Portfolio reporting: Meandering thoughts

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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A collection of thoughts based on a lot of enjoyable experience, as well as few mistakes when implementing Portfolio Reporting


Meandering thoughts on Portfolio ReportingBy Craig Kilford

There is a fine between success and failure with reporting

Portfolio reporting has a very ‘un-cool’ reputation

But you can make it ultra cool if you want to

Make sure you involve Management Board from the start

Don’t bore people with more paperwork!

Management Dashboard, not the whole engine room!

Take time to design a sexy dashboard, everything adds value

Show PMs why reporting will help them, get them excited

Involve PMs in the reporting design, make it theirs

Test it with a couple of PMs, you’ll both learn lots

Make some programmes famous, everyone wants fame

Make guidance interesting (audio or video can be very cool)

You are not too important to help people complete reports

Don’t grass on people, but make it obvious who is being a grumpy little shit

Keep talking to people, even after implementation

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