Pollett Legacy Epilogue

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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The very final chapter of the Pollett Legacy.


The Pollett Legacy: Epilogue

Pollett Legacy


In the last chapter, we saw the arrival of generation 10 and the official end to the legacy with Skye and Elvis carrying on the proud Pollett name.

But it didn’t end there, because Savannah was also elected heiress and therefore more kids and hilarity are to follow!

Pollett Legacy


I know you’re all dying to find out what happened to Savannah, Joe, Jess and Asta after they left the main legacy household to strike out on their own, so here is the final bit of legacy.

As you can see, Savannah opened her own business selling fish.

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It was all a bit bare bones at first, if you’ll forgive the expression – I didn’t leave enough money to decorate the place.

Jess took on duties of being till monkey. I’ll be honest, he’s not very good.

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Joe however, has a gold sales badges. He is soon bedazzling people into buying tasty, tasty fish.

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And the odd garden gnome.

And maybe a boot or two.

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Savannah’s sale technique leaves something to be desired as yet.

Or perhaps it is just that Taube (aka Roxy) is just a very hard sell.

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The little family are very close, family business aside, and they like their meal times together in their cute little kitchen.

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Savannah really wants a family though, so they get to work on that in the usual fashion.

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Undeterred by broodiness and morning sickness, work continues even when the shop is closed. Savannah watches over Joe and Jess to make sure their fishing ability is tip-top – although admittedly the odd boot is good, because those sell well in the shop.

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Savannah’s dream of a family is beginning to get closer.

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As a pregnant lady, Savannah’s sale technique is much better. Skye comes up to visit quite a lot.

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All Savannah’s hard work pays off, as a reviewer gives her a Best of the Best award. This takes pride of place on the wall, where it impresses all and sundry.

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But soon, kids are on their ways!

Oh yeah, kidS.....

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Baby number one is Jared, with Joe’s dark skin and... someone’s blue eyes. Not sure whose!

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Baby number two is Thady, (pronounced Tay-dee, it’s Irish, dontcha know) with Savannah/Jess’ paler skin.

Family sim bonuses, of course there was going to be twins.

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Jess is chuffed to bits that he finally has his own little grandchildren to dote on.

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Asta has not been neglected, honest. This is just bad timing....

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That’s right, the pet adoption agency have come to take away our poor pet, who has apparently starved, right next to his bowl of food.

Savannah is more gutted than she makes out here.

“I’m putting on a brave face.”

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Joe is a pretty good dad too, despite his fortune aspirations.

Looking after babies without snapdragons is hard work.

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And soon, it is birthday time!

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Poof! Toddlers!

They’re both a bit... funny. I know Savannah has quite unique features, but she’s also kind of graceful. The boys are just a bit... chubby cheeked.

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Now, to the reason why the family moved out to Bluewater in the first place.

It was to find a leader of the pack so that Savannah could become a werewolf. This is the first time that a wolf has appeared. I know, I’ve been sat watching every single night. Honestly, Savannah even has a really messed up sleeping schedule just so that she’s awake at night.

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With the arrival of toddlers, we re-adopted Asta.

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He loves cuddles so much. He is the cutest dog ever. Apart from possibly Thumper, who is Darren and Jaiden’s dog. He’s cute too.

Okay, so maybe dogs and toddlers together are just cute in general.

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The business stays more or less shut because looking after toddlers and a business is quite frankly too hard.

This means mummy and daddy spend lots of time looking after said toddlers.

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We interrupt this happy family life to tune into Grim.

“Your time is up, Jess.”

“Whut? How is that possible?”

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No seriously, how is that possible?

This is the first time I’ve ever felt it was just not time for an elder to go.

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So a few days later, Savannah gets the regular weekend genie lamp. And since everyone has more or less everything they could possible want and more...

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I let Savannah ask the genie to resurrect Jess.

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Which is sadly where things go a bit wrong.

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“I can’t believe you brought me back as a zombie. Why couldn’t you have let me rest in peace?”

I’m truly sorry dude, I had no idea that would happen.

“I smell, waaaaaaaa!”

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Jess’ hissy fits aside, training of toddlers continues....

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....until they become kids with another poof.

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Thady has still got a slightly odd looking face.

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Although Jared is quite the little cutie!

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“Are you ever going to get Savannah a wolf?”

Well, funny you should mention that...

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I was despairing of the fact that no wolves were coming by, when I realised that technically the legacy is finished and therefore cheating is allowed.

So by the mighty power of boolprop....

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I summoned a wolf.

And I summoned him again.

And I summoned him again.

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You get the idea – despite being able to summon a wolf, I couldn’t influence him to bite Savannah, despite their 100 point, bestest buds relationship.

I persisted however.

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And Savannah got her lycanthropy.

Alls well that ends well.

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Well, except that Savannah rather wanted another little sprog, so I let her have one.

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The little family are so cute, all together!

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I let Jess adopt a little dog, because while Savannah was rolling up wants for a baby, everyone else wanted a puppy. Hopefully he’ll be able to breed with Asta at some point – if I play the family again, which is perhaps not likely.

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Soon enough, were-Savannah is howling in the front yard – excuse the pun – that her third child is about to enter the world.

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And thus Felicity joined the family, Savannah’s much desired little girl.

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Savannah also decided she wanted to create a werewolf, and thus attacked Jess.

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He was less than impressed.

“You’re so mean to me!”

Aww, it was meant as a term of endearment, I’m sure.

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The boys soon became teens. This is Jared.

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And this is Thady.

Both inherited Jess’ nose. And not entirely in a good way.

They have a certain charm though. I like them.

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Felicity also grew up into a reasonably cute little girl.

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And I’ll leave Savannah and her happy family there, since they’re happy.

This is mini-me. Say hi, mini-me.


She comes home with Felicity on a fairly regular basis.

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But wait, you want to know what happened to Adah, don’t you?

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Having left behind the legacy household in the wee hours of the morning, Adah endured several hours of taxis, planes and bare llama-back riding, until she was deposited in front of a massive house on a warm island.

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“I don’t know if this was such a good idea, now that I’m here.”

It’s far too late to turn back now.

“I know, I know. Just thought I’d say, just in case.”

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The door is unlocked so Adah walks in.

“There’s not really very much here.”

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Wandering out the back of the house, Adah finds a large private beach. In the distance, a man gazes into the waves.

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“Wait, do I know you?”

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“Charity... You’re so different.... What happened?”

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“Life happened, sugar. I took up a few hobbies and that while I finished my college years.”

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“The strangest thing was the way that Joel and Stacey started getting on – that wasn’t a couple I would have predicted.”

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“He asked her to marry him just before we graduated. So cute.”

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“Much to my surprise, I graduated college. It was like the stringpuller suddenly decided on a plot or something.”

Hey! No breaking my fourth wall. Get back to the story.


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“So Stacy and Joel married and then I was all on my lonesome, an I thought I’d come here.”


“I’m a Parsimellaux, my folks are loaded. This house has been in my family for generations so I asked if I could move out here.”

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“But it wasn’t right without you. Charisma got me a message that you were unhappy, and I just couldn’t have that for you, babe. So here we are.”

“When does it end?”

“That’s the beauty of it, babe. It doesn’t.”

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“But what about my responsibilities? As a parent. As an heiress?”

“Like no one in your family ever neglected those duties. Stay here with me. You’ll never have to grow old...”

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“I must admit, I’m not keen on that part.”

“So don’t go.”


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And with that, Adah’s fate was decided. The holiday never ended. Charity built lots of beautiful sandcastles for Adah.

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Which she took delight in demolishing.

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They spent many longs hours discussing their favourite things and enjoying the finer things of life.

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Adah took up sunbathing and Charity took up... Failing to find sea treasure.

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Adah eventually got a tan to rival Charity’s.

Life was good.

And everyone lived happily ever after.

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That truly is the very end of the Pollett legacy.

Are you even just a little bit sad? I am. Perhaps I shall package up my families and save them for something new. Perhaps not. I’ve really enjoyed the legacy with it’s twists and turns, although it has at times been totally nuts.

Thanks all for the last time,Rachel