Political Cartoons

Post on 19-May-2015

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Political Cartoon project for AP Government.



Kyle Betts


-Lincoln is shown as “The Federal Phoenix” flying over a burning pile of logs with names such as “Credit,” “Free Press,” and “States Rights.”

-It suggests that Lincoln took power away from all of the things burning below him during his previous presidency.

-It would affect politics at that time because it basically says if you enjoy these things being burned, then you should not vote for Lincoln.


-This cartoon alludes to Macbeth by portraying Horatio Seymour as Lady Macbeth. His hand spells “New York Riots” in blood and he cannot remove it.

- This cartoon affects politics of this time because it reminds voters of when Seymour called rioters in New York his friends. It is basically telling voters not to elect Seymour unless they want repeats of crises like the New York riots.


-This cartoon portrays Greeley as a large cat who is after a fish. The fish is labeled “Presidential Nomination”

-The cartoon relates back to the 1872 election and metaphorically compares Greeley winning the presidential nomination to a cat grabbing a fish out of a bowl. The cat will easily get the fish just like Greeley will easily get the presidential nomination for his party.

-It affects politics because it makes Greeley seem like the likely winner.


-This cartoon portrays presidential nominee Tilden as an eel swimming out of “Tammany Hall School.” This suggests that Tilden will continue to allow the corruption in Tammany Hall even if he is elected President.

-This would affect politics because it tells voters not to elect Tilden if they do not agree with the corruption in Tammany Hall.


-The cartoon shows Uncle Sam as a butterfly and he is being chased by Grover Cleveland and his campaign team. Congress and the White House are on Uncle Sam’s wings. It suggests that Cleveland is trying to capture and control the White House and Congress.

-It is called “Midsummer Madness” because Cleveland and his campaign team obviously will not catch the butterfly. It shows the madness of the 1892 election. It affects politics because it portrays Cleveland as greedy and wanting complete control of the United States.


- This cartoon portrays William McKinley as Napoleon. He is juggling things such as a ball that says “gold,” a suitcase that says “silver,” and an umbrella that says “protection.” It means that McKinley is very unsure about his ideas and he is juggling them in front of the public.

- This would affect the politics of this time because it cautions voters on voting for McKinley because he seems unsure about his stance on certain issues.




-This cartoon shows a sick Democratic donkey being taken care of by former President Grover Cleveland.

-It relates to the second defeat of Bryan by McKinley and its message is that Democrats should go back to the old ways of Grover Cleveland.




- The shoes on the floor represent Grover Cleveland’s previous terms in the White House. Here, a judge is being fitted for shoes and it is obvious that his feet are much smaller than the feet which belong in Cleveland’s shoes.

- The Judge is presidential nominee Parker. The message of this cartoon is that Parker cannot fill Grover Cleveland’s shoes.

- This affects politics because it tells voters not to vote for Parker because he cannot fulfill the duties of previous Presidents.



1908-This cartoon has Taft dressed

up in Teddy Roosevelt’s clothes, which he can barely fit into. Uncle Same stands beside him and smirks. The message is that Taft is running off of Roosevelt’s popularity and he will handle things similarly, but things should be handled differently.

-The purpose of this cartoon is to turn voters who dislike Teddy Roosevelt away from voting for Taft.




-This cartoon portrays Theodore Roosevelt as a moose representing the Bull Moose party like the donkey and elephant represent the Democratic party and Republican party.

-It suggests that Theodore Roosevelt has changed because of the creation of the New Progressive Party called the Bull Moose Party.




-President Bush is holding weapons which would be used to torture in his hands. This symbolizes that he cannot run off of his own merits, he cuts down Bill Clinton’s campaign.

-This affects politics because it makes George Bush look like a bad guy. The message this cartoon tries to get across is that we do not want a man who cuts down other people for his own good as our President.

1996- This cartoon metaphorically

compares the 1996 election to an exam. The teacher is telling the student, the American Public, that he failed and should have studied. The student acts like he is clueless to the fact that he was even supposed to study. The “exam” has a check beside Clinton’s name symbolizing that Clinton has won reelection.

- The cartoonist obviously thinks the American Public was naïve in its decision to reelect Bill Clinton. It affects politics by showing that voters made a mistake.


- This cartoon has George W. Bush sitting in the lap of a Supreme Court Justice saying “Thanks” for allowing him to win the presidential election.

- This relates back to the case Bush v. Gore in which some Florida votes were questionable. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Bush giving him the Presidency.

- This cartoon affects politics by saying that without the help of the Supreme Court, George W. Bush would have lost to Al Gore.


- This cartoon shows George W. Bush and John Kerry in a debate. “W” is portrayed as ignorant while “Kerry” is portrayed as overly pedantic and talkative. Both ways of speaking are an ineffective way of communicating.

- This cartoon’s purpose is to show voters that both Presidential candidates are ineffective.


- This cartoon belittles John McCain because it shows that the only thing he can do is try to sway people against Barack Obama. The descriptions under each of his policies do not relate to what the policies are really supposed to be, so it is kind of ironic.

- It affects politics because it is supposed to turn voters away from John McCain by showing that he does not have much to offer.