Poggi analytics - clustering - 1

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Buenos Aires, junio de 2016Eduardo Poggi


Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning Clustering Concepts Non-Hierarchical Clustering

K-means EM-Algorithm

Hierarchical Clustering Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering (HAC)

Supervised vs. UnSupervised Learning

Supervised Learning Classification: partition examples into groups according to pre-

defined categories Regression: assign value to feature vectors Requires labeled data for training

Unsupervised Learning Clustering: partition examples into groups when no pre-defined

categories/classes are available Novelty detection: find changes in data Outlier detection: find unusual events (e.g. hackers) Only instances required, but no labels

Clustering Concepts

El objetivo básico del análisis de clusters es descubrir grupos en los datos, de modo tal que los objetos del mismo grupo sean similares, mientras que los objetos de diferentes grupos sean tan disímiles como sea posible.

Partition unlabeled examples into disjoint subsets of clusters, such that:

Examples within a cluster are similar Examples in different clusters are different

Discover new categories in an unsupervised manner (no sample category labels provided).

Clustering Concepts (2)

Las aplicaciones son muy numerosas, por ejemplo la clasificación de plantas y animales, en ciencias sociales la clasificación de personas considerando sus costumbres y preferencias, en marketing la identificación de grupos de consumidores con necesidades parecidas, etc.

Cluster retrieved documents (e.g. Teoma) to present more organized and understandable results to user

Detecting near duplicates Entity resolution E.g. “Thorsten Joachims” == “Thorsten B Joachims”

Cheating detection Exploratory data analysis Automated (or semi-automated) creation of taxonomies e.g. Yahoo-style

Clustering Concepts (3)

Consideraremos dos tipos de algoritmos de clustering: Métodos de partición: clasifican los datos en k grupos que deben cumplir

los requerimientos de una partición Cada grupo debe contener al menos un objeto Cada objeto debe pertenecer exactamente a un grupo.

Métodos jerárquicos: Aglomerativos: empiezan con n clusters de una observación cada uno, en

cada paso se combinan dos grupos hasta terminar en un sólo cluster con n observaciones.

Divisorios: comienzan con un sólo cluster de n observaciones y en cada paso se divide un grupo en dos hasta tener n clusters con una observación cada uno.

K-Means Clustering Method

1. Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5)2. Randomly guess k cluster Center locations3. For each datapoint find out which Center it’s closest to.

(Thus each Center “owns” a set of datapoints)4. For each Center find the centroid of the points it owns5. …and jumps there 6. …Repeat until terminated!

(Are we sure it will terminate?)

K-Means Step by step (1 & 2)

1. Ask user how many clusters they’d like. (e.g. k=5)

2. Randomly guess k cluster Center locations

K-Means Step by step (3)

1. Ask…2. Randomly guess k

cluster Center locations

3. For each datapoint find out which Center it’s closest to. (Thus each Center “owns” a set of datapoints)

K-Means Step by step (4)

1. Ask…2. Randomly guess…3. For each datapoint

find out which Center it’s closest to. (Thus each Center “owns” a set of datapoints)

4. For each Center find the centroid of the points it owns

K-Means Step by step (5 & 6)

1. Ask…2. Randomly guess…3. For each datapoint

…4. For each Center find

the centroid of the points it owns

5. …and jumps there6. …Repeat until


K-Means Q&A

What is it trying to optimize? Are we sure it will terminate? Are we sure it will find an optimal

clustering? How should we start it? How could we automatically choose the

number of centers?

K-Means Q&A (2)

This clustering method is simple and reasonably effective.

The final cluster centers do not represent a global minimum but only a local one.

Completely different final clusters can arise from differerences in the initial randomly chosen cluster centers.

K-Means Q&A (3)

Are we sure it will terminate? There are only a finite number of ways of partitioning R records into

k groups. So there are only a finite number of possible configurations in

which all Centers are the centroids of the points they own. If the configuration changes on an iteration, it must have improved

the distortion. So each time the configuration changes it must go to a

configuration it’s never been to before. So if it tried to go on forever, it would eventually run out of


K-Means Q&A (4)

Will we find the optimal configuration? Can you invent a configuration that has converged, but

does not have the minimum distortion?

K-Means Q&A (5)

Will we find the optimal configuration? Can you invent a configuration that has converged, but

does not have the minimum distortion?

K-Means Q&A (6)

Trying to find good optima Idea 1: Be careful about where you start

Neat trick: Place first center on top of randomly chosen datapoint. Place second center on datapoint that’s as far away as possible from

first center: Place j’th center on datapoint that’s as far away as possible from the

closest of Centers 1 through j-1

Idea 2: Do many runs of k-means, each from a different random start configuration

Many other ideas floating around.

K-Means Q&A (7)

Choosing the number of Centers A difficult problem Most common approach is to try to find the solution that

minimizes the Schwarz Criterion

Trying k from 2 to n !! Incrementally (k=2, then do 2-Means for each cluster, and

so on…)

Common uses of K-means

Often used as an exploratory data analysis tool In one-dimension, a good way to quantize realvalued

variables into k non-uniform buckets Used on acoustic data in speech understanding to convert

waveforms into one of k categories (known as Vector Quantization)

Also used for choosing color palettes on old fashioned graphical display devices!

Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering

1. Say “Every point is its own cluster”

Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering (2)

1. Say “Every point is its own cluster”

2. Find “Most similar” pair of clusters

Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering (3)

1. Say “Every point is its own cluster”

2. Find “Most similar” pair of clusters

3. Merge it into a parent cluster

Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering (4)

1. Say “Every point is its own cluster”

2. Find “Most similar” pair of clusters

3. Merge it into a parent cluster

4. Repeat... until you’ve merged the whole dataset into one cluster

Single Linkage Hierarchical Clustering (5)

1. Say “Every point is its own cluster”

2. Find “Most similar” pair of clusters

3. Merge it into a parent cluster

4. Repeat... until you’ve merged the whole dataset into one cluster

Hierarchical Clustering Q&A

How do we define similarity between clusters? Minimum distance between points in clusters (in which

case we’re simply doing Euclidian Minimum Spanning Trees)

Maximum distance between points in clusters Average distance between points in clusters And more…

Hierarchical Clustering Q&A (bis)

Hierarchical Clustering Q&A (2)

Single Linkage Comments Also known in the trade as Hierarchical Agglomerative

Clustering (note the acronym) It’s nice that you get a hierarchy instead of an amorphous

collection of groups If you want k groups, just cut the (k-1) longest links There’s no real statistical or information-theoretic foundation to

this. Makes your lecturer feel a bit queasy.

Cluster Silhouettes

Para cada ejemplo i definimos a(i), con A el cluster asignado a i

Luego calculamos d(i, C) para los clusters distintos a A

Nos quedamos con b(i) como la menor distancia un cluster. El cluster B para el cual este mínimo se cumple, es decir d(i,B) = b(i) se llama el vecino del objeto i. (La segunda opción de pertenencia)

Cluster Silhouettes (2)

Ahora definimos s(i) como:

Para entender el significado de s(i) veamos que sucede en las situaciones extremas: Cuando s(i) es cercano a 1, a(i) es decir, el promedio de las disimilaridades entre i y los objetos de

su cluster son mucho más pequeñas que b(i) la disimilaridad entre i y el cluster vecino. Por lo tanto podemos decir que i está bien clasificado.

Cuando s(i) es cercano a 0, b(i) y a(i) son aproximadamente iguales no es claro si i debe ser asignado a A ó al cluster vecino. El objeto i está tan lejos de uno como de otro.

La peor situación se da cuando s(i) es cercano a –1, a(i) es mucho más grande que b(i), entonces i en promedio está más cerca del cluster vecino que de A.

Cluster Silhouettes (3)

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0









Silhouette widthAverage silhouette width : 0.8



SC Interpretación 0.71-1 Fuerte estructura 0.51-0.7 Razonable estructura 0.26-0.5 La estructura es débil y podría ser artificial < 0.25 No se ha hallado estructura





