Point of View Task Cards

Post on 09-Jul-2016

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Grades 5-7

Supports CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6 Great for test prep and Literacy Centers. Recording sheet and answer key included

32 paragraph cards for identifying first person, third person – limited, and third person – omniscient point of view.

Use these 32 task cards to help your student identify first person, third person – limited, and third person - omniscient points of view. Each card includes a fictional paragraph and the three multiple choice options. Students will need to read carefully as several of these cards are tricky! In some cases the POV is not revealed until the end of the paragraph and in others, students must know that if a character states a feeling or thought, it is still third person – limited, not omniscient. A student answer sheet and an answer key is included, as well as five Challenge Cards which can be used to extend the activity. These task cards are perfect for test prep and will work well at literacy centers, stations, for partner work, or with the whole class using a game like Scoot.

These cards support the following Common Core Standards: CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.6 Describe how a narrator’s or speaker’s point of view influences how events are described.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.6.6 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.7.6 Analyze how an author develops and contrasts the points of view of different characters or

narrators in a text.

Point of view task cards for grades 3-4 (first and third person only) are available here.

This resource was created by Rachel Lynette copyright 2013. It may be printed and photocopied by the original purchaser for

single classroom and personal use only and may not be put on the internet, sold, or distributed in any form. If you would like to share them with your colleagues, please multiple licenses from the product page on Teachers Pay Teachers.

Book Image by Graphics from the Pond

Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Felipe could hardly wait for school to be over. The last book in the Evil Unicorns of Rovina series had come out today and his mother had promised to drive him to the bookstore. Felipe had read all of the books at least three times. He couldn’t wait to find out if the Kalina, Queen of the Gnomes, would finally defeat the Unamin – the evilest unicorn of them all.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

1 David was walking home from school. He was thinking about his science project, so he didn’t see Brian and his friends up ahead. “Where do you think you’re going?” Brian asked in his meanest voice, blocking the sidewalk with his body. David was already starting to cry. Brian couldn’t believe what a wimp that kid was.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


It had been raining for hours and the trail was muddy. Every time Jenna took a step her foot sunk into the sloshy muck. Her pack was heavy and she was so hungry. At least they wouldn’t have to set up tents tonight. The counselor had said that there were cabins at the campsite. Jenna hoped they would get there soon.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

3 The house was old. The paint was peeling and some of the boards on the porch were missing. The lawn was completely overgrown and full of weeds. Some of the windows were broken too. I wondered how long the house had been vacant as I carefully climbed the front steps and made my way to the door.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Krystal was only pretending to be asleep. Once her mom left, she would go back to reading her book. She had just gotten to the good part. How could she sleep now? Mom almost laughed when she opened the door. Fake snoring, really? Did Krytal really think she was fooling anyone? Oh well, she used to read late into the night too.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

5 “Want to come to my house after school?” Kayla asked. “Umm, are you talking to me?” I replied. Kayla was the most popular girl in school. She had hardly ever even talked to me, much less invited me to her house. Kayla giggled, but not unkindly. “Do you see anyone else around?” she asked. “We can do our homework together. It’ll be fun.”

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


You might think that wicked stepmothers are just in fairytales, but I can tell you from personal experience that they real. My dad’s wife, Antoinette, is the real thing. She makes me do all of the chores while she and her real daughter sit around watching TV. She is always real sweet to me when my dad is around, so he doesn’t have a clue.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

7 Jesse watched the strange alien creatures from his hiding place behind the old log. They were all crowding around the lopsided space craft, which was obviously broken. “They must have crashed here and now they can’t leave,” Jesse thought. They didn’t look dangerous. Maybe he should try to help them.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Brandon cruised through the test. Math had always come easy to him. Kyle struggled with each question. He knew he would never finish on time. Krystal looked nervously at the clock for the tenth time. “Just four more questions to go,” she thought. Mrs. Olson watched her students and wondered if she had given them enough practice time before the test.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

9 “Have you seen my blue shirt?” I shouted down the stairs. “I think it’s in the laundry,” Dad shouted back. Disappointed, I dug through my drawer looking for something else to wear instead. It was the first day at a new school and I wanted to look cool, but my pathetic wardrobe was not helping.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Rascal could not believe his good luck. Jason was actually taking the leash off the hook! They were going for a walk! Oh joy! Oh happy day! A walk! Jason could feel the warmth of the sun on his face as he and Rascal headed out the door. He had a lot of homework to do, but a walk to the park would be a welcome break.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

11 Mrs. Linn put the last item in her cart and headed for the check stand. She made polite conversation with the checkout girl. She was out the door when she heard someone calling behind her. “Wait, you forgot your toilet paper,” called the checkout girl. Mrs. Linn suddenly felt an urge to bolt.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

“And the winner is…Emily Martin!” Emily couldn’t believe it. She had never in a million years expected to win. She had entered essay contest on a whim and there were over 500 other entries. People were clapping. Her parents were hugging her. Somewhat stunned, Emily made her way to the stage to accept the award.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

13 Laura is the smart one…she gets A’s on everything. Kim is the the athlete of the group. She plays every sport, and she’s good too. Ashley is the beauty, with that head of blonde hair and her killer smile. Zoe keeps everyone laughing – she’s our clown. And me, well, I’m not sure exactly what I am. I guess I’m like the glue that holds us all together.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


“It’s not fair! How come I have to mow the lawn and all Arnie has to do is pull a few weeds?” “No one said life was going to be fair,” Dad replied. “You’re older. Mowing the lawn is your job now. When Arnie is old enough it will be his.” “It’s still not fair,” I grumbled as I pulled the mower out of the shed.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

15 Myron hated being a knight. All that dragon slaying and questing took up so much time. Time he could be using to paint murals. And now they expected him to compete in some stupid contest to win the hand of the princess. Princess Krista watched the knights preparing to compete. She wished she could sneak away and work on her painting.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Lila could feel the breeze and hear her friends rustling all around her, or at least the ones that were still left. Many had already gone. She could see them on the ground below in shades of yellow, orange, and red. “The life of a leaf is short,” she thought, as she felt the wind grow stronger.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

17 Carl was always getting into trouble. In first grade he dumped paint all over the carpet intentionally. In third grade he nearly started a fire in his room with some matches he’d found. Now, in fifth grade, he’s been suspended for cheating on a test. My parents want me to stop hanging out with him, but we’ve been best friends since kindergarten.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Veronica and Keri were on lying on their backs, looking up at the fluffy, white clouds. Veronica thought one of the clouds looked like an ice cream sundae. She was going to ask Keri if she could see it too, but when she turned her head to look at her friend, she realized that there were tears running down Keri’s face.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

19 It was a bright, sunny day; a perfect day for going to the beach, or at least that is what Jayden thought. But Mom and Dad had other ideas. Mom was looking forward to spending the day in the garden. Dad wanted to start building a tool shed in the backyard.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

It happened so fast! It didn’t feel like I was shrinking, more like everything around me was getting bigger. Suddenly, I was smaller than the chair, then smaller than my little sister’s doll. I think it has stopped now and I am about the size of an egg. Morlinda said it would wear off in a few hours, so I better get to work!

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

21 Alana admired herself in the bathroom mirror. She’d always known those earrings would look amazing on her. She turned her head slightly to see them sparkle in the light. In the next room Keisha looked was searching frantically for her favorite pair of earrings. She was sure she had left them on her desk and now they were gone!

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Seriously, is pizza the most amazing food on the planet or what? Carnivore or vegetarian, either one can enjoy a delicious slice of pizza. Great for parties, perfect when you don’t want to cook. You can even get it delivered to your door. I love pizza so much, I’m going to order one right now!

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

23 Sam knew if he played the King of Hearts he would win the game, but he had already won the first three games. He decided to play a different card instead. A few turns later, Tyler realized that he had the winning card in his hand. He was thrilled to finally win a game against his big brother.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Lauren loves to read. She frequently spends her Saturday afternoons curled up with a book.

The word frequently means:

a. never

b. often

c. sometimes


Lauren loves to read. She frequently spends her Saturday afternoons curled up with a book.

The word frequently means:

a. never

b. often

c. sometimes


Lauren loves to read. She frequently spends her Saturday afternoons curled up with a book.

The word frequently means:

a. never

b. often

c. sometimes


Lauren loves to read. She frequently spends her Saturday afternoons curled up with a book.

The word frequently means:

a. never

b. often

c. sometimes


Shark Task Cards created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2012 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

The penguins were so cute! Julie felt like she could watch them sliding, swimming, and playing for hours. “Come on, Julie,” her boyfriend whined. “The penguins are boring. Let’s go see the elephants!” Julie reluctantly tore her eyes away from the penguins and followed Kevin.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

25 The mysterious little notes started showing up last week. They were always written on yellow sticky notes with a purple pen, and they always said something nice. Everyone wondered who was writing them. Some people thought it was Jenny, others were sure it was Alisa. No one suspected that it was actually me!

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


“I love chocolate,” Abby declared as she grabbed a handful of M&Ms from the bowl. Claire considered the M&Ms, but reached for an apple instead. She had been eating a lot of junk food and felt like something healthy would be a better choice. She put the DVD in the player and the movie began.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

27 “How much longer?” James whined. They’d been shopping for hours and he just wanted to go home. “Just a few minutes more,” his mom said as she tried on yet another pair of shoes. She would have liked to go to a couple more stores, but it looked like James was at the end of his rope. If only the babysitter hadn’t gotten sick.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Point of View Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2013 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

“Well, that’s all of them.” Roko looked at the seven tiny fairies flying angrily around inside the glass orb. “What do we do with them now?” “We bring them to Dranco so he can dispose of them properly.” Blatco said with an evil grin. Roko felt a wave of sadness wash over him. How had he not known? How had he not understood?

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

29 Dad and Cory hiked the last mile along the river. Dad kept looking at the sky. He wasn’t sure if they would make it to the campsite before dark. Cory’s stomach was grumbling. All he could think about was dinner. He hoped they would have the hot dogs, but even the stew would be fine. Maybe Dad had some chocolate for dessert.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


The puppies were so cute! Two of them were all black, one was black with white markings, and the other three were light brown. They were all rolling around playing together on the floor. I didn’t know which one to choose. Then one of them broke away from the others and came right to me! I didn’t have to pick one of the puppies after all. Instead, one of the puppies picked me!

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient

31 It wasn’t so bad being a frog, really. The lake was cool and refreshing. Jumping was fun too. Cody hadn’t been able to jump like that with his human legs. He was even getting used to eating flies. But sometimes he missed his old life, especially pizza. He really missed pizza. Maybe if he apologized, the witch would turn him back.

a. first person

b. third person – limited

c. third person - omniscient


Name ____________________________________ Name ____________________________________

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32.

1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10. 11. 12.

13. 14. 15. 16.

17. 18. 19. 20.

21. 22. 23. 24.

25. 26. 27. 28.

29. 30. 31. 32.

1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a

5. c 6. a 7. a 8. b

9. c 10. a 11. c 12. b

13. b 14. a 15. a 16. c

17. b 18. a 19. b 20. c

21. a 22. c 23. a 24. c

25. b 26. a 27. b 28. c

29. b 30. c 31. a 32. b

Check your work!

Challenge Card 1 Tell how you knew which answer to choose. What words or phrases did you use as clues?

Possessive Nouns Task created by Rachel Lynette Copyright ©2012 all rights reserved http://www.rachel-lynette.com

Challenge Card 5 Select any card. Make a connection. Write about something that the story on the card reminds you of from your own life or from another story you have read.

Challenge Card 4 Select a card that is written in first person. Write three things that are not directly stated that you think are true about the narrator.

Challenge Card 2 Select a card that is written in first person. Rewrite the paragraph in third - person limited.

Challenge Card 3 Select a card that is written in third person - limited. Rewrite the paragraph in first person.