Polymyalgia Rheumatica, Giant Cell Arteritis & Large Vessel … GCA LVV Provisional... ·...

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November 22 - 24 2013Southend Airport, Holiday Innand Essex University, Southend

Polymyalgia Rheumatica,

Large Vessel VasculitisGiant Cell Arteritis &

A three day Symposium & Imaging Workshop

Provisional programme

Last date for abstract submissions:

11 October 2013

Scientific OrganisersBhaskar DasguptaEric Matteson

Local Organising CommitteeNeil RothnieCraig MackernessEllen FosterBhaskar Dasgupta

Time Topic Speakers

0900 - 0930

0915 - 0930

0930 - 1000

1000 - 1030

1030 - 1100

1100 - 1130

1130 - 1300

1130 - 1200

1200 - 1215

1215 - 1230

1230 - 1300

1300 - 1430

1430 - 1600

1430 - 1500

1500 - 1530

1530 - 1600

1600 - 1630

1630 - 1800

1630 - 1700

1700 - 1730

1730 - 1800


Coffee, Registration



PMR & GCA: past, present, future

Pathogenesis of PMR & GCA

Epidemiology of GCA: critical review

Coffee/Tea & poster viewing

Polymyalgia Rheumatica

Biomarkers for PMR & GCA

Genetics of GCA : HLA

Genetics of GCA : GWAS

PMR primary care study

Lunch, poster viewing & selected poster presentations

PMR Guidelines

Guidelines development: methodology

PMR Literature review

EULAR ACR recommendations

Coffee/Tea break

Giant Cell Arteritis

Sight loss in GCA & BOSU study

Sight loss: the patient perspective

Fast track pathway/cost effectiveness

Reception & Dinner

Jacqueline Totterdell, CEO, SUFT

David Jayne (Chair)

Eric Matteson, Mayo Clinic, USA

Cornelia Weyand, Stanford, USA

Richard Watts, Ipswich, UK

Maria Cid (chair)

Sarah Mackie, Leeds, UK

Ann Morgan, Leeds, UK

Javier Martin, Granada, Spain

Christian Mallen, Keele, UK

Marco Cimmino (Chair) Pablo Perel, LSHTM, London

Christian Dejaco, Graz, Austria

Bhaskar Dasgupta, Southend

Cornelia Weyand (Chair) Eoin O’Sullivan, Kings, London

Julian Jackson, Fight for Sight

Pravin Patil, SouthendLaura Bown, NHS England

Scientific Programme Friday 22 November

Time Topic Speakers

0730 - 0830

0830 - 1030

0830 - 0900

0900 - 0930

0930 - 0945

0930 - 0945

0945 - 1000

1000 - 1015

1015 - 1030

1030 - 1100

1100 - 1130

1130 - 1200

1200 - 1230

1230 - 1300

1300 - 1430

Breakfast meeting

New Trials & therapies

Tocilizumab in GCA: GiACTA study

GiACTA: Imaging / Mechanistic sub-studies

Steroid schedules in PMR

Modified release prednisone in PMR

MR prednisolone in GCA

I L - 1 blockade in GCA

Tocilizumab in PMR

Tea & coffee break

Aorta & large vessels: applied anatomy

Large vessel involvement in PMR & GCA

Ultrasonography for Large Vessel Vasculitis

Isolated aortitis

Lunch & poster viewing

Oral abstracts presentations

Eric Matteson (Chair)

John Stone, MGH, Boston

Sebastian Unizony, MGH, Boston

Marco Cimmino, Genoa, Italy


Win Maw, Southend


Rob Spiera, New York

Chetan Mukhtyar (Chair)

Matthew Tam, Southend, UK

Carlo Salvarani, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Wolfgang Schmidt, Berlin, Germany

Ken Warrington, Mayo Clinic, USA

Scientific Programme Saturday 23 November

1430 - 1830

Faculty: Wolfgang Schmidt (Berlin),Andreas Diamantopoulos (Norway),Bhaskar Dasgupta (Southend),Jennifer Piper (Oxford),Christian Dejaco, (Graz, Austria),


Andrew Tanqueray, Shaifali Jain,Matthew Tam, Radiologists, Southend

James Brown, Matthew Jakeways,Mike Salter, Vascular Surgeons, Southend

Iris Grunwald, Neuroradiologist, Southend

Paul Guyler, Stroke Physician, Southend

Vascular Ultrasonography/Imaging Workshop (continued)0800 - 1200

Standards of Care Panel Discussion1200 - 1300 Bhaskar Dasgupta (Chair)

Panelists will represent GPs, Rheumatologists, other specialists, Patients, patient charities, politicians, health service commissioners

Ten stations including 5 Ultrasound Stations

Faculty: Ultrasound systems settings

Supervised identification of vascular and sonoanatomySupervised standardized sonographic scanning of the temporal arteries, large supra - aortic vessels, shoulders and hipsSupervised hands - on scanning of patients with vascular pathological sonographic findings in PMR and GCAPresentations on TABUL study & GiACTA Ultrasound Sub - study

Other Imaging stations

Large vessel disease cases and mimics:Case histories review, imaging findings and quiz - CTA, PET - CT, DSA, and MRA. This will include GCA, PMR, unexplained systemic symptoms, aortitis with/without RPF, atherosclerotic, infectious (including mycotic aneurysms), drug - induced arteritides, atypical Buerger’s disease

Large vessel disease cases and mimics:A surgical view

Neuro - radiology and CNS vasculitis

Differential diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease


Saturday 23 November

Sunday 24 November

Lunch and Depart1300

Time Topic Speakers

Vascular Ultrasonography/Imaging Workshop Saturday 23 and Sunday 24 November