Polygons By Ryan. Polygon The definition of a polygon is a plane figure with at least three sides...

Post on 11-Jan-2016

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PolygonsBy Ryan


•The definition of a polygon is a plane figure with at least three sides and angles,typically five or more

Trapezium•In this shape you have 4 lines,2

acute angles and 2 obtuse angles.

•Also the length of the trapezium can be any length but it has to intersect at the four points.

•The trapezium is not a parallelogram.

•The two side lines are not parallel but the two other lines are parallel

Rectangle•A rectangle is a parallelogram.

•The rectangle has 2 long sides and 2 short sides.

•All of the angles are right angles.

•Also the sides of the rectangle are parallel to the opposite side.

•There is no irregular rectangle.


•A triangle is not an parallelogram.

•There are three sides in a triangle.

•For the angle there it depends on the type of triangle.

•There also 4 types of triangles(scalene,isosceles, right-angle and equilateral triangle.

Pentagon•A pentagon is not a parallelogram.

•It has five edges and five vertices.

•The angles in a pentagon is an obtuse angles.

•The lines in the pentagon are not the same length.


•An dodecahedron isn’t a parallelogram.

•It has 12 sides and corners.

•The angles are all obtuse

•The lines are all the same length.

Octagon•An octagon is not a parallelogram.

•An octagon has 8 sides and 8 corners.

•All of the angles on a octagon are obtuse.

•There are 8 lines of symmetry.


•A heptagon is not a parallelogram.

•It has 7 edges and corners.

•The angles are 1 acute and 6 obtuse.

•There are 7 lines of symmetry.


•A square is a parallelogram.

•It has 4 sides and corners.

•All of angles are right angles.

•There are 4 lines of symmetry.

•there can’t be a irregular square.


•A hexagon is not a parallelogram.

•It has 6 sides and corners.

•The hexagon has 6 lines of symmetry.

•All of the angles are obtuse.