POP Program. The Career Development subject area Applied General Education path (compulsory course)...

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POP Program

The Career Development subject areaApplied General Education path (compulsory course)

Personal Orientation ProjectWork-Oriented Path Introduction to the World of Work World of Work Orientation Work Skills Training for a Semiskilled TradeApplied General Education and General Education Paths

(options) Personal Orientation Project Exploration of Vocational Training Entrepreneurship

What is POP?

The POP gives the students the central role to plan, explore, reflect and discover various fields that interest them through the support of pedagogical resources and by actively trying out a variety of work functions

It is a process that starts early in a students’ elementary school life through GOAL (Guidance Oriented Approach to Learning)

It carries on throughout their lives in the development of their career identities as a consequence of the new competencies they acquire from POP

What is POP?

It helps students define their personal profile by trying out work functions, researching information and visiting workplaces or educational institutions.

Students learn to know themselves better and become better informed about the world of work through the reciprocal effects of their experience and analysis, their exploration and introspection.

Why POP in Secondary III? Timely for students

May serve to motivate the students in their studies Shows the relevancy of school Impacts on choice of paths, courses, etc. Supports students in their academic and career

choices Enables students to be responsible for their

choices POP empowers students!

POP Basics

4 credit - 100 hour course On an individual basis and taking into account

his/her interests the student: develops his/her own career exploration plan experiences three to eight career exploration processes

by: using “tool kits”, consulting career resources, job

shadowing, visiting to educational institutions, etc. using a ministerial Web site – POP Index - offering a

virtual resource library of specific tools such as experiential tools, virtual visits and key people tools, and methodology tools

reflects on his/her career explorations and those of his/her classmates with parents or other trusted people

considers hypothetical career paths

POP classroom

Computer tables

Between 16 to 22 computers

Appropriate electrical outlets

Internet access

Lockable storage unit for expensive items

Place to store consumable materials

Mise à niveau des locaux pour les cours du deuxième cycles du secondaire pour répondre aux besoin du renouveau pédagogique, mai 2006

The classroom:

The POP was developed for a standard classroom or an existing computer lab and if possible, in close proximity to a career resource centre. The class will consist of: Standard tables with

protective carpet to allow students to work with tool kits.

Shelving or storage units for the tool kits and accompanying activity guides.

The first career exploration

What do you think it will be like for the students?

Tool kits

A valuable means of exploration for the students but not the only one….

What is a tool kit?

It is an experiential tool used to support a career exploration

It is just one means of exploration It requires the use of a computer and Internet

access Students may carry out activities in the

classroom or outside the classroom

What does a tool kit consist of?

A tool kit consists of: An activity guide An activity guide and one box of material An activity guide and two boxes of material

Let’s see

Student working on the Law tool kit

This tool kit requires a computer with Internet access, an activity guide and a pen.

Student in Action?

Students working on the Custom-Made Clothing and Alterations, Fashion Design tool kit.

This tool kit requires a computer with Internet access, an activity guide and a box of materials.

Student in Action!

Tool Kits


Reasons for tool kits in a POP classroom

Grounded in research Directly addresses Key Features of POP

competencies Provides opportunity for experiential learning

Tool kits as a means of explorationPurpose

Support students mastering career exploration competencies

Allow students to try out work functions related to field of interest

Guide students directly to valid and trusted Web sites, books and other resources (use documentary resources)

Activities help students discover connections between career and their personal characteristics

Help students consider the personal commitments required to reach his/her goals.


Can lead to new career exploration activities

Students discover if have aptitude or interest

Provide “real life” work functions to reflect upon

Practical means of exploration as access to certain jobs may be limited

Learn by doing More engaging than reading

about it What students have been asking

for Supports the development of the


Teacher’s role

Introduce students to tool kits as one means of their individual career exploration

Providing computers with Internet access and tables for workspace

Direct students to the POP Index in order to choose tool kits

Organize tool kits in classroom Establish rules and procedures for use Are not responsible for correcting student’s work Guide students as with any other tool Become familiar with kits by reading the Teacher’s


Introduction To guide itself includes recommendations and a legend of icons

Chapter Each tool kit has its own chapter and provides useful information

that a teacher should know by activity. Chapter

Complete index of purchases for experiential tools Chapter

List of technological requirements for a POP classroom Chapter

List of suggested suppliers for additional purchases Chapter

List of materials for each experiential tool kit

Teacher’s GuideChapters

POP Index

An other valuable means of exploration for the students….

What is the POP Index?


It is a MELS website. It is one of the resources used by students. It contains some of the means of exploration. It is one of the favorites that should be saved

on your classroom computers.

Features of the POP Index?

Search by tool: Experiential Tools, Virtual Visits and Key People or Other Resources

Search by field of interest Search by vocational training sector Search by program/level of study Search by key word But I cannot find job descriptions or academic

requirements for a field or trade.

LEARN POP Web Sitehttp://www.learnquebec.ca/en/content/curriculum/career_dev/pop/

Another means of exploration and a resource for teachers too….

Tool kits, POP Index, LEARN

Just some examples of means of exploration for the students….


The purpose is not to make a final career choice, but to develop the ability to carry out a career exploration process

How do teachers survive?POP – Learn by doing:

Must allow this to happen. Important to build in time to share,

collaborate, learn and get support. Must appreciate that understanding POP is a

process for teachers also. Must realize that the first year will have its

challenges to work through. Must ask for support if needed.

Role of involved collaborators and the POP

Students Teachers Guidance Counsellors and other

professionals School community The community The family

POP develops life long competencies in

studentsCompetencies that they will use

throughout their lives in the transition from job to job within the 5 different

sectors they work in.

POP is an ongoing learning experience for

both students and teachers –

enjoy the journey!