POP QUIZ 2 !!!

Post on 07-Jan-2016

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POP QUIZ 2 !!!. Multiple Choice Questions. The organization whose website you visited in your homework, that registers ip addresses in North and South America is called: A. IETF B. Erin C. Internic D. IEEE E. ARIN. What’s the Speed of Fast Ethernet? A. 10 Mbps B. 4/16 Mbps C. 100 Mbps - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


POP QUIZ 2 !!!POP QUIZ 2 !!!

Multiple Choice Questions

The organization whose website you visited in your homework, that registers ip addresses in North and South America is called:

A. IETFB. ErinC. InternicD. IEEEE. ARIN

What’s the Speed of Fast Ethernet?A. 10 Mbps

B. 4/16 Mbps

C. 100 Mbps

D. 1000 Mbps

E. None of the Above

Type of Cable most often used within Ethernet lans using star topologies?

A. fiber



D. thin coax

E. Thick coax

Which of the following is NOT a network architecture?

A. Ethernet


C. Token Ring

D. Token Passing


The file on a Unix system that gives you info on port numbers, is called:

A. /etc/services

B. /etc/ports

C. /etc/ethers

D. /etc/hosts

E. /etc/vfstab

Which is a common standard for wireless networks?

A. 802.3

B. 802.5

C. 802.11b

D. 802.11z

E. 805.3

What Network Protocol is usually used with Novell Netware?

A. Netbeui


C. Appletalk


E. None of the above

A Network Architecture based on token passing around a dual fiber ring is?



C. Token Ring


E. Fast Ethernet

Which protocol in the TCP/IP suite can act as a replacement for TCP?

a. IP

b. SPX

c. ARP

d. UDP

e. All of the above

What class of an IP address is normally given to large corporations or a large university (like Rutgers)?

A. Class A

B. Class B

C. Class C

D. Class D

E. Class E

Todays network printing solutions usually work by using:

A. a server with a printer directly attached

B. a printer with its own NIC installed and connected directly to a switch

C. print spooling on a print server

D. B and C above

E. None of the above

Fill in the Blanks

IPV4 uses _________ bits for the tcp/ip address. IPV6 improves this by using ____________ bits.

32, 128

A typical ethernet address is made up of ________ hex digits. An example would look like ______________.

A typical ip address is written down with ________ distinct parts (sections), where each part ranges from _____ to _______. An example would look like _________.

12, 1A:BC:F4:44:6C:A1, 4 , 0, 255,

Some of the Rules for Ethernet:10Base5: _______ maximum segment length _______ maximum number of

segments10BaseT: _______ maximum distance from

hub to a given system500m, 5, 100m

Name the following Channel Access Methods

Talk whenever you want _________

Listen before talking, talk and keep listening ______________

Listen before talking, ask permission to talk, and then talk ______________

2 non contention methods are _______ and _________

Aloha, CSMA/CD, CSMA/CA, Token Passing, Polling

Assume you have a server named “santa” and a client named “elf”. The server shares a directory/folder called “\toys”. Give the windows command given on the client, to map the above directory.

net use k: \\santa\toys

Assume you have a unix server named “santa” and a unix client named “elf”. The server shares a directory/folder called “/toys”. Give the Unix command given on the client, to map the above directory to an empty directory (/turkey) on the client.

mount santa:/toys /turkey

The dos/windows command to view your networking info is called ______

The unix command to view your networking info is called __________

The control panel icon useful in widows to view and change your tcp/ip information is called: ________

ipconfig, ifconfig, network

Acronym Expansions

TCP/IPTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

POTSPlain Old Telephone Service

DSLDigital Subscriber Line

CSMA/CDCarrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection

ATMAsynchronous Transfer Mode

OSPFOpen Shortest Path First

RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol

Simple Definitions

Virtual drivea logical drive letter that is not physically located on the system. Used to do drive mappings between client and server. Like the K: drive in the class lab. Points to a folder on the server.

DNSDomain Name Service. A dns server translates names into ip number and visa versa. This is useful because most humans who use internet applications specify systems by using names, but the tcp/ip packets need to use ip numbers instead. Thus DNS servers are used to translate.

Questions and Answers

Explain the 4 layers of the TCP/IP protocol. What does each layer do? Explain important fields in each protocol layer. Explain fully. What is meant by encapsulation/de-encapsulation?

Explain the different ways a machine can find its ip address when booting up? How does it find its Mac Address?

Clearly Explain how CSMA/CD works.

Draw a ethernet packet and show all fields and their sizes.

Explain what a bridge is and how does it work? Draw a diagram.

Explain what a router is and how it works?

Explain how a packet is passed from Point A to Point B if both A and B are on the same subnet. Explain what the 4 addressing fields are in each packet and how they get filled in.

Explain how a packet is passed from Point A to Point B if both A and B are on different networks (one or more router/hops apart). Explain what the 4 addressing fields are in each packet and how they get filled in.

If a site has a Class B tcp/ip address and it uses the subnet mask, then

What is the number of hosts they can have at their site per lan/subnet?

What is the number of lans/subnets do they have?

Show all work (show how you got these answers)

What is a VLAN? Explain fully.

What is a firewall? Explain fully.

What are some of the security problems related to networks? What can one do to help prevent these types of security issues?

Explain the different stages of the Lifecycle of a Network. (state what the stages are in the correct order, explain them fully).

The End! The End!