Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela

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Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela. IVIC. ULA. USB. Table of Content. Introduction to the used technologies (Concepts) The original application Usage approach Advantages/Disadvantages The early version (PHP) The portlet based application (JSR 168) Usage approach - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela


II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

Table of Content

• Introduction to the used technologies (Concepts)

• The original application

Usage approach


• The early version (PHP)

• The portlet based application (JSR 168)

Usage approach


• The next generation (GRID)

• Conclusions

• Questions

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The original application: model of use

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela

AUTOSTRUCTURE is an updated and extended version of the atomic structure code SUPERSTRUCTURE, widely used by the international community of atomic physics, astrophysics, plasma physics, laser physics.

1. Download the software

2. Configure the parameters

3. Compile the application

4. Create the input file

#: ./autos.x < file.in

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The original application: advantages and disadvantages

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela


• Fully controlled by the user.• Source code available for modifications.• Shell speed.


• Difficult to learn and configure.• Related to user hardware limitations.• Primitive user interface.• Locally accessible.• Unfriendly input/output files.• Centralized data administration…

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The early approach: PHP version

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela

1. Download the software

2. Configure the parameters

3. Compile the application

4. Create the input file

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The portlet based application: JSR 168

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela

• OO design and implementation.

• PHP code to JSP and Java.

• JSR 168 Compliant.

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The portlet based application : advantages and disadvantages

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela


• Easy to learn and use (reduce the learning curve).• No configuration required.• Massive resources.• Globally accessible.• Friendly set up of input files.• Organized results table (output files).• Remote and distributed data administration.• Permanent data storage.


• Change resistant (many traditional user)

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

The next generation: GRID

Portal Implementation Experiences in Venezuela

• GSI authentication:GSI authentication: is a specification for secret, tamper-proof, delegable communication between software in the grid computing environment.

• GRAM job execution:GRAM job execution: t the Grid Resource Allocation and Management (GRAM) service provides a single interface for requesting and using remote system resources for the execution of "jobs".

• GridFTP file transfers:GridFTP file transfers: is a high-performance, secure, reliable data transfer protocol optimized for high-bandwidth wide-area networks.

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

Portal Implementation Experiences in VenezuelaThe Application: AutoStructure Online

AutoStructure OnlineAutoStructure Online


• GridSphere 2 (gsPotal 0.9)• JSP (Java Server Pages)• JDK 1.5• Tomcat Server 5.5• Apache Ant 1.6.5• Maven 1.0.2• MySQL 4

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.

Portal Implementation Experiences in VenezuelaConclusions

• The complexity of the modern Grid computing paradigm implies we have to stop reinventing common solutions.

• Portlets provide reusable code that can be shared between various organizations.

• Portals provide an understandable and usable high level environment for end users of any discipline.

• GridSphere provides a portlet model that facilitates the fast development of new portal features.

• Portlet developers can focus on delivering end functionality instead of low level details.

II Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andII Latin American Grid Workshop, I Latin American EELA Workshop andI Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006.I Latin American EELA Tutorial. Mérida (Venezuela), April 24- 29, 2006. J. GonzálezJ. González, , C. Mendoza, R. León.C. Mendoza, R. León.
