Popular female fashion bloggers in kenya

Post on 16-Apr-2017

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Ten Popular Female Fashion Bloggers in Kenya The art of fashion blogging has been used for many years to cover clothing,

personal style and the fashion industry. It is truly an artistic way to showcase

different styles and share ideas with people from all walks of life. The vast

information bloggers share with their readers has always been interesting and

informative. Fashion bloggers in Kenya play a crucial role in promoting fashion

and serving fashion styles with a different flair. In Kenya, fashion blogging is

quickly gaining popularity with so many people, mostly ladies, running their

own personal blogs. The work they are doing is just amazing.

For those interested in creating a fashion blog, read our tips on how to start a

fashion blog in Kenya. If you already have a fashion blog, here are tips on how

to promote your fashion blog in Kenya.

The popular fashion bloggers in Kenya to follow 1. Nancy Mwai

If these were rankings, I trust Nancy would have taken the lead. I bet you

already know the reason if you know her achievements and have seen her

blog. She clinched the Best Fashion Blogger award from BAKE in 2012 and

retained it again in 2013. More still, the Guardian UK recognized her as one of

the top fashion bloggers in Africa (kudos to her). And if you are not aware,

Nancy Mwai is the brand ambassador for Adele Dejak as of 2015. Running a

fashion blog under her name, Nancy’s work is worth checking out.

2. Lucia Musau

Founder of African Elite Group, Lucia Musau runs a fashion blog under her

name and believes that fashion is the best way to express yourself. She says

that the secret to looking great is creating a steadiness between comfort and

style. To her, looking great is all about satisfying your personal interests and

not the interests of onlookers. Check out her blog and follow her on Facebook

to see her gorgeous styles.

3. Joy Kendi

Joy Kendi’s blog, Our Style Kenya, is that type of blog that you will want to

browse all day, and she is indeed one of the popular Kenyan fashion bloggers.

The styles and designs she shares are artful and worth to try out, that is, if

fashion is your thing. There was one time when there was a rumor that she

has dropped fashion blogging for acting. I believe this was not true because

she is doing her thing at her level best. Her posts are antidotes to those boring

days you experience. Just keep browsing!!

4. Sharon Mundia

If you have happened to come across Sharon Mundia’s blog, you can attest

that she is beautiful. Sorry, we are not talking about that. We are talking about

her as one of the popular fashion bloggers in Kenya. And by the way, she was

awarded the Top Fashion Blogger of the Year 2014 award. She believes that

fashion is being cute and trendy and celebrating your personal style. Sharon

has turned fashion blogging into her passion, and she is giving out all her


5. Winnie Odande

Winnie seeks to inspire other women through fashion blogging. If you ask me

about her blog, I will certainly tell you that she is doing a great job. Starting a

blog and running a blog are two different things, but Winnie succeeded in

both. She offers personal shopping experience and fashion styles that gets

those eyes staring at you. She also offers different services, including image

consulting, personal shopping, wardrobe revamping and styling.

6. Silvia Njoki

From a personal point of view, she runs one of the creative fashion blogs and

she definitely deserves to among the popular fashion bloggers in Kenya. The

reason is they way she is trying to incorporate baby styles in her blog. Isn’t

that really amazing? That kid under the “Baby Style” category just looks

outstanding and gorgeous. Silvia gives different DIY tips to help others on

whatever parts they are struggling on. You can also hire her for shopping,

styling, consultation among others.

7. Mumbi Shokey

Identifying the key aspects of your personal style and creating a blog that

serves that purpose is the ultimate key to fashion blogging. Our sister Mumbi

Shokey hit the nail right on the head. You can call her Mumbi Shokey, but her

real name is Grace Mumbi Gichuki. She studied Public Health at Kenyatta

University, but has an ever burning passion for fashion. So, she ventured into

fashion blogging to share the love for fashion and personal styles.

8. Winnie the Fashionista

“Mmmh…she is not sure where to start.” Okay, Winnie has a passion for

photography, fashion, travel and loves trying our different cuisines. She likes

shopping for clothes and trying them out, which is a key tip for Kenyan fashion

bloggers. The main objective for starting her blog was to share her love for

fashion and to inspire others. She says she is a shoe-a-holic because she is

addicted to shoes. Hope she doesn’t drink all the shoes. Anyways, her blog is

a powerful fashion outlet to pick an idea or two. She is doing an amazing job!!

9. Wairimu Nyandia

This is one of the popular fashion bloggers in Kenya that you should consider

checking out. Wairimu is much into hair, so I trust she has lots of stuff and tips

to share with you on hair. It is because of her passion for fashion that she

decided to blog about fashion. She offers DIY tips to help others out and she

loves her natural hair. You might want to check her blog out during your free


10. Maureen Bandari

Closing our list of 10 popular female fashion bloggers in Kenya is Maureen

Bandari. She studied Biotechnology at Kenyatta University and loves science.

She equally feels the same for fashion and that’s the reason she started a

fashion blog. Maureen loves trying out different colors and trends, so she

wants to inspire others through her blog. She posts tips on daily outfits, beauty

and hair tips. It is worthwhile to find out what her blog offers.