Poppy's Healthy Choice

Post on 28-Mar-2016

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Poppy's Healthy Choice - By Rob & Lisa Hill. Illustrations by Tony McNeight


By Rob & Lisa Hi l lI l l u s t rat ions by Tony McNeightBy Rob & Lisa Hi l lI l l u s t rat ions by Tony McNeight



hy choice

When Poppy was a l i t t le pig le t ,

she was a lways big .

Poppy LOVED food !

P o p py

And she grew…

. . .and grew !

and grew . . .

One day Poppy rea l i sed some of her f r iends

didn ’ t want to si t wi th her at lunch anymore .

She saw some kids poin t i ng and laughing at

her because they said she was very fat .

Poppy was so sad that

She looked on wi th sadeyes and didn ’ t jo i n in .

Poppy didn ’ t l i s ten in c lass

she did not want to p lay

games anymore .

because she was very sad .

Poppy went pa

st the Happiness Cent re on her

way to schoo l

and saw the Magic Man . She smi led .

When she got home from schoo l , she asked her

Dr Rob said he cou l d he l p .

mum to phone Dr Rob and make an appoin tmen t .

Poppy wanted to be a happy pig again .

Poppy saw Dr Rob . He gave Poppy

a happiness p lan . Poppy must make

she must be the one whochooses what to eat and

what to dr i nk and what to do .

the r igh t choices for her body .

It was not her fau l t her body was di f feren t , bu t

She wou l d eat the r igh t food , f i nd a spor t

Poppy had to f ind what SHE was good at !

that she l iked to p lay and be kind to herse l f .

She cou l d not run because i t

made her legs hur t .

Dr Rob said she was a very nice pig and that she

mus t choose some fr iends that l iked her

and made her fee l happy .

One day it was very hot so she went to the pool .It was cool in the pool and it didn’t hurt her legs.Poppy swam and swam and swam .

Poppy fe l t GOOD!

Poppy ate b lueber r ies

i ns tead of lo l l ies .

Poppy had an app le

for lunch when

her f r iends had fr ies .

Poppy drank water when her

f r iends drank soda .

Poppy had vegetab les and sa lad

ins tead of cakes and pies .

Poppy began to fee l and

look rea l ly good !

Poppy made new friends at

They played skipping instead ofbeing nasty to other people.

Poppy had a lot of fun and she felt happy again.school who did not tease her.

Poppy walked to school

with her new friends

instead of taking the bus.

Poppy was so happy, she became very good

Universi ty and became a Dietician .

Poppy made the right choices EVERY DAY and over time became happy and successful!

a t schoo l . Poppy stud ied hard and went to

Dr Rob was so impressed wi th her dedicat ion that he made her the diet ician at the Happiness Cent re .Poppy took her p lace on the verandah wi th T-Bone , Ben and Cr ink le and Lucky-Asto wave to the chi l d ren on thei r

way to schoo l .

I choose to b


hea l thy and hap

py .

I am kind to

myse l f

when I make t


r igh t choices .

I am good at

lo t s

Who I am makes


of things .

special .

I choose fr iends


he l p me be my

bes t .

Say Poppy Pig ’ s aff i rmat ions

Poppy lo ved

working at the

Happiness Cent re !

ou t loud :


“The fi r s t wea l th is hea l th”

- Ra lph Waldo Emerson

By Rob & Lisa Hi l lI l l u s t rat ions by Tony McNeightBy Rob & Lisa Hi l lI l l u s t rat ions by Tony McNeight



hy choice