Pornography in fashion

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Pornography in Fashion

Influence of the advertising media

Objectification of women

How fashion photographers are using sexualisation toto enhance creativity.

Advertisement campaign in 1983: Female astronauts and a woman advertising the computer system Ferranti

A rise of female employment within respected job roles.

Dr. Katharina LindnerDr. Katharina Lindner

Through media, both male and

female are taught a certain manner.

‘The feminine touch’

‘Function ranking’

Erving GoffmanErving Goffman

Noni Hazlehurst: Exposure to the sexualisation of women in our daily lives

Beginning to go unrecognised

O’Dea (2007): Twenty percent of Australian girls are fasting for two or more days per week to lose weight.

Daily Mail Fashion advertisements

no longer sell fashion, but sex.


Caryn FranklinCaryn Franklin

Gucci Guilty Male consumer has fallen for the

objectification of the female.

American Apparel Pose suggesting a sexual nature Women are also falling for the

objectification of females.

Extreme feminist Andrea Dworkin

Leaves women trembling at the word‘feminist’

The need for something to be in place for emergency calls

Fashion photographer Terry Richardson

Shooting topless models Seen to be an artistic

development in the fashion world.

The adoption of the aesthetics of porn in fashion photography

Dictator of sexualising women Media keeps on pushing our

boundaries to become noticed and exposed.

ByProject manager: Meg Plenderleith

Researcher: Charlotte DickensContent creator: Beth La-Garde

P&D: Maiken OlsnesP&D: Brogan Watts