pork conooi aye - glias.org.uk · -FyomSt PancY-ashas been that madeby Saxby Bn-:JtheYsLtd. o-f the...

Post on 25-May-2019

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-FyomSt PancY-ashas been that made by Saxby Bn-:JtheYsLtd. o-f the r'lelton Bakery,llJellingboru_lgh, i\ior-thants, established in 1904 and still a -family business.These celeblrated jVlidJ.i3.ndpies corns in tJ-"aditional ~\)axedli\wappa-s pr-oudlypr-inted \.'\ij t.h gold medals and wi t.h no anachronistic pl aat.i c in sight. To thepork pie conooi ssseur they aye ~,.Jell['\lorth theif- some!t-.i!'lathighey cost. The}raih'\'ays al:::::::Jha.clan association v..!ith Sa)(by's v-.ihichI;\)assomething to do IrJithsi~Jn21s but that iE:. anotllS!-- stOj....Y"

Letci'l;;\)Olrthin Hert-folrdsrlit-e it·Jasthe wodd's fiYst Gar-denCity, based upon theideas of Si,r Ebenezer HO\!~cw'd(1850-1928). It v-Jasintended to clreate a self-contained corrrnunit.v v,then:=!work, homeand leisuye would all take place inhealthy countr v+I ike su-r oundtnos away +roin the CjroiAldedindustyial tOtt~nsof thenineteenth century. :'~2h;yally such a scheme3ttYacted many idealistic peoplev,)ith d. vJide '';cU'-:i.E:ty iJT bel ie-Fs.,

In ['tiay 1903 a t!"'act o-f land [,\Jasbought, 3,81B aD-es in extent, astxide t!'leC3mblridgebiranch of the (3Yeat I\1m'then'i KaillN.3\/ and ttJith !relatively -Fejr~ level·:lv-eas.FDIIDv,Jinga compet.it ion the plan +or Letchvllorth li\Jasdrawn up by BaYY'y1?2yi<er- 0867-1947) a.ne!RaymondUrwi n (1863-·J.9[+O), both l'\;ith Defrbyshirei:Jdck~vounds.In :~904 corsst.ruction v,;ov-kbegan and a competition to design a'cheap cottage' costing not moye than £150 pyoduced a plethov-a. o-F examples. The+ol l owinq yeaf"-2.n e'~hibition vvasvisited by more t.han 60,000 people when 121cot,tages 1,'\!eJret.o b8 seen.

'Jy 1'7'11 the [:Jopulatio;-I had ~"eached5;324 but dUf'ing the Gre3t L<Jarneady 3,0002elgian ys-FugeesC3illB to live t n the t.own. In 1915 the steel foundry o-f K~"'yn?nd L2.h';/II'Jasset up b/ the :r2i 1vllay in the -factory 2yea o-FLetchwoyth maki figmunitions and a J.Ev-gE·pro~"JC11'"tion0+ the v\ofrk-fon:e therre vvasBelgian. Uril ikeSiy-tley in County DUI'h2,f!'),in the Hertfov-dshilre town the Belgians ~\le;'-equicklyinteg!r3ted i rrt.o t!--:::; 1<::)c;'31COff:f1:unity.The di st inct.t ve social atmospheye o-FLetchworth and being cl nSI;\)tOI,'m probabl y hed much to do v,ith th is.

808 CARR


In 1892, in r eeponse to complaints about; evil odouv-s·fyomthe nev\lly--inst311edIT, ain dirai nage system5 the DcY'king Loca1 Board install ed vent pipes \I~hieh iAlerel'-c~fe;'Tedto in the local newspeper at; the time as 'Wimbledon Columns' m-, ~\iirnb1edon Pill eWS', Five 0':= these st i 11 SUrV iv'e in the t.own, At tempts tof.:hsCOVf~r-t.he origi ns o-Fthe namehave so -fatr proved -fy-uitless, a.nd I shoul d be':Jv'crte-fulj,-;:': any memba;rcall cast any light on this. Perhaps the design iAlas-firstcld_lpted in L~imbledcn, or ~\jasit an invention o-Fthe ~\limbledonCounci1 Engineer-?Rep1ies please to D. Croome, 6 Launceston Gay-dens,Perivale, Gtreenfm"d,!·1i eJljlesex" UB6 7ET.


1+ comp1irnents and cong,..'atu13tions consti tute success, then Crossness Open Day:'995 v,JasSLJCD3ss-fuLThe v,eather held +i ne and thelre ~\;asno undue odour -from':1LC neat--neighbour-s, The last v is i tor had hardl y left the compoundbe-foreff1Smbel--'3of C,E. T. welre 2t.::\Y'tiiig \I~orkon next yecw's programme. Concw"rent I;,ithr-esi::.oyaticn o-Fthe engine' f:Jyince Consort' ~ cDrlselrvation of the +abr ic of thebui l dinqssand the establishment of a museumo-f Sanitation and Health, guidedviaits aye conducted fOir school chi 1dyen and other or-ganis3tions.

~ alP happy to rspDyt:::.hat GLi/\S IAias;,\1811jrepyesented by rnembelrSvisi tin~l thesits -::.hi s ··y'ealr3r1Cion beha1-f o-f the membeyso-f Crossness Engi fles, thank 3.11 who.3.ttended and hope you. Il\li11 iretLwn to 1;\11tness GUY plrogress=



hcuusL J '795


In the a-fternoon o-F the Clrossness Open Day i"jaY")! r!li I l s led July's GLlA8 walkround \;Joolv~ich. In the -Fiyst. 'Civic Reception' +or a lr,!alk Greell\.'lJich's Deputy[Via.yor- v-Jelcomedfi -Fty plus flIGmb.sj·-sana other-s to the Bor-ouqh be-Folre~\ieset o-F-F-:Ff""cmL\ioolv\lil::h Airr::.snal Sta.tton ..

The v-ia.lk took us past the :-:'lYsena.land along the ri\!elr +r orrt to the -Fen-y. In '\spite o-F di +Fi cult res leading to a slo\-\I tu.rn around \'l.letook the -Fev-v-yto Nov-th',V-.'oDhJich('lJhelrehiS' ~'0alked dDIAw:stYeamto look at old -FBY'Y',/ sites and earlyrnUflic ipa 1 hOU.5ing"

The ~\!21k ended at NorthllJooh'llictl Station I.AJiler8the oppor tuni ty ~vastaken tovisit t!'le museum. SOir,2o-f the walkers took it even -Fuythe,- by strolling backth,'"ough the tUi:nel to South lIJooh\!ich.



I·f I have any reguli:w reade!rs they may v-emembsY'that in my article on Hal/.Jes·gas v,im-ks I pr-omised to come back and explain mor e about oil gas and oil gas!\'CJ:'-;':sin East London, He!'"e is a br ie-f account nf the 80~\ion Gas (.;Jorks- asu.bject \.\Ih)ch, i-f pr cper Iv hwitten up , woul d take u.p much more space than tileNe",slette~- ("-Ji11 e I l ow me. Helre are some o-F the highl ights.

(i,le -cend to t.h ink about; 'gas (,,-,or-ks'as plants proi:;Jucing gas +r orn coal. This nas!,S'·/2Y· osen entir-ely tn.J.e; gas -for lighting has been made fr-om all sor-ts ofr~at:ei·-ial. In the 8,"-'.Y'l.y 182:0s a numbei' o-f publi c ssupp Iy gas workss used oil a;;.~~·~a!t\!rnater-ial. I,The pr"ocess t,.\:aspa:tented "b·y John Tavlor in 1815. Tavlor is one. 0';= thoseGsor-;; i. an engineel'-s/f.3nb"epl'~eneUYsI.AJhCJset out; to exp 1oi t; and change; the 1-'\101' 3.din a variety 0-;-= ~\lays, lA r8centish biography : F;ogey Buyt, John Taylor 7

f"loOP-land .Bookss, 1977)"

He has been desCt'icsd as 'the -foreiilos-c mining E'ngineel~ In EUI'"ope' but hesometimes described himself as 'manu.-factuyj.ng chemist o-F Strat-Ford' •. I havenever been able to t.r ack dQl,-\lilhis St:rat-foyd chemical '."-Jorks- anv in+orrnat.ion'Jr-a-c8-Fi..Allyrecetved - but the a.ct.u.al irwsntor D-F tJie on gas PI-'OCBSSWdS histyothe:r Philip, ".ihn lived, pe+or'e 1824, in BI"ornley-by-Bow and was a chemist;;~i.th a str-ing of patents. There \f\leye s8vel'-a1 othev- blrothevs, all in keyoosit.ions ,

I n the gC'ls rn~ki ng pl-ocess any 011 caul d be used and it v-ias thu.s use-Fu.l fm-SCt-"IP +rom the SClaP and other oi 1 based indu.stries, including 01 Is and -Fats"'J:,ic;-, coal Clas had made Iredu.ndant as the ral,') rnater-ials o-r: stYeet lighting. The


oi l v'Jasliqu.e-Fied and t.r ick l.ec dC;\,\li-:-,a hot metal pipe, The resulting gas wasC::·C) J. ed and collected. It. trien v·Jen·tthrough aired hot; iv-on pipe to a gas ha1der •Oi 1 gas lacked the eulphur compounds Found in coal gas, it thus \t~asthought notto need pur iFi cat.i on and it !i~aSpn.Jrnoted as both sa-Felr and cl eaner ,

John Tav 1or- and his pai·-tner" John rVlav-tineau. (~\)i t.h relations at Wilitbread' stwei...~ev-y) had an engine8i'"ing l-\loi'"ksat; ~~hitecross Stn~et just nor-th o-F the City,;T;ovin'd ",:0 V,iinsm- Ilronhioyks in the Cj.ty Road, <I \f\tQu.ldlike rnOi'"ein+orrnat.i on on·c.hat.) They m3.dea v-e.ngeo-F equ.ipment" including ste2J-nengines, printing and'-:u.ga:·-re+i rn no rnachj.n8!ry- chapterS coul d be Hi'itten about all of these" Oilcas rnaki riq equipment It\i2S procuced and supplied on a +r anchi se basis - fi1ainly in~\·:-:3.1in!]alre2:s-- Edinbwr9h1 Hull~ Br-is-col; Li ver poc I and so on.

L.DnCOn"Jas, o-f cour se , cl irlajo:r ~,jhaliil£l PCH..-t and a public supply gas wOI'"ks'!\jasS'.et up neay Prri l ip Taylol'"'s·l"ome at. BO~\i. It is not cleay exactly whe:'-e thisv-;od(s v-Jas - Cl. caption Lo 2,n illustt-ation in a Co-palrtnBrship Herald helpfullydesc~r ibes it :3.S ;:Dei!ind -the houses in Bow Road::',. The i--a.te books 1ist it as tile'FiY'st D!'emi~es in Dld For-d Road at the 80•..,,1 end. It. [."<;If; clsad y on the Lea. ~1yguess is that it ,,,,-,,5 on the. piece o·f. land !.t~hich is today beb\)eBn Payne Road and


1SC;;__ '--' I August t995

thf3 Bm" +1yover YOLxldabout, ShGi.'Jn2,S 2. chemice1 lA.iov-kson 1ab3i'- maps. It V'Jasrnana,(;Jedby Or. ["loses ~.ica~-do (blrother- 0+ the economist) and had been built tosuppl y 1 ighti ng +or the I,\Jh:c techapel Road. An Act 0+ Pad iament ll'.jhich allo;·Jed+m- gas Lighting but, unueual l Y 7 not the v\lc:wks,had many local industrialists2~nongits SUbsClribeys together .·dth some scientific associates o-Fthe Tey lor sa.nd .John !\1ar-ti n2ctU .•

An account o·f 'goi il\;JS on' at the BO\A)Oi 1. Gas I/~orks v~ould take up -Far moye spacethan I have here" I have taken recent 1y to star-ting lectures lI~it.h an account, o-Fthe 8\/Bnts o-F the night OT 5th fVlct"y 1825 i,."vhen Henry' Holrnan L"'-Jent out; to eupperand -FollDv,.ledhis nose back home. I"loses Ri car-do [,\Iasnot the most ef-Fecti ve

Tc.v l or and f'l!aytineau ';'!anted to build an oil gas \·,JOirKSto supply WestminsteJ~.Tl,is v·;e.s challenged t,y thc-j coal gas intEwests and the subsequent pu.blic enquiryspn3ad over tv~o vear-s , This is in i.tsel-F a sat;.1a+rorn which emerges a strong

20Gut the I'"j.gi-Its and !,'W-Oi!';]S0+ gas pur i-Fication methods. (,,,ihatalsoE:-;E<Y"Qsdwas a I-a.ts' nest of' scandals at the Bowwor ke, The enqujxy stopsDbni.()tJ.y, pr'obablv cr.-:)causetile BDlA.!v~OI'-kshad been taken over- by someoneor'ot.h=r , probably some of the less respectable elements 0+ the Imper-ial Company.

GtEt.·,lcWt(Gas(Aioyksj.n the f'~ol~thTfl.3.mesayea) says that it becamea coal gas,..·.c;'ks and lives taken over- by the Br it.issh Gas Light Co. in 1829, lAJhosold it in1t332 ·to the Cornmer-cial Co , ~ v>Jhoclosed it. down, It would be inten3sting tor~::-i-'c:k that vJi -Ch the n2cords 0+ the Br it.i sh .Companyi ..F they ever- come to 1 ight./y only cc;l1msnt is n8lj~mana.gement"joesn' t seer:l to have changed tru nqs much. InU351 thev hJ8YB ordeJred by BCt,\! \!esb~y to glaze their' v~indo"\isbecause o-F the'q:-,anti ties 0+ dala-b:3ricu.s !lla.tte!'" bei ng ernitted' and to 'remove yefuse" becauseu-f t!-ie cj-'Iolera outbre.ak"

SGLU'-CBS +or J.::his c."u.-ticle ":iot a.lrea.dy mentioned a~""'e~--i"li nutes o-f ·the Lonoon and Wsstrninster Oi 1 Gas Enqu i ry;j\1,.8 .. Ct:Jttei~i11, The Scottish Ga.s Irldu.2tV·')1 to 191/+;F).J-. ROv-Jlinson~Regulation of the Gas Indu8tl~Y in the ecwly Nineteenth Century1800-3.860; and SiY"A:rthUi' El t.on, The Tr-iumpil OT the Gas L:lghts.

T:-Ic:~nk you t.o l"U.chael O'Conner +or sending i-nea cutting -FromThe Times quoting a1Sj·~S YSpOi ....t about. ..the fYja,rshanl Street citadels. I see that this y-e-Fer:s to ~si te0+' GId and ne",1gas iloldeys Hhich implies that excavations -For the hol der tanks;.\;el'"(:';u.sed as a. basis +or the citadels I--athslr t.hari tile tanks themselves.



!Cin art ic l e \AJasoubl iehed in the 'NSlrJ Civil Engineer' o-F23yd Mav"ch1995 aboutths rsstoJrat.ion o-FCi'-anes in Docklends , Somepoints in the ar t ic l e v~erein3.CCuv·2.teand other-s ileeded some cl ar iFi cat.i on and a letter- to Anclyelr.) Df ck ,~:';-:"3 LODeConsE?n;a',:iO!";O-F-Ficer-resul tsd in thE resolution o·f some issues. Thisnot,e combinas in+orrnat.ion +rorn both SDUr-ces ..

ThEye ,J.:~e26 dock crB.nes eurv ivi nq in the Ur'ban Development Area - 24 being 0+the high pedest2.l type of' 1953 and 1962/4 vintage. Two on the east side o-F;'ii l } \'';.:31 J Dock wen? j'-eFulrbished 6 yeays ago; 5 more in the Mi 11wa11 Dock~ 6 in1=.hsF~o,/21Vi ct.or ia Dock, and 5 in the l,Jest India Dock have been re-Furbished in~:hGpaat, tVJOyears. The steelv-Joy-khas needed to be extensively renovated andthis has beer, carried out to such a s"tandar-d that the er-anes ,are expected tola.2t 20 yeal'-s be-Fm"'eIreouilring -fur-thsy rnaintena'ice. f\10st o-F the mechanical and'31.ec-exical equipment. hi=\s been removed so they are only gaunt emascu12ted.norr...trnen-cs ~ it searDS C'. pi t\)i tha.t at J.ea.stsorne t"'igging cou.ld not have beenretained.

For cunat.e l v t.he tv~o 6-·t.on traveJ.lin\;) elre,nesat PoplC'lvDocks av£:! li'sted Gr-adc 11arid English !""ier-itage v~asinsistent on Y-ebuilding to near Originalspscifica:tion. Reg!"ettably ho~"ever-, they have been J~epainted in l~ed and vel l ow- nDV'J they look 1ikG a. 1"lcDcma1ds advel'-t! The 'NCE' art i c1e says that the ne~,)


'-"'- ./., - \, ..

-p'UgUst.. l~5 _1I

co l oure ~~erethose o-f the or iqt nel m'mer-, the 'l\Joythe("n' (sic) London Railway,'~vet, f\iLF: lCJCOS ~·~JE:.!y-ein black 1i\/8i'-V', and the coaches ver ru shed tea.k +i ni sh , Ft-Oni

!r·J!-le(·ethen did the nev~eo lour schemeclI'-iginate? ["h·- Dick stated that previou~lywO h~-' " '.'!.. er - -'.-- .~.",- . - .!.. h - --1' r - eh -- - 'J.. J -, '.L. ( 1 . J..'-'" io.Ll [:)3J.ITceoc,iL~e L.fc:iI,;:...t:> 111u,t=; LU OUI ::;"~8111eIIO~\IaOOpLeU.J. can L I-ie p OUL

think til,3t the gn?'/ -Hnish the ,:;i'-anesheld pr ior to Y-estm-ation was rnor e2.pp!""opria.te to tj--!Sj.I'- v\!Or~kacj-=C;l activ'i·ties ..

GU.AB...f\JHJ8LETTERj\JO. 159·

The I,isto(,/ o-Fthase tV·iQcr-anes is at.i 11 unc l ear +or ' al though the v~orks plateson th:3 crane chassis shm'J ' Stothart [" Pi tt i960' they look arrt ique and seemi ll-propm-tioned ,Ali th tl-;e bulk o+ the supelrstr'Uctulre herdl y matching the gaugeof the rai I t.rsck , Hov-:ev8r, is it possible that 1960 I'e-Fers to a rebuildingdate rathelr than conso-uct ton date? L.;JeYethese o l der- cranes mounted on a nev~c;i-;3ssis in J960? The LODCtl~asunable to clairify this point. Does anyone elsekr:ov·J ·thei r- h istor-~/'?




} '::;111CCiiilpi I ing a check l ist o-Falrticles by myoId friend, the late Chr ia Br-unal:on numisillatics~ -For- publ icat.i on in the Token Cor-responding Society Bu.lletin (o-P"!.'Jilid. t~;B\I·Jasco--Fo'J.nd2Yback .i n 1971) and have come aCl'oss in his papers thetypescl"'ipt of an ar t icl e he wrote in 1970 called 'Notes on Tokens in theIncL.istj'ial An::ha.eole<;:;icalScene o-F London'. I've no in+ormat.ion on where] if ata.ll~ this was publ iahed, Cari vou possibly assist? p·lou(gency - and please;:::;:-·:·,'t go to enm-moust.roubl e checking indexes! Peter fYiarcanthought it mighth3.\/E~ .3.ppear-ad in London Inouat.r ial Airchaeolo9'l'!f

;,H:icl-!br inqs me to my second plea fOir he l.p, I am compi1ing a bibl ioqraphy o-F1i t8Y'ature :'-elating t.o sevEnteenth century tokens, and v,iouJ.dappl·-eciate any\-.:=+erencesyou may be 2018 to supply -from industrial av-er-Iaeological joul'nals.,:,nd i·f pDssibl£3, '::;CpiG3 o:F3yticles. The only one I have is by Ie in Thomson (a-friend o-F my -fathet-) en London Tokens v,Jhichappeared in the Londonqi--chaeo1.ogist (liJi ntel'- i.968) .

Repl iee please to Nick Watt.on; 18 Ru.ede la GEu'-e; 11250 Ccu+Foul ene, Fr-ance.



Fo:r tVJ8nty YealrS?Dockl anda For-umhas rnoriitOred events concerru nq the Docklands:.. '1gl-,t Rcii lW2.y and the L imehouse L'i nk Road, p:-oduci;,g' i n+orrne't.t on sheets E.iBvEwaltimes .3. yeay. The Fo!~umcan supply compilations of these papel's at £5 a pack.Subjects avai lable so +ar aye : Docklands Light Rail~\Iay (or iqinel 1ins) ;Dock Lsnoa Li qtrt Rc:,i i~.iay (8edd:on Extension), Dock l ande Light Rai l\r~ay (Green~\Iichextension), Lirnehouss Li nk, London City Air-port. GLiAB membersshould r-ealisethat, these incIude ve:ry 1ittle tec;:hni.cal t n+ortnet.i.on, Det.ai Ls from I"!ayy rli l l s ,Do::!(1ands Forurn, Braoy Centi"'s, 192 Hanbury Bb-eet, London El.

1"11-4RY M I LLB


;in historic phot.oGraphic recmrd by Pstel- Stanier. 120 pages. 114 photos. 32fi1dpS and 1ine i llustirations. £12.95. TwelveheCl.dsPress, Chy Mengletrl,Tv~el\fsheads, Cornv,a'll TR4 BEN.

To quote the publi shej's' 1eaf 1et, ' A uni que co11ect i on o-F hi stoYi c phot.oqraphs,:T!.:::..ny never- in print be+ore, +rom the Br-itis!, Geological Survey 1 has been;;c::t.hen:::o togethslr by [>-. Petel''' Stanier. Shm'jing quarries in t.he -Fii"'st. thveec3cades o-F this century~ \~Jit.h theif'- ~'Jo:rkersand wOlrking methods, machinery and::':q'J.ii::Tient,the photogr-:.phs are accompanied by '=' +ul.I and ~'>Jell-in-Formedcommenta.ry,,

The ilJ.usb-ations include clays, chalk, gl'anite, ironstone. limestone andPort.Land stone, s.3.nd<:,;-,d gravel, ssancst.onsand sl.~te.



GUAB-,NEWSLETTER-f\l0.15'1'- . . -August, 1995

colours ~\)ere those of the or io i nsl owner , the 'j\Jorthe,'n' (sic) London Railir~ay,'yet [\!LF 1acos ~·"Jef"ei n bLack 1i \/8,..-··)/ , and tl'18 coaches vcu'- nished tea,k -Fin isI-:. Fr-Ofn!,'Jhel'ethen did the. nel;,)colour schemem-iginate? [virDick stated that pl~eviouslyBRhad painted these Cl'anes in the col cur schernenOv,jadopted. I can't help butthink that the gl'ey +Iru ssh the cyanes had pr ior to restoration was mor e2.ppl....opr iat.e to t.heir !t.Joi""'kac1a.y aot.i v ities ..

The history of these tv,iOcranee is sti 11 uncl ear +or ' 211though the I,;)or-ksplateson ths CV':3J1B chaeai s shov\! "S-cc,tha:,··t& Pitt 196()" they look antiqu.e and S8E?!T:

ill-pi'oportioned It-!it.hthe bulk o'f the supelrstructwre hardl y matching the gaugeo-Fthe rai I track. However-~is it possible that 1960 refers to a jrebuildingdate rathelr the,n construction date? L.<Jerethese oLder cranes mounted on a nev~chassis in 1960? The LDDC!i·.jasunable to clahfy this point. Does anyone elsek nOi.r·J ·th£~i r- h istOi'"-~/?



I am coropi l inq a check l iat. o-Fer t icl es by myoId +r iend, the late Chris BruneI ~on numismatics~ -For publication in the Token COI~respondingSociety Bu.lletin (of;,~:,ichhe ~·.;aseo+Founder'back in 1971) and have comeaClross in his papers thetypescript of an ar+ ic'le he v,;rote in 1970 called 'Notes on Tokens ill theIncuet.r ial Aycha.eolcgical Scene o-f London',. 1;1\/8 no i n+orrnat ion on ll\}he' ....e, .i-F atal L, this V·Jaspub l iened. Caoyou possibly ass}st" 1\0 ur-genc:y- and please,c:c:,'t go to enonn8US.t.r oubl e checking indexes! Peter' ["Iarcan thought it mighth:'1.\ff~ .3PPS3.rwed in London Lnousst.r ieI Ai/"chaeolog\/ ..

:,'j;,icri br inqs me to my second plea for help. I am COmp111nga bibliography o-Flitelratuf--e I--elating to sevenb::!enth cent.urv tokens, and V\iouldapplreciate anvn3-fel'-encesyou mer; be ",b18 to supply from industr-ial archaeological joul'-nals.:~ind i-F !=,ossible, i:cpiE3 of .:?.i--ticles. The only one I have is by lain Thornson(a+r rend 0+ my -Fathet-) en London Tokens lAJhichappealred in the London{~ll~chaeo1.oq i st (~'Jinte}r 1968).

Rep1ies please to Nick Wetton; 18 Rue de la Gare, 11250 Cou+Foulens, France.



For tv\ISilty yec\lrs; DockLands Forum has moriitOlred events concerning the DocklandsLight Railway and the L.imehou.seLink Road, pr-oduci nq in-for-mation sheets several'times .3. year-. The Forum can supply compilations o-j: these papel-s at £5 a pack,Subjects available so -Far ar-e : Dockl ands Light Raih;)ay (or iqinal line);DockLands Light Rai It~~a:y'(Beckton Extension); Docklands Light Ra i ll/.,Jay (Glreenv.Jicl-1extension); Lirnanouse Li nk, London City Air·p0v-t. L:::Lit5...8 membersshould ~-ealiset.har, these include ve~~yl:lttle technical f n+orrnat.i on. Details -from l"lar-y[1i11s,Dockl ande Forum, Brady Centre, 192 Hanburv StIeet, London E1.



;:il; historic phot.oqrephic record by Petelr St.ariier. 120 pages. 114 photos. 32mapsand line i Ll uat.rat.i ona, £12.95. Twelveheads Press, Chy Mengleth,TV'Jel\feheads, Cornv'.JallTR4 BSi'\!.

To quote the publishers' lea-Flet, 'A unique collection o-F historic photographs,:nomy never in print before, -Fl~omthe B!~itish Geological Survey, has beengc:;thef~edtogether by C;--.Petel" Stanier. ShOl/'.Jingquarries in the fiY-st threec2ca.desof this cerrturv , with their v-JOykelrSand WOlrki.ngmethods, machinery andsq'_lipment, the phot.oqraphrs Clyeaccompanied by a +u l l and ~,"ell-i n-Fonfledcommentayy.'

The illustY-a.tions include clays, chal k, glranite, il'-onstone, limestone andPort.Larid stone, sand 2.:id gravel, sandstone and slate.