Portraits of time 2014

Post on 20-Jul-2015

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Portraits of TimeYou will use everything you’ve learned about composition and light to create a series of self-portraits and still life photographs.

These images will capture the essence of your best moment, a favorite place, etc. as if you could make time stand still and savor just that.

Inspiration:• The Best Time of The Day by Raymond Carver

Idea Starters:In your sketchbooks, either drawing or with words, show me your best time of day or time of life. If you could make time stand still and savor a moment…• What would it be?• What would you look like?• Where would you be?• What would you be doing?• How would you be feeling?• Who would you be with?

** Include at least 5 different ideas. **

Objectives:To practice the skills you have learned, you will take a series of self-portraits and still life photographs that capture a moment in time.

To help you understand the concept of capturing a moment, you will analyze the work of Elliott Erwitt.

Elliott Erwitt

What You Will Do:Using what you have learned about composition and lighting, take a minimum of 40 pictures that reflect your best time of day.

As part of your 40 (or more) pictures… • self-portrait of your hands• self-portrait of your feet • self-portrait of your face• self-portrait of your whole body• still life images related to overall theme

*** These should all focus on the SAME moment – one of your best moments in time. ***

What You Will Do:Use demonstration and tutorial as a guide to edit your images, then combine them to create a final “Portrait of Time”

Your final piece should include between 3 and 5 images that emphasize the meaning and mood of your best moment.

Due Dates & Evaluation:Sketchbooks: 20 pointsMonday, November 24* I will meet with each of you individually during class to discuss your plan and ideas and help you work though how to accomplish them. *

40 Image Contact Sheet PLUS Best 5 Images: 100 pointsMonday, December 1

Final Portrait of Time: 100 pointsWednesday, December 3
