#ips and oi!s a b#i"ht annea!in" p#oedu#e is used.

    (his is o)y"en '#ee annea!in" p#oess. 85hoppe#s a#e used 'o# this pu#pose. At a time

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Pic8ingis a meta!su#'ae t#eatment used to #emoe impu#ities, suh as stains,

    ino#"ani ontaminants, #usto# sa!e, '#om oppe#a!!oys. A so!ution a!!edpickle liquor

    (which contains sulphuric acid of about 5-10% ), is used to #emoe the su#'ae

    impu#ities.-n this p#oess the b#ass oi!sJ'oi!s a#e passed th#ou"h th#ee types o' !i?uids.

    80 Su!phu#i Aid 75/;F0

    0 Co!d wate# bath

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    1. A'te# a bi!!et #eahes the desi#ed tempe#atu#e, it is t#ans'e##ed to the !oade# whe#e a

    thin !m o' smut o# !ub#iant is added to the bi!!et and to the #am. (he smut ats as a

    pa#tin" a"ent 7!ub#iant0 whih *eeps the two pa#ts '#om sti*in" to"ethe#.

    >. (he bi!!et is t#ans'e##ed to the #ad!e.

    8. (he #am app!ies p#essu#e to the dummy b!o* whih, in tu#n, pushes the bi!!et unti! it

    inside the ontaine#.

    . %nde# p#essu#e the bi!!et is #ushed a"ainst the die, beomin" sho#te# and wide# unti

    has 'u!! ontat with the ontaine# wa!!s. Whi!e the a!uminum is pushed th#ou"h the

    die, !i?uid nit#o"en 6ows a#ound some setions o' the die to oo! it. (his in#eases the

    !i'e o' the die and #eates an ine#t atmosphe#e whih *eeps o)ides '#om 'o#min" on th

    shape bein" e)t#uded. -n some ases nit#o"en "as is used in p!ae o' !i?uid nit#o"en.

    Nit#o"en "as does not oo! the die but does #eate an ine#t atmosphe#e.

    (0 inst#ument mounted on the p#ess p!aten. (he >( #eo#ds e)it

    tempe#atu#e o' the a!uminum e)t#usion. (he main pu#pose o' *nowin" the tempe#atu

    is to maintain ma)imum p#ess speeds. (he ta#"et e)it tempe#atu#e 'o# an e)t#usion isdependent upon the a!!oy. +o# e)amp!e, the ta#"et e)it tempe#atu#e 'o# the a!!oys

    . (he ne)t step is sawin". A'te# e)t#usions hae been st#ethed they a#e

    t#ans'e##ed to a saw tab!e and ut to spei !en"ths. (he uttin" to!e#ane on saws i

    /J inh o# "#eate#, dependin" on saw !en"th.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (his dia"#am shows the pa#ts o' e)t#usion p#ess.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    S#$%itte To ( Assistant Mana"e# Tunaid han

    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment%nie#sity o' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a

    S%! Ar%s !n A%%#nition


    (he wo#d USAA4 is the abb#eiation o' USma!! A#ti!!e#y Ammunition4 and this 'ato#y is one o

    the hu"e 'ato#ies '#om the 'ou#teen 'ato#ies o' Pa*istan O#dnane +ato#ies. (he pu#pose

    this 'ato#y is same as MAA 'ato#y, but the die#ene is that in MAA 'ato#y they a#e

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    manu'atu#in" medium ammunition and in SAA 'ato#y they a#e manu'atu#in" sma!! type


    P#oduts o' SSA

    (he mao# p#oduts o' SSA 'ato#y a#e:


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    O,er!tions se#ence

    'r!ss stri,B#ass is an a!!oy o' oppe# and 3in 79;F Cu and >;FHn0.#aw mate#ia! 'o# b#ass is impo#ted

    '#om ME 7ondon meta! e)han"e0 then it is sent to b#ass mi!! whe#e it is me!ted and st#ips

    a#e made.


    Cups a#e ut '#om the b#ass meta! st#ip on a p#ess whih app!ies a 'o#e a 1 ton pounds to

    ut the up and the #emainin" st#ip is sent ba* to b#ass mi!! whe#e it is me!ted and #eused

    Anne!ing !n #!ity contro

    (he up is sent to heat t#eatment p!ant whe#e it is annea!ed to #e"ain its #ysta!

    st#utu#e that mi"ht be disto#ted due to uppin" .heat t#eatment p!ants a#e e!et#ia!!y

    ope#ated whih has >8 spi#a!s whih in#ease the temp ao#din" to ou# #e?ui#ement, and i

    a'te# and annea!in" the ups a#e sent to ?ua!ity he*, whe#e the neessa#y pa#amete#s a#e



    -n this ope#ation ups a#e d#awn in suh a way that the !en"th is in#eased and its wa!!thi*ness is de#eased.

    Anne!ing !n #!ity chec8

    A'te# /std#aw ups a#e a"ain annea!ed and thei# ?ua!ity is he*ed.


    Cups a#e d#awn a"ain ao#din" to ou# #e?ui#ement and a"ain he#e ope#ations o' annea!in"

    and ?ua!ity he* a#e pe#'o#med.

    Fin! r!9

    Cups a#e na!!y d#awn and washed, and a"ain ?ua!ity is he*ed.


    E)t#a !en"th '#om the ase is #emoedL mouth too! is used to ut whih ope#ates with am

    'o!!owe# mehanism.


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -ndentin" is done on the bottom o' the ase whe#e ap is to be p!aed a'te# indentin" depth

    o' ani! is he*ed.


    A'te# indentin", head is made 6at on the bottom o' the ase.

    St!%,ing ,iercing !n coning

    Stamp o' PO+ with its name, date, #ound si3e is imp#inted on the ase and two

    ho!es7pie#in"0 is done with e#y thin need!es, in onin" the ase mouth is made tape#ed an

    then the who!e ase is washed a"ain.

    Se%i ti, !nne!ing

    -n this mouth o' ase is annea!ed on a #ota#y bu#ne# whe#e the mi)tu#e o' ai# and natu#a! "a

    is used to heat the mouth to in#ease the ha#dness.

    (wo types o' ha#dness no. a#e used

    /. />;5/

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Cups a#e d#awn a"ain ao#din" to ou# #e?ui#ement and a"ain he#e ope#ation o'

    annea!in" andua!ity he* is pe#'o#med.

    Fin! r!9Cups a#e na!!y d#awn and washed, and a"ain ?ua!ity is he*ed.

    Tri%%ingE)t#a !en"th '#om bu!!et is #emoed.

    /st!n 1nfor%ing2e#e #e?ui#ed shape is "ien to bu!!et.

    *e! Insertion2e#e !ead o#e is inse#ted in the empty bu!!et.

    'o!t T!i

    A'te# inse#tin" the !ead bu!!et is tu#ned oe# inside.

    C!nne#rMa*in" a tappe# on the bottom side o' bu!!et whe#e it wi!! ma*e a "#ip in the ase.

    C5; S2OPA shop in SAA 'ato#y whih is a!so *nown as too! #oom beause the p#odut o' this shop istoo!s, "au"es, and a!! types o' measu#in" inst#uments. A!! the maste# piees used in $5;1

    shop a#e p#epa#ed ao#din" to the #e?ui#ements and with hi"h au#ay beause the who!

    $5;1 shop depends on the punhes, p#esses, dies and "au"es. Mate#ia! used 'o#

    manu'atu#in" the pa#ts is too! stee!, tun"sten a#bide, tipped stee! and speed stee!.

    $ie#ent types o' too! stee! wo#*in" is done - this shop.

    Co 9or8 too stee(his wo#*in" is used when the mate#ia! is so'te# and not heat t#eated.

    Hot 9or8 too stee(his type o' wo#*in" is done when the mate#ia! is ha#dened and impu#ities !i*e C#, Ni,

    et so that the mate#ia! does not !osses its p#ope#ties !i*e ha#dness.

    W!ter h!r stee

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -n this type p!ane a#bon stee! is used to in#ease the !i'e time o' the sha#p ed"es ,to

    maintain them 'o# a !on"e# time pe#iod and it is heape# but the p#ob!em is that it de

    a#bu#i3ation happens at the e!eated temp.

    High s,ee steeCuttin" too!s a#e made '#om this type o' stee!.

    Shoc8 resisting too stee(his type o' stee! is used whe#e impat !oadin" and un!oadin" ou#s.

    )o stee-n this shop th#ee types o' ope#ation a#e used ,#st!y the a so'te# mate#ia! is ta*en

    whih is shaped ao#din" to ou# #e?ui#ement and na!!y it is t#eated at an e!eated

    temp and then oo!ed, oo!in" may be sudden to in#ease ha#dness o# s!ow to in#eas

    its tou"hness, but when its ha#diness in#eases ,its b#itt!eness a!so in#eases

    -n these shops two types o' mahine#y is used7i0 So't wo#* mahine#y

    %sed to shape the so'te# wo#* piees7ii0 2eat t#eatments

    +u#naes a#e used to heat the pa#ts ao#din" to the #e?ui#ement and then

    oo!in" is done in some medium.

    So't wo#* mahines

    Capstan !athe mahine(his is an semi5automati mahine and used 'o# the mass p#odution

    Cente#ed !athe-t die#s '#om the p#eious mahine that it has tai! sto* in p!ae o' apstan whee!.

    Mi!!in" mahine

    %sua!!y "ea#s a#e made on this mahine.

    S!ottin" mahine%sed to ma*e a s!ot whe#e a *eyway is to be inse#ted.

    $#i!!in" mahine%sed to ma*e a ho!e in anywhe#e in the pa#ts.

    Shapin" mahine%sed to ma*e a su#'ae nishin" and shape a pa#t.

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    2eat (#eatment

    A'te# o!d wo#*in" p#oess the mate#ia! is sent 'o# ha#denin" pu#poses, so that the mate#ia!

    wi!! not de'o#m du#in" wo#*in" ope#ation whe#e !a#"e uttin" 'o#es is at upon on it. +o#

    ha#denin" pu#poses we use 'u#naes that mi"ht be e!et#ia!!y ope#ated.

    $ie#ent type o' 'u#naes is,

    Eectric F#rn!ce-t is e!et#ia!!y ope#ated. -n this 'u#nae we put ou# mate#ia! in it and *ept the temp.

    a!most 9;;5;;oC.-n this 'u#nae we use a shie!din" 6ame so that ai# wou!d not be

    ente# in hambe# and no o)idation wi!! ta*e p!ae.

    S!t '!th F#rn!ce

    -t is a!so a 'u#nae but the main adanta"e o' it oe# e!et#i 'u#nae is that7i0 ess time is #e?ui#ed 'o# heatin".7ii0No o)idation ta*es p!ae.7iii0 No de'o#mation ta*es p!ae du#in" heatin".

    Air Circ#!ting F#rn!ce-n this 'u#nae wo#*in" is same as that o' aboe mentioned 'u#naes but ai# i#u!ates

    on #e"u!a# basis so that ha3a#d dust pa#ti!es '#om mate#ia! su#'ae wi!! #emoe '#om

    'u#nae to atmosphe#e and wo#*e# wi!! sa'e!y ontinues his wo#*.

    2a#d Wo#* Mahines

    (his is the na! sta"e 'o# ha#denin" and nishin" o' mate#ia!.+o# this pu#pose we use

    die#ent types o' "#indin" mahine.

    7i0 Su#'ae G#inde#s7ii0Cy!ind#ia! E)te#na! G#inde#s7iii0 Cy!ind#ia! -nte#na! G#inde#s

    Wi#e Cut E$M 7Spa#* e#osion02e#e ha#d mate#ia!s a#e mahined. -t is e!et#i disha#"e mahine. -n it we use oope

    wi#e with 3in oatin", whih is used as a uttin" too!. -n this mahine we an ma*e

    omp!e) dies, omp!e) shapes, inte#na! "ea#s, s!ottin" et. -t is e#y e)pensie

    mahine and mahinin" ost is e#y hi"h.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Gau"e -nspetion Setion

    -t is a!so a pa#t o' C5; shop whe#e samp!es dimensions a#e tested. 2e#e die#ent types o'

    measu#ement deies a#e used.

    =e#nie# Ca!ipe# Mi#omete# S#ew Gau"e

    Pointed Mi#omete# $epth Mi#omete# Ba!! Bo) P!un"e Gau"e B#id"e Gau"e Rin" Gau"e 2ei"ht Gau"e $ia! -ndiato# Ma"neti B!o* $ia (est Stand

    C5; shop

    P#odut is !in* be!t 7inte"#ated and disinte"#ated0 andPa*in" Ca#ton.

    *in8 'et(

    Raw mate#ia! 'o# !in* be!t is mi!d stee!. (his is impo#ted '#om o#e

    O,er!tion Se#ences


    -n it we ut mate#ia! '#om mi!d stee! p!ate ao#din" to ou# #e?ui#ed shape.+o# this weuse punhes in ou# mahine.

    For%ing2e#e B!an* mate#ia! is one#ted in ou# desi#ed shape.

    He!t Tre!t%ent2e#e e!et#i 'u#nae is used 'o# ha#denin" pu#poses.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    R#%$ingin* a#e p!aed in #ota#y hambe# whe#e we use CaCO> stoneXs sma!! piees to #emo

    dust '#om !in*s and !uste# the !in* su#'ae.

    Phos,h!ting2e#e !in*s o' !in* be!t a#e oated with b!a* paint to p#eent '#om o##osion. We use

    +eSO8 so!ution at oC.

    Asse%$y2e#e ; !in* a#e assemb!ed to"ethe# to 'o#m a !in* be!t.

    Ins,ection-n this manua!!y inspetion o' !in* be!t is done.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    %nie#sity o' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a.

    INTRODUCTION TO )AA((his UMAA4 is the abb#eiation o' Umedium a#ti!!e#y ammunition4 and it is one o' the hu

    'ato#ies '#om the 'ou#teen 'ato#ies o' Pa*istan O#dnane +ato#ies. (he pu#pose o' th

    'ato#y is to manu'atu#e many p#oduts but main!y She!!s, +u33es, and ases. (he

    p#oduts a#e manu'atu#ed in steps, 'o# this pu#pose this 'ato#y is diided into many sho

    and '#om them - hae isited the 'o!!owin" shopsL

    +u3e Shop 7C5/10

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    She!! Mahinin" Shop 7C5>/0

    She!! +o#"in" Shop 7B5>/0

    (oo! Room 7A5>;0 & 7C5>0

    Ca#t#id"e ase Shop 7C5/;0

    +%HE S2OP 7C5/1

    Atua!!y this 'u3e shop is one o' the hu"e shops o' MAA 'ato#yL in this shop they mad'u33es o' die#ent bombs. A 'u3e is onsisted o' 9; omponents and 'o# ma*in" a!! the

    omponents this shop is diided in to many "#oups, and '#om them 'ew a#e sin"!e spind

    auto "#oup, mu!ti spind!e auto "#oup, booste# "#oup, apstan "#oup, CNC "#oup, p#o)imi

    "#oup, seonda#y "#oup, M 8 "#oup, and su#'ae t#eatment "#oup. By passin" these

    "#oups they p#epa#e the a!! 'u3e pa#ts then assemb!e in its assemb!y shop. (he 'u33

    p#epa#ed in this shop a#e 'u3e B$M>8, 'u3e P-B$M;A1, 'u3e 2E />1 mm, 'u3e = /, PA

    'u3e =P-A-, 'u3e =-PAA1, 'u3eP$M9, p#o)imity 'u3e P+-A, 1;;mm pha!a), 'u3e P$M9>

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    and mu!ti option 'u3e 7MO+A0. A'te# omp!etion 'u3es a#e he*ed in inspetion shop t

    se>nt to #e?ui#ed shops. (ypes o' mahines that a#e p#esent he#e a#e

    CNC Mahines

    Auto Mahines

    S!idin" 2ead Mahines

    Pie#in" and B!an*in"


    -n this shop 'uses a#e p#odued that a#e e

    impo#tant pa#t o' tan* ammunition, ai##a't

    ammunition and othe# a!ibe#s. When #ed she!! st#i*

    its ta#"et it is the 'use that b!asts the she!!. +uses

    be set to SA+E o# +-RE mode. +uses a#e no#ma

    diided into two "ene#a! !assesY mehania! a

    e!et#ia!. (hese !asses on!y #e'e# to the p#ima

    ope#atin" p#inip!es. (hey may be subdiided

    thei# method o' 'untionin" o# by the ation th

    initiates the e)p!osie t#ainYimpat, mehania! tim

    p#o)imity, hyd#ostati, o# !on" de!ay. Anothe#

    !assiation is thei# position in the bombYnose,

    tai!, side, o# mu!ti5positioned.


    A mehania! 'o#e 7in this ase, the bomb impati

    the ta#"et0 d#ies a st#i*e# into a sensitie

    detonato#. (he detonato# i"nites a t#ain

    e)p!osies, eentua!!y #in" the main o# !!e# ha#"

    +o# sa'e, eetie ope#ation, any 'use 7mehania!

    e!et#ia!0 must hae the 'o!!owin" desi"n 'eatu#es:

    -t must #emain sa'e in stowa"e, whi!e it is hand!ed in no#ma! moement, and du#i

    !oadin" and down!oadin" eo!utions.

    -t must #emain sa'e whi!e bein" a##ied aboa#d the ai##a't.

    -t must #emain sa'e unti! the bomb is #e!eased and is we!! !ea# o' the de!ie

    ai##a't 7a#min" de!ay o# sa'e sepa#ation pe#iod0.

    $ependin" upon the type o' ta#"et, the 'use may be #e?ui#ed to de!ay t

    detonation o' the bomb a'te# impat 'o# a p#eset time 7'untionin" de!ay

    +untionin" de!ay may a#y '#om a 'ew mi!!iseonds to many hou#s.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -t shou!d not detonate the bomb i' the bomb is aidenta!!y #e!eased o# i' the bom

    is ettisoned in a sa'e ondition '#o

    the ai##a't. (o p#oide these ?ua!ities

    numbe# o' desi"n 'eatu#es a#e used. Mo

    'eatu#es a#e ommon to a!! types o' 'uses.


    E!et#ia! 'uses hae many ha#ate#istiso' mehania! 'uses.

    (hey die# in 'use initiation. A

    e!et#ia! impu!se is used to initiate t

    e!et#ia! 'use #athe# than the mehani

    ation o' a#min" ane #otation.

    An e!et#ia! pu!se '#om the de!ie

    ai##a't ha#"es apaito#s in the 'use

    the bomb is #e!eased '#om the ai##a't.

    A#min" and 'untionin" de!ays a

    p#odued by a se#ies o'

    #esisto#Japaito# netwo#*s in t

    'use. (he 'untionin" de!ay

    e!et#omehania!!y initiated, w

    the neessa#y i#uits !osed by mea

    o' sho*5sensitie swithes.

    (he e!et#i bomb 'use #emains sa

    unti! it is ene#"i3ed by the e!et#ia!

    ha#"in" system a##ied in the ai##a't.

    Beause o' the inte#!o*s p#oided in t

    #e!ease e?uipment, e!et#ia!

    ha#"in" an ou# on!y a'te# the bom

    is #e!eased '#om the #a* o# sha*!e and has be"un its sepa#ation '#om the ai##a

    howee#, it is sti!! onneted e!et#ia!!y to the ai##a'ts bomb a#min" unit.

    At this time, the 'use #eeies an ene#"i3in" ha#"e #e?ui#ed 'o# se!etion o' th

    desi#ed a#min" and impat times.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    (his shop was one o' the bi" shops in MAA 'ato#yL in this shop - saw the ma*in" o' She!!s

    mo#ta# bombs. -n this shop they we#e usin" onentiona! mahines, CNC mahines, and s

    and ei"ht too!s mu!ti auto mahines and the mate#ia! whih they we#e usin" is Umediu

    a#bon stee!4. (he p#odut a##ied out in this shop by passin" it th#ou"h die#ent steps. A

    in !ast we p#epa#e the she!!s o' mo#ta# bomb and / mm he mo#ta# bomb, / mm smo

    mo#ta# bomb, /; how ta*e, >; mm he, >; mm AP-, >9 mm he, 1> mm he, 1> mm APp#ime#s, ;;-b bomb and 9;-b bomb.

    (his shop is one o' the bi""est shops in MAA 'ato#yL in this shop die#ent She!!s and Mo#t

    bombs a#e manu'atu#ed. -n these shop onentiona! mahines, CNC mahines, and si) a

    ei"ht too!s mu!ti auto mahines a#e used 'o# this pu#pose. (he mate#ia! used is Umediu

    a#bon stee!4. $ie#ent types o' She!!s and Mo#ta# bombs p#odued he#e a#e,She!! /;m

    2EJ2OW, She!! /;mm 2E (, She!! /;;mm 2E (, She!! /;mm Smo*e, She!! 9mm An

    Ai##a't, / mm mo#ta# 2E bomb, / mm mo#ta# smo*e bomb, /mm i!!uminatin" bom

    /MM i!!uminatin" "#een, /mm i!!uminatin" #ed, >; mm 2EJBA, Body /mm -NC$D mo#tbomb, >; mm AP-, >9 mm 2E, 1> mm 2E, 1> mm AP-, p#ime#s, ;;-b bomb and 9;-b bom

    A'te# the she!!s a#e mahined they a#e tho#ou"h!y he*ed by -$A -nspeto#s, the she

    whih a#e passed by the -$A a#e ta*en to the Su#'ae (#eatment p!ant whe#e Phosphate 7An

    o##osion p#oess0 is a##ied out, then paintin" is done on the she!!s. A'te# paintin" the she

    Ba*in" is done in the 'u#nae at >;;C. A'te# ba*in" a sma!! mahinin" p#oess is a##ied o

    to tu#n the she!!s to the na! nish. A'te# that the she!!s a#e sendin" to the test #e 'o# the

    p#oo' #in" and na!!y the she!!s a#e sendin" to the !!in" 'ato#y 'o# ammunitions !!in".

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Pa#ts o' a She!! Bomb a#e,







    (ypes o' Mahines -nsta!!ed he#e a#eL

    Cente# athe Mahine

    Capstan athe Mahine

    (u##et athe Mahine

    Sin"!e Auto Spind!e Mahine

    Mu!ti Auto Spind!e athe Mahine

    Cy!ind#ia! G#indin" Mahine

    Su#'ae G#indin" Mahine

    Cente# !ess G#indin" Mahine

    $#i!!in" Mahine

    Radia! $#i!!in" Mahine


    +!y P#ess

    (h#ead Mi!!in" Mahine

    CNC (u#nin" Mahines

    +ou# A)is CNC (u#nin" Mahine

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    SHE** FOR@IN@ SHOP ='62/

    (his is a hu"e 'o#"in" shop, in this shop the #aw mate#ia! is medium a#bon stee! and th

    a#e pu#hasin" this mate#ia! '#om peop!es stee! mi!!s a#ahi. -n this shop they a#e doin

    #ou"h mahinin" and 'o#"in". (hey a#e usin" -ndution ty

    'u#nae, and the p#oess a##ied out in this shop isL

    -ndution 5 S?uee3in" 5 pie#in" 5 d#yin"

    +u#nae /;;5tons 8;;5tons /;5tons


    +o#"in" is the te#m 'o# shapin" meta! by usin" !oa!i3

    omp#essie 'o#es. Co!d 'o#"in" is done at #oom

    tempe#atu#e o# nea# #oom tempe#atu#e. 2ot 'o#"in" is do

    at a hi"h tempe#atu#e, whih ma*es meta! easie#

    shape and !ess !i*e!y to '#atu#e. Wa#m 'o#"in" is do

    at inte#mediate tempe#atu#e between #oom tempe#atu#e and hot 'o#"in" tempe#atu#e+o#"ed pa#ts an #an"e in wei"ht '#om !ess than a *i!o"#am to /9; met#i tons. +o#"ed pa#

    usua!!y #e?ui#e 'u#the# p#oessin" to ahiee a nished pa#t.


    Shot b!astin" onsists o' atta*in" the su#'ae o' a mate#ia! with one o' many types o' sho

    No#ma!!y this is done to #emoe somethin" on the su#'ae suh as sa!e, but it is a!so don

    sometimes to impa#t a pa#tiu!a# su#'ae to the obet bein" shot b!asted, suh as the #o

    used to ma*e a 1$ nish. (he shot an be sand, sma!! stee! ba!!s o' a#ious diamete"#anu!es o' si!ion a#bide, et. (he deie that th#ows the shot is eithe# a !a#"e ai# "un

    spinnin" padd!es whih hu#! the shot o thei# b!ades. (he #aw mate#ia! is in the 'o#m

    #etan"u!a# i"nites, these i"nites a#e ut by the CNC uttin" mahine into the #e?ui#e

    !en"ths a'te# that those pa#ts a#e b#ou"ht to the indution 'u#nae he#e the mate#ia! is p#

    heated at tempe#atu#e //;C5/1;C a'te# that the p#e5heated pa#t is d#aw in the punh an

    die a##an"ement and then the pa#t is pie#ed.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    (he #e?ui#ed !en"th is ahieed by passin" the pa#t into a set o' 'ou# dies. -n the 'o#"in" sh

    the nosin" o' the she!!s is made on tu#nin" mahines by #u tu#nin". (he she!!s a#e !eane

    by stee! shots by b!astin" at ;!bJin1on the pa#ts. A'te# than the pa#ts a#e send to C5>/ '

    'u#the# mahinin" into nished p#odut.

    SHE** FOR)ATION=C6/7

    (his is a p#odution shop in whih ases o' /; mmL />; mm and othe# medium a#ti!!e

    ammunition a#e p#odued. $iss o' b#ass a#e ta*en to this shop '#om B#ass Mi!!. And in th

    shop these diss a#e d#awn into ups and then 'u#the# into y!ind#ia! 'o#m.

    +o!!owin" ope#ations a#e a##ied out in this shop:

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    (hese a#e ta*en '#om b#ass mi!!. -nitia! si3es a#e he*ed. (hen they a#e #eady 'o# d#a



    $iss a#e !ub#iated and p!aed on the die o' a mehania! p#ess o' /;;; ton. Punh

    ope#ated on dis and ups o' b#ass a#e 'o#med.


    -n the manu'atu#in" o' this ase i.e. />; mm 'ou# d#aw ope#ations a#e a##ied out. -n ea

    d#aw ope#ation 8;5

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    +o!!owin" ope#ations a#e a##ied out in this mJ:


    $#i!!in" the P#emie# 2o!e.

    -nte#na! (h#eadin" in P#emie# 2o!e.

    $#i!!in" the +!ash 2o!e.

    P#emie# 2ead Reess.


    Stamp is punhed oe#head.


    +ina! inspetion is a##ied out by -.$.A.

    TOO* ROO) =A627 & C624

    (he mate#ia!, whih they we#e usin" 'o# manu'atu#in" the too!s and "au"es, is so't a#bo

    whih they pu#hase '#om peop!e@s stee! mi!!s a#ahi. Atua!!y the#e we#e 1;; mahin

    '#om them 'ew we#e CNC wi#e uttin"s, CNC mi!!in", i" bo#in", i" "#indin", and th#ea

    "#indin" and E!et#o disha#"e mahines. (he too!s and "au"es p#epa#ed by this too! #oo

    a#e "o s#ew p!u" "au"e, s#ew "au"e, th#ead mi!!in" hob, hob, s#ew #in" "au"e, "o s#e

    p!u" "au"e, tap m 18;.9, tap m 1.1, s#ew #in" "au"e, not "o s#ew p!u" "au"e, ta


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    supe#ision by the ope#ato#, o# by usin" a ompute# ont#o!!ed and automated !athe whi

    does not.

    )iing %!chines

    A mi!!in" mahine is a mahine too!used 'o# the shapin" o' meta!and othe# so!idmate#ia

    Mi!!in" mahines e)ist in two basi 'o#ms: ho#i3onta! and e#tia!, whih te#ms #e'e# to th

    o#ientation o' the uttin" too! spind!e.

    @rining %!chines

    A "#indin" mahine is a mahine too!used 'o# "#indin", whih is a type o' mahinin"usi

    an ab#asie whee!as the uttin" too!. Eah "#ain o' ab#asie on the whee!s su#'ae uts

    sma!! hip '#om the wo#* piee ia shea# de'o#mation.


    -n this shop they manu'atu#e a#t#id"e ases

    die#ent bombs and the #aw mate#ia! used 'o# this pu#pose

    UB#ass4. -n C5/8 they made !a#"e a#t#id"es and a!! the

    p#oesses is a##ied out th#ou"h this p#oessL $is5up5

    d#aw5bottom p#ess5seond d#aw5na! d#aw5t#immin"5

    headin"5tape#in"5head tu#nin"5#ound 1;mm bu!!et and hene the #e?ui#ed p#odut is #ead

    +ina!!y the#e is an inspetion depa#tment whih does inspetion then p#oduts a#e dispat

    to othe# shops. And in C5/; they made the a#t#id"e ase

    ai##a't anti ai##a't ammo and so many othe#s, '#om them 'e


    1;mm C5/; shop ai# #a't ammo

    >; mm C5/; shop ai# #a't ammo

    >9 mm C5/; shop anti ai# #a't ammo

    1 P$R

    /; mm C5/8 tan* shop ammo

    /11 mm C5/8 tan* shop ammo

    /1 mm C5/8 tan* shop ammo

    />; mm C5/8 tan* shop ammo

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)




    2e#e with the he!p o' die#ent p#esses die#ent mahinin" ope#ations we#e bei

    pe#'o#med !i*e p#essin", bendin", pie#in", b!an*in" et.Basi onept o' these p#ess

    uses dies .when p#essu#e is app!ied on the die#ent sheets o# wo#* piee we an "

    ou# #e?ui#ed 'eatu#es.


    CNC ope#ations a#e same as that -@e disussed p#eious!y.


    (o #emoe the inte#na! st#esses #eated as a #esu!t o' p#ess wo#* the wo

    piee is 'ed eah and ee#y time to the ha#denin" setion.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    ' & @SECTION

    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    %nie#sity o' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a.

    C581 S2OP


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -n bombs and "#anites setion #st - isit shop C581. (his shop is basia!!y a 'ound#yshop. -ts basi pu#poses a#e

    Castin" Mou!din"

    -n this shop both 'e##ous and non5'e##ous mate#ia!s a#e used 'o# astin" and mo!din". (his

    shop p#oides die#ent types o' astin"s and mo!din"s to the depa#tments o' B&G.


    Castin" is a manu'atu#in"p#oess by whih a !i?uid mate#ia! is usua!!y pou#ed into a mo!d

    whih ontains a ho!!ow aity o' the desi#ed shape, and then a!!owed to so!idi'y. (he

    so!idied pa#t is a!so *nown as a c!sting, whih is eeted o# b#o*en out o' the mo!d to

    omp!ete the p#oess. Castin" mate#ia!s a#e usua!!y meta!s o# a#ious co setting

    mate#ia!s that u#ea'te# mi)in" two o# mo#e omponents to"ethe#L e)amp!es a#e epo)y,

    on#ete, p!aste#and !ay. Castin" is most o'ten used 'o# ma*in" omp!e) shapes that wou

    be othe#wise diKu!t o# uneonomia! to ma*e by othe# methods.


    )oingo# %o#ingis the p#oess o' manu'atu#in"by shapin" p!iab!e #aw mate#ia! usina #i"id '#ame o# mode! a!!ed a patte#n.

    A mo!d o# mou!d is a ho!!owed5out b!o* that is !!ed with a !i?uid !i*e p!asti, "!ass, meta!,o# e#ami #aw mate#ia!s. (he !i?uid ha#dens o# sets inside the mo!d, adoptin" its shape. Amo!d is the opposite o' a ast. (he manu'atu#e# who ma*es the mo!ds is a!!ed the mo!dma*e#. A #e!ease a"entis typia!!y used to ma*e #emoa! o' the ha#denedJset substane'#om the mo!d easie#.

    C!sting Process In C631(

    -n this shop - saw, o#e is the basi obet whih is used 'o# astin" p#oess.

    A coreis a deie used in astin"and mo!din"p#oesses to p#odue inte#na! aities and#eent#antan"!es. (he o#e is no#ma!!y a disposab!e item that is dest#oyed to "et it out o' thpiee. (hey a#e most ommon!y used in sand astin", but a#e a!so used in inetion mo!din"

    (he#e a#e 'ou# steps whih a#e in!uded in o#e ma*in" p#oess.

    /0 Sand P#epa#ation10 Co#e Ma*in">0 Co#e Ba*in"80 +inishin" & Gau"in"

    /0 S!n Pre,!r!tion(-n this shop sand si!ia is used 'o# o#e ma*in" p#oess. So, this o#e ma*in" is a!!ed do#e ma*in" p#oess. Composition o' o#e sand is:

    S!n =siic!0 G 'iner Core S!n

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Binde#: -t is used to "ie st#en"th to sand. -t binds the "#ains o' sand in any shape whiis "ien to sand. +o!!owin" sand binde#s a#e used, whih a#e:

    $e)t#in aned oi!

    10 Core )!8ing(-n this shop - saw the o#e ma*in" p#oess 'o# ;C 'o#15h#s app#o)imate!y. A'te# ba*in" p#oess the o#e beomes so muh ha#d !i*e b#i*. +oba*in" who!e !ot o' o#es is p!aed in ba*in" oen. (his oen is !i*e ase whih hasdie#ent po#tions. 2eat e?ua!!y passes th#ou"h eah po#tion.

    30 Finishing & @!#ging(A'te# ba*in" p#oess, "au"in" p#oess is done. -n this p#oess a!! dimensions o' o#e a#e

    he*ed. (hen 'o# nishin" p#oess "#aphite oatin" is done on those o#es. (his "#aph

    oatin" p#oides smooth shape to o#e and it is e#y e)e!!ent heat 7tempe#atu#e0


    )o#ing Process In C631(

    -n this shop mo!din" p#oess a!so has 'utu#e th#ee steps.

    /0 Mou!d Sand P#epa#ation10 Mou!din" o' Sand & Pou#in">0 no*out P#oess

    /0 )o# S!n Pre,!r!tion(+o# mou!d sand p#epa#ation si!ia sand is used. (his si!ia sand is mi)ed with die#ent

    binde#s whih depend upon the st#en"th o' mou!d.+o!!owin" binde#s a#e ommon!y used:

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Coa! $us Bentonite Wate#

    10 )o#ing of S!n & Po#ring(A'te# p#epa#ation, sand is mou!ded in a sand mou!din" mahine. At this mahine sand

    is heated at >;C. A'te# settin" time the mou!d is ta*en out '#om mou!din" mahine

    (he o!ou# o' mou!d is b!a*ish in its nish 'o#m. (hen the meta! is pou# down into themou!d by )in" the o#es in the mou!d.

    20 Knoc8o#t(A'te# pou#in" p#oess when the meta! is 'u!!y mou!ded, then *no*out p#oess is done

    -n this p#oess the sepa#ation o' sand '#om meta! is ta*e p!ae. no*out p#oess is !a

    p#oess o' mou!din". -n this shop app#o)imate!y ;; to /;; pa#ts a#e p#odued dai!y

    Other Processes(

    +o# the omp!etion o' p#odut 0 5C Che*in"

    /0 Shot '!sting(

    Shot b!astin" onsists o' atta*in" the su#'ae o' a mate#ia! with one o' many types o

    shots. No#ma!!y this is done to #emoe somethin" on the su#'ae suh as sa!e, but it

    a!so done sometimes to impa#t a pa#tiu!a# su#'ae to the obet bein" shot b!asted,

    suh as the #o!!s used to ma*e a 1$ nish. (he shot an be sand, sma!! stee! ba!!s o'

    a#ious diamete#s, "#anu!es o' si!ion a#bide, et. (he deie that th#ows the shot is

    eithe# a !a#"e ai# "un o# spinnin" padd!es whih hu#! the shot o thei# b!ades. (he

    'o!!owin" "u#e shows shot b!astin" mahine.

    10 @rining(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    E"tern! @rining(

    E)te#na! "#indin" o' the meta! p#odut is done on dup!e) "#indin" mahine. (his

    p#oess is done to #emoe e)t#a mate#ia! '#om the su#'ae o' meta! p#odut. (his

    p#oess is a!so used to #emoe sha#p ed"es.

    Intern! @rining((o ma*e the inte#na! aities nished, inte#na! "#indin" p#oess is done. -n this p#oes

    sma!! #ounded shaped "#indin" whee!s a#e used 'o# deep "#indin". (his p#oess

    #emoes any e)t#a mate#ia! p#esent in the inte#na! su#'ae o' meta! astin" p#odut.

    20 6C Chec8ing((he !ast p#oess be'o#e dispathin" the p#odut '#om C581 shop is 5C he*in". -n this

    p#oess a hi"h s*i!!ed pe#son he*s a!! the dimension o' the end p#odut by usin"

    die#ent "au"es. 2e a!so e)amines the su#'ae o' na! p#odut to see any de'et in the


    Fetting Process(

    One the 6as* has been !ea#ed '#om the 'ound#y 6oo#, the 'ounde# is !e't with a ast andattahed meta! #unnin" system oe#ed with spent #e'#ato#y. -' the wa) was CORE$7toma*e the ast ho!!ow0, the#e wi!! a!so be the #emains o' an inte#na! #e'#ato#y mass,omp!ete with o#e ents and #etainin" pins p#oetin" th#ou"h ast@s meta! su#'ae. (hep#oess o' #emoin" these now supe#6uous attahments, and the initia! wo#*in" o' the astis *nown as FETT*IN@+

    (his p#oess in!udes 'o!!owin" ope#ations: Cuttin" Swin" '#ame "#indin" +inish "#indin" Shot b!astin"

    De,!rt%ent! Pro#ction of C631(

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -n this setion the spa#e pa#ts a#e p#odued 'o# die#ent shops o' PO+. A!! the wo#* is done ithis setion is manua!. -n this setion mou!din" and astin" 'ound#y is diided into twosetions.

    Non5'e##ous +ound#y +e##ous +ound#y

    Non6ferro#s Fo#nry(

    -n that 'ound#y 'o!!owin" mate#ia!s a#e unde# used 7'o# astin" & mou!din"0:a0 A!uminumb0 Gun Meta!0 Othe# die#ent A!!oys

    -n that setion #uib!e 'u#nae is in use to me!t the non5'e##ous mate#ia!s. -ts pea*tempe#atu#e is //;;C.

    Ferro#s Fo#nry(

    -n this setion on!y astin"Jmou!din" o' 'e##ous mate#ia!s is done. -n this 'ound#y the 'u#nais used to me!t 'e##ous mate#ia!s is indution 'u#nae. -ts apaity is 'o#m 1;*" to /ton. (h'u#nae is sin"!e hanne!ed.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    A'te# these mahine#ies - saw some othe# mahine#y in C581 'ound#y shop:

    )o# Stove-ts ma)imum tempe#atu#e used 'o# heatin" is >;C. it is a e#y s!ow p#oess o'heatin". -n this stoe !a#"e me!tin" type p#odution p#oess is done.

    Eectric Arc F#rn!ce

    (his 'u#nae is ope#ated by e!et#i a#s. -ts apaity is 5tons. -ts pea* tempe#atu#e /

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    B58; S2OP


    B58; shop is basia!!y mahinin" shop. -n this shop the asted pa#ts '#om C581 shop ome 'o

    mahinin" pu#pose. -n this shop a!! nishin" p#oesses a#e done on the asted p#odut 7om

    '#om C5810.

    )!>or O,er!tions Done in '637(

    (he mao# ope#ations whih a#e pe#'o#med in that shop a#e:

    $ia (u#nin" 7Rou"h & +inish0 $#i!!in" Cham'e#in" G#ooin" 7Rou"h & +inish0 (h#eadin" Rou"h & +inish (u#nin" Ed"e #emoin" Stampin"

    Gau"in" Paintin"

    Ste,9ise O,er!tions(

    (he se?uene o' ope#ations done in B58; is:

    /5 Castin" #eeied '#om C58115 Rou"h dia tu#nin">5 (ai! side 'ain"

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    85 Bo#in"5 Cham'e#in"5 (ape tai! end/85 Re5stamp/5 C!eanin" with ai# b!ow/5 -$A inspetion185 Assemb!y 7Body & (ai! unit015 =a#nishin" 7-nte#na!01

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Capstan athe Shea#in"


    $#i!!in" Mahine Copy (u#nin"


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    C627 SHOP


    (he main p#odut o' this shop is AN(- (AN RPG59. (his is a 8;mm Ro*et 2eat with wei"ht

    1.1*". A Roc8et6Pro,ee @ren!e =RP@0, o# Roc8et *!#ncher, is any hand5he!d,

    shou!de#5!aunhedanti5tan*weapon apab!e o' #in" an un"uided #o*ete?uipped with an

    e)p!osiewa#head. RPGs a#e e#y eetie a"ainst una#mo#ed o# !i"ht!y a#mo#ed ehi!es

    suh as a#mo#ed pe#sonne! a##ie#s7APCs0. A!! pa#ts o' RPG59 a#e manu'atu#ed he#e in this


    An RPG omp#ises two main pa#ts: the !aunhe# and the #o*et, whih is e?uipped with a

    wa#head. (he most ommon types o' wa#heads a#e hi"h e)p!osie72E0 o# hi"h e)p!osie

    anti5tan*72EA(0 #ounds. (hese wa#heads a#e aK)ed to a #o*et moto#and stabi!ised in 6i"

    with ns.

    Asse%$ies & Their F#rther P!rtition(

    (he#e a#e e assemb!ies ino!ed in the manu'atu#in" o' RPG59.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    /6 W!r He!(

    -ts 'u#the# pa#ts a#e: Body wa# head +ai#in" C.C one +unne! SJA

    16Nose F#e Asse%$y(-ts 'u#the# pa#ts a#e:



    Contat5> +i#in" pin

    Oute# she!!


    Sa'ety pin

    Sa'ety ap


    Body 'u3e


    -nsu!atin" dis P!un"e#


    P!asti #in"

    26 Roc8et )otor T#$e(-ts 'u#the# pa#ts a#e: No33!e $iaph#a"m Base

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Stop Comp#ession #in" Retaine# Washe#

    36 E",eing Syste%(-ts 'u#the# pa#ts a#e: C#oss piee +in pin #iet

    WA$5 tu#bine Washe# Nut (#ae# ap P#ope!!in" ha#"e#

    46 '!se F#e Asse%$y(-t is sin"!e assemb!ed pa#t. -t has not 'u#the# any pa#tition. -t is p#esent at the ba* o'


    )!in )!chinery Use In C627(

    T9o Roer Fo9 For%ing )!chine(-t is basia!!y a NC5mahine. -t is impo#ted '#om Ge#many. Mand#e!s a#e used 'o# 6ow

    'o#min" o' wa# head ups. (he shape o' up is ont#o!!ed by a opy patte#n. On this

    mahine 'e##ous and non5'e##ous both mate#ia!s a#e emp!oyed. +!ow 'o#min" is a

    su#'ae nish p#oess. Common!y in C5>; these mate#ia!s a#e used on this 6ow 'o#min


    a0 A!uminumb0 Coppe#0 Mi!d stee!.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    C!,st!n *!the(Capstan !athe is basia!!y used in this shop 'o# mahinin" pu#poses. +o!!owin"

    p#oesses a#e done on this !athe:

    a0 (#immin"b0 $ia tu#nin"

    0 G#ooe th#eadin"d0 Outside dia tu#nin"e0 Pa#tin"'0 (apin""0 (ape#in"

    - saw die#ent "au"es a#e p#esent on the !athe wo#* p!ae 'o# he*in":

    E)te#na! th#ead 7"o and not5"o "au"es0 -nte#na! th#eads o' "#ooe 7"o and not5"o "au"es0 $ie#ent hei"hts 7hei"ht "au"es0

    Fin Press =STRID0

    On this p#ess ns a#e manu'atu#ed by usin" punh and die mehanism.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    )iing((he#e a#e th#ee types o' mi!!in" p#oesses a#e done in this shop, whih - pe#sona!!y

    saw. (hese p#oesses a#e:

    /0 (ape# mi!!in"10 No33!e 'o#min" mi!!in">0 (u#bine mi!!in"

    Ri$$ing Press(On this p#ess #ibbin" 'o#ms a#e made on the su#'ae o' wa# head ups. +o# this pu#po

    a ; ton p#ess is used. -n this p#oess the die ma*es #ibs on the su#'ae o' wa# head


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    S#$%itte 'y( Muhammad Awais

    Mehania! En"inee#in" $epa#tment

    %nie#sity o' En"inee#in" & (ehno!o"y (a)i!a.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    -N(RO$%C(-ON (O WEAPONS +AC(ORDWeapons 'ato#y is one o' the hu"e 'ato#y '#om these 'ou#teen 'ato#ies o' Pa*ist

    O#dinane +ato#y, and the pu#pose o' this weapon 'ato#y is the ma*e the "uns 'o# 'u!!!i

    the #e?ui#ements o' Pa*istan a#med 'o#es. (hei# main p#oduts a#eL Automati #iZe G>A

    G>A8,Sub mahine "un MPA1JMPA>, Sub mahine "un SMGP, Sub mahine "un P59, an

    Mahine "un MG>. +o# 'u!!!in" a!! these #e?ui#ements this weapon 'ato#y is 'u#the# diid

    in to many shops and '#om them - hae isited the 'o!!owin" shops.

    -N(RO$%C(-ON (O S2OP C518 7PRESS S2OP0(he pu#pose o' this shop is to p#ess and p#epa#e the #e?ui#ed p#oduts and 'o# that pu#pose

    they a#e usin" mahines '#om 1 to ;; tons, this shop is 'u#the# diided in to th#ee po#tion

    P#ess +ina! P#ess Mi!!in"s, d#i!!in", we!din", p#ess we!din", spot5we!din".

    By passin" these po#tions they a#e ma*in" thei# p#oduts and the p#oess a##ied out in thi

    shop a#eL shea#in", b!an* W5, bendin" W5/;, pie#in" W5/, stampin" W51, W5> and

    bendin" and pie#in" and uttin" W58;, (#immin" W5/ and W5;, bendin" W5, 'o!din"

    '#ont side W5A>, Snope#/[;; !on", /1 "au"e shot"un ba##e!, spotte# ba##e

    . ba##e! /1.84, ;.>;4 Bo#e pisto! ba##e! et. And 'o# ma*in" the

    ba##e!s they use ni*e! h#omium stee! mate#ia!. Si# in this shop they hae sin"!e auto a

    mu!ti auto mahines, !i*e !athe, d#i!!in", tu#nin", and "#indin" et and in this shop they a!

    hae CNC mahines used 'o# mo#e au#ay. Si# thei# main p#odut was mahine "un 7G>A

    and 'o# ma*in" its ba##e! they hae to pe#'o#m 8 ope#ations on them, 'ew o' them a#

    pa#tin" o' #od, both sides 'ain" and ham'e#in", d#i!!in", p!ane tu#nin", p!ane "#indin

    #eamin" o# d#op bo#in", honin", hamme#in", b!o* settin", !en"th pa#tin", CNC tu#nin

    p#o!e tu#nin", bo#e state, na! "#oup 7hambe#0, b#oah and diamete#, midd!e diamete

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    mu33!e diamete#, hambe#, #eamin", hambe# po!ishin" and then the ba##e! o' G>A> is #ead

    'o# dispath to othe# shops.

    -N(RO$%C(-ON (O S2OP C51< & C51;7WOO$ S2OP & PAS(-C S2OP0

    (he C51; shop is wood wo#*in" shop he#e two pa#ts o' a "un a#e manu'atu#ed but due to han"e

    tehno!o"y these pa#ts a#e not manu'atu#ed . (he pa#ts o' a "un made he#e a#e,

    Butt Sto*.

    +o#e A#m.

    Mahines -nsta!!ed he#e a#e,

    /0 Mo#ti3in" Chain Mahine.

    10 P!anne# Mahine.

    >0 Band Saw.80 Ci#u!a# Saw.

    0 C#oss5ut Saw.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    +o!!owin" types o' 'u#naes a#e wo#*in" in this shop:

    Annealing & Brazing Furnace: Sou#e o' heat is "as. Ran"e o' 'u#nae is '#om >;; to /1;; de"

    omponents a#e !oaded on oneye# be!t and a#e #eeied '#om othe# end.

    Time selection and speed of conveyer belt depends upon type of component.

    BRAZING:-t is the ope#ation in whih a speia! mate#ia! a!!ed +%V is attaheon its su#'ae. +!u) is suh a mate#ia! that does not a!!ow o)y"en pa#ti!es to ente# t

    mate#ia!. So!de#s a#e those mate#ia!s that a#e used to attah 6u) on su#'ae. +!u)

    p!aed on mate#ia! and then on it we put so!de#s du#in" simi!a# p#oess o' annea!i

    B#a3in" is a##ied out.

    ANNEALING:(he pu#pose o' annea!in" is to so'ten the meta!, to #ene t"#ain si3e, and to #e!iee the inte#na! st#esses. -n this p#oess the mate#ia! is heate

    aboe its uppe# #itia! tempe#atu#e, ho!din" it at this tempe#atu#e 'o# sometime anthen oo!in" s!ow!y at this tempe#atu#e.

    Chamber Furnace:E!et#i heatin" e!ements a#e used to p#odue heat. (emp #an"es '#om 1;; to /;

    de" C. -n this 'u#nae we a##y out:

    CARBONIZING:Components that are to be carbonized are packed in boxes having ball shape coal or co

    (Carbon Shots). Then these boxes are sealed ith clay. Then put in the furnace. Time and temp is dependent

    components. !fter re"uired time boxes are taken out of furnace and placed in open atmosphere. !fter cooli

    components are taken out of boxes.

    On the su#'ae o' omponents F o' a#bon has been in#eased and now

    ha#denin" is a##ied out.

    Brinnel Hardness Test Machine: HARDNESS((he main obeties o' ha#denin" a#e to in#ease the ha#dness meta! so that it an #esist wea#, to enab!e it to ut othe# meta!s, to ma*e it suitab!e '

    uttin" too!s.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    A'te# ha#denin" ope#ation testin" o' omponents is a##ied out. With a spei

    !oad a dent is put on su#'ae o' omponent. (hen with mi#osope its dimensions a

    noted and then ha#dness numbe# is a!u!ated.

    High Frequency Furnace: (700!00MHz" #$%:-t is an e!et#i mJ that uses hi"h '#e?ueny e!et#i supp!y. +o# die#e

    omponents die#ent oi!s a#e used. -t is used 'o# heat t#eatment o' pa#tia! omponen-n a 'ew seonds omponent is "ien the #e?ui#ed temp and then oo!ed 'o# annea!in

    o# ha#denin". B#a3in" an a!so be a##ied out on it.

    h't Blasting:Sma!! piees o' stee! a#e #ed on omponents. (hese piees o' stee! penet#a

    on the oute# !aye# o' omponents. (his in#eases the ha#dness o' omponents as we!!

    p#oide seat 'o# phosphatin" mate#ia! and aoid #ustin".

    Cyanide alt Bath: +o!!owin" sa!ts a#e put in the 'u#nae:

    C5> C5 GS58;

    E!et#i supp!y is used 'o# heatin". Case ha#denin" is a##ied out on this 'u#nae.

    emi Cyanide alt Furnace: +o!!owin" sa!ts a#e put in the 'u#nae:

    C5 GS5

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Su!phu#i Aid (an* $e"#easin" (an* Oi! (an*

    Components a#e phosphated in the 'o!!owin" way:

    Components a#e !i'ted in !i'tin" #ane\Put in o!d5wate# tan*\-n hot5wate# tan*\

    Phosphatin" tan* 'o# >;5min\-n5su!ohu#i aid tan*\-n phosphatin" tan* 'o# >

    min\-n hot5wate# tan*\-n o!d5wate# tan*\-n d#y tan*\-n oi! tan*.

    ainting lant: -t is an E!et#o5stati Auto Sp#ay Paintin" P!ant -n a !osed hambe# Paintin"

    a##ied out '#om a!! di#etions and then omponents a#e ta*en to Oen by automat

    oneye# be!t. Components a#e *ept in hot oen 'o# spei time.


    (his is a p#odution shop in whih die#ent sma!! pa#ts o' die#ent "uns a#e manu'atu#ed

    is diided into "#oups suh as A, B, C et. 2amme#s o' "un G5> A5>, #eoi! sp#in" too!s sp#in

    and ma"a3ine ath !ee#s o' die#ent "uns a#e made he#e.

    CNC mahines a#e not aai!ab!e in this shop. On!y N.C and manua!!y ope#ated mahines a


    We see p#odution o' 'o!!owin" th#ee pa#ts in this shop:

    *%+ec'il )ring T''l: $ie#ent types o' sp#in"s made in this shop a#e:

    Form Sprin

    !orsion Sprin

    "ompressi#e sprin

    !ension Sprin

    Rods with d#i!!ed ho!es a#e ta*en to this shop and 'o!!owin" mahinin" is a##ied


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Co"# milling:G#ooin" two teeth !i*e sha#p "#ooes in this step on the pe#iphe#y o'head.With side and 'ae utte# mi!!in" o' head po#tion on pa#tia! i#um'e#ene o'head is a!so a##ied out.

    Conca$e milling on %oth &i!e&:Now on ba!!y o' ob mi!!in" by (5s!ot utte# on both sideso' ob is a##ied out.

    Notching:Cuttin" and Ed"e ma*in" o' the teeth !i*e "#ooes on head with the he!p os!ittin" saw o' types, #ea# nothin" and '#ont nothin".

    Con$e' milling on tail:(his 'o#m mi!!in" usin" 'o#m utte#.

    Drilling ( Reaming:Now d#i!!in" pa#tia! ho!e on ne*in" a#ea o' ob then its #eamin" isa##ied out.

    Drilling ( co)nter &inking:-n pa#tia! d#i!!ed step in aboe step ho!e o' 1.> mm dia isd#i!!ed and then its ounte# sin*in" is a##ied out.

    Har!ening:Now it is ha#dened in heat t#eatment shop.

    *+C in&"ection:Gau"in" and isua! inspetion is a##ied out.

    Honing:$ue to ha#denin" a#iation ta*es p!ae in si3es thus honin" is a##ied out. -t the p#oess o' "ettin" the atua! si3es.

    ,ho&"hating ( ,oli&hing:(hese a#e a##ied out to aoid #ustin".

    ini&hing -grin!ing.:(his is done to "et nished ob.

    Now h!%%erhas been omp!ete!y manu'atu#ed.

    -N(RO$%C(-ON (O B51; 7ASSEMBD S2OP0The purpose of this shop as to assemble the parts of gun and make a complete gun the products of this shop as

    !utomatic riffle *+!+ Sub machine gun ,-!%/,-!+ Sub machine gun S,*-0 Sub machine gun -0$1

    ,achine gun ,*+.,*+ is a Spanish technology and has a rate of fire 223 4523 and a accuracy of 233m.#t has

    ife of 26333 rounds.*+!7 is a *erman technology it has a magazine ith a capacity of %3 rounds.,- is another

    gun ith similar characteristics has a bullet size of 28mm and a accuracy of +33m. !ctually this shop as further

    divided into &$%3 and &$%%. !nd in this shop there ere six sub assemblies hich assemble six parts of gun then

    hese six sub assemblies are assembled to make a complete gun. The names of these six assemblies are

    a0 System omp!ete

    b0 Butt Sto* omp!ete

    0 Piston "#ip omp!ete

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    d0 Butt 2ead a##ie# omp!ete

    e0 Ma"a3ine omp!ete

    '0 +o#e a#m omp!ete

    A'te# assemb!y the "uns the#e is a p#oo' #an"e in whih eah "un is he*

    p#ope#!y then pa*ed and dispath to Pa*istan a#med 'o#es.

    Pa#ts o' $ie#ent G%NS



    G#ip 6an* U4 ,Co*in" !owe# ,G#ip 6an* UR4 , Si"ht suppo#t

    Ba##e! stop ,(h#ust b!o*, Bo!t housin", Ramp, Si"ht !ea' ,Reeipt 'o# o*in", (#anspo#t !ee#, R.+

    s!ide# oute#, Eet #od, B.+ s!ide# inne#, Goe# "ath, An"!e, +!at sp#in", Base o' #ea# side, +!ap, +!an

    #ein'o#ement U4, Sp#in" "ap.




    Bottom p!ate, Eeto#, Ma"a3ine ath, (#i""e# housin", Bue# housin", ea' sp#in", Eye bo!t et.

  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)



    C1M1232T:Re!ease !ee#

    (#i""e# sa'ety pin



    S!in" hoo*

    P!ate Suppo#t p!ateM4 5BMACH623 52

    MP pisto! >; bo#e

    (he MP is a mm submahine "un.


  • 7/25/2019 POF (Internship Repot)


    Tests er'rmed 'n each un8

    A'te# the omp!ete assemb!y o' "uns e#tain tests a#e pe#'o#med on eah "

    whih dete#mines thei# 'u!! wo#*in" apaities and 'untiona!ity. (hese tests a#e,

    P#essu#e P#oo' (est.

    +untionin" (est.

    Au#ay (est.

    $ep!etion (est at 9;C

    Co!d Chambe# (est at 58;C.

    Mud (est.

    -nte#han"eabi!ity (est.




