Polymer & the web components revolution 6:25:14

Post on 27-Aug-2014

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Polymer & the Web Components Revolution from Google I/O on 6/25/14 by Matthew McNulty. An overview of Web Components, Polymer, and the ecosystem and tools being created surrounding them.


Polymer and theWeb Components Revolution


About Me

+Matthew McNulty @mattsmcnulty

About This Talk

Overview of Polymer

The Polymer Ecosystem

Material Design

But first…



polymer-project.org/apps/topeka or


Demo Time.

Now that you are all distracted…

This isn’t supposed to be possible.

The web is for contentdocuments the boring part of a hybrid app

So how did we do this?

What is Polymer?

What is Polymer?

Polymer is a library that makes building applications easier

Polymer is different than what has come before

What is Polymer?

Polymer was built differently

What is Polymer?


What is Polymer?

Polymer doesn't fight the platform

What is Polymer?

If you see something (broken), say something

What is Polymer?

(to the person at the next desk)

What is Polymer?

Polymer is the first of its kind

What is Polymer?

Polymer is built on Web Components

What is Polymer?

Web Components are standards

What is Polymer?

Web Components change the web

What is Polymer?

interoperable with custom elements

What is Polymer?

composable with Shadow DOM

What is Polymer?

consumable with HTML Imports

What is Polymer?

Native in Chrome 36! (Beta)

What does Polymer do?

What does Polymer do?

Polymer makes web components sweeter


What does Polymer do?

Primitives are Primitive


What does Polymer do?

Polymer does a lot that reduces boilerplate

that you have to write over and over and over

What does Polymer do?

<polymer-is-declarative> </polymer-is-declarative>

What does Polymer do?


Polymer makes everything work together better

What does Polymer do?


Polymer has an opinion

How do you use Polymer?

How do you use Polymer?

1. Using Elements 2. Creating Elements

Using Elements

1. Find the element you want

Using Elements

2. Import it

<link rel="import" href=“my-button.html”>

Using Elements

3. Use it.

<my-button label=“Press Me!”></my-button>

Using Elements

That’s it.

Using Elements

Polymer elements are “just” HTML

Using Elements

With Polymer the framework is DOM

Creating Elements

1. Register new tag & prototype 2. Define view 3. Handle events 4. Sync view with data 5. Respond to attribute changes

Creating Elements

<my-counter>Users</my-counter> <my-counter counter="20">Developers</my-counter>

Creating Elements <template> <style> /* ... */ </style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter"></span><br> <button id="inc">Increment</button> </template> ! <script> (function() { var tmpl = document.querySelector('template'); var MyCounterProto = Object.create(HTMLElement.prototype); MyCounterProto.createdCallback = function() { var self = this; var root = this.createShadowRoot(); root.appendChild(document.importNode(tmpl.content, true)); var counterValue = this.getAttribute('counter') || 0; var counter = root.querySelector('#counter'); counter.innerText = counterValue; root.querySelector('#inc').addEventListener('click', function() { counter.innerText = ++counterValue; }); new MutationObserver(function(mutations) { mutations.forEach(function(mutation) { if (mutation.attributeName == 'counter') { counter.innerText = counterValue = self.getAttribute('counter') || 0; } }); }).observe(this, {attributes: true}); }; MyCounter = document.registerElement('my-counter', { prototype: MyCounterProto }); })(); </script>


Using Standard API’s !

That’s a lot of typing

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */</style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter">{{counter}}</span><br> <button id="inc" on-tap="{{increment}}">Increment</button> </template> <script> Polymer('my-counter', { publish: { counter: 0 }, increment: function() { this.counter++; }, counterChanged: function() { console.log("counter: " + this.counter); } }); </script> </polymer-element>


Using Polymer !

Aaaah, nice and DRY

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> </template> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter"></span><br> <button id="inc">Increment</button> </template> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */ </style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter"></span><br> <button id="inc">Increment</button> </template> </polymer-element>

!:host { background: lightgray; padding: 10px; display: inline-block; } #label { font-weight: bold; }

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */</style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id=“counter"></span><br> <button id="inc">Increment</button> </template> <script> Polymer({ publish: { counter: 0 }, counterChanged: function() { console.log("counter: " + this.counter); } }); </script> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */</style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter">{{counter}}</span><br> <button id="inc">Increment</button> </template> <script> Polymer({ publish: { counter: 0 }, counterChanged: function() { console.log("counter: " + this.counter); } }); </script> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */</style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter">{{counter}}</span><br> <button id="inc" on-tap="{{increment}}">Increment</button> </template> <script> Polymer({ publish: { counter: 0 }, counterChanged: function() { console.log("counter: " + this.counter); }, increment: function() { this.counter++; } }); </script> </polymer-element>

Creating Elements <polymer-element name="my-counter"> <template> <style> /* ... */</style> <div id="label"><content></content></div> Value: <span id="counter">{{counter}}</span><br> <button id="inc" on-tap="{{increment}}">Increment</button> </template> <script> Polymer('my-counter', { publish: { counter: 0 }, increment: function() { this.counter++; }, counterChanged: function() { console.log("counter: " + this.counter); } }); </script> </polymer-element>

What can you make with Polymer?

What can you make with Polymer?



What can you make with Polymer?


Quiz Apps

What can you make with Polymer?

Apps out of Elements out of Elements out of Elements out of

What can you make with Polymer?

Sets of elements

What can you make with Polymer?


Elements can be visual

What can you make with Polymer?


Elements can be utility

What can you make with Polymer?


Polymer Core Elements

Polymer Core Elements


<core-icon> <core-ajax> <core-localstorage> <core-style> <core-tooltip>

Polymer Core Elements


<core-route> <core-localized>


What can you make with Polymer?


Polymer Paper Elementsmaterial design

Polymer Paper Elements

Buttons Inputs Tabs Cards Panels …

Polymer Paper Elements


Polymer Paper Elements

The Web Components revolution

The Web Components revolution

Polymer is at the forefront of a revolution

The Web Components revolution

But Polymer is not alone

The Web Components revolution


The Web Components revolution

Polymer is bootstrapping an ecosystem of interoperable components


The Web Components ecosystem


The Web Components revolution

This is a big jobImage:

The Web Components revolution

A new ecosystem needs new tools

The Web Components revolution

Polymer Designer

The Web Components revolution

$./tools/vulcanize index.html --inline --strip -o build.html

Polymer Vulcanizer

The Web Components revolution


The Web Components revolution


Demo: Polymer & The Web Components Ecosystem

What have we learned?

Web Components


Core, Paper Elements

What have we learned?


This ecosystem is just getting started

Join the revolution

Join the revolution

• Build an element • Wrap an API • Build an app • Stay put for Eric’s talk • Come check out Rob @4

We’re just getting started

Polymer Developer Preview

Paper Elements

Public today

Designer, Tutorials & more


What’s next?Polymer & Web Components Change Everything You Know About Web Development Eric Bidelman - Same room, in a few minutes

Unlock the next era of UI development with Polymer Rob Dodson - 4pm, Room 4

+Matthew McNulty @mattsmcnulty

Thank you!



(provided by I/O team)
