Point Of View Research

Post on 14-Jan-2015

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By: Erin McHugh

What Is Point Of View?

Point of view photography is taken from a different perspective than your average photograph. The photographer may get down on the ground or point the camera downward to get the photo. Its purpose is to make something more interesting by looking at it a different way than you usually would!

This photo is taken from the ground up making the street and buildings look tall and was taken from http://www.flickr.com/photos/souvikb/favorites/page3/?view=lg

I really liked the point of view in this photo and how it made the biker look bigger and tougher. It was taken from http://www.bike198.com/how-to-shoot-mountain-biking-pictures-mtb-photography-part-1/

This is one of my favorite point of view photographs. I love the way they captured a picture of the city through the reflection of sunglasses. I got it from http://taoowl.blogspot.com/2011_06_01_archive.html

This point of view shot is taken from the perspective of the person holding the baby. I got it from http://www.flickr.com/photos/fabriciomicheli/6300898411/

This point of view shot is taken from above the woman, making her look mysterious and accentuating the lace. I got it from corryparis.com

Yet another great point of view photo! It was probably taken at curb level and came from http://500px.com/photo/13056077

My last example of a point of view shot was taken from the bottom of the building looking upward! It came from http://www.flickr.com/photos/klonoa_/3476893155/