Portfolio-Benjamín DF-2011

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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This is my Work Portfolio updated to 2011, on it I show most of my professional projects and student projects of my masters and bachelor studies, I'm including at the very end some projects I did while teaching Industrial Design in Mexico.


Benjamin Dueñas Figueroa

Personal WorkPortfolio

ISMOImpedance Spectroscopy MonitorFor - Innovamédica 2006

The Monitor - ISMO

The Impedance Spectroscopy Monitor ISMO, is a technology that was developed by the company Innovamedica, in Mexico City.

The technology measures the electrical impedance in the stomach tissue by means of a probe located in there and it makes a prediction of the health status of patients at intensive care.These people who have not yet arrived to a serious health condition, can have an overall health diagnosis by means of the ISMO monitor measurement and tell in advance the doctor if the patient could go to a serious condition or even the death, so the medical team can act before it happens.

Why Yellow?

I was working on the project during the second phase of clinical trials, where I had to design the case for the monitor, this phase lasted only three months which was used to make the design, engineering and first production parts on silicon molds.

Before starting the design, some research was done on some hospitals, directly observing the intensive care room, I observed several cases of people in that room everybody with serious health cases.

People are connected to many devices at a time and surrounded by medical equipment, and some cases also among other people with a similar condition, which is sad most of the time.

I had to give a more human response to that scenario in the design, of this proposal and my thoughts went immediately to the colors of the device, since I was very restricted in the budget, materials, number of items to produce, and all the engineering inside it, so I thought on using a more vivid and bright color as the yellow-orange, and giving a safe and more friendly looking to the geometry around the engineering.

How could you see an equipment like this not as “a medical device”, may be that could sound weird or crazy but the idea of having a friend besides you instead of having an equipment blew my mind on this project.

AnesthesiaAnesthesia Mobile

Anesthesia Environment

The Anesthesia Mobile Project

During the summer period of my Masters study, I arrange to come back to Mexico to make an internship at the company Innovamedica, which was sponsoring part of my studies, and at that time they were working on a project for anesthesia, so I decided to make a conceptual internship project for that theme, since I was interesting on doing something helpful for the operating room at a hospital.

Then I decided to start the project of communication inside the operating room, relating the information with the people inside it but mainly related with the people doing the anesthesia work.

I started by doing some field research at a hospital in Mexico, the National Institute of Cardiology, where I had the opportunity to visualize the previous steps that a anesthesiologist has to do before and during an intervention in the operating room.

Inside the surgery I observed many things to consider as important but I focus myself on one simple fact that I think it was curious but also important, the doctor let his mobile phone over a flat surface below the vital signs monitor, and it was ringing very frequently so he actually left it there on purpose so it was close to him, but the real thing is that there is no space inside the operating room to left your mobile so it remains acces-sible to answer a call, actually it is weird but mobile phones has to be on the locker when you left your personal stuff.It is very important not only for the anesthesiologist to have their mobiles accessible but for many of the doctors, including the surgeons, who ask another person to answer their mobiles while they are operating.Some other times we also watched the anesthesiologists bringing their sound equipment inside the operating room to have music with their ipods, when we asked why they did it?, they told us that the music makes a better working environment, more relaxing and allows them to be more focused on their work. After those observations I decided to make the project of Anesthesia Mobile.

Anesthesia Mobile Concept

The Anesthesia Mobile Concept

The anesthesia mobile concept is a service, designed to integrate the mobile phone into the hospital networks.The service proposes to integrate into a mobile phone valuable information for the doctor and anesthesiologist as the updated list of programmed surgeries, information about the patient, the doctor, and comments from other doctors.It includes a touch - screen inside the Operating Room where the graphics can be displayed and connected with the anesthesia equipment, include more graphics and have online support for technical issues.

The Mobile Without Mobile

With the aim of making easier, safer and diminish the risk of contamination inside the Operating Room, the mobile without the mobile is a new concept introduced on a hospital.The concept changes the shell of the mobile into many accessories that can be used as the same mobile with the same information, but different capabilities.This different capabilities are linked with the different spaces on the hospital, a hands-free mobile as headphones can be used inside the Operating Room by the anesthesiologist where is necessary to have the hands free to control the anesthesia machine, a hands-free mobile as glasses can be used for the surgeon to record the surgery, and a virtual mobile, can be displayed on the screen inside the Operating Room having the same graphic interface and information.

AnesthesiaAnesthesia Equipment

Anesthesia Equipment

During my period on Innovamedica, the company made an ambitious project for making a Mexican anesthesia equipment, the main goal was to produce something for the Mexican and Latin American market that could compete with the equipment in existence at that time, a complete team of designers and engineers was selected for that task.

Our first objective was to make the research for the project and to start the conception of some proposals and my role was to lead the design team.

After being on some other projects I had already some experience at that time so at least the first objectives seemed clear to me, we were actually conscious that we had to do a proper research and including a proper plan for the project to be realistic in time and having the work done without delays and compromising the project with the client, so at that time I remember we were pushing the project manager to include all the people directly related with the project on helping doing the work plan, part that finally was done and I think the team did a proper plan for the project.

This was a complete challenge for the team, starting because it was a huge project and long for its development overall considering that we were entering on a new world inside the anesthesia machines.

A little explanation please

After doing the research, on several hospitals, interviewing doctors and anesthesiologists, and being on several interventions on the operating room, we started with the conceptual work.

This proposal, was the result of that project for the conceptual phase, it is pretty similar in the functional configuration of the other equipment of anesthesia, and it is pretty much based on what we see and observed that it was a primary necessity for the doctors, as for example, an easy access and control to the vaporizers, that contain the gases, a comfortable and manipulable zone of the monitors for visualizing the vital signs, a zone for the anesthesiologist to write and make annotations, and we also add an extra part to hold the equipment that dosificates the different substances to the patient (infusion pumps) on the operating room.It also contains two drawers, one for the main but small things used for the anesthesia procedure and another one for the big things as bags, cotton, tube lines etc.

I make bigger the button for the manual function of the ventilator, that makes it easy to locate it on the device and easy to press, but it had some polemic observations mainly because of the security while it is in use, so it has to have a mechanism that securely allows you to use it, and that prevents you from pressing it by mistake.

My Experience

Even though this is a conceptual proposal analyzing now the process we followed, and the process I would follow now, we actually came up pretty fast with some concepts, and I could not say that was bad or good but it has some good points that we could see after doing the proposals, but on the other hand I think on the time we invest on doing the huge job of modelling everything in three dimensions to have the proposals, that make me think and compare that process with some other like for example doing some cardboard prototypes, that would fasten the work and the feedback.

We finally used all the geometry for many proposals so that was very useful in that sense, because this equipment has many parts and devices that all the versions share in common and the final presentation was a success because the client approved the project to continue with the next phase...

After finishing those phases I started my master in Sweden, so I did not continue with project, I just knew that the client stopped the project a few moths after having started the next phase of the construction of a prototype, and Innovamedica sold the project to another company but finally the project could not be finished.

AnemoGarbage Recycling Home DeviceTogether with Alfredo Dueñas and Juan Luis FigueroaBraun Prize Mexico - Winner


The domestic appliance for managing the organic waste and transform it into reusable energy for your own use.

This project started as an idea of managing the garbage, I have always concerned about this issue, and since I don’t like to lead with garbage, that was my initial motivation for doing it, another motivation was the Braun Prize, that I thought to apply with the project, I think it is complicated for me to keep myself concentrated on doing one thing for example doing yourself your degree project without having any possible deadline, makes very diffuse and could prolong your project several years instead of just focus on finish it on one year having a deadline in your school, so I thought it would be very helpful and motivating to have the deadline of the contest on doing the project, and actually it was it...

Ideation before the Idea

I worked several months on the idea, making some research and getting to know more about the world of energy and waste and what are we doing and it was so discovering for myself, I mean, before this project I had the idea of the garbage or waste that we produce, like an isolated problem, but it is a huge problem and also linked with many things on our lives, as we all produce waste, companies, governments, countries, communities, houses, families, we should all help in manage also the problem.But apart from that I also found that garbage is directly connected with the energy we use and with the cycles of our lives, actually petroleum, the main source of energy that we use was formed of some kind of organic waste in a form of solar energy saved many years under the earth on those plants and organisms.

I thought that if we do a little to produce so much garbage, we also could do a little to manage the organic wastes and may be without noticing it if we could also found the motivation of transform it into our own sustainable source of energy, as little as it could be, that process can be a great engine to start being more energy independent, sustainable and also helping managing the great amount of daily garbage that we produce. Of course it seems so easy to say but it involves many many issues around the topic, but finally as little as it is this proposal I consider is my little effort...

Anemo Scenario

Here it is represented the scenario of using Anemo, after having any of our meals we could simply throw the rests of food inside the Anemo instead of the common trash can, Anemo process the wastes and after some days you will have some energy stored on a battery inside Anemo, and you could also send that energy to other appliances through magnetic fields. All these technology is already being developed.

Organic waste is decomposed in Compost, by an anaerobic procedure is separated in methane and compost, the methane then is separated in hydrogen and in a clean version of C02 and then the hydrogen is used to produce energy and water like in an electric car.

PictocomMailing Application for the Pictogram Sign LanguageWith the Collaboration of Pictocom - Sweden.


Pictocom was the first large project to develop during my master at the Umeå Institute of Design in Sweden, I found this project personally very very interesting and I also liked it a lot, even though I was entering to a complete new world in Sweden for me, being again in school time as a student, after being five years working was a complex scenario for me on the mean time.

It was also my first real winter and what a winter time!! with the darkness and the cold weather so the whole experience was fresh air for me and was useful to shake myself and my thoughts as person...

The project is called to be focused on a specialist user, which have special conditions for using a product or environment, in this case the user were all persons with a cognitive disability as the down syndrome, people with autism and the arsperger syndrome.

Pictocom is a Swedish Organism that uses the pictogram language in black and white icons as we see on the picture, those pictograms are used for the educators to teach a communication way for those persons who have the special condition, and those icons really allows them to communicate their ideas better and easy.

The Pictocom’s Mailing Application

Pictocom presented to us their mailing system they were using, based on the pictogram language, (picture behind), on this application they use all the icons of the system and the user could chose every icon to send a message as in a normal web page but prepared and adapted to the pictogram language.

Immediately I have lots of thoughts about it, the organization, the icons, the words, the groups, the grammar, the sounds, etc. etc. but the reason I consider this project that interesting is because it make me feel and think about the human behind the technology and made me understand myself better and stopping just acting as a designer trying to solve a problem.


I mean this project needs much more understanding and empathy than we may think with the people who uses those iconographic languages.

I actually have a lot say of this project, and find difficult where to start because of the complexity, but I can say that every person is different as different we are, so making an effort to standardize the project was not the way to approach it, we realized of that going to several interviews with people and teachers that work with this profile of persons.

As every person is growing she or he is having a different amount of knowledge, vocabulary and icons they can manage so every person is having their own development, also considering that the level of cognition could be higher or lower.

A very valuable tool we as a group saw, was their personal booklets, where they are collecting their own vocabulary of things they can manage and they like, is like a personal book of yourself that describes you on icons, what you are, what you manage and what you like.

We also realized that they actually use a combination of pictographic languages, the phrase could be “What works better is what it is used” so in their booklets you can find not only images of pictograms but also images of company logos as MAX a hamburger company in Sweden, or a combination of pictures and other pictogram languages in color.

My Mailing Application Proposal

I could say at the end of this project that I was may be overwhelmed with so much information and the complexity of it that pull me on the direction to design the mail application, when now I saw many other outputs, but I also felt in that moment it was the best way of doing it.

Since it is a huge project and sincerely having no experience at all doing graphical interfaces, I just wanted to be as empathic as I could with the user, and I felt identified with those persons, I can not say I really understand them because I am not in their position but in some way as a person you may know situations in which you have experienced some things that are similar to those experiences, like for example they can not work or manage their lives if they don’t have a schedule programmed that is telling them you what is next to do, shopping time, coffee time, spare time etc, they could stress a lot if they don’t have that, and some other feel really attracted and seduced by computers and they are actually very good at them, so what I tried to do was to be and put myself on their shoes as much as possible.


This image shows the graphical user interface for the mailing application where it is shown a graphic that represents a booklet in which every person has their own icons, that they used daily.

The pictogram language is used as a the main system since it was for the Pictocom company, at the right side we have the position where the person can write a message, it is represented as a common striped sheet of paper, so people using this application select first the icons on the right and then they move to this sheet of paper at the left to send a message.

Using Icons as Double sided Cards

Once the person chose an icon to communicate a message another menu pops out to help complementing the message with other pictograms, on that menu I include options as, “I want”, “I don’t want”, a question Do you want? and the options to say “Yes” or “No”.

Within the icon selected in this case the “Pizza” icon, you can also chose real options for pizza so the person can define more which pizza he or she wants.I made that relation between the black and white icons and real pictures of things in order to help the persons identifying better those icons and having a more direct relation with objects and situations they have on their lives.

Before coming up with this proposal, I made some cardboard cards using some of the pictograms, these cards had two possible sides to use, the one of the pictogram and the one on the back of the card, in which you could change the picture and use several examples of real objects that corresponds to that pictogram, so a single pictogram for example of a shoe, could be linked with several images of different shoes used on the real life, I thought that could be helpful to understand better the pictogram language.

When I showed the concept of the two sided card to a teacher, it was received very well and the teacher told me that it could be really useful for them, I actually gave the teacher the cards for her to use them, but I didn’t talk again with her to receive her feedback, because of the schedule of the project.

The World BoxPackaging Concept for Microsoft

Mr. Stove and his friend Freedge are the super heroes of this cartoon story, they are against the massive consumption and in favor of creativity and recycling.

Suddenly more and more boxes are disappearing from the box world due to the consumption in the human world and converted in normal boxes to package products.Mr. Stove’s mission is to help this boxes transforming them back in beings from the box world with the help of children of the human world who have to awake the character inside the boxes by drawing and convert them into home made and recyclable toys.

The Box World

Hey I’m Stove!

I’m Freedge

This project was made for Microsoft, the main theme is packaging and it is a conceptual project.

We were allowed to explore conceptual solutions for a packaging, the theme I chose for the project was cardboard boxes used to pack big home appliances as televisions or fridges, my inspiration were the children, because I like them a lot and I know they enjoy very much playing with cardboard boxes like these ones.

For the research of this project, I went to interview some teachers at a kid school in Umeå, and I found itreally interesting, overall, to know more about how the kids have fun in Sweden!.

One of the most interesting things for me was that actually they have some pretty basic stuff with the one they enjoy a lot like a box full of pieces of fabrics, a simple table covered with paper for the kids to draw and some little furniture for kids, it was also interesting for me to know that there is no separate toys for kids or for girls as it is in Mexico.

The packaging proposal is an open source model of free and shared graphics that everyone can download from the internet, print them and make their own boxes with the characters from the Box World.

Make your own Box

Help us!

I decided to make the whole story for the project, and I draw and designed the characters also, for the kids to better relate the project with the cartoon and help them understand the purpose of the main heroes Mr. Stove and Freedge.

Finally I made a small cardboard prototype to show how the kids actually could make their own toys with boxes in their houses.

GeneElectro Surgical ScalpelFor Vitalmex InternacionalDeveloped in Innovamedica SA. de CV.


This is an electro surgical scalpel, I worked on it as a my first project at Innovamedica in 2002, I had to make a complete research of feasibility for production for this product in Mexico, and after that research, the project was stopped, because it was cheaper to produce it in China.

What happened was that during the research I realized that many things could be improved, and this proposal responds to those necessities. The first one was on the main configuration, I separate completely the tip from the body, so if the doctor wanted to make larger the tip, it can be done by scrolling it with a button located on the main body. Another improvement was that this tip could be made of a flexible material so it could be bent to reach difficult places as small vessels that are inside the human body.

Not that fun but Great Motivation

I was really upset of being on a surgery of a girl who has to be intervened on their lungs cavity, and the doctors and surgeons looked very stressed after the surgery, because the common electro surgical scalpel did not reached properly the injuries inside the cavity, so they have a hard time doing the surgery in order to help recovering the girl.

I also have to mention that the conditions of the hospitals in Mexico are a very special story, I mean they count with very limited material, and the high costs of the medical devices and disposables, makes very complex the process to have them, and use them efficiently so in many occasions the material with the one you count on, is the most basic one. In the case of the electro scalpel, the doctors don’t count with so many different tips that already exists, but they are not acquired by the hospitals, because its use is less frequently, so I am here proposing a simplified and more functional idea thinking on having those functions already on the same scalpel.

PressureFuture Concept for a BlenderBachelor in Industrial Design Project at CIDI - UNAM

Pressure - My school Project - Industrial Design

I have to put some of my school projects, and one of them is this futuristic proposal of a blender, the story for this project is curious, because I did it when I was learning to use the software for rendering so I had just a few experience on that, and actually my first proposal is far from this one, and it can be noticed the change on the work between both of them.

I change the design after having my presentation and I wasn’t satisfied at all with that so, I decided to give myself another chance to redesign it and this is the result.

The three dimensional model is very simple as you can see, but I figured out how to gave the proposal some complexity, but the thing started because I first wanted to make a very simplified device, but I made it so simplified that it did not seemed as a device at all !, it looked more as a glass cube and I understood that simplicity has a limit also, and when in the school teachers talk about simplicity saying that simplicity is better for design, I think that could have several interpretations, and going to the minimalist could be surprising, but simplicity is more about having a balance between many elements I call it may be the hidden complexity of a device.

Futuristic Scenario

I complemented my new proposal, making a scenario where you can see a girl using the blender in the future.

My proposal was to use high pressure to compress and give the food different textures and temperatures, so you will control all those variables on the device also, it is like a small chamber of high pressure with the one you mix food and make it on different consistencies.

Also I imagined that you may be could use some cubes of processed food that when you put them inside the blender, they are dissolved and transformed on a prepared dish.

The real thing is that food is a complex and very interesting project, that I would have liked to continue with more time and research to have even a more realistic result.

Mixed technique of rendering and sketching.

PielSwimming Training SuitConcept

Piel - The Suit for Safe Swimming

This is a suit, to train yourself to swim, I did it when I was learning to swim, and the idea came to me because I felt many times that I could be probably drowned, so I imagined this suit that could help people in learning to swim, any kind of people could use it, but it could be specially useful for elderly people or children.

On this proposal I am visualizing a more sportive version of it for people who makes extreme sports in water, like surfing. This version act as one single suit but with the added functionality of having different inflated sections that are activated whenever you need, and that can may be save your life...

UNITMedical Device Equipment to Control a Ventricular Assist DeviceFor Vitalmex InternacionalMade in Innovamedica SA de CV

UNIT - Device to Control an Artificial Heart

I am very proud of this project, but also some times it is repetitive for me, I worked almost eight years on it, so you can imagine..., There is a whole story about it, but I think I am only making a short one for this pages.

With this project I think on the phrase “God is in the Details” and it is not because I have put on it many details but because I learned the meaning of taking care of them, I lost the number of how many versions I did for all the parts on the system, for many reasons but one of them very strong was the fact that I was in charge of its production and all the organization so all the little details popped up to me all the time and we knew we should do a good job so that takes a lot of effort.

When that happened I realized it is a huge way of difference in having a concept and between having a functional prototype but is a great pleasure to know that something like a concept can actually be driven to reality with the work of a great team and many experts around it.

You can see on the next image the difference on having a rendering and having a functional prototype, this is an incredible example of balance the design with materials, processes, team work, organization and all the incredible people that was involved on it to make it possible...

The Prototype

I show here the first functional prototype of the UNIT, a medical device that carries or holds all the systems to maintain working a Ventricular Assist Device or Artificial Heart.

After several months of working, finally one of it is totally assembled, nevertheless as a prototype still had some more things to improve, and during the next years more people was working on improving those things.

One of the main improvements was made because on this project was first developed the design before defining some of the engineering systems.The team made that strategically, to advance in time and start defining many details, this strategy could may be seen not as that efficient, and may be costly, but it actually worked very good, because once the team had this device produced as prototype, a lot of details could be seen that we could not do it before, and after that the engineering systems pending to develop were based on that design and then both of the designs were adapted to fit, saving more time than if we would wait until every engineering system was finished.

Kuoni ChairTogether with Ladislao Camarena SolísBachelor ThesisMexican Modern Furniture

Kuoni Chair - My Thesis - Bachelor of Industrial Design

Kuoni means “Nature that Becomes Object”, is the name for the chair, that I did as a project for my bachelor degree in Industrial Design, I did it together with Ladislao Camarena Solís who obtained also the bachelor of Industrial Design, at the National University of Mexico.

I like a lot this project, because it is the result of the hard work between Ladislao and Myself, and I have to mention also the modelist Manuel Serranía, who helped us a lot doing the model to make the prototype.

It represents a new design of the culture of Mexico, we decided to use a “palma” woven for the sit that is colored and made by hand by a Mexican artisan, this technique was used originally to make baskets, and we had to study a lot this handicraft to figure out how to transform it into the sit for the chair.

The structure of the chair is die casting aluminum, and the sit is screwed into that structure by means of another metallic frame on the woven sit.

It is a little weird but even though there are a lot of culture, materials and artisans in Mexico, there are just a few products that combine new proposals for the market with those techniques currently.

Living SculpturesDegree Project Masters in Interaction DesignWith the Collaboration of Umeå Kommun

The Living SculpturesDegree Project - Masters in Interaction Design.

The project “Living Sculptures” is my degree to obtain the masters of interaction design, and I could say that is the one on which I put everything I learned during the master, and I only can say that is the “project of my dreams” reason for why I feel very proud of it, I think the school time is special for many reasons and during my stay in Sweden I have got a time to learn, so at the end of my studies I comprehended, that it was the correct time to do this project.

Living Sculptures is a series of sculptures around the city of Umeå, that allows people to interact with them, with the city, with other people and with nature...

I consider myself part artist, part designer, part inventor and I think actually we all have all those different parts in our human composition, so here I am also combining those parts of myself and just to say that the project is the result of having adopted one city, the city of Umeå, have lived there, smelled the air, spoken with people, felt the cold weather, knew the winter and the summer, knowing and being part of that...

Lars and The Vagabond House

The story of Lars, is behind the main sculpture called “The Vagabond House” and it is not a fake story, but a real one, I just adapted it from one place to another, is the story of a man that with the rests of his burned house, decided to construct a boat, so himself constructs the Vagabond House” to travel on it after having a fire in the city of Umeå.

The Vagabond House is located on the Ume River, the main river crossing the city of Umeå, it is a Living Sculpture because it is alive, it moves with the river and by the river, and it is also a musical instrument powered by the wind, that represents the nature.

The Soniture Sculpture

Here it is the Sculpture or it also can be call it a “Soniture” because it is a some kind of furniture that makes sounds, which objective is the reflection and that reflection is time productive instead of time consuming as a basis of slow technology.The crank shell moved by the wind on the wind mill hit some wooden pieces that makes different wooden sounds.

The sculpture is fixed on winter when the river freeze completely and n summer is moving along it so the people can find it and search for it on different places of the city, not just fixed place.

Switch ProjectEnergy Awareness in the NeighborhoodWith the Collaboration of The Interactive Institute in StockholmTogether with Ru Zarin and Sisir Sangireddy

Switch!! - Understanding Energy Consumption

Switch is a very interesting project I did in team with Sisir from India and Ru from Canada, during the end of the first year of my master studies, the project was in collaboration with the Interactive Institute in Stockholm and directed by Ramia Mazé.

I said it was very interesting because I think this project gave me the tools to know better what I want now as a designer and also gave me the basis to understand a very important part of the interaction design that is the comprehension of the human instead of just design just for the sake of designing.

On this project we had to understand the vision people had on a neighborhood about the energy consumption and do a project with that, our objective was to help people on being more aware of their own energy consumption.

I think also the project was sort of difficult in many ways because it was not only to make a project but leading with a team and organizing interviews with people on Umeå, situation that as a foreigner is a bit more complicated.We as a team discussed a lot but we also learned a lot, we felt lost in more than one occasion with no idea of how to continue with the project or how to put it down on earth, but the most important learning I had was that I realized sometimes we just has to understand the situation without having even to design something, we as designers are all the time looking for a problem to solve, but we also can do projects of understanding and I think those can have a better output than those on which we have to solve something, because we really understood a situation or a person first.

CUBO -Elements

The output of the project has a touch of futurism on it but that does not mean it is good or right, means that on our process we discover that we were on the way to have a better comprehension of the project and of the people things that are more complex to understand than it seems.

We figured out a system of elements that could have any shape, we can say a lighting cube or an apple or a wooden figure, those elements being part of our appliances inside our houses would be used as a tool to play, and be aware of your personal energy consumption.The elements or cubes act as a some kind of battery and indicators of how much energy you have used on the different appliances you have on your house. The system works by putting those elements on a special socket for each device, after using the device you would be able to revise your energy consumption by placing the elements or cubes on a wooden table that works also as a screen.

Once the elements are on the table, a pattern of lights will appear on the surface of the table indicating the amount of energy you have used on each element.

The Table Patterns

The more full or complete the pattern over the table, the more energy you still have on that cube and the less you can visualize a pattern, the less energy is on that element and more energy consumption is visualized.

The final scenario is that people would be rewarded by saving energy and also by sharing the elements with different shapes with your neighbors allowing also sharing experiences...

Kitchen ControlMulti layering Project Masters in Interaction DesignGraphical Interface for the Kitchen

To Much Information to See

This project shows an example of a graphical user interface for the kitchen, to control different things at your own house, things as the bus arrivals and departures, temperature, calendar, time etc.

The challenge was to have a graphical organization and be able to recognize all the elements on it even though the large amount of information on the interface.

New Beatle ConceptTransportation and Interaction Design, Three Day Workshop Masters in Interaction DesignWith the Collaboration of Volskwagen Germany

My New Beatle Conception...

My proposal for this project was making a more interactive car, feeling it more personal and more as your friend or your pet, crazy idea may be but I liked.I also put the idea of a cammera car so you can take some pictures with your car that sounds cool isn’t it????.

ScaleraPersonal Project Project Conceptualized for the Bachelor in the Industrial Design Class at ITESM in México CityAid Device for Elderly People that Helps Climbing Stairs

Scalera - Professor Project

This project and the next one are examples of projects I did during my classes of industrial design at the ITESM CCM in Mexico City where I am professor of the Industrial Design Bachelor on the Projects II Class.

I select every semester a different theme to work with my students I guide them trough the semester and at the end I also present a proposal with them of the same project.This exercise has been very useful and it comes from the idea of a friend who told me that professors use to be very strict, but that they also should show their students their work and their own solutions to the same projects.

Immediately thought it was a good idea, and I also think it is important that the students know the work of the professor and to know how they focus and give a solution to the same projects.

The first project is called “Scalera” from “escalera” in spanish that means stairs, and is a project of a helping device for the elderly people for helping climb the stairs on their own, overall in cases when they do not have any closer structure where to hold from.

Besides that it work also as a normal helping device for elderly people. when you fold or unfold the low corners of the main structure, that mechanism allows it to be adapted to a stair or at the flat floor.

GüevoPersonal Project Project Conceptualized for the Bachelor in the Industrial Design Class at ITESM in México CityAid Device for Elderly People that Helps

Güevo - Spinning Children - Professor Project

The second project is a wooden toy for kids to give them the motivation of keeping moving and exercising themselves, in Mexico now we have the first place in the world of obesity not only in adults but also in children, so the project is a response to that problem.

My proposal was “Güevo” means “Egg”, it is a structure in the shape of an egg that is used as a spinning toy for kids, it can be used for one kid or by two kids one kid opposite to the other.

OtherConcept Personal Projects

Part of being designer is to explore, enjoy and experiment with the things you like the most, but overall the most important thing is to be happy :).

The EndBenjamín Dueñas FigueroaPersonal Portfolio2011

Thanks for watching and reading ...Benjamín