Pornography Be sure to understand the definition Know what is evil about it –I–It is...

Post on 29-Dec-2015

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PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

Galatians 5:19-21

"Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

Hebrews 13:4

"Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

Matthew 5:27-28

"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

Mark 7:21-23

"For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: all these evil things come from within, and defile the man."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive

2 Peter 2:18-19 - NASV

". . . they entice by fleshly desires, by sensuality . . . they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by what a man is overcome, by this he is enslaved."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages

Matthew 19:6

"Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being


1 Corinthians 15:33 - NASV

"Do not be deceived: "Bad company corrupts good morals."

KJV "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

Hebrews 3:13

"But encourage one another day after day, as long as it is still called "Today," lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’

1 Peter 2:11

"Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul;"

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger

1 Corinthians 10:12

"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."

R - Restricted – A film with this rating requires a viewer under the age of 17 (18 in

some jurisdictions) to have a parent or other adult guardian accompanying the viewer.

– May contain very strong language or strong sexual emphasis, strong explicit nudity, strong violence and gore, or strong drug content.

PG-13 - Parents Strongly Cautioned – Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13. – May contain moderate language, minimal strong language, some

explicit nudity, intense violence, gore, or mild drug content. This is the highest unrestricted rating.

PG - Parental Guidance Suggested – Some material may not be suitable for children. – May have mild violence and/or action, mild language and sexual

references, brief nudity (revealing attire), intense images, sexual themes, crude humor or very mild drug references.

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger– Guard your heart

Proverbs 4:23

"Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger– Guard your heart– Pray

Matthew 26:41 - NASV

"Keep watching and praying, that you may not enter into temptation . . ."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger– Guard your heart– Pray – Look for the way of escape

1 Corinthians 10:13

"There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger– Guard your heart– Pray – Look for the way of escape– Seek help from brethren

James 5:16

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much."

PornographyPornography• Be sure to understand the


• Know what is evil about it– It is lasciviousness

– It glorifies sexual relationship outside of marriage

– It causes people to commit “adultery in the heart”

– It corrupts the heart and defiles the person

• Don’t underestimate it’s danger– It is addictive– It is destroying marriages– Many young people are being

ensnared– It hardens the heart

• Take preventative measures– Be ready for a ‘war’– Never assume you are immune

from the danger– Guard your heart– Pray – Look for the way of escape– Seek help from brethren